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Language Testing and Evaluation Observation

By Muhammad Ridwan Firdaus (171052501025)

In order to understand how language tests and evaluation are conducted, several group of post-
graduate students conducted interviews/observation in selected schools and institutions. The
interviews then collected and discussed among each student. Here are common points of each
language testing and evaluation interviews/observation conducted:
1. Mostly written test was applied
Majority of the interview showed that most teacher used written tests more than oral ones.
While written tests are used to assess students’ English skills such as reading, writing,
listening, grammar, and vocabulary; the sometimes-used oral tests are conducted to assess
speaking skill. The form of written test may vary, the common being multiple choice, gap
filling, matching pairs, and essays.
2. Placement test were conducted to determine students’ level
The teachers/instructor commonly use placement test to determine students’ level. The test
was done to categorize between the capable students and incapable students. It is also used
to determine which part of the English skill and lesson material should the teacher really
focus on in order to provide an even ground of study for the students.
3. Content of the tests
The content mostly based off the lesson material that has been taught. The lesson itself
follows the lesson plan which was made by the teachers/instructor based on the guideline
from the syllabus provided by the school.
4. Uses rubric in assessing the students
The lesson plan made by the teachers/instructor also includes a rubric to determine how the
test is scored. It consists of what part of the test is being scored and how it is valued in
5. A minimum criteria
During assessment, certain requirements are needed to declare whether a student passes the
test or not. When a student scores above the minimum requirement, the student is declared
as passing the test. However, if the student scores below the minimum requirement, he/she
shall be taking a remedial test to improve said score.
6. Interval between tests
In this context, interval means how long the time between each test. Tests are done regularly
after each material unit. The length of material unit that is taught may vary. One unit might
be taught in one week, while another unit might be taking two weeks to be taught.
7. Difficulties

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