CSE215 Quiz 4

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Quiz-4 Your email will be recorded when you submit this form. Not mir.hossain01 @northsouth.edu? Switch account * Required Within a ‘if or ‘catch’ block, after throwing or re-throwing an exception using the ‘throw’ keyword, no more statements will execute in that block. @ Tne O False Clear selection An abstract class can extend an interface. O Tne @ False Clear selection The main method can throw exceptions using ‘throws’ keyword. O tne @ False Clear selection Suppose, a statement may throw lllegalArgumentException but that statement is written in such a way that it will not throw any exception. In this situation, you may not handle any exceptions. @ Te O False Clear selection To define a custom class that implements the Cloneable interface, the class must overload the clone() method in the Object class. O Te © False Clear selection ‘Suppose. a statement may throw IOException but that statement is written in such a way that it will not throw any exception. In this situation, you may not handle any exceptions. O True @ False Clear selection An interface can implement one or more interfaces. O Tre © False Clear selection Suppose, multiple catch blocks can handle an exception thrown in the try block. But, only one catch block that is matched at first will handle the exception, Other catch blocks will not execute even though they can be able to handle that ‘exception. @ Tue O False Alllclasses share a single root, the Object class, but there is no single root for interfaces. © te O False Clear selection Acatch (Exception e) {} block can be written before catch (NullPointerException e) {} block. O Te @ False Clear selection A method can throw (using ‘throws’ keyword) at best one exception. O Tue © False Clear selection Accustom exception can be a subclass of RuntimeException. @® Tue © False Clear selection Interfaces with conflict information are detected in run time. © Tue © False Clear selection An abstract class must contain abstract methods. © Tue @ False Clear selection An interface can inherit other interfaces using the extends keyword, Such an interface is called a subinterface. @ Tue O False Clear selection Accustom exception should be treated as an unchecked exception. O Tue @ False Clear selection Write your full name. * MIR FAIVAZ HOSSAIN Comparable belongs to which java package below: O iavaio O java.util @ java.lang Clear selection Each wrapper class implements the ‘Number’ interface. O tne © False Clear selection An abstract method must be non-static. @© Te O False Clear selection ‘Suppose, a finally block is written after try catch blocks. If there is no exception thrown in the try block, finally block will still execute. © te O False Clear selection

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