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Date of teaching: 27/08/ 2018


Period: 5 LESSON 1
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
To recall the main characters of Family and Friends
To understand a short story
1.Vocabulary: Welcome back, learning, end (v)
2.Sentence pattern: review
Student Book p. 4, Workbook p. 4, Audio Tracks 1–2
1.Warmer: As children come into the class, smile and say Hello.
Encourage children to say Hello back to you. Say It’s a new school year.
Welcome back!
Begin the class with some common greetings. Ask and answer the questions
How are you? and What’s your name?
with individual students. Children then ask and answer the questions in groups of
three to four students.
2. Presentation.
Listen and sing. (Exercise 1)
Explain that they are going to listen to a “Welcome back” song and then sing it.
Play the recording once for children to
listen and follow the song in their books (Track 01).
Focus attention on the words. Read each line for children to repeat after you.
Play the recording again for children to sing along.
Sing and do. (Exercise 2)
Ask children to think of some actions for the song (see suggestions below).
Play the song again for children to sing and do their actions.
Repeat (more than once if necessary).
3. Practicevelopment
Listen and read. (Exercise 3)
Use the Starter story poster to present the story. Point to different characters for
children to say the names. Ask them
what words they know in the pictures.
Ask What’s happening in the story? Point to each frame one at a time for the
class to talk about them. Encourage
predictions from different members of the class.
Ask children to look at the poster while you play the recording for them to listen
(Track 02). Point to the different
speech bubbles as they hear the words.
Ask the following questions to check comprehension: What is Rosy’s video
about? What’s on Billy’s bed? Is Billy in his
Play the recording again for children to listen and read the story in their Student
Describe a character.
Describe a character from the story for children to guess who it is, e.g., He’s
two. He’s got curly hair.(Billy)
Ask children to describe the characters to each other in pairs.
4. Personalization.
Worksheet 1: Classroom objects
Have children look around the classroom and call out the English name for any
objects they can see that they know
the word for.
Correct pronunciation and drill with the class as you go.
Give out Worksheet 1 and ask children to match the pictures and the items.
Discuss the worksheet as a class and drill pronunciation of the words.
Ask children to work in pairs and describe what they have in school today, e.g.,
I have a school bag. I have two pencils.
I have an eraser.
Have children change partners again and describe what their first partner has,
e.g., He/She has a school bag, He/She
has two pencils.
Stand up and wave.
Assign a character’s name to each member of the class, so that there are several
Rosies, Tims, and Billies.
Play the recording again (Track 2). When children hear their “names,” they
stand up and wave.
Exercises: Workbook p. 4
Practice structure
Date of teaching: 27/08/ 2018
Period: 6 LESSON 2
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to review family
To identify people from their descriptions
To describe people’s appearance
To act out a story
1.Vocabulary: family words, appearance words (recycled)
Extra vocabulary: uncle, aunt
2.Sentence pattern: Greetings

Student Book p. 5
Workbook p. 5
Audio Tracks 1, 2, 3
Sing the “Welcome” song (Track 01) from p. 4 and do the actions to energize the
class.3. Practice
2. Presentation
Listen to the story and repeat. Act. (Exercise 1)
Ask children to turn to the story on p. 4 of their Student Books.
Play the recording (Track 02), pausing for children to repeat each line.
Divide the class into groups of three to play Rosy, Tim, and Billy.
Ask children to look at the different actions that the people do in the story. As a
class, decide on actions for the story
(see suggestions below). Play the recording a second time for children to mime the
actions as they listen.
Children practice acting out the story in their groups. You might like the class to
use some creative “props,” e.g., a
pencil case for a video camera, a piece of paper for a photograph, and a chair for a
Monitor the activity checking for correct pronunciation.
Ask a few of the groups to act out the story for the class.
Circle T (true) or F (false). (Exercise 2)
Ask children to look at the sentences in the book. Ask Does Rosy have brown
hair? to establish that the first sentence
is true. Explain that the letter T means the sentence is true, and the letter F means
it is false. Show children the circle
around the letter T indicating that the sentence is true.
Read the rest of the sentences with the class to check understanding but tell them
not to say the answers out loud.
Children work in pairs. Allow time for them to read the sentences again and
decide if they are true or false.
Go over the answers with the class.
Listen and number. (Exercise 3)
Tell children you are going to play a recording of someone describing people in
Rosy’s family. Explain they don’t have
to understand every word they hear, but they should listen for words they do
Ask children to read the words in the word box and then drill pronunciation
chorally and individually.
Play the recording (Track 03) all the way through for children to listen and point
to people as they are mentioned.
Play the recording again, stopping after the first item for children to point to
Rosy’s mom. Show them the example
answer 1 in their books.
Play the recording through to the end, pausing after each item for the children to
write the numbers.
Play the recording once more for children to check their answers. Go through the
answers with the class.
3. Practice
Point and say. (Exercise 4)
Show children the speech bubbles in Exercise 4.
Read them out loud and finish the second bubble in your own way. Ask the class
to repeat each sentence in chorus.
Children work in pairs. They take turns pointing to the people in Rosy’s family
and describing them.
Monitor the activity and help with pronunciation and modeling words where
Go over the activity with the class. Ask individual children to tell you about
different members of the family.
Describe the people.
Bring in to class a few pages from magazines or newspapers that include pictures
of people.
Give them to children in groups of three to four students and ask them to take
turns describing and pointing to the
4. Personalization
About my family
Draw a simple version of your family tree on the board. Include names and
relationships, e.g., mom – Nga, dad – Bao,
aunt – Vy.
Tell the class about your family. This is Nga. She’s my mom. She has long, black
hair. This is Bao. He’s my dad. He has
short, black hair and brown eyes.
Encourage the class to draw their simple family tree and talk to their partner
about it.
