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Pasco Sheriff’s Office Poston, D. Public Records Exemptions 91-5404 Records are provided in accordance with Florida Statutes and the Public Records Law. The following has been redacted from your report pursuant to Florida Statue: Abuse Hot Line Information - FS 39.202 Account Numbers - FS 119.071(5)b Active Investigation - FS 119.071(2)(c)1 1o00 911 Caller Information - FS 365.171(12) [Acris Abuse - FS 119.071(2)(h)1 Confidential Informants - FS 119.071(2)(f) 1 criminal intettigence Information - FS 119.071(2)(h)2 (1 david - Fs 322.142(4) FCICINCIC Information - FS 943.053(2) & (3) [J Juvenile Offender Records - FS 985.04(1) Law Enforcement Personnel Information - FS 119.071(4) [A Marsy’s Law - Vietim Information - FS 119.071(2)(h)1 Medical - FS 119.0712(1) [J sexual Offense - FS 119.071(2)(h)1 & FS 794.024 J] Social Security Number - FS 119.071(5)(a)5 SRO/SAFE School Officer - FS 1006.12(6) Undercover Personnel - FS 119.071(4)¢ oO 1 Threat Assesment - FS 119.071 (3)(a)1(b) Oo Other: __ PSOH20124 Revised: 5720 —-Reviewedby: — CUUSH: 4277 Date: 8/7720 PASCO COUNTY COMPLAINT AFFIDAVIT Wlrsorosioo Cinprporiosiozo Cl prpprLosioso - __Cocronosioio __F}zponosres00 Ele rozre000, = SS feo fa ar EB poe Femaae |DXour [Jamon ~~ QT Eh tte ae pee eee we. 7492 LITTLE RD, NeW | 7906 RIDGE RD, PORT RICHEY, FL. 34868 a= pe eto | ESS Retied fy Bn De Be Handsiievtoovteetti | Ciion Classy Eltunscan mal i Domest Raed CY OOH | Sabie Ov ms = — = Hear | Jom asus 1 E= = REQUEST FOR INVESTIGATIVE GOBTS RECOVERY [ DE IED corTnID MO Bra Pure an ws aT a AGO OUEST BL AO UOET RUBE P53 938.2711) ‘Hae aD a DOFONOT COMED FCLING ATOM LAW loas * 2476 ome 2 wvar Aerit eM ny 230 Ohw Bru |sotimestgane nes $0_x_25 > __ 260 on 04/27/21 at approximately 2:3 250 ibs. female defendant was Jworking as s chasco Elenentary ‘teacher. The S-yeer-od, WMD. ate victin was in the defendants care and custody as 0 student QMMIMD. ce victin was sittiag in i H i ly pote ter Re ee ‘2-year-old, 54 ‘victim continued making noises. The victim advised defendant grabbed him by his left arm, which she hinged bebind his back, and used to 1ift him from the seated position, The defendant | then dragged the victim approximately 15 feet, across the comon area, into an sdjacent classroom. Upon entering the classroom, the defendant threw the victim to the ground, where he ‘ss t continued «+ Fe eae SOET ae aes ‘ae mr wy * —— oO Fear I iene = er 7 | Jenbcons ORME MT NTC SED NT AE MO, a = Bes 4 Sieasormrecmasemoner a | SEKERES, CH. i ae it SEKERES, C. 378 | | Jor 2 | LI | Foam Re ‘CLERK OF COURT The defendants 4e a teacher"s assintant vho was present in the room where the victim was thrown. T-**’ --- advised she observed che defendant drag the victim into the room by his arm and throw him to the ground “like he was a baseball player sliding into hone plate." Witness ~~~ 4g a teacher who was present with T""* ~ 4m the classroom where the victim was thrown. . advised she observed the @efendant walk into the room carrying the victim by his arm and “throw him to the ground like a sack of potatoes." advised the victim began rocking back forth and appeared visibly upset. | assessed the victim for injuries, and she heard the victim say, "that wasnt fair, ‘she shouldn“t have thrown me.* Both | and 3 advised the defendant left the victim ying on the floor and did not check his welfare before walking away without eaying anything. 1-7" “send 7 | reported their observations to the achool Principal. Based on my investigation, I determined the defendant knowingly and willfully abused the S-year-old victim by grabbing his left arm, lifting him out of his seat, dragging hin ‘epproxinately 15 feet, and then throwing hin to the floor. This defendants~ abusive actions were clearly intentional and caused the victim significant pain to his body and viaible bruising to his left arm. As a teacher, the defendant did not have the legal authority to physically Giscipline the victim and the defendant~s abusive actions are not considered legal Giecipline for any misbehaving child. teemares ‘CLERK OF COURT

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