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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

May 28, 2020

HRDD No. 16, s. 2020


TO: Schools Division Superintendents
Regional and SDO Chief Education Supervisors
Regional and Division EPS

1. The Department of Education SOCCSKSARGEN commits itself in providing

quality professional development programs and courses to all DepEd school leaders,
teachers and non-teaching employees in the light of the new normal situation. It
supports the professional development initiatives of our regional office, schools
division offices, schools and partner stakeholders in the various modalities and
platforms especially in the ‘new normal’ with strict observance of guidelines to reach
success in the most cost effective ways.

2. The quality of programs and courses shall still be aligned to prevailing

standards such as, Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST), Philippine
Professional Standards for School Heads (PPSSH) and Philippine Professional
Standards for Supervisors (PPSS).
3. In relation to the above premises, DepEd SOCCSKSARGEN issues this
Guidelines on Webinar Sessions and Online Trainings in DepEd
SOCCSKSARGEN to ensure quality programs and courses are conducted through a
collaborative process.

4. This Guidelines shall also comply with the requirements of DepEd Order 001,
s. 2020, Guidelines for NEAP Recognition of Professional Development
Programs and Courses for Teachers and School Leaders, which explains the
necessity of undergoing a Recognition System. Thus, all internal and external
learning service providers shall submit to the Human Resource Development Division
(HRDD) in the region all webinars, online training and other activities for
professional development. The PD courses in the region shall be submitted for
certification to the NEAP-HRDD while schools division offices may submit for
certification to the RO HRDD.

5. In this policy, DepEd Order 35, s. 2016 “The Learning Action Cell as a K to 12
Basic Education Program School-based Continuing Professional Development
Strategy for the Improvement of Teaching and Learning” is strengthened. It effects
that the NEAP- HRDD through regional office, schools division offices and schools
shall determine a specific number of credit units to be allocated for the professional

Address: Regional Center, Brgy. Carpenter Hill, City of Koronadal

Telefax No.: (083) 2288825/ (083) 2281893
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

development activities implemented by the aforementioned units through modalities

such as webinars and online trainings.

6. This issuance is also in compliance with OUA Memo 00-0520-0005 from the
Office of Undersecretary Alain Del B. Pascua dated May 4, 2020 re Guidelines on
Webinar Sessions which reminds the public of the importance of validating the
legitimacy of the companies or groups conducting the sessions.
7. The same memorandum emphasizes the approval of webinar sessions
conducted locally. Accordingly, the Regional Office or Schools Division Office shall
first approve the webinar sessions prior to its campaign through social media and
the web and its conduct.

8. All webinars and video teleconference must use the Microsoft Teams, Workplace
by Facebook and Google Meet as platforms since the department has existing
arrangement with the said organizations to ensure that all information are secured.

9. This Guidelines shall take effect immediately upon issuance. Only Recognized
programs and courses shall be implemented in the department as an official part of
its professional ecosystem.

10. The following are enclosed for reference:

Enclosure 1: Guidelines on Webinar Sessions on Online Trainings in DepEd

SOCCSKSARGEN during COVID-19 Situation

Enclosure 2: Protocols in the Conduct of the Webinar Sessions/ Online


Enclosure 3: The Roles and Responsibilities in the Conduct of Webinar

Sessions/ Online Training

11. Immediate dissemination of and compliance to this Memorandum are directed.

Regional Director

Encl.: As stated
Reference: DM No. 050 s. 2020
To be included in the Perpetual Index under the following Subjects:

MYS/RM/HRDD - adoption of guidelines on webinar sessions & online trainings in deped soccsksargen during the
covid-19 situation/007/May 28, 2020

Address: Regional Center, Brgy. Carpenter Hill, City of Koronadal

Telefax No.: (083) 2288825/ (083) 2281893
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Enclosure No. 1 to HRDD Memorandum No. 16, s. 2020




The Department of Education SOCCSKSARGEN strengthens its commitment

to provide Professional Development programs and courses to all DepEd school
leaders, teachers and non-teaching employees in the new normal platforms.

Republic Act 10912, otherwise known as “Continuing Professional

Development Act of 2016”defines the importance of a continuing professional
development program in support to the inculcation of advanced knowledge, skills
and ethical values in a post licensure specialized or in an inter- or multi-disciplinary
field of study for assimilation into professional practice, self-directed research and/or
lifelong learning.

In the light of the health situation in the country, the PD programs and
courses have evolved into different modalities mostly customized and compliant to
the rules and regulations implemented by the government. However, to strictly
observe standards in these PD opportunities, the existing DepEd policies shall
DepEd Order 001, s. 2020, Guidelines for NEAP Recognition of
Professional Development Programs and Courses for Teachers and School
Leaders, explains the necessity of undergoing a Recognition System. Thus, all
internal and external learning service providers shall submit to the Human Resource
Development Division (HRDD) in the Region all webinars, online training and other
PD activities in the Regional Office. The PD courses in the region shall be submitted
for certification to the NEAP-HRDD while schools division offices may submit for
certification to the RO HRDD.
This is also to ensure that the PD courses offered to DepEd school leaders,
teachers and non-teaching employee shall be free.