Monitor the activity and help where needed.
Introducing circle
Ask students to stand in circles in groups of three to four children.
Children take turns introducing the other children to the group, for example, This
is Quang. He has brown eyes and
short, black hair.
Monitor and help with pronunciation.
Exercises: Workbook p. 5
-Practice words and structure

Date of teaching: 30/ 08/ 2018
Period: 7 LESSON 3
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to
greet people and ask questions about them
 introduce someone to a friend
say the days of the week
1.Vocabulary: bump, down, week
2.Sentence pattern: review
Student Book p. 6, Workbook p. 6, Audio Track 4, Blank paper and pens (for each
Do it!
Assign each student a word from the vocabulary set ”family,” e.g., mom, dad,
brother, sister, aunt, uncle, cousin.
Give instructions, e.g., moms, jump! Uncles, stamp your feet! Brothers, clap!
Continue with more instructions, calling
out groups at random.
Any child who does the action when it is not their word is out of the game.
Worksheet 3: Word search
Ask and answer. (Exercise 1)
Ask one of the stronger children to come to the front of the class. Read the
dialogue on the page together while the
class listens.
Say the dialogue again, pausing after each line for the class to repeat. Encourage
children to make the words flow
together, avoiding any unnecessary pauses.
Ask children to work in pairs and say the dialogue with their partner. Monitor
the activity, modeling words and
phrases where necessary.
If you wish, ask a few pairs to say their dialogue to the class.
Look and say. Introduce a friend. (Exercise 2)
Ask children to look at the pictures. Ask What can you see? Elicit or explain
that the children in the pictures are
introducing a friend to someone else.
Read the sentences in the speech bubble to the class, pausing after each line so
that they can repeat what they hear.
Divide the class into groups of three. Children take turns “introducing” their
friends to each other.
Monitor the activity. Help with pronunciation and model words and phrases
where necessary.
Funny friends
Give each child a blank piece of paper and some pens.
Ask them to draw a picture of a funny friend. Encourage them to be creative.
They can draw a monster or a cartoon
or a funny person.
Tell them to choose a name and age for their friend.
Ask children to mingle as much as space allows and introduce their friends to
each other.
3. Practice
Listen and sing. (Exercise 3)
Ask children to look at the pictures. Ask What can you see? Elicit the actions the
children are doing (jumping, waving).
Play the recording (Track 04) once for children to listen.
Read each line of the song aloud for the children to repeat after you.
Play the recording again for children to sing along.
Repeat (more than once if you wish).
Sing and do. (Exercise 4)
Ask children to look at the pictures and decide together what the actions should
be. (See below for suggestions).
Play the recording for children to listen, sing, and do the actions.
Song writing
Tell children they are going to make their own song. Write the words to the song
on the board with the actions
Invite the children to call out different actions that could be used. Touch your
toes, jump on the spot, bend your knees,
clap! etc.
Divide children into groups of three to four students to write their own version of
the song.
Invite groups to perform their song for the rest of the class.
Groups can also write their song onto poster paper to display in the classroom.
4. Personalization
Worksheet 4: Bingo
Give each group of five or six students a copy of the Bingo sheet. Call out a word
in any order.
The children cross off the words in their grid as they hear them.
The first group to complete a line of five shouts Bingo!
* Exercises: Workbook p. 6
-Practice words and structure
Date of teaching: 30/ 08/ 2018
Period: 8 LESSON 4
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
To ask and answer questions about toys
To ask and answer questions about colors
To write numbers 1–10 in digit form
1.Vocabulary: toys, colors, numbers one–ten
2.Sentence pattern:
Student Book p. 7, Workbook p. 7, Audio Tracks 4, 5
-Sing Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Jump! (Track 04) from the previous lesson
to energize the class and review the
days of the week.
Listen and sing. (Exercise 3)
Ask children to look at the pictures. Ask What can you see? Elicit the actions the
children are doing (jumping, waving).
Play the recording (Track 04) once for children to listen.
Read each line of the song aloud for the children to repeat after you.
Play the recording again for children to sing along.
Repeat (more than once if you wish).
Sing and do. (Exercise 4)
Ask children to look at the pictures and decide together what the actions should
be. (See below for suggestions).
Play the recording for children to listen, sing, and do the actions.
Song writing
Tell children they are going to make their own song. Write the words to the song
on the board with the actions
Invite the children to call out different actions that could be used. Touch your
toes, jump on the spot, bend your knees,
clap! etc.
Divide children into groups of three to four students to write their own version of
the song.
Invite groups to perform their song for the rest of the class.
Groups can also write their song onto poster paper to display in the classroom.
4. Personalization.
Worksheet 4: Bingo
Give each group of five or six students a copy of the Bingo sheet. Call out a
word in any order.
The children cross off the words in their grid as they hear them.
The first group to complete a line of five shouts Bingo!

Exercises: Workbook p. 6
Story time: A reader of your choice
-Practice words and structure
Date of teaching: 2/ 9/ 2018
Week: 3 UNIT 1. CLEAN UP!
Period: 5 LESSON 1
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
To identify bedroom objects
To understand a short story
1.Vocabulary: rug, cabinet, shelf, pillow, blanket
Extra vocabulary: clean up, clean (adj), room
2. Pronunciation tip: Concentrate on the difference between /p/ and /b/ in pillow
and blanket. Make sure children say
/ʃ/ not /s/ for shelf.
Student Book p. 8,Workbook p.8, Audio Tracks 06–08, Flashcards 1–5, Story
poster 1
What’s the picture?
Start to draw a picture on the board of one of the classroom words, e.g., pencil,
board, desk, chair, bag.
Ask the children to guess what it is and call out the name.
