Module 5 Business Analyst As The Problem Solver and How They Evolved.

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CAEC 11A – Strategic Business Analysis

Module 5 – Business Analyst as the Problem Solver

and how they Evolved
arose within the business and the most viable
solution needed to address that problem.

The BA also performs different tasks throughout the

LEARNING whole operation of a business. Because of this, the
OBJECTIVES skills needed by a Business Analyst was included.
Aside from that, job or positions that are performed
After studying this module, you should be able to: by a BA was also mentioned.

a. Define the nature of being a Business The BA role is explained in this instructional
Analyst and the context. material. Understand that if you acquired a position
someday in a prestigious company, you can also be
b. Recognize the roles and responsibilities of a
a BA so this material can give you an idea of the
Business Analyst
nature of this job.
c. Know the main goal of being a Business
Analyst and discover how to be ideal for the
Being a business analyst will require a lot of skills for
TOPIC them to perform their job at an optimum level.
According to the International Institute of Business
Analysis, some of the most important skills and
1. The Business Analyst experience are the following:
a. Define what Business Analyst
b. Understand the context of being a • Oral and written communication skills
Business Analyst • Interpersonal and consultative skills
• Facilitation skills
2. The Roles and Responsibilities of the • Analytical thinking and problem solving
Business Analyst
• Being detail-oriented and capable of
3. Business Analyst in the Center delivering a high level of accuracy
• Organizational skills
4. The Ideal Business Analyst • Knowledge of the business structure
• Stakeholder analysis
• Requirements engineering
OVERVIEW • Costs benefit analysis
• Processes modeling
• Understanding of networks, databases, and
The module contains discussion and information in other technology
relation to the nature of the job of a business
Some of the skills are also necessary for most the
analyst. At the core of a business, the BA serves as
job especially for an individual to stay competitive in
the connecting point between the problem that
the corporate world.

Module 5 – Business Analyst as the Problem Solver and how they Evolved| Page 1 of 7
The activity will be a self-assessment about the level solutions that enable the organization to achieve its
of the skill that you were at as of the moment. The goals.”
objective is to know your weaknesses and strengths
so that you would know what to focus on to develop. In 2009, the IIBA updated its definition to ‘‘A
business analyst is any person who performs
Click here to submit your answer. business analysis activities, no matter what their job
title or organizational role may be.’’ Business
BUSINESS ANALYST AS A analysis activities involve ‘‘understanding how
organizations function to accomplish their purposes
PROBLEM SOLVER and defining the capabilities an organization
requires to provide products and services to external
The business analyst solves business problems. stakeholders. It includes the definition of
They also add up value to the organization. They organizational goals, how those goals connect to
don’t do this just by defining the set of requirements specific objectives, determining the courses of
to be complied with. Being a business analyst action that an organization has to undertake to
means one is in the center of change in the achieve those goals and objectives, and defining
organization, and there is a danger if it is not how the various organizational units and
mapped or at the least, a good action plan or a stakeholders within and outside of that organization
contingency plan. interact.’’
The problems of today in terms of the business As a problem solver, a business analyst may use
organization and the fast-paced business Matt Fishbeck’s Six-Step Problem Solving
environment can seem to overwhelm to one who is Framework which consists of the following:
lead with solving those problems and keeping up
with the pace. In the event of failure, BA were the
ones who are blamed despite the efforts that they
have exerted.

The process of solving problems, adapting to

change, and implementing solutions can be made
easier by adopting a systematic approach. An
approach that can be used each and every time and
one gained credibility through successful use in the
past. Systems approaches are used in solving
problems. At the center of it all is the business

So what is a business analyst? Why are business

analysts important to an organization? Does
business analysts serve as middlemen, translators,
or conduit within the organization?

