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Materi Ajar Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII

News Item

Nama Sekolah : SMK Negeri 5 Luwu

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : XII/Ganjil
Materi Pokok : News Item
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 Menit
1. Short Description
Great students, welcome to the English learning Module. In this module you will
explore knowledge of News Item texts. This module includes a description of the
material about determining the structure text of News Item Text, generic structure
of News Item Text, News Item Text function, and analyse the headline and
detailed information of the News Item Text. After studying this module it is
expected that you guys can compile the text of News Item Text.
2. Relevance
Understanding, applying and comparing the social functions, the text structures
and the language features of a number News Item Text, and making a number of
News Item Text which are contextually acceptable social function, text structure
and language features in regard to the contexts of situation are significant to be
learned by students. The students can improve their comprehension, and their
English skills and competence towards these materials.

3. Learning Guide
In this module the students will observe and comprehend the kinds News Item
Text, the structure, the language features, the social function of a number of News
Item Text regarding to their contexts of situation. The students will also produce a
number of News Item Text which are contextually acceptable social function, text
structure and language features.

1. Learning Outcomes
a. Attitude
To uphold and apply religious values, moral values, ethical values, personal
and social values (honesty, discipline, accountability, independence), care and
respect for differences and diversity, tolerance, peace, collaboration, and
b. Knowledge
1. Identifying parts of the report text structure and observing how to use
them, as exemplified
2. Identifying the linguistic elements of several news item texts
c. Skill
1. Make News Item texts about natural phenomena and social phenomena
short and simple.
2. Presenting the News Item text to friends in front of the class.

2. Learning Materials and Learning Activities

a. Definition
Have you ever read newspapers or watching news in Television? Either local
newspapers or English newspapers served online and in print. In Indonesia, there are
several newspapers in English, namely the Jakarta Post and Indonesian Time. Every
news presentation in a newspaper must be structured with a steady and well-
conceptual structure. The presentation or standard of news in newspapers (especially
those in English) is called news item text or news text. Before watch the video
The video above shows examples of news from electronic media, namely
television or the internet.
Now read the text below!

Indonesia says all 53 in

missing submarine feared
April 24, 2021 6:22 PM

Indonesian military chief, Hadi Tjahjanto (centre), points to the debris found in
the waters today. (AP pic)
BALI: An Indonesian submarine that went missing off the coast of Bali has sunk,
the country’s navy said today, dashing hopes that its 53 crew would be saved.
The navy’s chief said a search party had recovered fragments from the KRI
Nanggala 402 including items from inside the vessel, whose oxygen reserves were
already believed to have run out.
Warships, planes and hundreds of military personnel have been searching for the
stricken vessel. Authorities had said the German-built craft was equipped with
enough oxygen for only three days after losing power.
That deadline passed early today.
“We have raised the status from submiss to subsunk,” navy chief Yudo Margono
told reporters, adding that the retrieved items could not have come from another
“(The items) would not have come outside the submarine if there was no external
pressure or without damage to its torpedo launcher.”
Navy officials displayed several items including a piece of a torpedo and a bottle
of grease used to lubricate a submarine’s periscope.
They also found a prayer mat used by Muslims.
The submarine – one of five in Indonesia’s fleet – disappeared early Wednesday
during live torpedo training exercises off the Indonesian holiday island.
An oil spill spotted where the submarine was thought to have submerged pointed
to possible fuel-tank damage, fanning fears of a deadly disaster.
There were concerns that the submarine could have been crushed by water
pressure if it sank to depths reaching 700m – well below what it was built to
Few explanations
The vessel was scheduled to conduct the training exercises when it asked for
permission to dive. It lost contact shortly after.
Authorities have not offered possible explanations for the submarine’s sudden
disappearance or commented on questions about whether the decades-old vessel
was overloaded.
The military have said the submarine, delivered to Indonesia in 1981, was
Neighbouring Singapore and Malaysia, as well as the US and Australia, were
among nations helping in the hunt with nearly two dozen ships deployed to scour
a search zone covering about 10 square nautical miles (34 square kilometres).
Australia’s HMAS Ballarat arrived on Saturday with a US P-8 Poseidon aircraft
also helping to look for the craft.
Singapore’s MV Swift Rescue – a submarine rescue vessel – was expected later
Indonesia’s military said earlier they had picked up signs of an object with high
magnetism at a depth of between 50 and 100m, fanning hopes of finding the
But today’s announcement means the Southeast Asian archipelago joins a list of
countries struck by fatal submarine accidents.
Among the worst was the 2000 sinking of the Kursk, the pride of Russia’s
Northern Fleet.
That submarine was on manoeuvres in the Barents Sea when it sank with the loss
of all 118 aboard. An inquiry found a torpedo had exploded, detonating all the
Most of its crew died instantly but some survived for several days before
In 2003, 70 Chinese naval officers and crew were killed, apparently suffocated, in
an accident on a Ming-class submarine during exercises in 2003.
Five years later, 20 people were killed by poisonous gas when a fire extinguishing
system was accidentally activated on a Russian submarine being tested in the Sea
of Japan.
And in 2018, authorities found the wreckage of an Argentine submarine that had
gone missing a year earlier with 44 sailors aboard.
Adapted from