Put the children into small groups of four or five and ask them to take turns
drawing objects from the classroom for
the other children to guess. They can extend the activity with new objects from
the classroom if they know their
names in English.
The first child in each group to guess the object takes a turn at drawing the next
Finish the activity when the children have had time to practice most of the
Listen, point, and repeat. (Exercise 1)
Ask children to open their Student Books and look at the pictures of the
different bedroom objects.
Play the first part of the recording (Track 06) for children to listen and point to
the appropriate picture. Repeat if
Play the second part of the recording for children to repeat.
Play the recording all the way through again for children to listen and point and
then repeat the words.
Pointing game
Put Flashcards 1-5 in different places around the room.
Call out one word.
Ask children to listen to the word and point to the correct flashcard as fast as
possible. Have them repeat the word
when they point.
Ask a few students to take the role of teacher and call out the words.
Listen and chant. (Exercise 2)
Play the recording (Track 07) for children to listen to the chant.
Play the chant again for them to say the words. Repeat (more than once if
3. Practice
Listen and read. (Exercise 3)
Use Story poster 1 to present the story. Ask some questions about the story:
Where are Rosy and Grandma? Where’s Billy?
What rooms can you see?
Focus attention on the first picture. Ask children to name as many toys, clothes,
and bedroom objects as they can.
Talk about each frame in turn with the class. Ask What's happening? Encourage
predictions from different members
of the class.
Ask children to look at the poster while you play the recording (Track 8) for
them to listen. Point to each speech
bubble in turn as your hear the text.
Ask comprehension questions:
Is Rosy’s room clean? What does Rosy do? Is the apartment clean? Why is the
kitchen messy?
Ask children to open their Student Books to page 8. Tell them to listen and
follow the words in the story as you play
the recording again.
ask children to find and point to the words from Exercise 1 that appear in the
Have children practice their pronunciation in groups and pairs.
Listen and draw.
Draw a large rectangle on the board and tell the class it is a bedroom.
Invite individual students to come to the front of the class and draw the different
things in the rectangle, e.g., Linh,
please draw a rug. Mai, please draw a bed. This is the model.
Divide the class into groups of three or four students. Give each group a large
piece of paper to represent a bedroom.
Students listen to the teacher’s instructions and take turns drawing the items on
the paper.

Finally, the groups can display their bedrooms around the class and compare
with each other.
4. Personalization.
Worksheet 1: Find the words
Divide the class into groups of three students.
Give each group a copy of Worksheet 1 face down on the desk.
Set a time limit of one minute and tell students they will need to circle as many
bedroom words as they can in the
time. Count down the time.
Ask students to compare their sheets with the group next to them to see who
found the most words. Ask them to call
out some words and check they are all bedroom words.
Exercises: Workbook p. 8
Story time: A reader of your choice
-Practice words and structure
Date of teaching: 2/ 9/ 2018
Week: 3 UNIT 1. CLEAN UP!
Period: 6 LESSON 2
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
To make sentences with There’s and There are
To ask and answer questions with How many…?
To act out a story
1.Vocabulary: bedroom objects
2.Sentence pattern:
There’s a blanket on the bed.
There are three T-shirts in the cabinet.
Student Book p. 9, Workbook p. 9, Audio Tracks 07–09,Flashcards 1–5,Story
poster 1,Plain paper (one per student), Worksheet 2: What’s in the room?
Simon says
Review prepositions for later in the lesson.
Call out Simon says, put your pencils on the desk. Simon says, put your pencils
under the desk, etc.
Students follow your directions, but if you say the sentence without Simon says,
then they should ignore the
Use this game to practice on, under, in, next to.

Listen to the story and repeat. Act. (Exercise 1)
Ask children to turn to the story on page 8 of their Student Books. Check how
many of the objects they remembered
from the lead-in activity.
Play the recording (Track 08), pausing for children to repeat each line.
Divide the class into groups of three to play the parts of Rosy, Billy, and
Ask children to look at the pictures. As a class, decide on the actions for the
story (see suggestions below).
Children practice acting out the story as they listen to the recording again.
Monitor the activity, checking for correct
Listen and say. (Exercise 2)
Look at each picture and ask the children what they can see.
Play the recording (Track 09) all the way through for students to listen.
Play the recording again, pausing for children to repeat each line.
Write There’s and There are some distance apart on the board. Say different
sentences using plural and singular
objects, e.g., There’s a book on the desk. There are some pens on the book, while
children point to the correct phrase.
Say book, and point to There’s. Say books and point to There are. Continue
giving singular and plural nouns while
children point to the correct phrase.
Draw attention to the grammar box. Ask children What’s “There’s” short for?
Ask a child to come to the front of the
room and write the words There and is on the board.
Look and say. (Exercise 3)
Hold up three pencils. Ask the class How many pencils? Hold up two books, an
eraser, and two bags, and ask the same
question about each one.
Ask students to look at the pictures in their Student Books. Ask a pair of
children to read the question and answer in
the speech bubbles for the class.
Ask children to work in pairs. They take turns pointing to the pictures and
asking and answering questions with How
Ask some of the pairs to ask and answer one question each for the class.
3. Practice
Look again and write. (Exercise 4)
Write three or four fill-in-the-blank sentences on the board using bedroom
objects, e.g., ___________ a cabinet.
_________ two pillows. _________ a bed. __________ two rugs.
Point to each sentence one at a time and ask There’s or There are? Complete
the sentences on the board and say
them with the class.
Ask children to look at the pictures in Exercise 3 again. Ask one child to read
the example sentence to the class.
Children look at the rest of the sentences themselves and write the missing
Monitor the activity and help where necessary. Go over the answers with the
Note: Tell students that the plural of shelf is shelves. Explain that this is unusual
and they should learn it.
Worksheet 2: What’s in the room?
