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Health & Safety Newsletter

From the Health and Safety Executive

Issue 34

Drama on the cobbles

Millions see the silent killer attack
Coronation Street’s Fiz

Vomiting Larry
Vomiting Larry goes viral and makes a big
splash around the world.

Small businesses
Life is now a bit easier for small
businesses who need health and safety
advice quickly, simply and free of charge.

A full list of the articles in this issue.

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Coronation Street storyline has saved lives 3 request a subscription to
Newsletter in the future
Health & Safety Newsletter

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Welcome to the first H&S Newsletter of

Vomiting Larry makes a splash 2013 – and, what a diverse edition it is.

3 Coronation Street drama

Where else can you read about the
lessons to be learned from Coronation
Street’s Christmas storyline, or how a
vomiting robot has made a splash around
Making life easier for small businesses the world?

4 Not only that, but we also look back on the top

Industrial injuries dozen most ridiculous health and safety myths of
2012. And what corkers they are – for example:
fish batter scraps couldn’t be given to customers
Ridiculous ‘elf and safety’ excuses because of health and safety! Then there’s the
threat to schoolchildren from yo-yos and to charity
9 11 shop customers from knitting needles. Yes…really.
In the dock – Court cases
And, as if soap stories, viral robots and very fishy
myths were not enough, we also look at HSE’s
Accident – Risky business Health and Safety Toolbox website, which brings all
14 the guidance needed by small, low-risk businesses
together in one place, free of charge.
Case study – Wood dust
Plus, there’s news, case studies, court reports and,
if you’ve ever wondered what is one of the most
FAQs – Workplace temperatures common questions put to HSE, turn to page 16.
Safe working with LPG-fuelled
motor vehicles I hope you find it all interesting and useful and,
18 Chair’s blog – you’ve got to admire assuming deadly yo-yos and nasty knitting needles
16 Mary Pickles keep their distance, we’ll be back in the spring with
another packed issue.

What’s new – some of the recent As ever, if you’ve any thoughts on the Newsletter,
email me at
publications from HSE
Colette Manning Editor

2 Issue 32 Produced in-house by HSE

Health & Safety Newsletter

Vomiting Larry makes a splash around the world

episodes of projectile vomiting by a The outcomes of these studies have
Norovirus sufferer. contributed to reviews of healthcare
guidance in hospitals and are due to be
Catherine Makison-Booth of HSL’s published soon.
Occupational Hygiene Unit developed 
Larry and primed him with a vomit ‘Noroviruses are like the Ferrari of the
substitute (to which a fluorescent virus field,’ said University of Cambridge
marker was added so as to identify virologist Ian Goodfellow. ‘They infect
even small splashes after vomiting), people very, very quickly, and they
and simulated vomiting was carried out. spread very, very quickly. By the time you
know you’re sick, chances are you’ve
already infected a lot of other people.’

There are no drugs or vaccines against

this virus and experts advise that the
best defence remains washing your
hands well with soap and water.
Meet ‘Vomiting Larry’! Larry and his creator Catherine Makison-Booth
are pictured with presenter Michael Mosley,
(If you haven’t already who was filming a BBC2 programme ‘Winter
heard of him, where have viruses and how to beat them’, broadcast at IT’S A FACT
The system graphically demonstrates
the end of January. Larry’s head was originally used
you been?!) the full extent of room contamination
for research into the larynx so he
Since then he has become a household after vomiting and shows that small
became known as ‘Larry the
For Larry is a global superstar, who has name around the world, debuting on the droplets can spread over three metres
captured the imagination of the world’s Discovery news channel, ABC News, and are not easily visible under
media as scenes of him vomiting to Canadian Broadcast Corporation standard white hospital lighting.
order have gone viral. Radio and even The Late Show with Find out more at:
David Letterman plus a host of science HSL studies have shown that Norovirus uk/news/hsl’s-vomiting-larry-featured-
Designed and developed at the Health and technology publications, as well as can be isolated from these small on-the-bbc-website.aspxwww.hsl.
and Safety Laboratory (HSL – an extensively in the British media. droplets at concentrations capable of
agency of HSE), Larry was recently causing an infection. This information Watch Larry in action on YouTube:
featured in an article about the winter Larry’s purpose is to help HSL might highlight why this robust and
vomiting bug, Norovirus, on the BBC researchers demonstrate and identify highly infectious virus is transmitted watch?v=me21QEpg760
website. the extent of contamination during between people so readily.

