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Title: COVID-19 Vaccinations

Summary: This file contains information on people who have been vaccinated for COVID-19 in Englan
were reported during the period specified below and are recorded against the date of vacc
the National Immunisation Management Service (NIMS) database.

Period: 8th December 2020 to 7th February 2021

Source: National Immunisation Management Service (NIMS)
Basis: England
Published: 11th February 2021
Status: Published


Vaccinations by Region and Age

Vaccinations by Region and Ethnicity
Vaccinations by Region and Vaccination Date
accinated for COVID-19 in England. All vaccinations
recorded against the date of vaccination as held on
Title: COVID-19 Vaccinations By Region of Residence and Age Group
Summary: The number of people who have been vaccinated for COVID-19, split by region of residenc
as recorded on the National Immunisation Management Service (NIMS) database.

Period: 8th December 2020 to 7th February 2021

Source: National Immunisation Management Service (NIMS)
Basis: England
Published: 11th February 2021
Status: Published

Breakdown by Region of Residence and Age Group

Region of Residence
Under 50 50-54
Total 1,948,127 504,565

East Of England 223,445 58,570

London 253,018 60,500
Midlands 362,862 95,844
North East And Yorkshire 313,747 81,799
North West 277,036 75,085
South East 303,531 78,269
South West 210,443 53,947

Data quality notes:

Data in these tables were extracted from the National Immunisation Management Service on 9th February 2021.
Note these figures may be updated as more information becomes available from local systems.
Only records with a vaccination date between the 8th December 2020 and the 7th February 2021 have been included
The sum of the regions will not equal the England total. This is due to a small number of individuals vaccinated in Eng
The sum of the age groups across doses will not equal the cumulative total. This is due to a small number of individu
The above figures include all individuals identified in the relevant age bands. For example 80+ includes all people wh
ence and Age Group
ID-19, split by region of residence and age group. All figures are presented by date of vaccination
ervice (NIMS) database.

1st dose

55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80+

541,294 474,038 553,069 2,057,357 1,855,622 2,588,999

62,054 54,147 65,460 258,304 232,460 327,557

69,044 74,815 132,769 216,833 160,653 236,645
99,057 83,159 90,431 414,361 372,562 498,333
87,484 71,693 65,707 313,592 296,313 414,061
82,304 71,621 83,927 293,984 236,908 316,885
83,323 70,400 72,784 320,641 317,774 460,174
57,419 47,722 41,549 238,003 237,458 333,117

Service on 9th February 2021.

ocal systems.
February 2021 have been included.
mber of individuals vaccinated in England with a registered address in Scotland or Wales or where their address is unknown.
s due to a small number of individuals with an unknown age.
example 80+ includes all people who have been vaccinated who are aged 80+ and does not exclude those who are in a higher prior
2nd dose

Under 50 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74

62,607 18,080 18,925 13,769 6,117 4,283

5,122 1,609 1,719 1,211 614 414

9,353 2,172 2,186 1,738 1,080 1,049
9,682 2,843 3,010 2,061 880 626
9,234 2,883 3,177 2,471 908 406
11,109 3,186 3,180 2,262 990 807
11,410 3,406 3,526 2,521 1,137 676
6,524 1,945 2,088 1,477 501 305

eir address is unknown.

e those who are in a higher priority group for vaccination as set out by the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (i.e. c
Cumulative Total
75-79 80+ Doses to Date

7,645 337,729 10,992,933

701 46,082 1,339,469

1,746 42,016 1,265,617
1,982 49,555 2,087,248
579 56,124 1,720,178
1,301 43,826 1,504,411
950 57,102 1,787,624
382 42,827 1,275,707

accination and Immunisation (i.e. care home residents).

Title: COVID-19 Vaccinations By Region of Residence and Ethnicity
Summary: The number of people who have been vaccinated for COVID-19, split by region of residenc
Immunisation Management Service (NIMS) database.

Period: 8th December 2020 to 7th February 2021

Source: National Immunisation Management Service (NIMS)
Basis: England
Published: 11th February 2021
Status: Published

Breakdown by Region of Residence and Ethnicity

East Of England

Total 1,281,997

A: White - British 999,073

B: White - Irish 9,602
C: White - Any other White background 44,683
D: Mixed - White and Black Caribbean 1,465
E: Mixed - White and Black African 1,483
F: Mixed - White and Asian 1,986
G: Mixed - Any other Mixed background 7,288
H: Asian or Asian British - Indian 19,222
J: Asian or Asian British - Pakistani 6,031
K: Asian or Asian British - Bangladeshi 2,048
L: Asian or Asian British - Any other Asian background 10,892
M: Black or Black British - Caribbean 3,899
N: Black or Black British - African 8,285
P: Black or Black British - Any other Black background 2,677
R: Other ethnic groups - Chinese 3,119
S: Other ethnic groups - Any other ethnic group 10,808
Not stated/Unknown 149,436

Data quality notes:

