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This reinforced my reasons to become a teacher…

The main reason I wanted become a teacher was to help as many students as possible.
Although every student’s best may look different from the next, it is my goal to help every
student identify and overcome barriers. I think it is easy to get frustrated with undesirable student
behavior but reframing how I view their behavior has helped how I approach teaching and
improve student learning. I often remind myself of Ross Greene’s quote, “Kids do well if they
can.” It has helped me think about what barriers are getting in the student’s way and how I can
help them.
This week, I spent a lot of time with a student whose attendance has been poor
throughout the year. He often seems reluctant to do his work, but I purposefully spent time trying
to figure out why he can’t finish his tasks. Through observations, I noticed he does well when he
does his work but often has trouble starting. When I helped the student this week, he seemed
much more successful when I checked up on his progress frequently and asked if he needed any
help. He seemed to lack confidence in his own skills and felt uncomfortable asking for help.
The moment that reinforced my reasons to become a teacher was when the student asked
for help without me asking for the first time. I was able to help him get started on the task and
he was able to complete most of it on his own. It felt like I had made a positive impact on this
student. Not only did he get most of his work finished, but there was a noticeable change in
effort. For the first time since I have been in the classroom, he showed up to class every day and
put in lots of effort in his work.
If I can continuously remind myself of Ross Greene’s approach to student behavior, I
think it will help me create a more inviting and safe learning environment. If the class is having
challenges staying focused on their task, there might be something I can do to help the students. I
have been able to try a variety of strategies over the weeks to help students stay focused and
quiet without the use of rewards and punishments. For example, I have used quiet ambient music
to help students focus, or a timer on the SMARTboard to remind students of how much time they
have left to finish their task.
It has been amazing to see the progress many students have made in the short time I have
been in the classroom. These are the reasons I want to be a teacher and I am reminded of it every
week. I want to help find and remove barriers for students who are struggling and challenge
students who are ahead.

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