As defined by the International Institute of Business

Analysis, “A business analyst works as a liaison
among stakeholders in order to elicit, analyze,
communicate and validate requirements for
changes to business processes, policies, and
information systems. The business analyst
understands business problems and opportunities in
the context of the requirements and recommends

Module 5 – Business Analyst as the Problem Solver and how they Evolved| Page 2 of 7
The stages do not need to be completed validate the requisites to a business process,
sequentially; the individual stages may be repeated information system, or a set of new policies and
and be completed in iterations. guidelines.

Back in 2012, in a book entitled “Business Analysis: A professional business analyst plays a large part in
Best Practices for Success” written by Steven P. making the organization more efficient, productive,
Blais, it was described that being a Business Analyst and profitable.
was a new position in the corporate hierarchy. It
means that the job hasn’t been a decade old yet but The list below are the priorities of a business
it has high importance in an organization. Business analyst:
Analyst has the following qualities:
• Understand what the business does and
how it does
• Determine how to improve existing business
• Identify the steps or tasks to support the
implementation of new features
• Design the new features to implement
• Analyze the impact of implementing new
• Implement the new features

Aside from being a business analyst, their roles are

also categorized into various jobs or positions such

• Business Process Analyst

• IT Business Analyst
• Business System Analyst
• System Analyst
• Data Analyst
In a traditional business environment, business • Functional Architect
analysts are not defined as position yet. But in • Usability or UX (User eXperience) Analyst
reality, the role of the business analyst is not new
but rather a role played originally by the first
business owners who challenged his staff to come LEARNING
up with efficient ways to make the job easier. The
roles of business analysts have also been performed
by positions like project managers, systems
analysts, and business managers. The objective of this activity is to give you an idea of
how a business analyst performs different tasks.
Being a business analyst requires a lot of specialty
and skills.
From the list of jobs or positions stated from the
BUSINESS ANALYST previous statements, identify the major tasks, and
provide the job description of each.
The major role of a business analyst is to mainly get
in touch with stakeholders and to elicit, analyze and Submit your answers here.

Module 5 – Business Analyst as the Problem Solver and how they Evolved| Page 3 of 7
• Planning and monitoring
• Financial modeling
BUSINESS ANALYST • Variance Analysis
• Pricing
When it comes to responsibilities, the focus of a • Reporting
business analyst regardless of any industry are: • Defining business requirements and
reporting them back to stakeholders

A business analyst is expected to develop new

models that underpin sound business decisions in
addition to conducting financial and operational
modeling. A job description for a business analyst
should consider the streamlining and enhancement
of internal and external reporting. The position
should also require a good understanding of
regulatory and reporting requirements as well as
plenty of forecasting, budgeting, and financial
analysis experience in combination with an
understanding of key performance indicators.


To understand the nature of the activities stated in

connection to being a business analyst, research
what the activities are all about. Provide descriptions
of the following:

• Budgeting
• Forecasting
• Planning
• Monitoring
• Financial Modeling
• Variance Analysis
To validate and develop business requirements are
• Pricing
at the center of a business analyst’s role while
• Reporting
requirements administration is one of the skills a
business analyst is expected to possess.

In connection to requirements, the business analyst Remember, the terms are also common in different
is expected to take lead in the following activities: areas and disciplines so make sure that the
description you will find is connected to the
• Creating a detailed business analysis,
business. The description is not limited to the
outlining problems, opportunities, and
solutions for a business
• Budgeting and forecasting Submit your answers here.

Module 5 – Business Analyst as the Problem Solver and how they Evolved| Page 4 of 7
No matter how you look at it, the business will
always be at the center. There are three
THE CENTER communities that the business analyst must deal
with during the project implementation up until its
The figure below illustrates how a business analyst completion.
serves as the core of a process or a project. It
depicts how it connects between various areas of a Take a moment to the student the flow chart of a
project and how they provide solutions to the project with a business analyst's involvement.
problems encountered by the organization.