Data in these tables were extracted from the National Immunisation Management Service on 9th February 2021.
Note these figures may be updated as more information becomes available from local systems.
Only records with a vaccination date between the 8th December 2020 and the 7th February 2021 have been included
The sum of the regions will not equal the England total. This is due to a small number of individuals vaccinated in Eng
Ethnicity of individuals who have had a vaccine is determined by matching pseudonymised vaccination records to var
Residence and Ethnicity
for COVID-19, split by region of residence and ethnicity. All figures are presented by date of vaccination as recorded on

1st dose
North East and
London Midlands North West
1,204,277 2,016,609 1,644,396 1,437,750

576,444 1,592,745 1,398,862 1,162,371

30,945 15,265 5,456 11,704
130,608 68,929 36,188 66,517
4,631 3,299 1,247 1,179
3,641 1,741 1,089 1,264
4,485 2,626 1,575 1,444
8,315 4,334 2,317 2,844
103,217 70,119 12,908 17,371
21,702 21,543 16,201 15,339
18,041 3,525 1,530 2,246
56,558 13,445 6,177 6,455
31,099 10,929 2,721 2,484
43,565 11,259 5,493 6,985
12,729 3,903 1,792 2,277
11,034 3,332 2,302 3,503
51,597 11,329 7,773 6,865
95,666 178,286 140,765 126,902

agement Service on 9th February 2021.

ble from local systems.
d the 7th February 2021 have been included.
small number of individuals vaccinated in England with a registered address in Scotland or Wales or where their address is unknown
g pseudonymised vaccination records to various patient level data sets containing this information. This methodology is under deve
by date of vaccination as recorded on the National

South East South West East Of England London

1,706,896 1,219,658 57,472 61,340

1,324,530 1,009,319 45,316 32,395

11,677 4,973 624 1,906
90,514 34,732 1,638 6,959
1,656 1,078 46 170
2,093 770 40 102
2,937 1,338 74 217
4,426 2,312 191 365
24,539 6,254 1,178 5,759
6,977 1,085 357 939
1,496 468 95 586
19,959 4,906 541 2,600
2,979 1,727 146 1,133
8,475 2,657 158 863
2,863 1,189 48 322
3,491 1,624 121 512
16,235 6,161 501 2,019
182,049 139,065 6,398 4,493

Wales or where their address is unknown.

mation. This methodology is under development and figures may be revised in future releases.
2nd dose
North East and
Midlands North West South East
70,639 75,782 66,661 80,728

55,540 65,028 53,563 63,020

893 283 634 624
2,719 1,442 3,139 4,220
76 42 38 61
36 44 52 72
101 65 88 148
170 96 151 235
3,149 1,066 1,445 1,697
632 739 585 370
78 47 81 77
618 297 415 1,077
399 139 99 123
217 149 218 244
93 58 78 94
130 120 187 183
445 348 401 802
5,343 5,819 5,487 7,681
Cumulative Total
South West Doses to Date

56,049 10,992,933

47,015 8,433,785
246 94,946
1,603 494,788
50 15,054
15 12,469
72 17,193
98 33,191
373 268,598
77 92,660
30 30,377
265 124,372
131 58,067
58 88,769
53 28,217
77 29,772
267 115,685
5,619 1,054,990
Title: COVID-19 Cumulative Vaccinations by Date of Vaccination
Summary: The number of people who have been vaccinated for COVID-19, by date of vaccination an
on the National Immunisation Management Service (NIMS) database.

Period: 8th December 2020 to 7th February 2021

Source: National Immunisation Management Service (NIMS)
Basis: England
Published: 11th February 2021
Status: Published

Cumulative Vaccinations by Date of Vaccination and Region of Residence

Date of Vaccination
East Of England London

1/11/2021 Monday 207,298 250,892

1/12/2021 Tuesday 223,388 269,068
1/13/2021 Wednesday 245,081 300,124
1/14/2021 Thursday 274,584 340,038
1/15/2021 Friday 315,557 380,720
1/16/2021 Saturday 364,710 411,066
1/17/2021 Sunday 391,654 428,173
1/18/2021 Monday 412,478 444,167
1/19/2021 Tuesday 461,619 478,293
1/20/2021 Wednesday 513,964 517,992
1/21/2021 Thursday 568,373 556,035
1/22/2021 Friday 635,757 603,642
1/23/2021 Saturday 706,741 648,487
1/24/2021 Sunday 739,563 671,792
1/25/2021 Monday 764,804 697,595
1/26/2021 Tuesday 791,825 729,974
1/27/2021 Wednesday 815,718 766,193
1/28/2021 Thursday 854,614 810,715
1/29/2021 Friday 909,865 867,019
1/30/2021 Saturday 963,028 916,433
1/31/2021 Sunday 996,478 956,978
2/1/2021 Monday 1,029,347 990,718
2/2/2021 Tuesday 1,063,656 1,025,532
2/3/2021 Wednesday 1,104,309 1,063,174
2/4/2021 Thursday 1,148,835 1,105,298
2/5/2021 Friday 1,191,398 1,149,655
2/6/2021 Saturday 1,254,058 1,184,818
2/7/2021 Sunday 1,281,997 1,204,277