From the example of the news item above we can find the definition of the News
item is a text which informs readers about events of the day. The events are
considered newsworthy or important.

For more information about News Item click link below!

b. Generic Structure
To distinguish news item text from other text in English, this text has a special
structure. The news item text structure is as follows:

 Headline
Bagian ini merupakan judul dari sebuah berita.

 Newsworthy event (important events that are reported): the event in

question must be important, current and up to date. Newsworthy events
appear at the beginning of the paragraph.
(peristiwa penting yang diberitakan): peristiwa yang dimaksud harus
penting, terkini, dan teraktual. Newsworthy events terdapat di bagian awal

 Background of the event: This section describes the background of

the event which includes the time of the event (when the event
occured), where the event occurred, and the people (the participants)
who were involved in the event.
(latar belakang peristiwa): Bagian ini mendeskripsikan latar belakang
peristiwa yang mencakup waktu tejadinya peristiwa (when the event
occured), tempat terjadinya peristiwa (where the event occured), dan
orang-orang (the participants) yang terlibat di dalam peristiwa tersebut.

 Source of information: The source of information section explains

where the sources of reporting on this incident, whether from eye
witnesses (witnesses) or opinion of experts (opinion of the experts).
(sumber informasi): Bagian source of information menjelaskan dari mana
sumber pemberitaan peristiwa ini, apakah dari saksi mata (witnesses) atau
pendapat ahli (opinion of the experts).

Take a look at an example of a news item text below!

National scene: Five fishermen arrested in Singapore

Newsworthy events:
Singaporean powers have confined five fishermen from Bagan Siapiapi,
Kepulauan Riau, in the offshore of Singapore, March 12, 2020.

Background of events:
“Five customary fishermen from Bagan Siapiapi were caught and kept in
Tanjung Bandan, Singpore,” executive of the Kepri office of the
Indonesian Traditional Fishermen Association (KNTI) Sirajudin Wachid
said as cited by Antara.The captures were made as the anglers were
returning home from a two-day trip.

Sirajudin said that Singaporean oceanic police captured the fisherman
after they had conducted the routine patroll in the offshore of Singapore.
The fishermen were recognized as Tata, Rukmana, Abdul Qadir, M.
Muzid, and Mustafa. Sirajudin encouraged the administration to help
discharge them.

c. Social Functions
News item text is a text which inform the readers, listeners or viewers
about events of the days in chronological order. The order in news item
can be based on time, place or the events themselves. The social
function of news item is to inform readers, listeners or viewers about
events of the day which is considered newsworthy or important

d. Language Feature
To distinguish the news item text from other texts in English, this text
has special language features. The language features of the news item text are
as follows:

1. Menggunakan simple past tense (tenses yang berbicara tentang masa lampau)

Rumus dari simple past tense adalah sebagai berikut:

Subjet + Predicate (Verb 2) + Object

Subject + Predicate (Was/Were) + Complement

Negative Subjet + Predicate (Did not + Verb 1) + Object

Subject + Predicate (Was/Were + Not) + Complement

Did + Subject + Verb 1 + Object?

Interrogative Was/Were + Subject + Complement?

Modality Subject + Could/Might/Had to/Would/Should + Verb 1

o Yesterday
o Last week
Time signal o Three days ago
o In 2019
o When ………
o Mr Vladimir Putin visited Turk to talk about military corporation.
o Soeharto was the former President of Indonesia that had led Indonesia for 32
o The soldiers did not attack the enemy troops
o The moon could evolve our Earth faster than before
o The staff could return the paskage to the company.