3 Issue 34 CONTENTS
Health & Safety Newsletter

Street storyline has saved lives having illegal gas work carried out in
their homes.

Not only did it keep The popular ITV soap saw Fiz Brown, ‘Unfortunately what happens to my
around 41 million played by Jennie McAlpine, suffer from character is not a rare occurrence in
viewers on the edge of CO poisoning, caused from a faulty gas real life. Carbon monoxide is deadly and
their seats but Coronation boiler. it’s important that as many people know
Street’s dramatic Christmas about it as possible. I hope this storyline
Tyrone Dobbs, played by Alan Halsall, brings the issue to everyone’s minds
and New Year carbon monoxide
unlawfully tried to fix Fiz’s boiler. Fiz and that we can help to save lives.’
(CO) storyline has saved lives. of how some viewers recognised the was found unconscious on New Year’s
symptoms of CO leakage in their own Eve, after suffering the symptoms of Every year a quarter of a million illegal
Among the positive feedback received homes and, thanks to watching the carbon monoxide poisoning, which she gas jobs are carried out by people, like
since the episodes aired are stories programme, they knew what to do. mistook for flu. Tyrone’s character, who do not have the
skills or the qualifications to work on gas
‘Carbon monoxide is appliances.
deadly and it’s important Paul Johnston, Gas Safe Register’s
as many people know Chief Executive, said: ‘We know that
about it as possible.’ money may be tight, so it’s
understandable that people ask around
The scenes mirror real-life deaths for recommendations and get friends to
caused by CO poisoning in the UK help out in the hope of getting a cheaper
every year. Known as the ‘silent killer’ job done. However, what people fail to
because you can’t see it, taste it or realise is just how dangerous gas can
smell it, CO is produced when gas be in the wrong hands. Badly fitted and
appliances are not working properly – poorly maintained gas appliances can
either because they have been fitted cause gas leaks, fires, explosions and
badly or poorly maintained. CO poisoning, so it’s not worth the risk.’

In the last year, 50 people have died Despite the dangers posed by CO
from CO poisoning and more than 4000 poisoning, 43 per cent of the public do
have been affected. not get their gas appliances checked
Jennie McAlpine said she hopes the regularly and one in 10 has never had
storyline will help raise awareness of any checks.
the silent killer and stop people from (continues on page 5)

4 Issue 34 CONTENTS
Health & Safety Newsletter

(continued from page 4)

True-life story To avoid falling

Maria and her brother and sister lost their parents in April victim to dodgy gas
2009 from carbon monoxide poisoning. Donald O’Sullivan, work like Fiz, follow
73, and his wife, Rosetta, 70, died in each other’s arms at Gas Safe Register’s
their home in Matlock Road, Leyton, on 21 April 2009. tips:
The couple employed their next door neighbour to carry l Only use a Gas Safe
out some building work in their home, which included registered engineer to fix, fit
raising the height of their garage roof. The neighbour was or maintain your gas
inexperienced and dangerously enclosed the flue part of appliances – it’s the law and
the boiler, allowing deadly fumes into the couple’s home. will keep you safe.
l Recognise the six symptoms
Maria’s mum soon became unwell, suffering from severe of CO poisoning. These
headaches. She even had a brain scan but the results include headaches,
came back clear. None of the family considered that nausea, dizziness,
Rosetta’s illness could be symptoms of carbon monoxide breathlessness, collapse
poisoning. Within a couple of weeks after the work was and loss of consciousness.
carried out, the couple were found dead. l Don’t assume your gas
appliances are safe – get
The neighbour pleaded guilty to breaching Gas Safety these checked and serviced
Regulations. He was fined £75 000, ordered to pay regularly to ensure they
£25 452 in costs and handed a 12-month community continue to work properly.
order requiring him to carry out 150 hours of community l As a second line of defence,
service. buy an audible carbon
monoxide alarm. This will
If you’re carrying out home improvement, no matter how alert you to high levels of
big or small, find out if it will involve gas work or impact on CO in your home. You can
your existing gas appliances. buy an alarm from £15 at a
DIY store, supermarket or
For more information on carbon monoxide poisoning and from your energy company.
to find a Gas Safe registered engineer in your area call
0800 408 5500 or visit