Give out a copy of the worksheet for children to complete individually.
Encourage them to write full sentences.
Monitor and help where needed.
Children can compare in pairs when they have finished.
Back to back
Give each student a piece of paper and ask them to draw bedroom items on it
Put the students into pairs and ask them to sit back to back.
One student describes their picture and their partner listens and draws what they
hear on a blank piece of paper, e.g.,
There’s a bed and a rug, there’s a shelf and there are five books on it. There are
two pillows on the bed.
Then have students switch roles.
Students then compare the two pictures and see how similar they are.
4. Personalization.
Let’s practice!
Ask students to look at the picture and speech bubble. Ask How many pillows?
Have one student answer.
Have a pair of students ask and answer the same question.
Have students work in pairs to ask and answer the question. Tell them to use
other vocabulary words on the page.
Talk about the picture.
Ask children to work in pairs. They turn back to the story on p. 8 of their Student
Children take turns telling each other about the things they can see, e.g., There’s
a shelf. There are six books.
Children then look around the classroom and talk about what they can see.
Have one or two pairs report back what they see to the class.
Exercises: Workbook p. 9
Story time: A reader of your choice
-Practice words and structure
Date of teaching: 3/ 9/ 2018
Week: 3 UNIT 1. WHAT’S THIS?
Period: 11 LESSON 3
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
To identify numbers 11–20
To use numbers in the context of a song
1.Vocabulary: numbers 1–10 (recycled), eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen,
sixteen, seventeen, eighteen,
nineteen, twenty
Extra vocabulary: more, get in
2.Sentence pattern:
Student Book p. 10, Workbook p. 10, Audio Tracks 10–11, Flashcards 5–15, 6–15,
Worksheet 3: Connect the dots (one copy per pair), Worksheet 4: Match the
number (one copy per pair or per student)
Living numbers
Ask ten children to come to front of the class. Give each one a number flashcard
(numbered 1–10).
Ask them to arrange themselves so they are standing in the correct order from
one to ten.
Have the class say the numbers in chorus. As each number is said, the person
holding that flashcard holds it above
their head.
Concentrate on pronunciation of the numbers.
Listen, point, and repeat. (Exercise 1)
Ask children to look at the numbers in their Student Books. Play the first part of
the recording (Track 10) for children
to point at the words.
Play the second part of the recording for children to repeat the words.
Play the recording all the way through again for children to listen and point and
then repeat.
Drill the words with the class individually and chorally.
Count around the class
Start the game yourself. Say one, then point to the student nearest you and say
two. The student nearest you says
two and points to the student nearest to him/her to say three and so on.
When the number gets to twenty start from the beginning again.
How many people are waiting for the bus?
Draw a simple bus stop on the board. Next to the bus stop draw a line of simple
stick figures (between 11 and 20).
Ask How many people are waiting for the bus? Children should count the
people and shout the answer.
Ask children to work in pairs and draw a bus stop and a line of people in their
books. Ask them to test their partner.
Worksheet 3: Connect the dots.
Give the worksheet out to the children in pairs. Tell them they can take turns
connecting the dots to reveal the
picture, but before they connect each number, they must say it in English.
Make sure the children use a different color pencil to connect each number and
make sure they say the English word.
Ask them to call out the picture they have revealed when they get to twenty.
3. Practice
Listen and sing. (Exercise 2)
Ask children to look at the pictures in their Student Books. Point to the bears
and say How many bears? Children
count the bears and tell you the answer.
Play the recording (Track 11) for children to listen and follow the song in their
Recite the words of the song with the class, without the music or recording. Say
each line and ask children to repeat.
Play the recording again for children to sing along.
Sing and do. (Exercise 3)
Ask children to look at the pictures and decide together what the actions should
be for this song.
Practice the actions with the class.
Play the recording (Track 11) for children to sing the song and do the actions.
4. Personalization
Worksheet 4: Match the number.
Give out copies of Worksheet 4 to children individually or in pairs.
Children read the words and draw lines to connect them to the correct digits.
Demonstrate the activity on the board.
Draw a four-by-four grid and fill it randomly with numbers 1–20.
Ask children to do this in their books, using a different number order and to keep
it secret.
In pairs, children guess the numbers on their partner’s grid.
The first child to make a line shouts “Bingo!” and they are the winner!
If other children haven’t finished, they can continue until they have crossed out
the whole sheet.
Exercises: Workbook p. 10
-Practice words and structure
Date of teaching: 7/ 9/ 2018
Week: 3 UNIT 1. CLEAN UP!
Period: 12 LESSON 4
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
To pronounce the sounds /ɑ/, /ʌ/ on their own and in words
To identify the letter o and the letter u in the middle of words and associate the
letters with the sounds /ɑ/ and /ʌ/
To blend the vowel o with consonants and the vowel u with consonants to form
simple words
To match rhyming words
To differentiate between the sounds /ɪ/, /ɛ/, /æ/, and /ɑ/
To differentiate between the sounds /ɪ/, /ɑ/, and /ʌ/
1.Vocabulary: pot, fox, hop, rug, bug, sun
Extra vocabulary: over, into
2.Sentence pattern:
Student Book p. 11, Workbook p. 11, Audio Tracks 12–13, Phonics cards 1-
3**, 4-6
Tracing on backs
Divide the class into groups of six (or smaller groups for smaller classes).
Have each group sit together in a circle and count off 1–6 so that each student
has a number.
Give a phonics letter card to student six in each group, but don't have them look
at the card until you say, Go.
Have each child “write” the letter very slowly on their classmates’ backs with
their fingers.
Student one goes to the board and writes the letter. The quickest group with the
correct letter wins.
Children can also do the activity standing in lines if there is room in the class.
Listen, point, and repeat. (Exercise 1)
Ask children to look at the words and pictures in their Student Books.
