Minute - CCNP 30.09.10

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Committee Minutes

City Centre Neighbourhood Partnership

Edinburgh, 30 September 2010

Present: - Councillors Beckett (Convener), Oundas and Mowat; Inspector Oave

Connelly, Lothian and Borders Police; lan Mowat, New Town & Broughton Community
Council; John Thompson, Old Town Community Council and Or Gordon Wyllie, West
End Community Council.

1 Appointment of Convener


To appoint Councillor Beckett as Convener for one year.

2 Minutes


1) To approve the minute of the meeting of the City Centre Neighbourhood

Partnership of 17 June 2010 as a correct record.

2) To note the minute of the Partnership Board of 22 July 2010.

3 Biennial Review

Mike Penny, Neighbourhood Manager gave an update on the work of the City
Centre Neighbourhood Partnership. He highlighted that the Partnership had
worked to promote and improve service delivery to all those who live, work, study
and visit the city centre. The Neighbourhood Manager listed a range of
achievements including: -

• Improved cleaning of streets and public areas

• Authorised advertising scheme for summer festivals

• Graffiti removal
City Centre Neighbourhood Partnership
30 September 2010

• Reducing street clutter - A boards, tables and chairs

• Improvements to pavements, roads and drainage

He further advised that the following matters were under consideration as further
work activities to be undertaken:-

• Joint patrolling of targeted areas by council wardens and the police

• Transport Marshalls

• Crime reduction

• Anti social behaviour


To note the update.

4 City Centre Community Plan

Councillor Dundas advised that the City Centre Community Plan 2011/2014
would be based on the views the public had about developing partnership
priorities, with the planning process starting now. The Initial stage would be for
the partnership to review existing priorities to achieve the best use of limited

Councillor Dundas also highlighted a need to investigate methods of engaging

public participation within the partnership by means of specific themed events.


To note the update.

5 Neighbourhood Partnership Community Grants Fund

Details were given of applications made to the Neighbourhood Partnership's

Community Grants Fund.


1) To award a grant of £1,659 to the Step Up Group Social Club to provide

practical arts and crafts and healthy eating courses.

2) To note Appendix 1 to the report by the Neighbourhood Manager containing

details of current budgetary position.

(Reference - report by the Neighbourhood Manager, submitted).

City Centre Neighbourhood Partnership
30 September 2010

6 Date of Next Meeting

Thursday 9 December 2010 at 7.00 pm in the Business Centre, City Chambers,


7 Public Question Time

No public questions were submitted.

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