Module 5 – Business Analyst as the Problem Solver and how they Evolved| Page 5 of 7
The business community represents the part of the that the product to be developed is necessary and
firm that is involved with problems to be solved. It will provide a benefit to the organization. The
can represent problems in accounting or something solution team’s job is to make it happen within the
like the collections department. budget and timeframe

The business manager is the highest-ranking office Upper-level management maps the organization's
in an organizational structure that is directly strategic course and tracks it. Since projects are
associated with the are of business. An example tactical, the specifics of projects usually do not
would be, if a problem is in the operations involve upper-level management. We have a term for
department, the business manager is the operations it when upper-level management gets too involved in
manager. the project details: micromanagement. For the
upper-level supervisors who do this kind of stuff,
The problem owner is the primary lead contact for process employees often have a word, but that word
the problem experienced by an organization or is best left unsaid.
department. The problem owner is in charge to find
a solution to an identified problem in a business
area. The process works on the other hand is anyone
who works with a system or process in question as FOCUS
included with his/her daily job. Process workers are
also referred to sometimes as users since they are The business analyst focuses primarily on the
the ones who are directly using the process that was business or example, the business analyst may be
established. involved in rearranging job descriptions and
reorganizing manual tasks as part of a process
The business community will always have problems. improvement effort, assisting upper-level
Such problems can arise from new government management in determining business strategy, or
regulations, new products from the competition, a gathering the information and performing
new market to break into, the need to expand sales benchmarks for requests for proposals (RFP).
and customer support, mergers, acquisitions, Regardless, the focus is always on the product, the
divestitures, and employee turnover. solution to the business problem. The ultimate goal
of the business analyst is to solve that business
The development community mostly consists of
problem, nothing less. When technology is involved
information technology personnel but in other
the business analyst is a member of the solution
problems that are not IT-based, research and
team but is still focused on the solution. In many
development are also involved. Developing a new
situations, the business analyst is the only one so
drug or vaccine is not mainly IT-based but requires
other requirements such as science.
The truth is that the industry has not really come up
The job of the development community is to ensure
with a standard definition of what a business analyst
the completion of a successful project. A successful
does, even with the definitions in the IIBA’s Business
project is defined as being within budget, meeting
Analyst Body of Knowledge and other sources. This
the scheduled deadline, and delivering everything
is because business analysts have come from both
that was promised for that budget and schedule.
the technical and business sides of organizations
Except for ongoing operations, everything on the
and the role is still evolving), so there has not been
development side is a project. From a project
coalescence on a single definition. Here is an
perspective, the team is not concerned with whether
analogy that I think captures the essence of the
the result of the project actually solves the problem,
business analyst: the business internist.
only that the project is a success. The project
manager and solution team rightfully assume that
the business has done due diligence and determined

Module 5 – Business Analyst as the Problem Solver and how they Evolved| Page 6 of 7

Half, R. (ND). Business Analyst job description guide.

• BA is an important role or job in any Retrieved from
organization even though it was only given
importance much recently compared to services/finance-accounting/business-
known jobs/positions like CEO, CFO, and analyst-jobs
COO. BA was existing prior to the
development of the term but only in terms of Indeed for Employers (ND). What Does a Business
its function. Analyst Do? Roles and Responsibilities.
Retrieved from
• The focus of a BA is mainly to provide a
solution to an existing problem or to provide does-a-business-analysts-do
a solution to a future problem such as an
impending change in the government Villanova University (ND). Business Analysis Career
regulation or probably a new innovation that Path. Retrieved from
can result in a threat.
• BA is in the center of any organization. They
serve as the connecting point between a
problem and a solution.
Compiled by:


REFERENCES Faculty, College of Business Management and

Blais, S. (2012). Business Analysis: Best Practices

for Success. International Institute for
Learning, Inc.

Yayici, E. (2015). Business Analysis Methodology

Book: Business Analyst's Guide to
Requirements Analysis, Lean UX. BA Works
Inspiring Series.


Arora, M. (2020). The Role and Responsibilities of

Business Analyst. Retrieved from

Business Analyst Learnings (2019). Key

Responsibilities Of A Business Analyst.
Retrieved from

Module 5 – Business Analyst as the Problem Solver and how they Evolved| Page 7 of 7

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