Play the first part of the recording (Track 12) for children to listen and point to
the pictures.
Play the second part of the recording for children to repeat the sounds and words
in chorus.
Play the recording all the way through (more than once if necessary) for
children to point to the words and then
repeat them.
Listen and chant. (Exercise 2)
Ask questions about the pictures to establish what the children can see. Play the
recording (Track 13) for children to
listen to the chant.
Put Phonics cards in different places around the room. Play the recording again
for children to point to the cards as
they hear the words.
Play the chant again, stopping the audio after each line for children to repeat.
Repeat, and encourage children to
follow the chant in their book.
Read the chant again. Circle the o and u in the middle of the words. (Exercise
Ask the children to look at the chant again. Focus attention on the circled o in
the middle of fox. Ask them to find and
circle other examples of o in the middle of words.
Go over the exercise with the class.
Point to the sound.
Put a card with a phonics sound /ɪ/, /æ/, /ɑ/, or /ʌ/ one each on different walls of
the classroom.
Drill the sounds.
Say a word and ask the children to stand up and point to the sound they hear.
Use the words doll /ɑ/, cat /æ/, hot /ɑ/, six /ɪ/, hat /æ/, cut /ʌ/.
Match the words that rhyme. (Exercise 4)
Ask children to look at the pictures. Point to each one for children to say the
word. Make sure they are correctly
producing and differentiating the /ɑ/, /ɛ/, /æ/, /ɪ/, and /ʌ/ sounds each time.
Tell children there are five pairs of rhyming words. Ask children to draw lines
to match the rhyming words.
Go through the answers with the class.
Can you remember?
Write the chant from Exercise 3 on the board and ask children to repeat it.
Invite a child to come to the front and delete one of the words. The other
children repeat the chant saying the missing
word from memory.
Ask another child to come and choose another word to delete and repeat the
chant again.
Continue in the same way until children are either unable to remember the
words or able to repeat the whole chant
from memory.
4. Personalization.
Let’s practice!
Ask students to look at the picture and speech bubble.
Have a student demonstrate the sentence for the class (hop).
Have students work in pairs to take turns saying the sentence and demonstrating
the action.
Tell them to use other vocabulary words on the page, taking turns saying the
sentence and miming the action.
Rhyming words
Read the pairs of words below, pausing between them.
When children hear two words that rhyme, they clap their hands.
-Practice words and structure

Date of teaching: 10/ 9/ 2018

Week: 4 UNIT 1. CLEAN UP!
Period: 13 LESSON 4 (cont.)
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
To pronounce the sounds /ɑ/, /ʌ/ on their own and in words
To identify the letter o and the letter u in the middle of words and associate the
letters with the sounds /ɑ/ and /ʌ/
To blend the vowel o with consonants and the vowel u with consonants to form
simple words
To match rhyming words
To differentiate between the sounds /ɪ/, /ɛ/, /æ/, and /ɑ/
To differentiate between the sounds /ɪ/, /ɑ/, and /ʌ/
1.Vocabulary: review
2.Sentence pattern:
Student Book p. 11, Workbook p. 11, Audio Tracks 12–13, Phonics cards 1-
3**, 4-6
Sing If you’re happy and you know it.
2.Presentation: review
Listen, point, and repeat. (Exercise 1)
Ask children to look at the words and pictures in their Student Books.
Play the first part of the recording (Track 12) for children to listen and point to
the pictures.
Play the second part of the recording for children to repeat the sounds and words
in chorus.
Play the recording all the way through (more than once if necessary) for
children to point to the words and then
repeat them.
Listen and chant. (Exercise 2)
Ask questions about the pictures to establish what the children can see. Play the
recording (Track 13) for children to
listen to the chant.
Put Phonics cards in different places around the room. Play the recording again
for children to point to the cards as
they hear the words.
Play the chant again, stopping the audio after each line for children to repeat.
Repeat, and encourage children to
follow the chant in their book.
Read the chant again. Circle the o and u in the middle of the words. (Exercise
Ask the children to look at the chant again. Focus attention on the circled o in
the middle of fox. Ask them to find and
circle other examples of o in the middle of words.
Go over the exercise with the class.
Point to the sound.
Put a card with a phonics sound /ɪ/, /æ/, /ɑ/, or /ʌ/ one each on different walls of
the classroom.
Drill the sounds.
Say a word and ask the children to stand up and point to the sound they hear.
Use the words doll /ɑ/, cat /æ/, hot /ɑ/, six /ɪ/, hat /æ/, cut /ʌ/.
Match the words that rhyme. (Exercise 4)
Ask children to look at the pictures. Point to each one for children to say the
word. Make sure they are correctly
producing and differentiating the /ɑ/, /ɛ/, /æ/, /ɪ/, and /ʌ/ sounds each time.
Tell children there are five pairs of rhyming words. Ask children to draw lines
to match the rhyming words.
Go through the answers with the class.
Can you remember?
Write the chant from Exercise 3 on the board and ask children to repeat it.
Invite a child to come to the front and delete one of the words. The other
children repeat the chant saying the missing
word from memory.
Ask another child to come and choose another word to delete and repeat the
chant again.
Continue in the same way until children are either unable to remember the
words or able to repeat the whole chant
from memory.
4. Personalization.
Let’s practice!
Ask students to look at the picture and speech bubble.
Have a student demonstrate the sentence for the class (hop).
Have students work in pairs to take turns saying the sentence and demonstrating
the action.
Tell them to use other vocabulary words on the page, taking turns saying the
sentence and miming the action.
Rhyming words
Read the pairs of words below, pausing between them.
When children hear two words that rhyme, they clap their hands.
-Practice words and structure
Date of teaching: 11/ 9/ 2018
Week: 4 UNIT 1. CLEAN UP!