2. Fokus pada specific circumstance (kejadian khusus)

Artinya yang dibicarakan dalam teks news item adalah kasus khusus yang
teraktual. Isu-isu global yang sudah lama terjadi biasanya tidak diberitakan
dalam news item.
3. Menggunakan material process (proses yang menggunakan kata kerja yang
merujuk pada kegiatan fisik atau ragawi).

o The farmers dig the soil and found a buried temple.

o In South Korea, the flower blossoms in the Summer
o The Fishermen sailed and caught the fish illegally.
o The airport police investigated a suspicious woman carrying a
mysterious bag

4. Menggunakan passive voice (kalimat pasif).

Tujuan orang berbicara dalam bentuk pasif sebenarnya untuk menekankan
proses terjadinya sesuatu dalam kalimat tersebut daripada fokus ke subjek

Rumus passive voice adalah sebagai berikut:

Subject Verb 3 by Object

o Tomorrow, these documentary films will be televised by the

director, James Cameron
o The city was bombed bby The U.S. Air Force.
o The hotel was investigated by CIA and FBI.
o Two days ago, the new members of Karate club were being hazed
(by several senior students) at noon 

5. Menggunakan direct speech (kalimat langsung) dan reported speech (kalimat

tidak langsung).
Direct speech (kalimat langsung) dan reported atau reported speech (kalimat
tidak langsung) adalah konsep berbahasa yang sering digunakan untuk
beraneka ragam wacana. Misalkan, dalam teks berita (news item), dalam
pemberitaan langsung (direct reporting), dalam naskah drama (drama
script), wawancara (interview), atau dalam percakapan sehari-hari pun kita
sering menggunakan ragam bahasa ini. Perhatikan perbedaan pemaparan
langsung (direct speech) dan pemaparan tidak langsung (reported speech) di
bawah ini!
o Pemaparan langsung (direct speech)
Dalam hal ini, ujaran diucapkan langsung oleh pembicaranya dan
didengar langsung oleh partner bicaranya (partner of speaking)
 My Tjahjo said, “The cabinet of Joko Widodo needs a reshuffle”
 Revalina said, “Indonesia is going to hold MotoGP session in
Mandalika next year.”
o Pemaparan tidak langsung (indirect speech)
Dalam hal ini, ujaran atau perkataan dari Mr Tjahjo dan Revalina
diucapkan ulang oleh orang lain dalam hal ini dituliskan ulang oleh


 My Tjahjo said that The cabinet of Joko Widodo needed a

 Revalina said that Indonesia would hold MotoGP session in
Mandalika the previous year.

2. Menggunakan action verbs (kata kerja tindakan) yang semuanya dituliskan

dalam bentuk past verb: Misalkan: closed, came, attack, observed,
investigated, dll
(Kecuali untuk event-event yang belum dilaksanakan, kita gunakan mode
tense future tense dengan menambahkan will atau be going to sebelum verb
1). Misalkan:
o Next year, the minister will open the ceremony of Sea Games
o Two days ahead, Mr Pambudi is going to visit Kompas to clarify the
o Mr. Anies Baswedan is going to sign the policy of rivers
normalization in Jakarta two next days.
o Menggunakan time conjunctions (konjungsi waktu). Misalkan: after, before,
when, while, dll

Adapted from


1. Summary
News item is a text which informs readers about events of the day. The events are
considered newsworthy or important.

Generic Structure
 Newsworthy event
 Background of the event
 Source of information

Social Function
News item text is a text which inform the readers, listeners or viewers
about events of the days in chronological order.

Language Feature
 Menggunakan simple past tense 
 Fokus pada specific circumstance 
 Menggunakan material process 
 Menggunakan passive voice 
 Menggunakan direct speech 
 Menggunakan action verbs 
 Menggunakan time conjunctions 

b. Bibliography

Saeturrohman, 2019. “Pendalaman Materi Bahasa Inggris Modul 5 English for

Practical Use” Jakarta, Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
Rangkuman Materi, Contoh Soal News Item & Pembahasannya
pembahasannya/ Retrived on 06 May 2021

FMT Media,
esia-military-says-missing-submarine-sank/ Retrived on 06 May 2021
NBC News, Indonesian Plane With 62 People Aboard Crashes After Takeof Retrived on 06 May 2021

TODAY, Missing Indonesian Submarine: Debris Found As Hope

For Survivors Dwindles Retrived on 06
May 2021

Madam English YouTube Channel, News Item Text Retrived on 06 May 2021

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