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Eur J Oral Sci 2018; 126(Suppl.

1): 13–18 © 2018 Eur J Oral Sci

DOI: 10.1111/eos.12425 European Journal of
Printed in Singapore. All rights reserved
Oral Sciences

akon Valen1 , Anne A. Scheie2
Biofilms and their properties 1
Nordic Institute of Dental Materials, NIOM,
Oslo, Norway; 2Institute of Oral Biology,
Faculty of Dentistry, University of Oslo, Oslo,
Valen H, Scheie AA. Biofilms and their properties.
Eur J Oral Sci 2018; 126(Suppl. 1): 13–18. © 2018 Eur J Oral Sci
Bacteria within the oral cavity live primarily as complex, polymicrobial bio-
films. Dental biofilms are necessary etiological factors for dental caries and
periodontal diseases but have also been implicated in diseases outside the oral
cavity. Biofilm is the preferred lifestyle for bacteria, and biofilms are found on
almost any surface in nature. Bacteria growing within a biofilm exhibit an H
akon Valen, Nordic Institute of Dental
altered phenotype. Substantial changes in gene expression occur when bacteria Materials, Sognsvn 70, Oslo 0855, Norway
are in close proximity or physical contact with one another or with the host.
This may facilitate nutritional co-operation, cell–cell signaling, and gene trans-
fer, including transfer of antibiotic-resistance genes, thus rendering biofilm bac-
teria with properties other than those found in free-floating, planktonic Key words: bacterial communication; biofilm
bacteria. We will discuss biofilm properties and possible consequences for formation; dental caries; oral biofilm
future prophylaxis. Accepted for publication April 2018

Until the late 20th century, bacteria were thought to exist important characteristic of biofilms (4). He scraped pla-
as solitary cells that were incapable of performing com- que off his own teeth and studied the samples in his
plex tasks. Bacteria were then generally studied as free self-made microscopes. He made the important first dis-
floating in liquid media (planktonic), which is not the covery of microorganisms, which he viewed as small
preferred lifestyle of bacteria in nature. It is now appar- animals, animalcules. He wrote about his findings from
ent that bacteria usually grow in biofilms, whether in nat- samples taken from the oral cavity: ‘There are more
ure or in our bodies. Bacterial biofilms comprise any animals living in the scum on the teeth in a man‘s
group of microorganisms in adherent consortia sur- mouth, than there are men in a whole kingdom’ (4).
rounded by self-produced polymer matrixes composed of VAN LEEUWENHOEK made another important observa-
polysaccharides, proteins, lipids, and extracellular DNA. tion. He rinsed his mouth with vinegar, took a sample
Biofilms may form on almost all kind of living or non- from his teeth and looked at it in his microscope. He
living surfaces, and are universal phenomena in natural, found that nothing happened; the organisms were still
industrial, and medical ecosystems. there. He then carried out the crucial experiment, mix-
Biofilms may be both beneficial and detrimental. They ing a sample from his teeth with vinegar, whereupon
are responsible for functional and economic burdens in the organisms died immediately. He made his conclu-
health and in industry, and thus carry significant eco- sion from this simple experiment, and wrote (4):
nomic costs. However, bacteria in biofilms are important
And from this I drew the conclusion that the vinegar,
for both oral and general health (69). The properties of
when I filled my mouth with it, didn‘t penetrate
microorganisms in a biofilm are different from those of
through all the matter that is firmly lodged between
free-floating, planktonic bacteria. When a bacterium
the front teeth, or the grinders, and killed only those
switches to the biofilm mode of growth, it undergoes a
animalcules that were in the outermost part of the
phenotypic shift in behavior in which a large number of
white matter.
genes are differentially expressed (1, 2).
Dental plaque is a classical biofilm and the most well VAN LEEUWENHOEK discovered the true nature of
studied. Dental biofilms are necessary etiological fac- biofilms without knowing anything about the exis-
tors in oral diseases that pose public health challenges tence of bacteria. Biofilm bacteria are phenotypically
globally (3). Thus, among dentists, dental plaque was distinct from planktonic bacteria of the same species,
of central interest long before the term ‘biofilm’ became and biofilm bacteria are less susceptible to antimicro-
a common concept. Dentists spend most of their time bial agents than planktonic bacteria. This characteris-
repairing and preventing the consequences of biofilms. tic was reported almost 200 yr before appreciation of
bacteria as factors causing some of the diseases that
may pass from one person to another, and almost
another 100 yr before the biofilm theory was
From animalcules to bacterial communities
accepted. It is not until recent years that we came to
More than 300 yr ago, the Dutch tradesman and understand some of the complex interactions between
scientist, ANTONIE VAN LEEUWENHOEK, described an bacteria in a biofilm.
14 Valen & Scheie