Period: 14 LESSON 4 (Cont.)
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
To pronounce the sounds /ɑ/, /ʌ/ on their own and in words
To identify the letter o and the letter u in the middle of words and associate the
letters with the sounds /ɑ/ and /ʌ/
To blend the vowel o with consonants and the vowel u with consonants to form
simple words
To match rhyming words
To differentiate between the sounds /ɪ/, /ɛ/, /æ/, and /ɑ/
To differentiate between the sounds /ɪ/, /ɑ/, and /ʌ/
1.Vocabulary: review
2.Sentence pattern:
Sing Bingo song
2.Presentation. review
Listen, point, and repeat. (Exercise 1)
Ask children to look at the words and pictures in their Student Books.
Play the first part of the recording (Track 12) for children to listen and point to
the pictures.
Play the second part of the recording for children to repeat the sounds and words
in chorus.
Play the recording all the way through (more than once if necessary) for
children to point to the words and then
repeat them.
Listen and chant. (Exercise 2)
Ask questions about the pictures to establish what the children can see. Play the
recording (Track 13) for children to
listen to the chant.
Put Phonics cards in different places around the room. Play the recording again
for children to point to the cards as
they hear the words.
Play the chant again, stopping the audio after each line for children to repeat.
Repeat, and encourage children to
follow the chant in their book.
Read the chant again. Circle the o and u in the middle of the words. (Exercise
Ask the children to look at the chant again. Focus attention on the circled o in
the middle of fox. Ask them to find and
circle other examples of o in the middle of words.
Go over the exercise with the class.
Point to the sound.
Put a card with a phonics sound /ɪ/, /æ/, /ɑ/, or /ʌ/ one each on different walls of
the classroom.
Drill the sounds.
Say a word and ask the children to stand up and point to the sound they hear.
Use the words doll /ɑ/, cat /æ/, hot /ɑ/, six /ɪ/, hat /æ/, cut /ʌ/.
Match the words that rhyme. (Exercise 4)
Ask children to look at the pictures. Point to each one for children to say the
word. Make sure they are correctly
producing and differentiating the /ɑ/, /ɛ/, /æ/, /ɪ/, and /ʌ/ sounds each time.
Tell children there are five pairs of rhyming words. Ask children to draw lines
to match the rhyming words.
Go through the answers with the class.
Can you remember?
Write the chant from Exercise 3 on the board and ask children to repeat it.
Invite a child to come to the front and delete one of the words. The other
children repeat the chant saying the missing
word from memory.
Ask another child to come and choose another word to delete and repeat the
chant again.
Continue in the same way until children are either unable to remember the
words or able to repeat the whole chant
from memory.
4. Personalization.

Let’s practice!
Ask students to look at the picture and speech bubble.
Have a student demonstrate the sentence for the class (hop).
Have students work in pairs to take turns saying the sentence and demonstrating
the action.
Tell them to use other vocabulary words on the page, taking turns saying the
sentence and miming the action.
Rhyming words
Read the pairs of words below, pausing between them.
When children hear two words that rhyme, they clap their hands.
Exercises: Workbook p. 11
Story time: A reader of your choice
-Practice words and structure
Date of teaching: 13/ 9/ 2018
Week: 4 UNIT 1. CLEAN UP!
Period: 15 LESSON 5
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
To read and understand a letter to a magazine
To read for specific details
1.Vocabulary: review
Extra vocabulary: star (adj), letter, magazine
2.Sentence pattern: review
Student Book p. 12
Workbook p. 12
Audio Track 14
Flashcards 1–5
Put flashcards showing bedroom vocabulary on the board and ask students to
study them for one minute.
After one minute, ask children to look away (put their foreheads on their
desks!), take one flashcard away, and
rearrange the order of the others.
Ask children to tell you What’s missing?
What’s in the living room? Point and say. (Exercise 1)
Ask the children to look at the pictures on Student Book p. 12. Ask children to
predict what the text is about (it is a
description of a living room).
Ask children to work in pairs, taking turns pointing to different living room
objects and saying the words.
If you wish, ask children to work in pairs. They take turns pointing to different
objects and saying the words.
table, chairs, cabinet, TV, books, toys, shelf
Listen and read. (Exercise 2)
Point to the words Star letter at the top of the page. Explain that Vinh is writing
a letter about his living room. Ask
children to listen (Track 14) and follow silently in their books.
Play the recording a second time. Answer any questions they may have.
Ask simple comprehension questions to check comprehension, e.g., What’s the
room in the picture? How many books
are on Vinh’s shelf? What is Vinh’s favorite book? How old is Vinh?
My living room
Ask children to look around the classroom and tell you what things they can see
in the classroom that are also in the
picture. For example books, chairs, and so on.
Ask children to work in pairs. Look at the picture and point to things that they
have in their living room, for example
There is a cabinet. There are some books. There isn’t a TV.
Ask pairs to tell you how many things they see in the picture that they also have
at home.
3. Practice: Read again. Write T (true) or F (false). (Exercise 3)
Write the first sentence on the board. Say There are flowers on the cabinet – yes
or no? (No). Write F next to the
sentence on the board. Point out the example answer in the Student Book.
Ask children to read the other sentences and then read the letter again to see
whether they are true or false. They
mark them accordingly.
Go over the answers with the class.
1. F 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. T
True and False game
Tell children they are going to play a memory game. Ask them to close their
Make statements about Vinh’s living room (you must keep a record of the
statements you are making). Children listen
to each statement and write T (true) or F (false) in their notebooks.
Go over the answers with the class. Ask children to add up how many they got
4. Personalization.
Picture dictation
Do a picture dictation with the class using your own picture of a living room.
Give each child a blank piece of paper.
