Academic Integrity Agreement

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Academic Integrity Agreement

Dear Students,

As your teacher, I would rather see 1,000 mistakes than read plagiarized, copied or Google
Translator work. I will WORK WITH YOU and help you succeed NO MATTER WHAT, but if you plagiarize or
copy/paste using Google Translate, I cannot help you and repeated offenses will not earn credit for the work.

It is very easy for a Spanish teacher to determine if a student has copied other work, used a translator or plagiarized. We
have zero tolerance for this. HAVE FAITH in yourself and be CONFIDENT! You can do this without cheating!

It is very important for all students to understand plagiarism, but it is especially important when we're working online.
Students are tempted to copy/paste from the internet, use other people's work, or use translators in a language class
because of the feeling of anonymity in an online class. The truth is, there is a teacher on the other side who is grading your
material and can tell whether you are using someone else's work or using a translator when you are completing your own

You should always have pride in the work you do and should take ownership in your own learning! We understand that
with tools like Google search and Google Translate, it seems easy to find immediate answers. In this class, you are
responsible for understanding the difference between using the web for help and support of your learning, versus using the
web to cheat. Cheating is against our classroom policy and has consequences. If you must look up a single word (never
whole phrases or sentences!) please use and cite your work.

Student Expectations in this Course

Academic dishonesty jeopardizes your success and your integrity. In completing this online coursework, you agree to:

❑ Be honest at all times ✅

❑ Actively encourage academic integrity in your classmates
❑ Discourage any forms of cheating or dishonesty

Some examples of academic dishonesty are, but not limited to:

● Using unauthorized materials and/or resources throughout this course

● Using Google suggested edits
● Copying work from another student, or from the web
● Using a technological/communication tool and/or resource during any assignment or assessment
● Having anyone else but you complete any part of your coursework for you - this includes any other person telling you how to
say something!
● Using online searches to find answers to any assignment or question
● Posting/sharing answers

Academic Dishonesty Consequences

First offense I will allow you to re-do the work for full credit (at my discretion); future and continued offenses will result in loss of
credit for the assignment.

Sign (or type) and return to your teacher by Friday, January 29.
Student: Alex Vista____________________________________________ Date: 3/24/2021__________________

Parent/Guardian: Kelly Vista________________________________________ Date: 3/24/2021______________

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