Since the early observations reported in 1933 by

Arthur T. Heinrici, that bacteria living in water made
films on submerged glass slides (5), it has been
acknowledged that bacteria in nature establish them-
selves on surfaces in a matrix-enclosed biofilm (6). With
a publication in Scientific American in 1978, BILL
COSTERTON established a new microbiological paradigm,
‘The biofilm concept’. This work described the central
role of bacterially produced polysaccharides in the
adhesion to surfaces and to each other (7). Pioneering
work on dental plaque bacteria, performed by Ronald
Gibbons at the Forsyth Institute, had then already Fig. 1. Formation of dental biofilm. Pioneer bacteria coloniz-
shown the important role of bacterially synthesized ing the dental hard tissue are dominated by streptococcal spp.
polysaccharides – glucans – in the adhesion of Streptoc- The adhered bacteria start to produce an extracellular matrix
cus mutans (8). COSTERTON was a microbiologist, but and become ‘irreversibly’ attached. The biofilm matures and
increases in bacterial diversity and complexity. Bacteria may
also a mountain climber and an outdoor man. His detach from the oral biofilm, enabling colonization of other
attention to bacterial biofilms originated not from the surfaces in the oral cavity. Bacterial communication may med-
laboratory, but from a tumble on a slippery rock in a iate several of the steps in biofilm formation.
creek. He studied bacteria in the mountain creek and
noted that a slimy, slippery film consisting of numerous
sessile bacteria covered the rocks in the creek. The distinct bacteria to each other) has been described to
number of bacteria in this film greatly exceeded the play a pivotal role in dental biofilm formation and is a
number of floating, planktonic bacteria. In the water widespread phenomenon among oral bacteria (18–20).
fraction, there were 8–10 bacteria per ml, while in the Coaggregation has been described to mediate coloniza-
slippery film there were millions per mg (9). It is benefi- tion of late colonizers. The late colonizers may not
cial for bacteria to adhere to a surface. This is also the directly coaggregate with the early colonizing species
situation in the oral cavity: the bacteria need to stick to but can coaggregate with strains of the gram-negative
a surface. If not, the saliva flow will wash them out. bacterium, Fusobacterium nucleatum, which has been
The dental bacterial biofilm communities are unique, reported to be able to coaggregate with both late and
with large variation in amount and bacterial composi- early colonizers of the dental hard tissues (18, 21).
tion among and within individuals (10–12). As late as Bacteria may detach from the biofilm. This dispersal
1990, the biofilm concept was still in its infancy. In the from the biofilm can be a passive process or an active
decades to follow, it became obvious that biofilm infec- process mediated by the bacteria themselves. Dispersion
tions are widespread. The dramatic increase in biofilm from the biofilm enables the bacteria to colonize new
publications since 2000 reflects the understanding of the sites in the oral cavity (22).
importance of biofilms. The close contact between bacteria in the oral biofilm
enables both synergistic and antagonistic interactions
(23). Nutritional cooperation is an important feature of
oral biofilms, resulting in the generation of food chains
How do dental biofilms form?
and nutritional webs. The bacteria may cooperate to
Dental biofilm formation starts immediately after clean- metabolize salivary molecules (24). The metabolic
ing of the tooth surface, with adsorption of an organic capacity of a bacterium has recently been suggested to
film, the pellicle, which serves as ligands for receptors dictate its spatiotemporal position in the oral biofilm
on the bacteria (13) (Fig. 1). The pioneer bacteria are (25). Soon after adhering to a surface, bacteria will
the bacteria that have direct contact with the pellicle start to produce an extracellular matrix composed of
surface. The later colonizing bacteria will adhere to the polysaccharides, lipids, proteins, and extracellular
bacteria already attached, a phenomenon called coad- DNA. This matrix is essential for biofilm architecture,
hesion, or to different components of the extracellular integrity, and the characteristic properties of biofilms,
matrix. The early colonizing microbiota is dominated including increased tolerance to antimicrobial com-
by streptococcal species (14, 15). It has been demon- pounds (26, 27). The importance of polysaccharides for
strated that if the dental biofilm is left undisturbed, it production of oral biofilms, and the association of oral
undergoes microbial succession and maturation. During biofilms with dental caries, was recognized early (28).
this process, the composition of bacteria in the biofilm Bacterial glucosyltransferases producing extracellular
changes from a gram-positive-cocci-dominated micro- polysaccharides, either soluble or insoluble, were associ-
biota to a microbiota composed of cocci, filamentous ated with adhesion of S. mutans to tooth surfaces and
organisms, spirils, and spirochetes, and containing with cariogenicity (28) Glucosyltransferases have also
higher numbers of gram-negative bacteria. The acquisi- been identified in other oral bacteria. Moreover, in
tion of bacteria and maturation of the biofilm micro- addition to the production of extracellular polysaccha-
biota induces the development of gingivitis (16). These rides, glucosyltransferases have been assumed to glyco-
findings are confirmed by newer molecular techniques sylate proteins important for adhesion and biofilm
(11, 17). Coaggregation (i.e. the adhesion of genetically formation (29, 30).
Biofilm properties 15