Describe your picture, e.g., There’s a big table. There are some toys under the
table. There’s a chair. There are three
books on the chair. There’s a window. There are some flowers in the window.
Children listen to your description and draw the things you mention. When you
have finished, show your picture to
the class for students to compare it with their drawings.
Exercises: Workbook p. 12
-Practice words and structure
Date of teaching: 14/ 9/ 2018
Week: 4 UNIT 1. CLEAN UP!
Period: 16 LESSON 6
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
To listen and identify different rooms from their descriptions
To ask and answer questions about where things are
To differentiate between sentences and questions, write periods and question
marks and write about your bedroom
1.Vocabulary: review
2.Sentence pattern: review
Student Book p. 13, Workbook p. 13, Audio Track 15, House and furniture
flashcards (G2 69–73, G3 1–5), Classroom objects
Bring a selection of flashcards or pictures relating to the house or furniture to
the class. Hand them out to different
children around the class.
Play some lively music and ask children to pass them around to each other while
the music is playing. It doesn’t
matter if there is not a flashcard for every child.
Stop the music suddenly and children should stop passing the cards. Ask them
to look at the card nearest them and

say what it is.
Play the music and continue in the same way.
Listen and write A or B. (Exercise 1)
Tell the children that they are going to hear a recording of someone describing
the things in the two pictures. After
each description, they write A or B in the box depending on which picture is
being described.
Play the recording (Track 15) all the way through as children point to the things
they hear.
Play the recording again, pausing after item 1 to show the example answer. Ask
questions to check comprehension.
Continue playing, pausing after each description for the children to write A or B.
1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. A
Where is it? Where are they?
Review prepositions with the class. Write the following incomplete sentences
on the board: The bag is ______ the
table. The books are_____ the bag. The pen is _____ the table.
Hold your bag up so that everyone can see it, and put it on the table. Ask the
class to tell you which word goes in the
blank (on).
Hold up two books and put them in your bag. Establish that the missing word is
in. Hold up a pen, and then put it
under the table. Establish that the missing word is under.
In pairs, ask the children to test their partner using their classroom objects.
Encourage them to use a range of items.
Provide any help needed.
Look at the pictures again. Ask and answer. (Exercise 2)
Ask children to look at Picture A. Review prepositions with the class. Ask
questions, e.g., Where’s the bag? To elicit It’s
under the table.
Children then look at picture B. Ask Where are the toys? to elicit They’re in the
Ask children to look at Exercise 2. First, read the words aloud and ask the
children to repeat in chorus.
Draw attention to the questions and answers in the speech bubbles. Read the
question aloud for children to repeat,
and then the answer. Model correct pronunciation.
Ask a pair of children to read the question and answer.
Ask children to work in pairs. They take turns asking and answering similar
questions about the things in the box.
Monitor the activity and help where necessary, checking especially for

3. Practice: Read the questions and answers. Write ? or . (Exercise 3)
Ask children to look at the first sentence in Exercise 3. Ask Is this a sentence or
a question? Elicit that it is a question.
Ask children What goes at the end of a question? (a question mark).
Then ask children to look at the next sentence. Again, ask children Is this a
sentence or a question? Determine with
the class that it is a sentence and that it ends with a period.
Show children the sample answers.
Explain that children will work with a partner and continue reading. They
should decide if each is a sentence or a
question. Then they write in a question mark or a period for each.
Look at the questions in 3 again and answer about your living room.
Talk to your friend about your living room. (Exercise 4)
Ask children to work in pairs and to tell their partner about their living room.
They can look at the words and pictures
on p. 13 in the Student Books to help them.
They should then add other things they have at home that are not in the pictures.
Monitor and help children with any unknown vocabulary they need. If there are
some common words, you could
teach them to the whole class.
4. Personalization.
Draw your living room.
Give each child a blank piece of paper and tell them they are going to draw their
living room.
Ask them to look at the pictures of the rooms on p. 13 and follow this style.
Give the children time to work individually and draw their rooms. Set a time limit
of five minutes.
When they have finished their drawings, ask them to present and talk about their
rooms in small groups. Are their
living rooms the same or different?
Exercises: Workbook p. 13
-Practice words and structure
Date of teaching: 17/ 9/ 2018
Period: 17 LESSON 1
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
To identify common school things
To understand a short story

1.Vocabulary: table, computer, coat hook, pencil case, board
Extra vocabulary: wow
2.Sentence pattern: Practice the pronunciation of /ər/ at the end of computer.
Student Book p. 14, Workbook p. 14, Audio Tracks 16–18, Flashcards 16–20
Write the word CLASSROOM in large letters across the top of the board.
Ask the children to shout out English word that begin with each letter and
write them vertically down the board, e.g.,
C could be cat, L could be long, A could be apple, and so on.
When you have thought of a word for each letter, ask the children to repeat the
activity in small groups. You can use a
different word, for example ENGLISH, and see if the children can think of a
word for every letter.
Listen, point, and repeat. (Exercise 1)
Ask children to look at the pictures of the different school things.
Play the first part of the recording (Track 16) for children to listen and point to
the pictures.
Play the second part of the recording, pausing after each word for children to
Play the recording all the way through for children to listen and point and then
repeat the words.
Hold up the flashcards in a random order and ask the class to say the words.
Pointing Game
Put Flashcards in different places around the room.
Call out one word.
Ask children to listen to the teacher and point to the correct flashcard as fast as
possible. Have them repeat the word
when they point.
Listen and chant. (Exercise 2)
Play the recording (Track 17) for children to listen to the chant.
Play the chant a second time for children to point to the correct picture in their
books when they hear it. Play the
chant again for them to say the words. Repeat (more than once if necessary).
3. Practice: Listen and read. (Exercise 3)
Ask children to close their books.
Use Story poster 2 to present the story.