This guidelines provides the requirements to ensure quality programs and

courses are conducted through a collaborative process.

This Guidelines shall cover all Professional Development programs and

courses offered through webinars and online training platforms intended for DepEd
school leaders and teachers and non-teaching staff.

Address: Regional Center, Brgy. Carpenter Hill, City of Koronadal

Telefax No.: (083) 2288825/ (083) 2281893
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
DepEd Regional Office, Schools Division Offices, schools shall submit
webinars and online training courses to HRDD, in the case of the region and SDOs
and to SDOs for schools to obtain recognition and consequent CPD units.

Hence, only NEAP-HRDD recognized webinars and online training courses

shall obtain creditable certificate points at no cost at all.


For consistency, here are the operational definitions of major terms frequently used
in this policy:

Online training- is a training that usually runs for one or more days where
instructions take place on the internet. It usually is customized to suit to the needs
of the participants.

Professional Development courses/programs- These are courses/programs and

activities which are designed to enhance the competencies of the employees.
Webinar – it is a professional development modality that takes place on the internet
for one hour or more but not exceeding one day. This allows a convergence of
participants in different locations to join a discussion from a presenter/lecturer and
sometimes as questions.


DepEd SOCCSKSARGEN realizes its commitment in the provision of learning

and development programs that support the professional growth and life-long
learning of all its employees even in eventful COVID-19 situation.

Hence, it continuously employs appropriate and effective mechanisms

through a localized policy that will ensure that various modalities in learning and
development, specifically webinars and online trainings, shall be made available to
address development needs of the human resource.
The quality and strategic alignment of these learning and development
interventions to prevailing standards such as, Philippine Professional Standards for
Teachers (PPST), Philippine Professional Standards for School Heads (PPSSH) and
Philippine Professional Standards for Supervisors (PPSS) is utmost priority to ensure
that these are substantially adhering to the competency standards of the position
and are systematically implemented to fully contribute to the personnel’s career

In this policy, DepEd Order 35, s. 2016 “The Learning Action Cell as a K to 12
Basic Education Program School-based Continuing Professional Development
Strategy for the Improvement of Teaching and Learning” is strengthened. It effects
that the NEAP- HRDD through regional office, schools division offices and schools
shall determine a specific number of credit units to be allocated for the professional
development activities implemented by the aforementioned units through modalities

Address: Regional Center, Brgy. Carpenter Hill, City of Koronadal

Telefax No.: (083) 2288825/ (083) 2281893
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
such as webinars and online trainings. This localized policy provides the processes
to effectively implement quality webinars and online trainings which shall serve as
standards to all governance levels.

The webinar sessions/online training shall be organized as follows as per
guidelines in DepEd Order 001,s. 2020:

A. Pre-Webinar session/Online training

A.1 Approved and duly signed Webinar proposal which includes:
a. Title of the webinar;
b. Rationale (Program course description, Professional
Development Priorities, Professional Standards Covered);
c. Description of the webinar (including name of the resource
speaker/s,CV if available);
d. Target Participants profile (Career Stage, Grade Level,
Learning Area);
e. Date of conduct &Number of hours;
f. Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) Program
Accreditation Number (if applicable)
A.2 (For online training only) All of A.1 and Program or Course
design, which includes the following:
a. Objective/s or outcome/s;
b. Detailed program or course matrix;
c. Modules and learning resources to be used; and,
d. Assessment plan
A.3 Program Implementation plan
a. Schedule of Activities
b. Budget requirements
b. Funding source
c. Monitoring and evaluation

B. During webinar session/Online training

The sponsoring office (Regional Office, Schools Division Office, School) shall
adhere to standard protocol in the conduct of the session enclosed in Enclosure No.
2 Protocols During the Conduct of the Webinar Sessions/ Online Training.

A team must be assigned to monitor and evaluate the ongoing conduct of the
webinar or online training.

The Roles and Responsibilities are outlined in Enclosure No. 3

Address: Regional Center, Brgy. Carpenter Hill, City of Koronadal

Telefax No.: (083) 2288825/ (083) 2281893
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

C. Post webinar session/Online training

As the L&D intervention is completed within the duration, the program

holder/s shall submit all necessary documents to HRDD for uploading to the L&D
database. The database shall keep inventories of training under the different
competencies: core behavioral competencies, functional competencies and
leadership competencies.