Extracellular DNA may play an important role in bacteria has been described to allow communication
the extracellular matrix of oral biofilms, as shown both across gram-classification and species borders (41). The
in vitro and from ex vivo samples (31). The close prox- luxS gene transcribes S-ribosylhomocysteine lyase,
imity of bacteria in a biofilm may enable increased fre- which is responsible for production of AI-2. The luxS
quencies of horizontal gene transfer (32). For oral gene is widespread in bacteria but the known receptor
streptococci, both intraspecies and interspecies recombi- proteins for AI-2 do not have the same distribution
nation may occur (33–35). (43). In addition to production of AI-2, S-ribosylhomo-
cysteine lyase plays an important role in bacterial meta-
bolism in the activated methyl cycle (44). Therefore, the
presence of the luxS gene in a bacterial genome may not
Bacterial communication
necessarily indicate that the bacteria use AI-2 as a
Bacterial communication is described to mediate several quorum-sensing molecule. The absence of a known
steps in biofilm formation and maturation (36). In one receptor for AI-2 could signify that either the bacteria
type of communication, genes are regulated in response do not respond to AI-2 or that other unidentified recep-
to signal concentration, the so-called ‘quorum sensing’ tors may exist. Recently, a fructose-specific phospho-
communication. The concentration of signal molecules enolpyruvate-phosphotransferase, FruA, was reported
depends on bacterial density (i.e. the quorum). By to function as a receptor/transporter for AI-2 in Strep-
quorum sensing, genes are turned on and off in unison. tococcus pneumoniae, enabling the use of galactose as a
This phenomenon was initially investigated in biolumi- carbon source, leading to increased capsular production
nescent bacteria. The term autoinduction and the and virulence (45).
chemical substance that induces autoinduction and bio-
luminescence, the autoinducer, was first described in
Photobacterium fischeri (now called Vibrio fischeri)
Autoinducer-2 and luxS in oral streptococci
in the 1970s and the signaling molecule was identified
in 1981 (37, 38). Bacterial communication was initially Autoinducer-2 AI-2 signaling has been shown to regulate
thought to be linked to a few bacteria only. However, many different activities in a diverse panel of bacteria,
it has been shown that bacterial communication is a including oral streptococci (46). Inactivating the luxS
widespread phenomenon among bacteria. Bacteria gene renders bacteria unable to produce AI-2. In the
coordinate their activities by quorum sensing, thus absence of a functional luxS, Streptococcus anginosus
regulating diverse bacterial activities, such as adhe- produced 50% less biofilm than did the wild-type
sion, biofilm formation, aggregation, virulence, motil- S. anginosus with an intact luxS (47). MCNAB and
ity, antibiotic resistance, and horizontal gene transfer coworkers showed that biofilm formation between
