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3-5th Grade

Service-Learning Projects Brainstorming Sheet

Idea and/or Plan to Implement Possible Standards Covered

● Health Campaign: Importance of
wearing masks, hand washing
● Community Garden: Teach gardening
tips, cultivation
● Clean up a local beach or park
● Penpal with elders at a retirement home
● Plant trees at a local park
● Implement a recycling program at school
or in the community- money collected
can be donated to an organization
● Backpack campaign for students: Collect
donated backpacks and school supplies
to donate to a local community or school
in need

4th Grade- ● ELA:

● Veterans Outreach- research current/recent ○ Research, writing, editing,
conflicts around the world, needs of veterans. presentation
advertise/promote gift cards/ well wishes ■ Informative, persuasive
cards. Tour VA hospital and visit patients. ● Math: budgeting, money, measurement,
● “Obstacle-a thon” plan an obstacle course/ design & engineering
bike rodeo for money raised. ● Science: life sciences/biology, environmental
● Hunger banquet- what does it really mean to science
live on canned/prepared food? How ● Social Studies: current events, recent
much/what kinds of food are needed to live conflicts
well? How can we serve others healthfully?
● End-of-the-year “gleaning”- as people clean
out backpacks/lockers, gather unused/usable
school supplies, books, etc. for a campus
“free shop”.
● Social Justice Science Fair- as part of their
projects, reflect on how this can also be
incorporated as a service project, fundraiser,
or spotlight an organization that has some
relationship with this issue. (eg: a botany
project that spotlights a community farm or
apiary, a physics project that spotlights an
organization that innovates
wheelchair/mobility tech).

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