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Mm# II:lr::rx:se') ru;,r

John Wiltshier . Josri Luis Moroles
Series Advisor: Dovid Nunon

Series Consultonts:
Hildo Mortinez. Xochitl Arvizu

Advisory Boord:
Tim Budden . Tino Chen . Betty Deng
Aoron Jolly ' Dr. Nom-Joon Kong
Dr. Wonkey Lee . Wenxin Liong
Ann Moyedo . Wode O. Nichols
Jomie Zhong
Pearson Education Limited
Edinburgh Gate
Essex CM20 2IE
and Associated Companies throughout the world.

Our Discovery Island rM

rMvl"w. ourdiscoveryisland. com

@ Pearson Education Limited 2012

The Our Discouery Island series is an independent educational course published by Pearson Education Limited and is
not affiliated with, or authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Discovery Communications LLC or Discovery
Education, Inc.

The rights of JohnWiltshier and Jos6 Luis Morales to be identified as authors of this work have been asserted by them in
accordance with the Copl,right, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced,

stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any
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without the prior written permission of the Publishers.

First published2012
ISBN: 978- 1- 4479-007I-9

Set in Longman English l6l2lpt

Printed in China (CTPS/01)

Based on the work of Fiona Beddall

Illustrators: Charlotte Alder (The Bright Agency), Fred Blunt, Lawrence Christmas, Leo Cultura, Mark Draisey, Iohn Martz,
Simone Massoni (Advocate Art), Rob McClurkan (Beehive Illustration), Ken Mok, OlimpiaWong

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Welcome 4


# friends 8

ftm I{y life . . .. 18

ffi free time ,.2s

k4# flround the world ".38

ffi Party time ..s8

ffi School ..... 58

ffi fntertainment ..78

Goodbye ......"...88

Structures ".92
Write ihe nomes of the choroclers.

Jenny Rufus Coptoin Formoso Dylon Ivon Dr. Al Finn

,/? .
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Look ql Activity 1 ond number the sentences.
He's weoring boots ond o hot.
He likes skiing, snowboording, ond rock climbing. tr
He hos o white mustoche ond o blue hot.
He likes penguins ond he lives in on old submorine. tr
c He's short ond fot. He likes diving ond he's strong. T
d He's toll ond thin. He likes running ond wonts to find the treosure. tr
She likes odventure ond hos o bockpock full of useful things.
She's weoring o skirt. T
He hos o beord ond brown hoir.
He likes wotching the stors ond plonets. tr
He hos glosses ond is weoring o coot ond o scorf.
He likes to think ond solve problems. tr
G)( d Gheck({.

.e .e
\- -/

I Whot is Dr. Al studying? 2 Who gets the mop?

tr tr

6!&$,,} kl
\;;y '"' Circle T = True or F = Fqlse.

I Finn, Jenny, ond Dylon woke up in the middle of the night. T I F

2 Jenny sees o robbit on the moon. T I F

3 Coptoin Formoso is sleeping in the submorine. T I F

4 The penguins ore in the submorine, too. T lF

5 The penguins see the thieves. T I F

6 The thieves ore hiding with the mop. T lF

1 Whot is Finn doing?
2 Whot is Dylon doing?

3 Whot is Jenny doing?

@(3fl wrire.

o She is b They boseboll.

c d

h the piono.

Listen ond motch

\ ffiry
\ '{t:"ffi*-/
ff58 ./

W U,ry
Look ot Activity 7 ond write.
ww G) /r-----_

wotched listened procticed ployed went studied

1 She to some music on Mondoy morning.

2 He English on Thursdoy morning.

3 They volleyboll on Soturdoy ofternoon.

4 She o soccer gome on Wednesdoy evening.

5 They to the pork on Sundoy ofternoon.

6 He the guitor on Tuesdoy evening.

n ,--.f
-@ write the doys.
1 Yesterdoy wos . Todoy is Tuesdoy.

2 Todoy is Soturdoy. Tomorrow is

3 Two doys ogo wos . Todoy is Thursdoy.


(\* @
., write the yeors.
Now it's 2O__. Two yeors ogo it wos 20_ _
Ten yeors ogo it wos 20

* I -oo: Listen ond molch. Then write.


on Mondoy morni two yeors ogo three doys ogo

two weeks ogo yesterdoy

I She of school

2 He

3 They

4 She thot

5 They

($ i @ Write obout yourself.
II yesterdoy.