5 Issue 34 CONTENTS
Health & Safety Newsletter

Making life easier for small businesses

Life is now a bit easier for small businesses who need
health and safety advice quickly, simply and free of charge.
‘It’s online, it’s free and it will help
businesses save time and money by
‘It’s online, it’s
getting them focusing on the real risks, free and it will help
For HSE’s new ‘Health and Safety Toolbox’ allows small, guiding them to what is relevant for
low-risk businesses to understand, manage and control them and steering them away from
businesses save time
workplace risks with just a few clicks of a mouse. what’s not. and money ...’
Unique Plain English ‘By using the Toolbox, many SMEs will understand, manage and control
realise that they don’t need expensive workplace risks. A full review of all
It’s the first time that quick, simple Sections on the most common risks – consultancy or reams of paperwork to HSE’s written guidance is also being
guides and interactive tools on how to such as manual handling, trip hazards manage their responsibilities. It is of no carried out.
identify, assess and control common and harmful substances, as well as tips benefit to businesses or workers if over-
workplace hazards have been pulled on protective equipment – are set out in the-top precautions are introduced.’ (continues on page 7)
together. plain English.
The Toolbox and Health and Safety
Simple ‘The Toolbox is everything small, low- Made Simple (launched in 2011) are
risk businesses need in one place to part of HSE’s plan to make it simpler
Core health and safety issues relating to manage health and safety,’ said HSE’s and clearer for businesses to
the type of business, its workforce and Chair Judith Hackitt.
workplace are set out more simply then
ever before.

6 Issue 34 CONTENTS
Health & Safety Newsletter

(continued from page 6) The Toolbox gives advice on a wide range of general areas affecting all
workplaces. These are the subjects covered so far in the Toolbox.
Simply click on any box below to get more information about that topic.

Electrical safety

Fire safety

Gas safety

Harmful substances

Machinery, plant and equipment

Manual handling


Personal protective equipment

Pressure equipment


Slips and trips


Working at height

Working in confined spaces

Workplace transport

Getting started
Click here to get started:
Basic health and safety mistakes are killing and injuring workers - as
well as crippling British industry - every year. Find out what they are at:

7 Issue 34   CONTENTS
Health & Safety Newsletter

Industrial injuries
Minor changes have been It is no longer possible to make an
made to the Industrial Injuries accident declaration for Industrial
Scheme to make it easier to Injuries Benefit but people will still
understand and administer. be able to claim IIDB when the need

Industrial Death Benefit was abolished

in 1988 for any deaths occurring after
that year but, until these changes, it
had been possible to make a claim for
deaths which happened before. Widows
or widowers still getting payments will
continue to receive them.

Announcing the changes, which came The final change is to transfer trainees
into effect on 5 December 2012, the receiving benefit under the Analogous
Department of Work and Pensions Industrial Injuries Scheme into the main
(DWP) stressed that people will not lose Industrial Injuries Scheme at the end of
out financially. March 2013. Again, no one will lose out
as the Analogous Scheme is currently
The two old schemes that dealt operated in the same way as Industrial
with industrial accidents or disease Injuries Disablement Benefit.
exposures before 1948 are now closed
and people have been transferred to the
main Industrial Injuries Scheme. Letters
have been sent to all those affected.

