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Morning Meeting Plan Facilitators_Victoria Fox, Madi Savage, Gabe

Date 3/22/21________________________________

Social Objective(s): What will students know or be able to do socially as a result of this meeting?

The class will be able to connect with each other in civil conversation and share with the whole group when

Students will be able to share goals with others and help others set goals for themselves.
Academic Objective(s): What will students know or be able to do academically as a result of this meeting?

Students will learn or review SMART goal setting and identify the components that make a goal manageable.

Assessment: How will you know the students have met your objectives? What will you see students do/what
will you hear students say that will demonstrate their learning of your content?

Students will be able to participate in the KAHOOT and write goals on their 2 sticky notes (one for our goal
poster, one for themselves) illustrating they understand the goal setting content discussed.

MEETING MANAGEMENT We will remain in sight of the E-Learners, but have two leaders circulate during the
share portion.
*How will you transition
to the meeting area? We will use a music timer, call- back (HAKUNA MATATA), sticky note activity
(posters), and KAHOOT summary.
*How will you arrange
yourself and the students We will use a powerpoint with reminders/ instruction for visual learners or those
(location in the who need support in order to convey the expectations.
classroom, seating during
We will reinforce on task behaviors from surrounding peers. We will involve
the read-aloud)?
friendly redirects only when necessary. We will keep pacing consistent to support
*What processes & on-task behaviors. If distraction is persistent, the closest teacher will ask students
to separate and remind them of the activity and its importance.
procedures will you use?

*How will you gain

student attention?

*How will you

communicate those
procedures and your
expectations to students?

*How will you intervene

if students are not
meeting the behavior

What skills or processes We are expecting some students to need support with KAHOOT.
are you expecting of
Morning Meeting Plan Facilitators_Victoria Fox, Madi Savage, Gabe
Date 3/22/21________________________________
students that might need Due to the distancing and room size, finding partners for collaboration can be
to be taught? (Ex. How to difficult so we expect students to need assistance facilitating that portion of the
talk to a partner, how to meeting as well.
listen to a partner, what
We will teach our attention getter “HAKUNA…. MATATA”.
to do when you hear an
attention getter, etc.)
Greeting “So we have all just reviewed the evening message, so we would now like you to
stand up and greet one person you do not usually greet or partner with. They can
not be in your immediate area. We would like you to say good evening, followed by
*What will you say & do? their name, and tell them your favorite disney character. If you do not have a
favorite disney character it can be a book character or other movie character that
*What will students say you like and why. When you have both shared please go back to your seats”
& do?

We will model the greeting by saying:

“Good evening Mr. Browning , my favorite Disney character is Captain America,

because Chris Evans“

“Good evening Ms. Fox, my favorite Disney character is Lumiere, because he is


We will use a music timer for the students who may take longer to share as a cut
off point for the greeting. Ms. Savage will check in with the online students. Mr.
Browning and Ms. Fox will facilitate partnerships and circulate during share.

We will call on a few students to share if they would like to, then Ms. Savage will
share the e-learner’s responses.

Share “Setting goals can help you achieve things that seem difficult to reach. For our
share, turn and tell a neighbor about a goal you have achieved or want to achieve.
We will revisit this goal later after we discuss how to make it attainable.Please pay
*What will you say & do? close attention, because after we share we will call on some friends to share what
their partner or partners said. We are modelling something you could use with
*What will students say students, by working on collaboration and listening skills”
& do?

Use call back “HAKUNA MATATA”

“Just like we often do in this class we would like you to call on a raised hand after
Morning Meeting Plan Facilitators_Victoria Fox, Madi Savage, Gabe
Date 3/22/21________________________________
you have shared, we will hear from 5 students”

Students will discuss and share what their partner said when called on, then call on
another student to share. After face-to-face student share, Ms. Savage will share
the e-learners goals to the class.

Group Activity For our group activity we will share a very short video(Motivational short video -
How to succeed - cartoon) about setting goals and ask students to tell us what the
tools Mike Wasouski used to reach his goal were (studying, calendar, textbooks,
*What will you say & do? hard work, perseverance, practice).

*What will students say We will then share a powerpoint slide outlining SMART goal setting. We will ask
& do? students to raise their hand if they have heard of SMART goals so we can tailor the
lesson as a review or as a more detailed overview.

“That was a great mini discussion about what it takes to reach a goal, now let’s dive
a little deeper into goal setting” “Goals should be SMART (Specific, Measurable,
Attainable, Reasonable, and Time-Based) in order to ensure they are efficient goals,
so now that we have defined SMART goals we would like you to revise the goal you
shared earlier into a SMART goal and write it on both sticky notes you picked up
earlier. We are going to make some class goal posters. The second sticky is for you
to keep to remind you of the goal you set for yourself that you are working
towards. Writing a goal out on paper is a valuable step in the process of reaching

“When you are done writing down your goals please locate the poster on your side
of the room and stick your note up. We are so proud of you for setting goals with
us today!”


To summarize what we have discussed, we would like to do a quick and fun

KAHOOT based on the information you heard today”

We will ask students to put in the KAHOOT code and play along or get with a
shoulder partner if they do not have a device. We will check in with the online
students to make sure they have access or can type answers in the chat.
Morning Meeting Plan Facilitators_Victoria Fox, Madi Savage, Gabe
Date 3/22/21________________________________

In case of technical difficulties, we will ask students verbally and have them
popcorn out to their peers for the questions.

“We would thank everyone for participating and being engaged in our goal setting.
Today we bonded over our favorite Disney characters and set some fantastic
SMART goals. We now have a poster of these goals and you have access to your
written goal everyday.”

Morning Message As students come into the room we will play Disney Classical hits as they get
settled, sign in, grab two sticky notes for our activity, and sit down, Ms. Savage will
introduce us and ‘read the morning message at 5:00.
*What will the text of
your message be?
“Good evening Imaginative interns,
*How will you review the
message with students – Today we want to celebrate the magical goals we have achieved throughout this
what will you say & do? semester. We want to hear what suggestions you have about setting or maintaining
What will students say & your goals whether they are academic, personal, or internship related. During this
do? meeting there will be some time to discuss. It is so important we are able to
support one another along our educational rollercoaster. Thank you all for being
here with us, we are excited to exchange some ideas with you!”
2 minutes

In case of technical difficulties, we will just read the evening message of the
computer screen.

Walt Disney had a lot to say about reaching your goals and we believe he had some
pretty big ones that he achieved. Here is a quote from him...
Morning Meeting Plan Facilitators_Victoria Fox, Madi Savage, Gabe
Date 3/22/21________________________________

Ms. Fox

Mr. Browning

Ms. Savage”

We will have students read the morning message as they are coming in and give an
additional moment for everyone to make sure they have read the message before
moving to the share portion.

We will copy paste the message in the chat for the E-learners.

“For our attention getter, keeping with the Disney theme, we will say Hakuna, you
will say MATATA! Let’s Practice this one time”
Morning Meeting Plan Facilitators_Victoria Fox, Madi Savage, Gabe
Date 3/22/21________________________________

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