(39). The many different quorum-sensing-regulated Streptococcus gordonii and Porphyromonas gingivalis
activities opens the possibility of interfering with bac- requires intact luxS. The two species may form biofilm
terial communication through the development of together but P. gingivalis depends on the prior adhe-
novel treatment strategies against bacterial infections sion of S. gordonii. Streptococcus gordonii is an early
(40). colonizer and part of the resident microbiota, whereas
Three main classes of signaling molecules have been P. gingivalis is a putative periodontal pathogen. Both
described for communication between bacteria: autoin- species of bacteria produce AI-2. When luxS is inacti-
ducer peptides (AIPs); autoinducer-1 (AI-1); and vated in either S. gordonii or P. gingivalis, biofilm is
autoinducer-2 (AI-2). The classical view is that the sig- still formed, indicating that both species may respond
nal molecules are produced, released, and accumulated to heterologous AI-2. When luxS is inactivated in both
in the environment. At a critical signal concentration, S. gordonii and P. gingivalis, the ability of these two
the signal molecules activate the cognate receptor or species of bacteria to form biofilm together is lost (48).
response regulator that switches transcription of effec- RICKARD and coworkers showed, in another study, the
tor genes on or off. Quorum sensing is a type of regula- importance of AI-2 communication for combined bio-
tory process that ensures a sufficient number of film formation of Streptococcus oralis and Actinomyces
bacteria is present when the activity is synchronously naeslundii (49). In a more recent study, WANG and
activated in the group (41). It would be futile for only coworkers showed that AI-2 communication was
one bacterium to produce an enzyme or a virulence important for dual biofilm of S. mutans and S. gor-
protein. In polymicrobial biofilms, bacteria may be donii. Furthermore, inactivation of the luxS gene (and
exposed to several different signaling molecules pro- consequent failure to produce AI-2) leads to increased
duced by the bacteria residing in the biofilm. Thus, sensitivity to chlorhexidine (50).
receptor specificity for signal molecule detection differs: Autoinducer-2 signaling in bacterial biofilms has also
some receptors are reported to be highly specific for been reported to affect antibiotic sensitivity. The
their ligand, whereas others are more promiscuous (42). biofilm formed by a Streptococcus intermedius luxS-
Gram-negative bacteria use various acyl homoserine negative strain exposed to subinhibitory concentrations
lactone (AI-1) molecules for intraspecies communica- of ampicillin or tetracycline was reduced compared to
tion, whereas gram-positive bacteria use AIPs as signal- that produced by an S. intermedius luxS-positive strain.
ing molecules. However, the AI-2 signaling molecule However, after adding synthetic AI-2, the biofilm-form-
produced by both gram-positive and gram-negative ing ability was restored (51). This finding supports the
16 Valen & Scheie

