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Discussion & Workshop

Duration: 2 hours per group
Hopes & Fears 5 min
- Ask team members, "What about this project are you excited about? What are you concerned about?
What do you think won't work?"
- Section off a white board / sticky note into two sections, "Hopes" and "Fears" and encourage users to
write down at least one hope and/or fear on a post-it, then stick it on the board. Spend about 5 minutes
up front getting comfortable and warmed up and gauge everyone's current feelings about the workshop
and project.
- Leave the hopes / fears open for people to add to throughout the workshop at any time.

Stakeholders Needs 30 min

- Prompt users to consider their needs, write on sticky notes and place on the whiteboards. I need a way
to ________ so that ________.
- Once everyone is done, group the sticky notes by theme / similarities. Then try to sum up each group
with its own statement.

Storyboarding 30 min
- Ask users to think about how they do their job today. How do they feel about the current process?
What do they do to cope with the problems that they face?
- Invite users to each create their own storyboard

Break if needed 5 min

- Quick break if needed

As Is / To Be 20 min
- Create & fill out table following the "Doing / Thinking / Feeling" model*
* How do you accomplish the tasks you need to accomplish? What do you think about your current
process?   How does that make you feel?

Hill Statements 20 min

At this point things should start shaping up a bit. We'll circle back on what we've done by writing out
some Hill statements, and capturing Big Ideas as they come up.

Prioritization 10 min

High Priority From the previous activities, some

core needs should be identified.
Have users arrange them on the
board by priority. In the discussion
with the developers, we'll evaluate
and adjust positions to reflect the
difficulty in fulfilling each need. (This
will likely be a longer discussion for
the dev group, so a little less time
should be spent on the previous
Easy / Cheap
Stakeholders Needs 30 min
We'll have a bunch of need statements ready for the agile team.
I need a way to ________ so that ________.

Prioritization Grid
After all the teams have met, we'll have a grid ready to go that the developers can reference as they
begin planning.

Hill Statements
These are sentences that put the user's needs into focus. They contain a who, a what, and a wow! Here's
an example:
Who A sales leader
What can assemble an agile response team from across her entire corporation
Wow in 24 hours, without management involvement.
These are great help when you need to refocus on the user if development gets off track. They're also
just handy for understanding the real problems we need to solve.

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