The lower rate of Industrial Injuries

Disablement Benefit (IIDB), paid to
people under the age of 18, has been
removed so that everyone with the
same level of disability will receive the
same rate of benefit.

8 Issue 34 CONTENTS
Health & Safety Newsletter

Ridiculous ‘elf and safety’ excuses exposed by HSE

The panel, which was set up
earlier this year to challenge
a stream of silly decisions Reasons behind ‘daft
wrongly blamed on health and
safety, has now dealt with more
than 100 cases.
Analysis of the cases dealt with
Its aim is to help the public so far shows that 38 were down to
challenge unreasonable jobsworths blaming health and safety
Bans on yo-yos bans or restrictions and force for an unpopular decision. Almost a
in playgrounds, those behind the decisions quarter of the cases were found to
to honestly explain their real
knives in involve over-interpretation of legitimate
kitchens guidelines, leading to daft decisions
HSE Chair Judith Hackitt, who being made _ probably through fear
and kettles
heads the panel, said: ‘It’s of being sued. One sixth of all cases
in offices all really important that we are came from people who had been
feature in a all ready to challenge stupid given advice that confused health
list of the ten decisions made in the name of and safety with other regulations
health and safety, and that we,
most ridiculous or regulators. A similar amount was
as the regulator, give the public
health and the confidence to do so. down to communication failures when
safety excuses explaining the reasons for a decision.
‘Not only do the jobsworths
put before
who make these ridiculous
HSE’s Myth edicts waste time and money, (continues on page 10)
Busters and interfere needlessly with
Challenge harmless activities, they also
undermine our efforts to reduce
Panel during the number of people made ill,
2012. injured or killed by their work.’

9 Issue 34 CONTENTS
Health & Safety Newsletter

(continued from page 9)

The most ridiculous health and safety excuses of 2012

1 A driver refused to allow a customer on his bus Find out more about all these
with a hot drink citing health and safety. excuses as well as all the other
myths so far considered by the
A bar refused to let a customer carry a tray of drinks panel at
because they had not been ‘health and safety myth-busting/index.htm

A charity shop has said that they cannot sell

knitting needles because ‘they are too dangerous’.

A public hall removed knives from a kitchen on the

grounds of health and safety.

A cafe refused to put coffee in a customer’s own Do you think you’ve been
5 the victim of a bogus health
reusable cup.
and safety decision? Why
6 Airline passengers were told boiled sweets were no not put it to the panel here
longer provided in case children choked on them. and get the confidence
to challenge those using
Bathroom floor towels were not provided by a nonsense health and safety
7 excuses rather than tell
hotel chain as people could slip over.
the truth behind unpopular
Fish and chip shop customers were told they decisions: http://www.
couldn’t have ‘batter scraps’ for health and
safety reasons. busting.htm

A school banned yo-yos because children might

be injured.

10 Kettles and microwaves were banned from offices
because extra insurance coverage was needed.

10 Issue 34 CONTENTS
Health & Safety Newsletter

In the dock 1
Worker killed by falling gatepost
A Staffordshire landscape gardener After the hearing, HSE inspector
has been given a suspended prison Lindsay Hope said: ‘Mr Maddocks had
sentence and 180 hours of unpaid balanced the trailer with sandbags and
community service, after a worker provided stone chocks to stabilise it
was killed by a falling gatepost. during the lifting process.
He had also provided guide
Leeson Lavender, 39, of Stoke-on- nails in the trailer to stop
Trent, was helping Eden Maddocks to it sliding sideways during
install a large oak post at a property in transportation, so
Pepper Street, Keele. he had obviously
considered the
The two men stood on a trailer that potential stability
had been used to transport the post issues and had taken
and started to manoeuvre it towards a some precautions in
pre-dug hole. As they lifted it the trailer an attempt to reduce
shifted, causing Mr Lavender and the the risks of the post overbalancing.
post to fall out.
‘Sadly, he didn’t do enough and Leeson
Mr Lavender hit his head on the ground Lavender paid with his life _ a tragic
before the post struck him on his and unnecessary death that could have
head. He died later in hospital from his been avoided with better planning and a
injuries. safer method of work.’