importance of communication in bacterial sensitivity Biofilm control

and antibiotic tolerance as well as in biofilm formation.
The dental biofilm may be composed of several hun-
dred different bacterial species and strains (67). This
enlarges the total genetic pool of enzymes that can
Autoinducer peptides in oral streptococci inactivate antibacterial compounds. In a biofilm, bacte-
The competence stimulating peptide (CSP) pheromone ria are protected by the extracellular matrix. This
was initially discovered in S. pneumoniae, in which it matrix may bind antibacterial compounds, impeding
induced competence for genetic transformation (i.e. their penetration, thus preventing such compounds
uptake and incorporation of DNA into the host gen- from reaching their target. Bacteria may also excrete
ome) (52). The CSP is excreted by a transporter and and concentrate enzymes that inactivate the antibacte-
binds to a membrane-located receptor, ComD. This rial compounds. The growth of bacteria is altered in a
activates a response regulator, ComE, which induces biofilm, and they may enter a dormant state that
transcription of the alternative sigma factor, ComX, reduces their susceptibility to antibacterial compounds
which regulates genes necessary for transformation. (27). In addition, the close contact and proximity
Bacterial sigma factors associate with the RNA poly- between bacteria in a biofilm may allow genetic
merase and enable promoter-recognition specificity for exchange and transfer of, for instance, antibacterial-
transcription of genes. In S. mutans, a similar quo- resistance genes to occur readily.
rum-sensing system was discovered (53). However, the There is currently considerable activity aimed to
ComDE of S. mutans is more closely related to the understand the complex properties and interplay among
BlpRH of S. pneumoniae, which regulates bacteriocin bacteria in oral biofilms and to identify novel com-
production than ComDE (54). Recently, a peptide pounds, technologies and methods to eradicate or pre-
named comX/sigX inducing peptide (XIP), encoded by vent the formation of oral biofilms (68). Several
the comS gene, was discovered in S. mutans. This pep- compounds and technologies with antibacterial effect
tide was shown to control competence by binding to have been introduced. Antimicrobial compounds may
an intracellular Rgg (regulator gene of glycosyltrans- be added to products, such as dentifrices and oral
ferase) transcriptional regulator, ComR, which regu- rinses, or be incorporated into dental-restorative mate-
lates competence in this species by activating rials for control of oral biofilm. Material and tooth sur-
transcription of ComX (55). It is assumed that the faces may be engineered to reduced bacterial adhesion.
ComCDE system controls induction of competence in Products for antibacterial photodynamic therapy to kill
the mitis and anginosus groups of streptococci, bacteria in biofilms are commercially available. Their
whereas the ComRS system controls induction of com- main antibacterial effect is mediated through the pro-
petence in the mutans, salivarius, bovis, and the pyo- duction of reactive oxygen species generated after
genic groups of streptococci (56). Although ComCDE absorption of visible light by a photosensitizer. Probi-
and ComRS are intimately linked to transformation and otic bacteria may be administered to maintain biofilm
the alternative sigma factor controls a core regulon ecology in a state compatible with health or to restore
related to transformation, other genes are upregulated, biofilm ecology to this state. Interference with bacterial
apparently without being directly involved in the trans- communication may inhibit expression of virulence
formation process (57). Competence-stimulating peptide genes or biofilm formation. This latter form of therapy
has been shown to affect biofilm formation of the oral differs from the traditional antimicrobial mechanism
streptococci S. gordonii, S. mutans, and S. intermedius of action by not aiming to kill bacteria but rather to
(58–60). In addition, LI and coworkers have shown that render bacteria less virulent.
adaptation to an acidic environment increases with CSP
signaling (61). Competence-stimulating peptide has also
been shown to induce fratricide, killing, and lysis of non-
Future prospects
competent cells in the environment. The biological role
of fratricide may be to provide DNA for genetic Oral biofilm-associated diseases, such as caries and
exchange (62). periodontitis, represent global public health challenges
The close contact between bacteria in biofilms may (3). The diseases develop as a result of dysbiosis of the
enable interstrain and interspecies communication. oral microbiome (69). There is a long tradition in medi-
However, allelic variations of the genes encoding the cine for treating bacterial infections by the use of
CSP pheromone and the receptor, ComD, have been antibiotics. Unfortunately, biofilm bacteria are signifi-
described for streptococci (63, 64). Thus, only strains cantly less sensitive to antibacterial agents than are
belonging to the same pherotype are able to communi- their planktonic counterparts (70). This property of
cate. However, the ComRS system has recently been biofilm challenges us in our daily work as dentists, and
suggested to mediate interspecies communication might explain why many oral prophylactic agents pre-
among streptococci as the ComR receptors in strepto- dicted to be efficacious in vitro, only show marginal
coccal species differ in their promiscuity for signal effect in vivo.
recognition (65). Cross-talk between streptococcal spe- In view of the prevalence and cost related to preven-
cies has also been reported for other peptide phero- tion and treatment of biofilm-induced dental diseases,
mones (66). there is a need for research to elucidate, in further
Biofilm properties 17

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