Agenda - 14 March 2011

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Notice of Meeting and Agenda

South Central Neighbourhood Partnership

Monday, 14th March 2011 at 7.00pm
in the Business Centre, City Chambers, High Street, Edinburgh

1 Welcome and introduction

Including any notices of motion and any other items of business submitted as
urgent for consideration at the meeting.

2 Declaration of Interests

Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in
the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and
the nature of their interest.

Item/s for Public Debate

3 Winter Weather – Working Together – Presentation by Tony Lear, Business

Performance Manager, Roads Services/Shaun McGrath, Local Environment
Manager SfC (To include information in relation to snow clearing by-law)

3.1 Loss of Trees in the Meadow s/Bruntsfield Links – Report by

Neighbourhood Manager (circulated) (Presented by Shau n McGrath –
Local Environment Manager)

4 James Gillespie High School Re-Build – Consultation Programme

(Presented by the James Gillespie's Project Team)

Items for Decision by Members of the Neighbourhood Partnership

5 Minute of the South Central Neighbourhood Partnership of 8th November
2010 (circulated) – submitted for approval as a correct record
6 Matters Arising

Response to motion on Roads & Footpath Prioritisation Review (Minutes

of South Central Neighbourhood Partnership, 8th November 2010 – Item 2
refers) (Response to be tabled)

7 Future Meeting Arrangements – report by the Neighbourhood Manager,

Services for Communities (circulated) (Presented by Evelyn Kilmurry,
Partnership & Information Manager)

8 Youth Summer Programme – Feedback on 2010 Programme – (Presented

by Tommy McLean, Community Learning & Development Manager and
members of the Youth Forum [to include update on “The Union” – Napier

9 Neighbourhood Partnership Sub Group Activity - report by the

Neighbourhood Manager, Services for Communities (circulated). (Presented by
Mags Campbell, Partnership Business Manager)

10 Community Grants Fund – report by the Neighbourhood Manager, Services

for Communities (circulated) (Presented by Evelyn Kilmurry)

11 Date of Next Meeting

13 June 2011 (or alternative date suitable to theme group) – Themed event –
older peoples issues

Public Questions

12 Questions and Written Answers from the Meeting of 8th November 2010

13 Questions – Question form (circulated)

Margaret Campbell
Partnership Business Manager


Cllr Alison Johnstone (Convenor) Andy McLaughlin, Lothian and Borders Police
Cllr Ian Perry Liz Rawlings, EUSA President
Cllr Steve Burgess Robert Aitken, Astley Ainslie Hospital, NHS Lothian
Cllr Paul Godzik Milind Kolhatkar, EVOC
Cllr Gordon Mackenzie Alastair Philp, Marchmont/Sciennes Community Council
Cllr Marilyne MacLaren Bridget Stevens, Merchiston Community Council
Cllr McInnes Ann Wigglesworth, Tollcross Community Council
Cllr Cameron Rose Jean Thompson, Morningside Community Council
Liz Mulligan, Southside Community Council
Sue Tritton, Grange/Prestonfield Community Council


(1) Copies of the reports marked circulated will be available to those attending the meeting
and from the Main Reception Office, City Chambers, Edinburgh.

(2) If you have any questions about the agenda please contact Margaret Campbell,
Services for Communities, City of Edinburgh Council, South Neighbourhood Office,
40 Captains Road, Edinburgh, EH17 8QF;
 0131 529 7182; email:

(3) The agenda, minutes and public reports for this meeting and all the main Council
committees can be viewed online by going to Members
and Officers of the Council can also view them by going to the Orb and clicking on
Committee Business.

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