Eden Shane Maddocks, of Bucknall,

Stoke-on-Trent, was given a six-
month prison sentence suspended
for 12 months, and 180 hours unpaid
community service work.

11 Issue 34 CONTENTS
Health & Safety Newsletter

In the dock 2 A Cambridge instrument company

and a health and safety consultant
Prior Scientific Instruments Ltd, of
Wilbraham Road, Fulbourn, Cambridge,
have been fined for risking the was fined £9000 and ordered to pay full
Firm and consultant health of employees from hazardous costs of £2852 after pleading guilty to
fined over chemical chemicals. breaching section 2(1) of the Health and
Safety at Work etc Act 1974.
exposure Paint sprayer Adam Coventon, 36,
suffered irritation to his eyes, breathing Keith Whiting, trading as KW
difficulties and headaches, and lost the Consultants, of West Street, Chatteris,
ability to concentrate after working with Cambridgeshire, was fined £1500 with ‘The national register of health and
harmful substances at Prior Scientific costs of £1000 after pleading guilty safety consultants has been set up as
Instruments Ltd in Fulbourn. He is now to breaching section 3(2) of the same a result. All the consultants who are
no longer able to work. legislation. registered are members of a recognised
professional body, and it is important
An HSE investigation found that Prior After the hearing HSE inspector that firms seeking to use a consultant
Scientific Instruments did not provide Robert Meardon said: ‘Prior Scientific choose one from the register.’
suitable equipment to adequately Instruments failed to ensure the health
remove the hazardous fumes from the of its employees because it employed Adam Coventon’s partner, who does
workplace, especially where items were the wrong person to give it health and not want to be named, said: ‘This whole
left to dry. safety advice. thing has had a huge effect on our lives,
as we have to constantly plan around
The company also failed to provide ‘Mr Whiting’s background was in quality Adam’s symptoms. We all just wish that
employees with the necessary control and he did not have adequate his remaining symptoms go so that he
health surveillance for workers using knowledge of health and safety for the can once again be fit and strong.
hazardous substances. work going on in this company. He failed
to make them aware of the ‘dos and ‘This case highlights the important job
Cambridge Magistrates’ Court was don’ts’, regarding the use of hazardous the Health and Safety Executive do,
told that between September 2002 chemicals. and the need for companies to monitor
and December 2009 the company and control chemicals they use so they
employed Keith Whiting, trading as ‘In 2010, the Government commissioned do not wreck people’s lives in the way
KW Consultants, as a health and a review of health and safety laws that ours has been.’
safety consultant. However, he did not and, among the findings, the inquiry
provide suitable information and advice recognised that there were a lot of Further information and advice about
to enable the company to ensure the people claiming to be health and working with chemicals can be found at
health and wellbeing of employees. safety experts, who were in fact not.

