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Name: _____________________________________ Grade & Section: _______________ Score: ____________

School: Poblacion Polomolok NHS Teacher: Josephine C. Sale Subject: ENTREPRENEURSHIP

LAS Writer: Josephine C. Sale Quarter 1 Week 3 Module 1
Learning Targets: 1. Specify the different sections of the business plan; and
2. Identify the information included in the introduction section of the business plan.
Azarcon, Areola, Arguelles, Pablo, Barlis, DeLa Pena, Drequito, Hocson, Ireneo, Lorilla, Lamadrid,
Macasieb, Mendoza, Nazario, Ngaosi, & Pidal; ENTREPRENEURSHIP by Dr. Eduardo A. Morato, Jr.
There is no universally accepted standard format or structure of the business plan.
A. Cover Page
I. Introduction
A. The Business Concept and the Business Model
B. The Business Goals: Vision, Mission, and Objectives
C. The Business Offering and Justification
II. Executive Summary
III. Business Description
IV. Environmental Analysis
V. Organizational Plan
VI. Production Plan
VII. Operation Plan
VIII. Marketing Plan
IX. The Financial Plan and Expected Returns, Risks, and Contingencies

The cover page should include the following:
o Business logo
o Name of the business. It reflects the business identify and image. It promotes the philosophical values
and culture that the business values the most. Profess the brand identity of the product; and attract or
influence the target costumer.
o Address of the business. It is important that the address of the Business is correctly written because all
business correspondence is mailed to the business address. Raw materials and other manufacturing
supplies are also shipped by the seller to the designated business address. Now adays, it is also necessary
for the business to have an e-mail address to facilitate electronic communication between the business
and the customers, suppliers, creditors, and other significant parties.
o Phone number. Need for a distance communication.
o Date business was established
o Name and position of contact person at your company

I. Introduction
A. The Business Concept and the Business Model
A business concept contains the essence of the enterprise in a concise but powerful manner. It stresses
the value of the product offering to the target customers who would most likely buy it.
The product concept must then be translated into a business model. A business model is a formula on how the
enterprise exactly plans to make money out of the business. There are 4 areas of moneymaking which the
business model must address:
1. How will the business raise revenues? What critical factors will cause the revenues to materialize?
2. What will be the costs of the enterprise products and other costs of doing business? How will these costs be
managed to ensure comfortable profits? What critical factors will drive the costs? How can these factors be
Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
3. What will be the major investments of the enterprise? Why will these investments give the enterprise a
competitive edge?
4. How will the enterprise finance the investments? How will the enterprise fund its growth?

B. The Business Goals: Vision, Mission, Objectives, Performance Targets

The business goals show the future and long-term prospects of the enterprise. It is composed of the vision,
mission, objectives, key result areas, and performance indicators of the enterprise.

Case Example 1: Double Happiness Enterprise

Vision: “To establish a commanding presence and market leadership as food chain servicing major bus
terminals in Central Luzon within the next five years.

The Business Goals are communicated by articulating the basic purpose of setting up the enterprise in a mission
statement. Needless to say, all business enterprises are established for the purpose of making money for its

Mission Statement: To provide quality food and passenger convenience services that would generate sufficient
profits for the stockholders and improve the lives of its employees.”

The vision and the mission statements must then be translated into measurable end results, more
popularly called objectives.
Objectives must be more specific than the vision and mission statement. They should be measurable,
achievable, and time-bound.

1. To establish a strong market presence in Central Luzon;
2. To earn good financial returns for its owners;
3. To delight customers with high quality food and services; and
4. To make Double Happiness a happy and rewarding place to work in.

Form a group of five (5) and create a business plan. Just first start making the cover page and
introduction. Below is the rubric for your work.

Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.

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