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The name is FRIENDCOLOGIST APP, which means application of psychological friends,

which is born together from an idea that has to create an application which helps vulnerable

people who do not have income to attend therapy. From there the idea of the name with

which we want to interact with other colleagues who want to join this non-profit social

work is part, thus giving benefit to those most in need in psychological help.


It will be an intelligent educational application where paychologists can interact with

people, they can help in the mental health needs that they require, one of its characteristics

is its digital games which can help a faster diagnosis by the psychologist, that is An

educational application as well its no, what it indicates is an aid so that they can instruct

and learn from these professionals in mental health


Our application is blue where the logo is the silhouette of a head of a person in profile

where there is another character shining a flashlight on the way the brain works, which is a

mechanism or we can call it a machinery, next to it there is a Mobile phone in which it

shows us the interaction that our public interested in our application has, where they have a

conversation to learn about their case

It is an educational application that helps low-income people with mental health problems

who do not have access to health professionals to make their queries and have therapies

with psychologists, these giving their opinions and intervening with patients who need it. is

a non-profit application that seeks to give a common good.


This application must first of all be downloaded to your mobile phone, tablet, computer or

any other type of technological tool that you have, once downloaded you make a

registration with your general data such as names, surnames, age etc, after there you put the

help in mental health that you want, you will be attended through a virtual shift that the

same application will generate, from there you go to consult with a professional.


After having done the entire registration process and having already received the first

attention with the professional, we are going to go on to a second interview to see how we

are going to work with the patient, thus playing with our interactions that are in our

application as games of diagnosis, and thus having a clear diagnosis we will go to a

treatment and forms of intervention that we are going to have, he will continue playing in

our application and will learn from it.

Conoce nuestra iniciativa para ayudar a solucionar problemas de salud mental, ¡VEN PON
¡Ayudanos a construir una mejor salud mental a los que mas lo necesitan!
Today for them, tomorrow for you! With your contribution we give better mental health to
the most vulnerable.

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