Planmeca Prosensor Ethernet Installation Guide

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PlanMeca ProSensor Ethernet Installation Guide

1. Install Digital Integration and the Didapi Kit.

2. Run IPCONFIG /ALL on the workstation you are using to change the IP of the Ethernet Interface. Go to
Start | Run and type in cmd and click OK. Then type in ipconfig /all and hit enter on your keyboard.

3. Open Network Settings by right clicking on Network and choosing Properties. Then choose Change
Adapter Settings at the top left.

4. Right click on your Local Area Connection and choose Properties.

5. Click on Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IP) and then click the Properties button.

6. Enter the IP, Subnet Mask, Gateway, and DNS server information you obtained from IPCONFIG /ALL

7. Click the Advanced button.

8. Click the Add button and enter an alternate configuration of with subnet of and then click the Add button.

9. Click OK and then click OK again. Then click Close. Your computer may seem to lock for a moment;
it is just updating its information and should only take a moment.

10. Connect your Ethernet Interface. From the POE Box, the IN Ethernet cable goes to the office's
network. The OUT Ethernet cable goes to the Ethernet Interface.

11. Open Internet Explorer and type in and hit enter on your keyboard.
( is the default IP for an Ethernet Interface.)

12. Click on the link to Change IP address.

13. Enter the IP information you wish to change to so that it is compatible with the office’s network.
Normally, the office’s IT person will inform you of what IP to use. After you enter the information, click

14. When you get the message that the control box is rebooted, unplug and re-plug the Cat5 cable from the
Ethernet Interface. You should now be able to ping your interface as well as open the index page of
the IP you changed it to (so in our example, we changed the IP to and we can go to

15. Once this is completed, go back to change adapter settings and for IPV4, change back to obtain
automatically for both IP address and DNS servers. Click OK and Close. (If you have multiple
Ethernet Interfaces that need IP addresses changed, it is suggested to do all of them at one PC before
changing it back to its defaults. So, you would plug in one interface, change the IP and then plug in the
next and change its IP. Never have more than one interface plugged in at once that has the default or
the same IP.)

16. Open Didapi Configuration by going to Start | Programs | PlanMeca | Didapi Configuration and go to
the Ethernet Interface tab. Ensure the Configuration File Path is correct. For Eaglesoft users, this
path normally should be C:\Eaglesoft\Shared Files\. For Patterson Imaging users, this path normally
should be C:\Patterson Imaging\Shared Files\. For Romexis users, this path should normally be
C:\Program Files\Planmeca\Didapi\.

17. For the Intra Ethernet Interface section, choose Planmeca ProSensor. Click the button to Open
sensor config file and in the text document enter Localhost=IP of Ethernet Interface (so in our
example, it should say Localhost=

18. Choose File | Save and exit the notepad. Then in the box for IP Address, enter the IP of Ethernet
Interface (in our example

19. Go to the Log tab. Ensure the box is checked for Intra Sensor used with this PC and that
ProSensor is filled in.

20. Go to the Image Preprocessing tab and ensure that your ProSensor Settings are properly setup for
the didapi version you are using. FAQ 16315 has settings for Didapi 4.7.6 and above. These settings
for ProSensor state to enable Auto Levels using 0.1 for Black %, 0.0 for White % and 0.6 for Gamma.

21. Go to the Common tab and ensure the path is correct. This is where calibration files are installed. For
Eaglesoft users, this path normally should be C:\Eaglesoft\Shared Files\. For Patterson Imaging users,
this path normally should be C:\Patterson Imaging\Shared Files\. For Romexis users, this path should
normally be C:\Program Files\Planmeca\Didapi\. Click Apply and OK at the bottom.

22. Copy the calibration files to the location set on your Common tab in Didapi Configuration (there are 3 of
them, a .dark, .cal and

23. Open Eaglesoft. Go to File | Preferences | Xray tab and ensure that your default sensor is set to
PlanMeca Sensor. Also, check the PlanMeca Sensor button and ensure Use Auto-Levels is checked
and Gamma is set to 1.0.

24. Click OK and then OK again. You will get a message about logging out for system preferences. Since
these are local preferences, there is no need to log out. At this point, you should be able to acquire an
image. After clicking Acquire from the new exam, your box should say Waiting for Exposure and the
light on the Ethernet Interface should be green.

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