The program holder/personnel assigned shall proceed with these suggested


1. Monitor the administration of the post test (for online training)

2. Make a report of progress as findings in the pre-test and post test result
3. Prepare necessary documents for the payment of suppliers/service providers
4. Follow-up from QAME Associates (QAD) the QATAME reports for review
5. Prepare the L&D Intervention/program Completion Report
6. Submit draft of the L&D Intervention/program Completion Report to HRDD

V. Data Privacy

To ensure that data privacy shall be upheld, the following shall be strictly
1. The Data Protection Officer at all governance levels shall ensure the
Department’s compliance with the requirements of the Data Privacy Act
during the webinar. He/she may issue further guidelines as necessary.

2. All heads shall act as Data Compliance Officers at their respective levels of
governance and ensure the protection of collected personal information
during the evaluation. They may use the results of the evaluation to plan and
enhance future interventions for their respective jurisdiction consistent with
the requirements of the Data Privacy Act.

3. The assigned office/person per governance level shall process the results of
the evaluation for policy and program development purposes consistent with
the requirements of the Data Privacy Act.

VI. Monitoring and Evaluation

The HRDD in collaboration with the Quality Assurance Division (in the Region)
or SMME (in the schools division) shall conduct monitoring and evaluation (M&E)
activities that will gather and validate data. The results of the M&E shall form part
of the review and improvement of this Guidelines and shall be presented to the
regional director.

Address: Regional Center, Brgy. Carpenter Hill, City of Koronadal

Telefax No.: (083) 2288825/ (083) 2281893
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

VII. Effectivity

This contextualized regional policy shall be implemented only during SY

2020-2021 and shall remain enforced during that period unless sooner repealed,
amended, or rescinded. This policy shall be understood as supplementing the
provisions of OUA Memo 00-0520-0005 (Guidelines on Webinar Sessions which
reminds the public of the importance of validating the legitimacy of the companies
or groups conducting the sessions).

This Regional policy shall immediately take effect upon issuance and shall
only be applicable within period of the COVID-19 health emergency unless relevant
issuance shall be made in accordance to institutionalization of this.

IX. References

DepEd Order 001, s. 2020, “Guidelines for NEAP Recognition of Professional

Development Programs and Courses for Teachers and School Leaders”

OUA Memo 00-0520-0005, “Guidelines on Webinar Sessions which reminds the

public of the importance of validating the legitimacy of the companies or groups
conducting the sessions”

Republic Act 10173 “Data Privacy Act of 2012”

DepEd Order 35, s. 2016, “The Learning Action Cell as a K to 12 Basic Education
Program School-based Continuing Professional Development Strategy for the
Improvement of Teaching and Learning”

Address: Regional Center, Brgy. Carpenter Hill, City of Koronadal

Telefax No.: (083) 2288825/ (083) 2281893
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Enclosure No. 2 to HRDD Memorandum No. 16




1) Only the speaker must turn on his/her video for the meeting. This will assist
the AI of Microsoft Teams in detecting whose face to show in the screen.

2) All participants must initially place their microphones on "Mute" mode and
just turn it on when it’s their turn to speak. Please request for the Presiding Officer
to acknowledge you if you would like to speak/intervene in the discussion. When
acknowledged/recognized, then you may proceed with your intervention.

3) Kindly refrain from tinkering the menu options. Your screen might be
unnecessarily shared if the "Share Screen" button is accidentally pressed. The "Share
Screen" button shall only be pressed if you have material/s you wish to flash in the
screen and only when the Presiding Officer allows it. Kindly request the Presiding
Officer to allow the sharing of your material on screen, when necessary. Alternately,
you may ask the Secretariat to flash your material/s for you.

B. Moderator’s Guide for Webinar/Online Lecture Series

General Provision: Moderator/s to the webinar sessions or Online sessions must

possess pleasing voice quality, pleasing virtual presence and good command of
both English and Filipino language. He/She must have been certified or have
undergone any of the following training:
a. Learning Facilitation
b. Information Communication
c. Oral Communication

A. Pre-webinar/Online Training
1. The moderator must have a clear understanding of what the webinar is
supposed to accomplish.

2. Prepare a script prior to the date of the webinar. It would be helpful to write
down an opening spiel which includes the overview of the theme/topics and
introduction of the resource speaker.

3. Review the curriculum vitae/bio sketch/ resume of the resource speakers.

Prepare short but relevant introduction of the speaker ensuring that the speaker’s
full name, designation and other details are correct and read or pronounced

4. Know who are the expected attendees or audience.

Address: Regional Center, Brgy. Carpenter Hill, City of Koronadal

Telefax No.: (083) 2288825/ (083) 2281893
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
5. Collaborate with the ICT unit for a technical dry run and flow of the
program. During technical dry run, familiarize with the webinar tool (Google Meet,
MS Teams, FB Workplace), look through the slides on the tool and check on any
last-minute issues.