12 Issue 34 CONTENTS
Health & Safety Newsletter

In the dock 3 with drivers coupling up vehicles without

following the company’s rules. They In the dock 4 UK Power Networks, which has since
introduced revised procedures to
were not applying the handbrake to the safeguard staff, was fined £275 000
Lorry driver’s death tractor unit or turning off the engine. UK Power Networks with £145 000 in prosecution costs.
lands firm in court fined over worker death
Nightfreight GB Ltd were aware of After sentencing, HSE inspector Steven
this dangerous practice but failed to Engineer John Higgins, 59, from Gill said: ‘John Higgins lost his life in
effectively monitor its employees and Colchester, was killed at an electrical tragic circumstances that could have
ensure they followed the correct, safe substation in Bishops Hall Lane in been avoided had this activity been
working procedure. Chelmsford when a device he was properly assessed and managed by
working on for manually adjusting UK Power Networks.
The HSE investigation also found that voltage ratios exploded.
there were no appropriate measures ‘His death illustrates how dangerous
in place to prevent vehicles parked on Chelmsford Crown Court heard that work on or near electrical distribution
the slope from rolling away, such as the explosion caused a fire at the networks can be, and how imperative it
flattening it out, installing road bumps substation. Mr Higgins died at the is that employers _ large or small
in front of the vehicle wheels, or using scene despite the arrival of Essex Fire _ ensure that all activities involving
A West Midlands logistics company chocks. and Rescue within minutes of the alarm high-voltage electrical equipment
has been fined £300 000 after one of being raised by staff from nearby Anglia are properly assessed and that safe
its drivers was killed by a runaway After the hearing HSE inspector Judith Ruskin University. systems of work in place.
lorry in Northamptonshire. McNulty-Green said: ‘Mr Homer’s death
was entirely preventable and his life has The incident also blacked out a large ‘There is no room for error or
Russell Homer, 44, was crushed against needlessly been lost. part of Chelmsford, including Broomfield complacency when working with high
a stationary vehicle after his own lorry Hospital. voltage equipment.’
moved off while he was coupling the ‘It happened because of a poor and
tractor unit to the trailer. dangerous practice that the company UK Power Networks (Operations) Ltd, After the case, Mr Higgins’ wife Sheila
was aware of but did nothing to stop. which supplies power to the East of paid tribute to HSE for its hard work
After striking him, the lorry rolled down Appropriate controls should also have England, London and the South East, in bringing the prosecution. She
a slope, travelling another 27 metres been in place to ensure vehicles did not has been ordered to pay £420 000 in said: ‘They are making sure John’s
before crashing into a wall which roll away. fines. colleagues have a safer working
stopped it from rolling directly onto a environment and get to go home to their
public highway. Mr Homer died at the ‘What is so disappointing is that there An HSE investigation found that the families at the end of their day.’
scene from a serious chest injury. had been previous similar incidents company had not properly assessed
at this company and at the same site. work with tap changers and failed to For information on electrical safety at
Northampton Crown Court heard that Lessons should have been learned from adequately train employees for carrying work, visit the HSE website at www.
an HSE investigation identified issues these but weren’t.’ out this task.

13 Issue 34 CONTENTS
Health & Safety Newsletter

Here’s what one company did ... ‘culture change through leadership’
Accident case study Shanks Group plc is a multinational year of the scheme and feedback from

Risky business
waste management company with employees has been positive. The
operations in Belgium, Northern France, scheme isn’t the sole factor responsible
Canada, Germany, the Netherlands and for Shanks’ improved performance
the UK. The group’s health and safety but it is the flagship for an improved
performance has improved steadily in emphasis on safety across the group.
Did you know that the waste l almost a third of the fatalities (29%) the past, but slowly.
and recycling sector is one of are due to employees being struck
The results
by vehicles;
the most dangerous places to l about a third (35%) of reported major
In the ten years prior to the introduction
work? Over the past five years, injuries are due to slips and trips;
of the safety leadership scheme Shanks
the industry has had a fatal l almost half (45%) of reported over-
UK’s RIDDOR (over-three-day) accident
injury rate of about 17 times the three-day injuries are due to handling.
rate had dropped by 32%. Within the
national average. first year of the scheme this improved to
Fact: The waste and recycling a 42% reduction in accidents.
industry employs only around 0.6%
The good news is that injury numbers
of workers in Britain but accounts for Find out more at:
have been falling for the past few years
2.8% of reported injuries to employees
but it remains very much a high-risk (4.2% fatalities, 2.5% major and 2.9% Shanks UK directors taking part in safety
of over-three-day injuries). leadership training
The latest provisional statistics Shanks introduced a safety leadership
(covering the 12 months from April So what’s being done? scheme in June 2011. This included
2011) reveal that: mandatory director site safety visits
HSE has organised an industry summit and employee engagement, health
l there were six fatal injuries to to encourage the industry to take and safety training for all directors
workers (compared with an average ownership of its health and safety and a series of key safety essentials
of eight over the previous five years); problems. Influential stakeholders will applied evenly across the group. Safety
l there was one fatal injury to a attend the Birmingham event on leadership visits to sites by directors
member of the public (compared to 7 February where HSE will promote key are tracked and reported on as a key
an average of over two a year over health and safety messages. Through director performance indicator, linked to
the previous five years); a series of speakers and workshops, their remuneration.
l the rate of reported over-three-day delegates will identify and commit to
injury is almost five times that in delivering solutions to drive down injury More than 100 director safety
agriculture or construction; rates. leadership visits took place in the first

