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Ana Maria Jimenez Buitrago


___WORKED________ all day long. (work)

2. My bike is dirty. I _____WASHED_____________ it (not wash) 3.

___HAS IT________ the game ____FINISHED____________?


4. We ____HAVE__________ always ___LIVED____________ here

5. My brother ____HAD___________ never
_____WANTED___________ a laptop (want)

6. ___HAD________ his family ___MOVED___________ to

Michigan? (move)

7. I ____Haven`t printed_______________________ any of the

guides yet (not-print) PRESENT PERFECT TENSE

We use the present perfect:

1. When we want to talk about unfinished actions that started

in the Past and continue into the present. We use “for” OR

EX: She´s lived in London for three years.

I´ve worked here for six months.
I´ve known Alfred since 1994.
I´ve liked chocolate since I was a child.
She´s been here since 2pm.
2. Use “ever” for questions and “never” for negative
EX: A: Have you ever been to England?
B: No, I haven´t. I have never been to England.
C: Has she ever met the Prime Minister?
D: No, She hasn´t. She has never met him.
3. Use “Already” in affirmative sentences to indicate that

Happened before the momento of speaking.

EX: I have already finished the report.

We have already seen that movie.

4. Use “Yet” in interrogative sentences.

EX: Have you finished the report yet?

Have you eaten yet?

5. Use “Yet” in negative sentences to express that something

that is

Expected has not yet happened.

EX: She hasn´t finished the report yet.

They haven´t called yet.

6. “Just” is usually used to express a completed action.

EX: They have just called.

I´ve just seen Susan coming out of the cinema.


Complete the sentences with JUST , ALREADY or YET .

1. Has Morris finished his studies yet ?
2. My brother has already bought a new car, but he hasn't driven
it yet.
3. Maria has already phoned from Italy. I spoke to her a few
minutes ago.
4. Have you had lunch yet ?
5. I can't go to Spain. I have already booked two tickets for
Italy. I booked them a few months ago.
6. Have you seen the new James Bond film yet ?
7. The concert will start in two hours but the singers
haven't arrived yet.
8. Another postcard ! I've just had six from him.
9. Congratulations ! You have just won a trip to New York. 10.
The group has already visited two museums today, so they
don't want to go to another one.
11. I have been to Norway but I haven't been to Sweden
yet. 12. I've just come home from Frankie's place, but there
was nobody at home.
13. We have already tried to contact her twice. There's no
point in trying again.
14. Has your new boyfriend met your parents yet ?

Complete the sentences with “SINCE” OR “FOR”

1. I have been waiting SINCE 4 o'clock.

2. Sue has only been waiting FOR 20 minutes.
3. Tim and Tina have been learning English FOR six years. 4. Fred
and Frida have been learning French SINCE 1998. 5. Joe and
Josephine have been going out together SINCE Valentine's Day. 6.
I haven't been on holiday SINCE last July.
7. Mary has been saving her money FOR many years.
8. I haven't eaten anything SINCE breakfast.
9. You have been watching TV FOR hours.
10. We have been living here FOR 2 months.
Choose the correct verb to complete the dialogue.
Started - Seen - Had - Bought -
Finished - Wanted

Lisa: I´ve finally (1) ____BOUGTH ________ the complete set of Harry
Potter book.

Tom: Really? I´ve never read the books, but I´ve (2) __SEEN_______ the

Movies. Have you?

Lisa: Of course, but I have (3) __WANTED_________ to read the

books for years.

Tom: And you´ve never even read the first one?

Lisa: No, I haven´t. But now I´m going to read all of them.

Tom: Does that mean I won´t see you for the next month?

Lisa: Don´t worry. I´ve (4) ___STARTED_______ the first one and it´s easy to

read Tom: Yeah, that´s because you´re a fast reader. It takes me a long time To

finish a book.

Lisa: I don´t believe you.

Tom: Listen, I´ve (5) ___HAD________ a Stephen King book since my

Birthday, and I haven´t (6) ___FINISHED_______ it. In fact, I´ve

only Read 30 pages!

V. Circle T (True) or F (False) according to the context of the dialogue.
1. Lisa has finally bought all the Harry Potter books. T/F – Lisa
finally Finished the complete set of Harry Potter book.
2. Tom has only read three of the books. T/F –Tom has had a
Stephen King book since his birthdays and has only read 30
3. Lisa hasn´t seen any of the movies. T/F - Lisa has seen the
4. Lisa is slow reader. T/F - Lisa is a fast reader
5. Tom is a slow reader. T/F - Tom takes a long time To finish a
6. Tom has just finished a 30 page book. T/F - Tom has never
finished reading a book

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