Data quality notes:

Data in these tables were extracted from the National Immunisation Management Service on 9th February 2021.
Note these figures may be updated as more information becomes available from local systems.
Only records with a vaccination date between the 8th December 2020 and the 7th February 2021 have been included
The sum of the regions will not equal the England total. This is due to a small number of individuals vaccinated in Eng
y date of vaccination and region of residence. All figures are presented by date of vaccination as recorded


1st dose

North East And

Midlands North West South East South West
431,637 404,205 299,941 383,875 253,965
464,279 439,028 326,203 410,464 274,325
513,024 488,770 361,527 449,006 302,524
570,506 529,197 408,982 492,205 332,689
634,982 576,259 459,694 545,243 370,557
684,948 623,745 496,404 588,490 405,084
718,069 640,728 514,236 609,277 421,611
747,979 662,277 538,616 631,743 436,032
798,276 699,442 587,664 675,231 467,827
855,054 744,454 630,063 720,982 503,403
918,905 801,429 685,670 778,305 534,329
1,011,466 869,676 751,849 850,683 589,254
1,089,435 944,816 808,697 923,228 650,626
1,123,689 964,639 838,729 950,445 671,275
1,156,889 990,176 866,249 978,609 694,177
1,193,778 1,024,739 898,180 1,012,579 722,543
1,233,618 1,060,798 932,738 1,047,659 749,596
1,301,571 1,107,055 980,946 1,098,820 786,057
1,393,159 1,177,892 1,046,531 1,176,368 840,858
1,483,180 1,254,007 1,103,287 1,249,259 901,392
1,541,650 1,290,859 1,136,124 1,297,302 928,206
1,594,519 1,322,171 1,171,031 1,343,049 956,492
1,659,617 1,355,809 1,210,277 1,395,494 989,610
1,732,688 1,412,820 1,260,845 1,452,817 1,032,274
1,809,915 1,470,624 1,313,211 1,515,067 1,078,427
1,893,648 1,527,844 1,364,866 1,579,908 1,124,822
1,973,935 1,607,794 1,418,309 1,665,937 1,188,133
2,016,609 1,644,396 1,437,750 1,706,896 1,219,658

n 9th February 2021.

2021 have been included.
dividuals vaccinated in England with a registered address in Scotland or Wales or where their address is unknown.
2nd dose

North East And

East Of England London Midlands North West
53,394 49,341 66,165 69,478 59,151
53,833 51,950 67,162 71,457 61,065
54,166 53,891 67,393 71,718 61,804
54,315 55,210 67,530 71,951 62,404
54,403 55,937 67,811 72,050 62,949
54,507 56,192 67,911 72,244 63,274
54,596 56,281 68,022 72,296 63,541
54,645 56,467 68,083 72,338 63,840
54,714 56,788 68,239 72,395 64,186
54,797 57,386 68,329 72,558 64,613
54,911 58,160 68,400 72,623 64,769
54,970 58,244 68,504 72,724 64,881
55,053 58,351 68,550 72,764 64,960
55,108 58,441 68,579 72,776 65,007
55,148 58,496 68,612 72,787 65,109
55,178 58,615 68,650 72,802 65,164
55,230 58,734 68,709 72,821 65,277
55,351 58,992 68,802 72,894 65,393
55,495 59,384 69,102 73,281 65,611
55,704 59,719 69,345 73,617 65,803
55,893 60,146 69,639 74,097 65,936
56,084 60,421 69,717 74,271 66,039
56,335 60,579 69,848 74,455 66,117
56,590 60,779 70,035 75,045 66,282
56,881 61,053 70,337 75,507 66,486
57,305 61,177 70,556 75,681 66,616
57,427 61,242 70,610 75,745 66,644
57,472 61,340 70,639 75,782 66,661
Total doses to date
South East South West

70,092 53,422 2,655,979

72,409 53,630 2,841,605
75,071 53,717 3,101,439
76,142 53,864 3,393,670
76,507 53,934 3,731,080
76,586 54,054 4,023,989
76,625 54,134 4,174,196
76,847 54,152 4,324,825
77,021 54,198 4,621,357
77,146 54,239 4,940,767
77,283 54,287 5,299,613
77,375 54,313 5,769,944
77,457 54,371 6,230,565
77,621 54,429 6,419,291
77,804 54,442 6,608,301
77,896 54,455 6,834,041
77,990 54,476 7,067,457
78,262 54,503 7,402,194
78,592 54,713 7,876,601
79,017 55,025 8,338,093
79,226 55,355 8,617,443
79,401 55,501 8,878,671
79,531 55,630 9,172,744
80,002 55,726 9,534,109
80,330 55,850 9,919,017
80,637 55,975 10,311,855
80,710 56,038 10,773,803
80,728 56,049 10,992,933

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