Activity 2 NSTP 1

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Maya-maya corner, Pampano St. Longos Malabon City


Assignment: Do the following

I. Answer the following questions: (Written)

1. In your own words, define constitution.

Constitution is a set of list wherein the state Laws, rules and order is located.

2. What is the importance of constitution in the sovereignty of the state?

As a country who have the ability to govern itself, constitution plays a vital role. We are all aware
that Philippines is once a colonized country. I mean we are once govern by different country and state.
We don’t have our own way of governing the country at that time. Constitution is our countries way of
addressing the freedom from the invader. It allows citizen to participate including the freedom to
choose whoever fit to become a good and responsible leader who have the power to protect and
depend its citizen as well as its state. Constitution serves as a backbone of our country, without it all the
set of rules and regulation, law and order will be nothing but useless. I doubt if we're able to enjoy the
freedom we have today without the constitution.

3. Under the Bill of Rights of the Philippine Constitution, describe the duties and obligations of
the citizens.

 To be loyal to the public

Something that we must possess as a Filipino Citizen is the loyalty to our republic. At the same
time allowing the self to engage and be more cautious. Sometimes we must also know how
disagree if we feel that its something offensive to our parts.

 To depend the state

We are protected by the laws in our country, in return we must protect our country at all cost.
From someone who try to destroy it.

 To contribute to the development and welfare of the state

As a Filipino student who benefits under the free education system we have the obligation to
return all the expenses that government put in us by ensuring that at the end of the year we are
able to graduate and work with different establishment here in our country.

 To uphold the constitution and obey the law

We are covered by the constitutions and laws. There's nothing wrong about enjoying our rights
and freedom as long as we know how to use it and we know our limitations.

 To cooperate with duly constituted authorities

We must be cooperative towards the authorities as long as its not going to affect the safety and
lives of someone and of course our families.

 To exercise rights responsibly and with due regard for the rights of others

We must know how to use our rights responsibly without dragging someone such as our
freedom of speech. We are free to speak up but in a moderate manner.

 To engage in gainful work

Filipinos are known to easily get along with different people. It is the way of associating in
different fields to get what we want to achieved.

 To register and vote

To register and vote is the most important obligation and rights we need to perform. It engages
us to pick who among the candidates are suitable to govern the country’s. It is a decision
wherein we must think deeply and perform wisely.

4.What is the main purpose of the “Preamble” in the constitution?

The following phrases is lifted from the Preamble of the Philippine Constitution

 to build a just and humane society

 establish a Government that shall embody our ideals and aspiration

 promote common good

 regime of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality and peace

As a Filipino, would you say that the following phrases mentioned above are being attained? Explain
your answer.

If we look at the government as a whole, we can easily say that it faces a lot of criticism as for how
is it being govern, and the administration itself. Filipino people are divided based on their personal and
political views. There is no such thing called perfect, amidst this pandemic where is the equality? Despite
of the hard work and sacrifices of all the front liners what they get? Hate, discrimination and many
more. Justice? I don’t think so but one thing im sure with here in our country justice are only for those
who have the money, position, power, and connection. Look at the justice system despite of all the
evidences that someone is involve in that corruption where are they now? Enjoying the position and
money they get from the people. If your just a simple citizen rallying, you will be jailed for being a
terrorist. Maybe time will come that we will attain this phase if the government and its citizen know how
to accept and work with one another.


Create an output that will show the true value of a good and responsible citizen of this nation.

Make your own sayings or quotations base on the Basic Values of the Filipino People choose only 3
among 16. Be ready to share your work with your classmates (performance)
*Note: Plagiarism is punishable by law!

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