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Race and racism in the geosciences

Geoscientists in the United States are predominantly White. Progress towards diversification can only come with a
concerted shift in mindsets and a deeper understanding of the complexities of race.

Kuheli Dutt

he geosciences are among the race. People of colour tend to view race as malice. For example, the 2019 Survey of US
least diverse science, technology, an important part of their identity, whereas College and University Presidents7 showed
engineering and mathematics (STEM) White people tend to view it as incidental. that whereas only 25% of presidents viewed
fields in the United States, with almost Moreover, references to race and racism race relations on college campuses overall
90% of doctoral degrees awarded to White often make people of colour feel seen and as good or excellent, 81% of presidents
people1. And racial diversity in PhD-level heard, whereas White people tend to view rated race relations on their own campus
Earth scientists has not improved over the such references as unnecessary or even as good or excellent. Furthermore, in US
past four decades, with faculty of colour inappropriate. Another consistent pattern I colleges, more than 80% of presidencies
holding only 3.8% of tenured or tenure have noticed is that most people of colour and 75% of managerial positions are held
track positions in the top 100 geoscience do not feel comfortable discussing race with by White people. That is, people who do
departments2. The less diverse a field, the White colleagues. This is not because they not experience systemic racial oppression
less welcoming it is to minorities, and the think those White people are bad people themselves end up dominating the
more prevalent implicit biases become. — on the contrary, I often hear glowing racial narrative, regardless of the actual
Combined with structural and social factors, accounts about mentors and supervisors. But experiences of people of colour.
the relative homogeneity in geoscience people of colour fear that such discussions Earlier this summer, our graduate
reinforces the dominant culture. As a result, might trigger tensions that they want to students were targeted with hateful, racist
women3, people from sexual and gender avoid, especially in hierarchical settings such e-mails from an anonymous sender.
minorities4, and Black and Hispanic people5 as academia. Many were shaken by the incident, and
all leave the field at higher rates than the we took the opportunity to open up a
average student or practitioner. “Most people of colour do not deeper conversation on campus about
The term ‘colourblind racism’6 is feel comfortable discussing race and racial bias. There was widespread
used to describe the declaration that condemnation of the incident. However,
someone simply does not see colour, race with White colleagues. people responded differently in terms of the
denoting a subtler form of racism than ownership that they felt when a minority
overt racism. Many White people who
This is not because they think group was attacked. Whereas some engaged
are not aware of (and would deny having) those White people are in community events around the incident,
any racist tendencies unwittingly engage others expressed concern that they were
in it. Although this is not intentional,
bad people.” being asked to attend a racial bias training
disregarding race in a setting with a strong Implicit racism is deeply embedded in despite not being responsible for the e-mails.
imbalance in power — as is the case in many US society, and geoscience culture is no If we truly want to create an inclusive
US geoscience departments — reinforces exception. A lack of awareness exacerbates geoscience culture, dominant groups need
race being viewed by default from a the problem. First, many individuals who are to take ownership, instead of minorities
perspective of being White. privileged by belonging to dominant groups bearing the burden8.
do not feel responsible for the systemic This is easier said than done, when
Racism versus prejudice racism in that culture. Second, the subject of different groups do not even see the
Racism and prejudice are distinct, in privileges that White researchers enjoy is an problem through the same lens. A survey
that racism denotes a systemic advantage uncomfortable topic as many White people by the Pew Center on perceptions of race
that benefits a dominant group, such as equate it with being implicated in racism, and inequality in the United States found
White people, whereas prejudice suggests feeling that it challenges their identities as profound differences between Black and
individual bias. People of any race can good people. This is a misconception: having White adults, with 88% of Black respondents
be prejudiced, yet systemic racism is not privileges as a consequence of being White expressing that racial inequality needed
so much about prejudice as it is about a does not mean that one has not experienced to be addressed, compared with only
power differential between majority and other forms of oppression, it just means that 53% of White respondents9. In a different
minority groups. Many White people do not racism is not one of them. Third, when it study that included STEM and non-STEM
acknowledge systemic racism. This can be is the norm to be White, maintaining the faculty, as well as people from the general
perceived by people of colour as a lack of comfort of White people becomes part of public, men tended to be more skeptical
awareness, or as a lack of caring from those the unwritten code of a culture, a code that of gender bias research than women, and
who are not exposed to it. people of colour often follow. this was especially prominent among male
As the Diversity Officer for a geoscience STEM faculty10. These results suggests that
campus with predominantly White students Oblivious to bias people who don’t experience a certain type
and staff, I have noticed a consistent pattern: Not acknowledging this bias means that the of inequity tend to dismiss it more easily
there is a massive disconnect between how realities of people of colour are dismissed, than those who do. If the experiences of
White people and people of colour view often by obliviousness rather than out of minorities are collectively dismissed, that
2 Nature Geoscience | VOL 13 | January 2020 | 2–3 |

can lead to a feeling of not belonging, which awareness to addressing the dominant acknowledge the problem, but also to take
in the geosciences is a powerful force that culture, ideally in campus-wide dialogues. individual responsibility for it. The only way
can drive minorities away from the field11. It is important to avoid putting minorities we can change the geoscience culture is by
Diversity and inclusion cannot exist on the spot: just as there is no single White a massive shift in individual mindsets, with
without a sense of belonging. We need to opinion on race, there is no single Black or the aim of moving the field from passively
acknowledge people’s identities for them to Latinx or Asian opinion. non-racist to actively anti-racist. ❐
feel included. Focusing on diversity without At an institutional level, leaders need to
inclusion makes marginalized groups be especially proactive. Affinity bias — the Kuheli Dutt
feel that they merely serve as a diversity tendency to prefer people like ourselves — is Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory,
statistic, and that in reality their voices extremely powerful and exists within each Columbia University, New York, NY, USA.
and experiences do not count. Besides, the of us. When the leadership is predominantly e-mail:
culture of objectivity, or being removed White, new faculty and leadership
from the subject matter — which is essential appointments are often White. This is Published online: 16 December 2019
for science — works abysmally for topics sometimes blamed on the low percentage
like racism, where feelings, emotions, and of minorities in geoscience, but the reality
identities play an enormous role. is more complex: we tend to see merit in References
people who resemble us. More people of 1. Status of the Geoscience Workforce (American Geosciences
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privilege should regularly ask themselves A lack of diversity and inclusion is the 13. Sue, D. W. Race Talk and the Conspiracy of Silence (Wiley, 2016).
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Nature Geoscience | VOL 13 | January 2020 | 2–3 | 3

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