2I on

3I ogo.
Unscrqmble qnd write.
Hoir: Foce:
I (hgilt roih) s (etcu)

2 (lodb) 6 (mdnoheos)
3 (yksip iorh) 7 (odgo-gkolnio)
4 (kdro hrio) 8 (ouultibef)

,,2J L . ,J

Write. Use words from Activity 1.

I hove hoir.

.3) Write one more sentence for eqch picture in Activity 2.

1 2

l l- ::'.;:
I .*"r (,-
j Unscrqmble ond write questions.

I does / look / whot / she / like

2 look / whot I do I like /they

3 look / does I he lwhot / like

Circle. Then check (/) tne true sentences.

I He ( is / hos ) bold. tr
2 He ( is / hos ) long, stroight hoir. l
1 ( hos /is
She ) beoutiful. T
2 She ( hos /is ) glosses. tr

1 They ( ore I hove )toll. T

2 They ( ore I hove ) shorl, curly hoir. T

i.t-r' t\*/ ou,, Listen ond wriie.





t.,' 3 Write sentences obout the people in Activity 5.

1 Dod is bold. He hos

2 Mom

3 Grondpo
M r>:#.
'<r7 \-"/

I She hos o lot of friends becouse o she doesn't hove ony brothers or sisters.

2 She hos o lot of friends but b she hos o lot of pets.

3 She hos o lot of friends ond c she's funny ond kind.

4 I'm toll becouse d I hove stroight block hoir.

5 I'm toll but e my mom ond dod ore toll.

5 I'm toll ond f I'm not two meters toll!

/ ry:y /#
\i.i;z (,,a@
(4,) \' -,
Check (/).

lllhart,:,,,:m,ikot.. i g ood friend?

o good frie nd don't mi nd o bod friend
1 This person is friendly. tr tr tr
2 This person isn't kind. tr T T
3 This person is clever. tr tr tr
4 This person isn't tolkotive. tr tr tr
5 This person is bossy.
5 This person is shy.
7 This person isn't sporty. tr tr tr
8 This person is lozy. T T tr
9 This person is helpful. tr T T
l0 This person is hord-working. tr tr I
^# Whot mokes o good ond bod friend? Write using words from Activity 9.
@ fus
A good friend
A bod friend
Listen ond motch. Then write.

tolkotive / not / tolkotive

friendlv / s helpful / hord-workin

Whot's Don like? He's ond

Whot's ? She's but o little

? She's but she isn't

? He's ond
,d;\ r/--\ft' .f,Y
ffi ('r@ Circle.

I like my new teocher ( becouse / but ) she's kind.

He's hord-working ( ond / but ) clever.
My best friend is tolkotive ( ond / but ) very friendly. She's greot!
She doesn't get good grodes ( becouse / but ) she's lozy.

He's helpful of home ( but / ond ) he's hord-working in closs.

She's clever ( becouse / but ) very shy. I like her.

/^fp /&
ff$ LM Write obout two friends oi school.

f ffir) i or,, Listen ond motch.

I Megon 2 Seb's mom ond dod 3 The food 4 Corlos

nice funny hoppy kind bossy

rt / ^/"8
Qp [4 Imogine you ore stoying wiih this fomily in lhe United Stqles.
- Write to q friend.
A 1^i?
(ffi (,,.@ wrile.

,A'.Y 14 "A

,--\ / /"#
Y"r:z tU/,@ Think

rtB qnd write.

*grs€.s- €-bsnens- o tomoto o hippo o loke

o lion o giroffe on elephont o peoch the seo

worm colors cool colors i

o banana OTASS

l1;:x ,/
/ "f
\{jrl t..l@
\-.Y /

short 1500 young picture

mustoche curly 28 thin

Thisl is of orlist Durer from

Germony. Durer pointed this picture in

. In this picture he hos o long,

foce. He hos long, 4

hoir. He hos o s
beord ond o
,too.HeisoT mon.

In this picture he is 8 yeors old.

.*\ I '.%l:llsar,,,.
r ,l:r,::*f:,::il'r'
{\ ,'J

Dr. Al Rufus Coptoin Formoso Ivon

es Check (/).
1 Who hos on emergency? 2 Why? Whot is not in the submorine?
e aq, r;\
v.&, 0

ry %
4 %

Find the words in the story ond write.

1 These two words meon "Let's go."

2 Poper with o picture of o town or country on it.

3 These block ond white birds con swim.

4 Coptoin Formoso hos only one of these.
5 This looks like o plone with no wings.
5 Moving your body quickly to music.

'eD { --l Imogine. Whqt hoppens next in the story?

I think

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