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Breckenbrough Senate Constitution

Article I

We the Students of Breckenbrough School, in order to form a more perfect Student

Senate, and to establish and retain order, do ordain and establish this Constitution for
the Breckenbrough Senate

Article II

Our Purpose as a senate

1.1 - To provide a forum, in which students can, in a constructive way, be able to

represent the needs, concerns and aspirations of the student body to the rest of the
school community

1.2 - unify the student body and cultivate a climate of school spirit and pride .

1.3 - exemplify respect, responsibility and leadership

1.4 - represent student body interests and concerns

Article III

Section I - The right to raise and spend money

2.1 - The Senate has the right to conduct fundraisers to increase the senate treasury
and to spend money, with approval of facilitator and SLT and in accordance with
school policy, and secured by a majority vote of the council

Section II - the power to establish and set meeting dates

3.1 - The Senate shall meet at least once a fortnight while school is in session.
Date shall be arranged by facilitator.

3.2 - Extra meetings can be called by a majority vote

Section III - the right to remove a member of the Senate

4.1 - The members of the Senate retain the power to remove a member from the
senate. To remove a member, procedures will follow Roberts rule of Order.
Both the person (s) being removed are required to give reasons moving for
removal and a defence respectively. A quorum must be present at the removal
and a majority vote is required to cause removal. The final decision however
resets in the hands of the facilitator and or the headteacher
A person may be removed for the following reasons but not limited to:

- Constantly not attending Senate meetings

- Constant defiance of the Senate Constitution
- Not promoting a positive image of the Senate

a person is to be put on senate probation if they

- miss two meetings in a six week period without due course (doctors
appointment, absent from school that day, Outdoor Ed etc;)

Section V - the right to hold assemblies

The Senate retains the right to hold assemblies to Inform the student body about
upcoming Senate Business

Section VI - the right of the headteacher to Veto

The headteacher has the final Veto power over all decisions made by the Senate

Article IV

Section I - composition of the senate

The senate will be made up of one Chairperson, One vice-chairperson, a

secretary (facilitator), a Treasurer and a Constitutionalist. The remainder of the
senate stays as members, others members may join until a maximum of 20
people in the senate have been reached. To join the council you must
communicate to the headteacher why you want to be on the council and provide
some ideas you could bring to the table.

Section II - Definition of Senate Members

To be recognised as a voting member of the senate you must be a member of the

senate and signed onto the constitution

Duties of members

o Brining In fresh ideas

o Participating In activities arranged by the senate
o Overall Promotion of Senate ideal
Duties of Officers


o Represent the Senate at meetings

o Supervise the functioning of the elected senate officers
o Supervise the functioning of the entire senate
o Meet with SLT and provide updates on behalf of Senate


o Do chairpersons job in there absence

o Represent the Senate


o Maintain Senate files

o Prepare the agenda for meetings
o Take and distribute minutes after meeting
o Represent the Senate

Treasurer (if no separate treasure, duties are handed of to chairperson till there
is one)

o Coordinate fundraising projects for senate

o Maintain financial records for senate
o Prepare financial reports for senate


o Provide advice on Senate Procedure

o Ensure the Senate is ran to the constitution

Section III - what composes a quorum

A quorum is present at meetings with half plus one of the members present (Ie;
a quorum is present If 9 members are present of a 18 member council)

Article V - Establishment of the time, methods and procedures for nominations

and elections for officers
Section I - Nomination

Nominate for all senate roles in September/October in opening of academic year

Section II - Voting on nominations

In September/October a vote will be held on nominations for all senate roles

Section III - vote of no confidence in Nominated roles

Senate member can call vote of no confidence on nominated roles if a valid

reason is given (eg; they don’t turn up to any meetings) If a vote of no
confidence passes then chair or vice-chair nomination and vote will happen

Article VI - the process of amendment

The constitution can be amended if a member or officer of the senate proposes

an amendment and there is a majority vote for the amendment.

Article VII - Ratification

The approval of the Breckenbrough senate marks a new start and with this
constitution we now have a set structure

Senate Members shall sign there name to the constitution

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