6. Be ready with questions, in case there is none coming from the audience.
Prepare three questions ahead of time for each of the speaker. You may also
request the presenters to submit few “seed questions” you can ask during the Q&A.

B. During webinar/online training

7. Make sure to be onboard and make the conference active 15 minutes prior
to the webinar/online training airing. Make a pre-call to the speakers to inform
them you are already around. Value their presence.

8. Mention audience expectations in the introductory remarks to show

empathy and understanding to the audience.
9. Inform the attendees of the online evaluation link they have to accomplish to
be awarded a certificate of participation. Explain how DepEd would follow up with
attendees after the event ex. Email, survey, or other post-event communication or

10. Make a one or two-liner introduction of the speaker before his/her

onboarding. We call this hand-off. Provide coordinating presence through handoffs
but not to add any content during the session.

11. Manage the Q&A segment. When you read an attendee question, make sure
to say the first name of the person or make up a name if it is a “seed” question.

12. Stay focused and be ready to jump in if necessary to deal with an audio
problem, dead air, a lost connection, or other technical problems.

13. Avoid mentioning the obvious, like the technical glitch instead make short
advertisement, campaign (if available), make short reminders (of evaluation), if
other participants mention the viewership or reach, or restate the platforms where
the webinar is accessed
14. Monitor session flow and timing. Handle politely the inappropriate comments
in the chat room. You may say, “Please refrain from posting inappropriate comments
for a public audience with respect to all our guests. Thank you!” If same troubles
persist, seek assistance from ICT in-charge to remove such attendee from the session

Address: Regional Center, Brgy. Carpenter Hill, City of Koronadal

Telefax No.: (083) 2288825/ (083) 2281893
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Enclosure No. 3 to HRDD Memorandum No. 16, 2020




Roles and responsibilities stipulated here do not interfere with roles and
responsibilities stated in DO. 001, s. 2020.


ORD Regional Director  Reviews and approves
recommendation or
proposals for webinar/
online training from the
 Ensures adherence to DO
001,s. 2020
PAU  Campaigns through
various platforms the
conduct of the
webinar/online session
 Hosts live watch party to
boost reach of audience
 Creates press releases for
the webinar
HRDD Chief  Leads planning and
discussion on the webinar
series which includes
theme, topic/s, available
resource speakers,
participants and logistics
 Reviews strategic
alignment of
themes/topics to the
DepEd 12 Strategic
Objectives, NEAP-HRDD
LCP and PD Priorities for
SY 2020-2023
 Evaluates adherence of
process to DO 001, s.

Address: Regional Center, Brgy. Carpenter Hill, City of Koronadal

Telefax No.: (083) 2288825/ (083) 2281893
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
 Assigns webinar session
to FD or facilitates
approval of online training
 Oversees the preparation
and conduct of the
webinar/online training
 Facilitates NEAP
recognition and CPD units
for the sessions

Assigned Functional Chief  Prepares the

Division memorandum for the
webinar series/online
 Assigns moderator for the
webinar series/online
 Transacts with BAC and
FD for the logistics ( AR,
PR, etc) and
 Sends invites to resource
 Ascertains the FD
employees attendance in
the session/s
 Facilitates online
distribution of certificates
to participants who have
submitted online

Finance Division Chief  Facilitates processing of

request for funding
ICT Unit AldwinOpre, Edgar Mel  Lead technical dry run
Dacut, Charl Lorenz with moderator and
Nadela speaker/s
 Detect, raise and resolve
technical issues that may
arise during the dry run
 Invite the participants
thru email and provide
the link to the
participants a day prior to
the scheduled event
 Provide physical presence
15 minutes prior to sign-

Address: Regional Center, Brgy. Carpenter Hill, City of Koronadal

Telefax No.: (083) 2288825/ (083) 2281893
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
in to check possible
technical issues
 Act as technical guide
throughout the
 Check for breach of
protocol and resolve
AD Generator operator  Secures standby
generator power for
possible power
Cash Unit, Lydia Initan  Prepares and process
payments for resource
speakers and other
QAD Chief  Assigns M&E in-charge
for the session
 Provides link for Online
Evaluation of the session
 Gathers feedback through
the online evaluation and
reports this feedback
during ProgCom
 Assures the quality and
observance to ethical
standards of the
questions being raised
during the session
PPRD Ulysses  Prepares and finalizes
layout for the
webinar/online training
FTAD Chief  Collaborates with HRDD
for possible technical
assistance to SDOs in the
conduct of sessions


The schools division offices may issue a separate memorandum for the role
assignments and responsibilities.

Address: Regional Center, Brgy. Carpenter Hill, City of Koronadal

Telefax No.: (083) 2288825/ (083) 2281893

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