Eclatin - Technical Data Sheet - DOWACOAT

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2-Component Adhesive Mortar for Steel Tanks

Art.-Nr. 1885.0101 + 1885.9101

2:1 with hardener

Product description DOWACOAT Mortar is a thixotrope, 2-component adhesive based on epoxy

resins and fillers. It is used for the surface preparation of steel tanks used
for storage of petrol, heating oil and diesel. DOWACOAT mortar has an ex-
cellent resistance against abrasion and impacts.

Approvals Product declaration according EN 1504-4

Field of Application DOWACOAT Mortar is applied with stationary steel tanks used for the stor-
age of liquids hazardous to water.

Binding Agent Epoxy resin

Preparation of substrate Steel

Free of dirt, grease and oil. Grit blasting SA 2 ½ according to DIN EN ISO
12944, Part 4 roughness depth >60 µm.

Recommended processing Steel

Free of dirt, grease and oil. Grit blasting SA 2 ½ according to DIN EN ISO
12944, Part 4 roughness depth >60 µm. For other substrates please contact
our technical support.

Application conditions Must not be applied at a substrate temperature below 10°C. During applica-
tion temperature must be ± 3 °C of dew point. During application ensure
sufficient ventilation, also for minimum 2 hours during curing. The use of
masks, gloves, eye protection and personal safety equipment is essential.

Type of Application Application with spatula

Mixing ratio 2:1 parts by weight. Stir well with mechanical mixer.

Pot life at 23° C At 23°C material temperature abt. 80 minutes

Mixing advice Pre-heat material to a temperature of about 25 – 30 °C. Stir well for minimum
3 minutes

Cleaning of equipment Clean tools and equipment immediately after use. (test cleaning efficiency in

Curing at 10°C substrate temperature: about 14 hours

at 23°C substrate temperature: about 8 hours
at 30°C substrate temperature: about 6 hours
Material consumption depending of substrate and application

Storage unopened 24 months at ambient temperature between +5°C and + 30°C

Cans 14 kg Component A
7 kg Component B

Please pass this date sheet to the processor!

This publication is for informational purposes. The data are based on in-depth investigations, however no
liability can be derived from it. Since we are constantly endeavouring to improve our products, we recom-
mend to observe the date of this data sheet and to inquire if any properties have been changed since that

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