14 Issue 34 CONTENTS
Health & Safety Newsletter

Occupational asthma case studies Wheezing at work

Wood dust triggers lifestyle change He used to enjoy playing football and
playing with his children but now finds When a staff nurse returned to work
that running and lifting his daughter will after a long holiday, she noticed she
Summary Effects bring on wheezing. Everyday activities was suffering from symptoms of
are increasingly difficult. occupational asthma. She started
A joiner worked for a year with While it was wood dust that caused the wheezing while at work but her
occupational asthma symptoms occupational asthma, the worker’s lungs Do you think you or your workers could breathing improved as soon as she
before he was finally diagnosed. are now damaged so other ‘triggers’ be affected by wood dust? Get some arrived home.
Although his employer had (such as exercise and cold air) can now top tips and advice.
provided dust extraction on the cause an attack. What happened next
woodworking machines, it hadn’t
been maintained so failed to The hospital’s occupational health
measure exposure to wood dust. department helped solve the
problem. They confirmed that she
The worker suffered loss of earnings, had an allergy to latex. This gave
change of lifestyle and a permanent her a rash over her hands and lower
debilitating illness. arms and then led to her developing
asthma. She was provided with vinyl
What happened next gloves and now everyone around
her avoids using powdered latex
To get his employer to take his health gloves.
problems seriously, the joiner had
to involve his trade union safety Effects
All the symptoms disappeared and
HSE’s investigations led to upgrading now the nurse can continue doing
of the dust extraction equipment, which her job thanks to her employer
should prevent others from suffering the providing her with a safe working
same fate. environment. Get some top tips
and advice here on how to protect
yourself if you are a healthcare

15 Issue 34 CONTENTS
Health & Safety Newsletter

In the cold about workplace temperatures?

Answer: The regulatory requirements These Regulations only apply to
for workplace temperatures are set employees, they do no apply to
by the Workplace (Health, Safety and members of the public _ for example
Welfare) Regulations 1992 which temperature complaints from customers

replaced the requirements under the in a shopping centre or cinema.
Factories Act 1961 and the Offices,
Shops and Railways Premises Act Other FAQs on this subject include:
l What is the minimum/maximum
What is the maximum/ temperature in the workplace?
minimum temperature l What is a reasonable working
in the workplace? What temperature?
breaks am I allowed l What instructions should I give staff
under the Working wearing required personal
Time Regulations? protective equipment (PPE)?
Can a person be left l How hot does it have to be before I
alone in the workplace? can complain?
These are just some of l How can I find out how much
the frequently asked insulation clothing provides if I
questions you’ll find on cannot measure the insulation?
HSE’s website. The Regulations state that the l How can I find out how much
temperature of indoor workplaces metabolic heat someone is creating
You can see more should be reasonable. The Approved without measuring it?
questions and find out all Code of Practice defines a reasonable l If our employees need to wear PPE,
the answers in detail here temperature indoors as being normally how can we improve their thermal
but, meanwhile, here’s at least 16 °C unless the work involves comfort?
a typical question and severe physical work, in which case the
answer. Don’t get hot under the collar about workplace temperature should be at least 13 °C.
More information
temperatures. HSE’s website has everything you
need to know on the subject with a range of frequently Where there are requirements for
Find out more on a range of FAQs
asked questions (FAQs) on this hot topic, such as: workrooms to operate at lower
dealing with workplace health and
temperatures, for example for food
Question: What are the regulatory requirements hygiene purposes, you should refer to
for workplace temperature? the chilled food advice.

