Assignment 6 - Software Evaluation

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Name of reviewer (your name): Josue Mena Ochoa

Name of the Website: Kahoot!.com
Educational Product/Software Selected: Kahoot! Quizzes
Web Address to the Product/Software:
Publisher: Kahoot!
Grade Level: All Grade levels
Provide a brief description of the product/software: Kahoot! Quiz maker is software where
they allow educators to create funny and quick interactive quizzes where students can join via
their electronic devices. The educators will create a small portion of questions, which will they
then project onto a larger screen and have students join via their electrical devices. When
students join, they are allowing to either write their name or a nickname to participate. They then
all see the question on the larger screen, which then they must answer in a given time by
selecting their answer on their own electronic device. The student who answers the questions the
most correct, and the fastest, wins at the end.
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the product/software? The strength of this
software is that it allows anyone to participate at any given time, anywhere in the world. It is
extremely accessible and adaptable. The only weakness I can find in this software is the fact that
you need internet access and an electronic device to be able to participate.
Is the product/software easy for you and the students to use? Explain. This product is
extremely easy for me to use both as an educator to create new content and quizzes, and as a
student who has been on the receiving end from learning and challenging myself on current
subjects in a class setting. As a student, it straight forward on how to interact with the software
and it creates a fun and competitive nature in class. As an educator, it takes a min to get a hold of
the software and understand it, but once you grasp the concept, it is extremely easy to use.
Does the software serve its intended purpose, which is classroom use? Explain. I believe that
this software does serve its intended purpose in a classroom setting. It allows you to connect all
your students together on an online platform where they can all compete and learn together
through a fun and quick quiz. It allows the teacher to highlight the important information, and
also allows the student to grasp what they have learned so far, and what they need to focus more
Are there multiple forms of media (audio, video, and textual communication channels) that
encourage the student to engage with the software? Explain.
There are no visual videos that you can add to this software; however, this software is extremely
vibrant with colors and sounds that attract those who are participating to interact and have fun.  
Is the documentation for the product/software, such as technical support, instructions on
how to use the product, and hardware requirements presented clearly on the website?
This software does provide video instructions and a quick CAQ (commonly asked questions)
section that will show and answer all your questions. Grasping the concept of the software and
being able to use and implement them into your lessons are easy, and all questions that you may
have can be answered through their technical support which they call “help center”. Even if these
videos and technical support do not help and answer your questions. There are countless videos
on YouTube that explain and go into detail more.  
Is the software adaptable to support specific accessibility needs of learners with
disabilities? Explain.
Some learners with disabilities can and have easy access to this software and are easily adaptable
to them. However, not all disabilities like those who are physically bound or have to use the
software in order to communicate can use this platform, unless they are being aided in answering
the questions by somebody else.
Does the software program give appropriate feedback to responses (assessment)? Kahoot is
basically a giant software program that feeds off the feedback given to them by the students. It
measures how long you take to answer, calculates if your answer is right or wrong, and gives a
percentage of how many students choose which answer. This software is extremely good and
designed to give back appropriate feedback.  
Can the skill levels be adjusted by the student/instructor? Explain. The skills level is based
more on the person understanding of technology and how to work an electronic device. If the
student is not knowledgeable on how to go to a website and enter a code, then they cannot use
this platform. The difficulty of the platform goes off the question the instructors put in, but the
overall skill level is based more on how to use a laptop, or device to participate. So, children how
are younger may find this more challenging to participate.  
Upon the completion of your assignment, go to Google Sheets, enter your first and last
name, the name of your software, and your score.
Name of reviewer (your name): Josue Mena Ochoa
Name of the Website: Quizlet
Educational Product/Software Selected: Quizlet
Web Address to the Product/Software:
Publisher: Quizlet Inc.
Grade Level: All Grade Levels
Provide a brief description of the product/software: Quizlet is a software that provides
multiple features that make flashcards where people can study the definitions or terms of
something through an electronic device.  Teachers can create sets of flashcards that can be open
to the public and allows their students to review these terms/definitions anywhere through an
electronic device to help them study. Students can also create their own set if they wish, and the
platform gives you a different way of studying all these sets as you wish.
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the product/software? The strengths of this
product are that it is easily accessible to your students and provides your students multifaceted
way of studying, and it gives your students audio interaction to help those who have certain
disabilities. The weaknesses of this software are that you need an electronic device and internet
access to access this software. Additionally, this software is all up to the individual to study and
retain information, so this can be a boring alternative for some.
Is the product/software easy for you and the students to use? Explain. This software is
extremely easy to use and can be used on any electronic device to set up and create new study
guides whenever. Both students and teachers can create and share sets that they create and add
visuals and use audio software to help them study. It has a very small learning curb, that be
easily explained and showed in less than 8 minutes.
Does the software serve its intended purpose, which is classroom use? Explain. Yes, this
software does provide the intended purpose that is needed to be used inside a classroom. It is an
amazing tool that can help students study and visualize what they need outside of the classroom
element. It is easily accessible and provides multiple study techniques that can help students
comprehend and become more engaged.
Are there multiple forms of media (audio, video, and textual communication channels) that
encourage the student to engage with the software? Explain. You can inset visual files and
attach them to your flashcard, to provide a visual example of what you are studying.
Additionally, the software also provides audio options that read to you what you wrote on the
flashcard and can help you enunciate different words that you may have difficulties with. The
flashcards can also be changed by text or color, to make the flashcards more fun and interactive
for the participants.
Is the documentation for the product/software, such as technical support, instructions on
how to use the product, and hardware requirements presented clearly on the website?
Explain. Inside the help center of the website, you are presented with an instructional video on
how to use and interact with the software. As well, you are given CAQ on how to make, show,
and share what you created and how they can be used and implemented to help you, and your
students learn better. This product also offers a call center if you are still having technical
support and need somebody to help you. Overall, the software is extremely easy to use and
Is the software adaptable to support specific accessibility needs of learners with
disabilities? Explain. This software could be beneficial for students who have visual disabilities
and need something to help them study with. This software has an audio option that reads to you
what is write on the flashcards, both the question and the answer. However, this software may
not be accessible and easily manageable for all disabilities.
Does the software program give appropriate feedback to responses (assessment)? The only
feedback you are going to get from this software is the simple fact if you know what on the
flashcard or not. This software is a device that allows information to be presented in a manner
that is used to study and help you memorize information. Not software that gages and gives you
feedback on how you’re doing and how you been responding.
Can the skill levels be adjusted by the student/instructor? Explain. The only skill level
needed to use this product is having an understanding of how to use an electronic device and
being able to interact with it. The difficulty of the software is more focused on the content which
you’re studying and not much on how to interact with it. So, children who are younger might
find this way of studying and software much less fun and difficult to use.
Upon the completion of your assignment, go to Google Sheets, enter your first and last
name, the name of your software, and your score.

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