"HTTPS:// en - Wikip /wiki/tb Oli - Peop Le" /o "Tboli People": Quarter Date

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Learning Area ENGLISH Grade Level 8

Quarter Third Quarter Date

I. LESSON TITLE PART 2: The Two Brothers (Egyptian Folktale)

Analyze literature as a mirror to a shared heritage of people with diverse backgrounds
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT Enabling Competencies:

IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
A. Introduction 30 minutes The following pictures depict the different cultures of Southeast Asian countries.
Determine the name of the country represented by each picture. Write the letter of
the correct answer.

A. Philippines B. Thailand C. Egypt

Wat Mahathat, Sukhothai Temple Temple of the Reclining Buddha

________ ________

Chocolate Hills The Sphinx

Golden Kinnon

_______ _______ _______

Pyramid At Giza Lantern Festival Maskara Festival

________ ________
en.wikip Illustration Credit: https://tinyurl.com/ncvwavk
B. Development 1 hour and Learning Task 1
30 minutes /wiki/Tb
Watch the videos about the history, culture, beliefs and traditions of Thailand,
Egypt and Philippines (see the given links below). Then answer the given activity
right after watching them. oli_peop
le" \o
Tboli woman
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYwG1ap7Gic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-8y4Lo2-_8


Enumerate the different culture, beliefs and traditions that you learned from the
Thailand Egypt Philippines

Learning Task 2
Match the word in Column A to its meaning in Column B. Write your answer on the
space provided before the number.

Column A Column B
____ 1. to damage something, especially in a violent way a. jealous
____ 2. to kill in a violent way b. destroy
____ 3. feeling upset; someone you love is interested c. slew
with another person
____ 4. to live in a place or in a particular way d. innocence
____ 5. lack of guilt e. dwell

Learning Task 3
You are now tasked to read the story of “The Two Brothers”. Kindly go
to this link http://www.touregypt.net/taleoftwobrothers.htm for a
copy of the story. After reading, try to find out some similarities of
Egyptians to Filipinos in terms of culture, beliefs, respect and love for
family and reverence to God as depicted in the selection by
answering the following:

1. Why did the wife get jealous of Bata?

2. What did the wife do to get the attention of Anpu? Do you agree with
what she had done? Why?
3. If you were Bata, what would you do? Do you agree with him in leaving
the house? Why?
4. If you were Anpu, would you believe your wife‘s explanation?
5. Are you in favor with the beliefs and traditions they practice? Which of
those bring unity and harmony? Which do not?
6. Enumerate those traditions of Egyptians which are similar to ours as

C. Engagement 40 mins. Learning Task 4

Using the Venn diagram compare yourself with Makato and Bata from the two
folktales that you have read. Be guided by the following questions:

1. What traits do the three of you share? Write your answer in between the three
2. Write your character traits, which are different from Makato and Bata, inside the
number 1 circle.
3. Write Makato’s character traits, which are different from yours, inside the second
4. Write Bata’s character traits, which are different from yours, inside the third
D. Assimilation 40 mins. Learning Task 5
Using comparison and contrast, fill in the grid with the Positive-Interesting-Negative
aspects of Filipinos, Thais and Egyptians in terms of:
◻ Love for Family
◻ Reverence to God
◻ Desire to Succeed in Life

Positive Interesting Negative




V. ASSESSMENT 40 mins. Answer the following questions:

1. What country is described in the selection? ______________________

2. What knowledge and information did you get after reading the story?
3. Describe what you feel after reading the story.
4. Do you think Egyptians and Filipinos have common interests, culture, or similar
customs and traditions?
5. What make Egyptians different from Filipinos?


VI. REFLECTION Write your personal insights about the lesson using the prompts below.
I understand that ___________________.
I realize that ________________________.
I need to learn more about __________.
Prepared by: Checked by:

Buenas Princess P. Jalbuena- SDO Tayabas Maria Madel C. Rubia-Head Teacher III

Michaella R. Rada- SDO Tayabas

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