16 Issue 34 CONTENTS
Health & Safety Newsletter

Blog from HSE’s Chair

HSE Chair Judith Hackitt You’ve got to admire Mary Pickles
regularly looks at
developments in the world
of health and safety in a
series of blogs on HSE’s
website. You can read this
in full, and others, via the
link at the foot of the page.
You’ve got to admire Mary Pickles. One of the reasons Mary’s story caught that if you are actively making things Over the coming days and weeks, as
The 87-year-old from Burnley has my eye is that I’d recently looked into better rather than making a situation winter gets into its stride and the snows
been regularly braving the biting East street pastors in another part of the worse, it is going to be difficult for come, we’re going to have a big test
Lancashire winds to get out and help the country being told they shouldn’t be someone to successfully bring a case of our community-spiritedness across
town’s late-night revellers. clearing up broken glass for ‘health and against you. the country. How many of us will be
safety reasons’. clearing a path for the postman, or
Volunteering as a street pastor, as part of People like Mary and the other street doing our neighbours’ drives when we
a scheme organised by local churches, On closer inspection, this was about a pastors are at one end of the scale _ do our own?
the teetotal former postmistress has fear of being sued if somebody fell and they can’t do enough for their
been clearing broken glass from the cut themselves on glass that had not neighbours and local community. At the Read more
streets, handing out flip-flops to shoeless been swept up. Of course, there are no other end we have those who really
girls forced off their high-heels and health and safety rules banning people can’t be bothered and will seize on any
escorting inebriated youngsters a quarter from doing this. When I speak to people excuse not to get involved, including
of her age to a taxi. in the insurance industry they tell me health and safety.

17 Issue 34 CONTENTS
Health & Safety Newsletter

What’s new from HSE Safe working with LPG-fuelled motor vehicles
This guidance is aimed at employers, cover vehicles fuelled with compressed
Keeping you up to date with our latest guidance self-employed people, supervisors natural gas (CNG).
Both these leaflets have recently been rewritten and redesigned to make the advice and others likely to carry out any
easier to understand. work which may affect LPG systems. Although there are specialist centres for
installing and maintaining LPG systems,
Safe use of petrol in garages It tells you about the main health conventional vehicle servicing and
Safe use of petrol in garages and safety risks associated with
work on vehicles fuelled by liquefied
repair work are normally carried out at
motor vehicle repair garages.
have the potential to escalate into a petroleum gas (LPG) and the
major incident. precautions that should be taken. It Vehicle recovery operators and
doesSafenot working with
cover repair workLPG-fuelled
on the breaking/recycling businesses will also
Petrol fires are usually serious and often LPG motor vehicles
fuel system itself, nor does it have to deal with LPG vehicles.
result in fatal or major injuries, either
to the person doing the maintenance Download the leaflet (INDG387
work or to other employees and even (rev1)) free of charge here.
customers who may be nearby. There is
often major property damage as well. Find out more:
With the different fuel types on the HSE’s motor vehicle repair
forecourt, incorrect filling of diesel website:
vehicles with petrol, and vice versa, is
now a major problem. It is estimated
that there are around 120 000 Further information on fire and
This leaflet is aimed at owners, misfuelling operations each year, most explosion risks can be found on
employers and supervisors in the motor of which require fuel replacement. HSE’s website.
vehicle repair and recovery industries. It
provides advice on how to handle petrol Petrol is a highly flammable liquid and
safely and also includes a helpful list of any spillage will evaporate to form a More information Free Health and Safety Toolbox:
dos and don’ts for employees. flammable, heavier-than-air vapour
which is easily ignited, even at low General: index.htm
Fires and explosions caused by temperatures. Health and Safety Made Simple: News:
careless handling of petrol during index.htm
vehicle maintenance occur all too easily. Download the leaflet (INDG331(rev1)) health-safety/index.htm
Even small leaks and spills of petrol free of charge here.

18 Issue 34 CONTENTS

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