Point to each frame one at a time for the class to talk about them. Encourage
predictions about the story from
different members of the class.
Ask children to look at the story in their Student Books. Play the recording
(Track 18) for them to listen and point to
the different speech bubbles as they hear the words.
Ask questions to check comprehension, e.g., What’s in the room? Do the
children like their new things? Does Rosy
have a new teddy bear?
Memory game
Ask children to close their books and try to remember the classroom items in the
Write the words on the board as the children name them.
Allow children to look at the story again and see if they remembered everything.
4. Personalization.
Conversation lines
Have the students stand in parallel lines facing each other so that each child has a
partner in the opposite line.
Partners practice the dialogue.
Then the two lines move one space (left or right) in opposite directions.
The student without a partner at the end of the line comes to the front of the line
so that each student has a new
Listen to the children and help where appropriate.
-Practice words and structure
Date of teaching: 17/ 9/ 2018
Period: 18 LESSON 1 ( Cont.)
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
To identify common school things
To understand a short story
1.Vocabulary: table, computer, coat hook, pencil case, board
Extra vocabulary: wow
2.Sentence pattern: Practice the pronunciation of /ər/ at the end of computer.
Student Book p. 14, Workbook p. 14, Audio Tracks 16–18, Flashcards 16–20

2.Presentation. review
Listen, point, and repeat. (Exercise 1)
Ask children to look at the pictures of the different school things.
Play the first part of the recording (Track 16) for children to listen and point to
the pictures.
Play the second part of the recording, pausing after each word for children to
Play the recording all the way through for children to listen and point and then
repeat the words.
Hold up the flashcards in a random order and ask the class to say the words.
3. Practice: Listen and read. (Exercise 3)
Ask children to close their books.
Use Story poster 2 to present the story.
Point to each frame one at a time for the class to talk about them. Encourage
predictions about the story from
different members of the class.
Ask children to look at the story in their Student Books. Play the recording
(Track 18) for them to listen and point to
the different speech bubbles as they hear the words.
Ask questions to check comprehension, e.g., What’s in the room? Do the
children like their new things? Does Rosy
have a new teddy bear?
Memory game
Ask children to close their books and try to remember the classroom items in the
Write the words on the board as the children name them.
Allow children to look at the story again and see if they remembered everything.
4. Personalization.
Worksheet 1: Classroom objects
Give each child (or pair) a copy of Worksheet 1 face down on the table.
Hold up one of the new vocabulary flashcards and ask children to turn over their
word search and find the word,
highlight it with a pen, and hold the worksheet up over their heads.
When they have found the word, they turn the word search face down and repeat
the activity with the other new
words in the unit.
Exercises: Workbook p. 14
-Practice words and structure
Date of teaching: 18/ 9/ 2018
Period: 19 LESSON 2
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
To say and write sentences with This is, That is, These are, and Those are
To act out a story
1.Vocabulary: review
2.Sentence pattern: This / That is the new computer. These / Those are new tables..
Student Book p. 15, Workbook p. 15, Audio Tracks 18–19, Flashcards 16–20
Word chain
Place the flashcards from the last lesson on the board in the sequence board,
coat hook, computer, table, pencil case.
Ask the children in chorus to repeat the sequence (pay attention to pronunciation
When students are chanting nicely, remove the flashcards one at a time until
they are chanting from memory.
Point to individual students to repeat the chant in order.
Listen to the story and repeat. Act. (Exercise 1)
Ask children to turn to the story on p. 14 of their Student Books and check how
many things they remembered from
the lead-in activity.
Play the recording (Track 18), pausing for children to repeat each line.
Ask children to look at the different actions that the people do in the story. As a
class, decide on the actions for the
story (see suggestions below).
Divide the class into groups of three to play the parts of Rosy, Tim, and Miss
Play the recording a second time for children to mime the actions as they listen.
If you wish, ask children to practice acting out the story in their groups. Monitor
the activity, checking for correct
Ask some of the groups to come to the front of the class to act out the story.
Listen and say. (Exercise 2)
Ask children to look at the pictures in the Let’s learn! box. Ask What can you
Play the recording (Track 19), pausing after each one for children to point to the
picture and repeat.
Write the sentences on the board. Play the recording again, if possible pointing
to real items in your classroom to
reinforce meaning. Indicate some tables that are close to you to demonstrate the
meaning of these, and some further
away to demonstrate those, and then do the same with this and that.
Erase the school words in each sentence and replace them with flashcards to
elicit sentences with the same pattern,
e.g., This is a new board. That is a new pencil case. These are new coat hooks.
Those are new computers.
Children repeat the new sentences.
Invite different children to come to the front of the room and change the school
words to make new sentences.
Ask children to look back at the story on p. 14 and find examples of the
structures from Exercise 2.
Roll the dice.
Divide the class into groups of three to six students and give each group a six-
sided dice.
Write on the board 1. Coat hooks 2. Computer 3. Pencil case 4. Board 5. Tables
6. Choose your own!
Children take turns rolling the dice and making a sentence, e.g., if they roll a
number 3 they will say This is a pencil
If anyone rolls a number 6, they must make a sentence from something they can
see in their classroom.
Repeat until all children have had a few dice rolls!
3. Practice: Look at your classroom. Point and say. (Exercise 3)
Read the words in the word box for the children to repeat.
Focus attention on the complete sentence in the word bubble. Read it for the
class to repeat, checking pronunciation
and intonation.
Ask children to work in pairs. They take turns making sentences, using the
structures in the box. Encourage them to
point to those items in their classroom while they say them.
Go over the activity. Ask children to say sentences about different things in their
classroom, pointing to them.
Write. (Exercise 4)
Ask the class to look at the pictures and identify the school things in each one.
Focus attention on the first sentence and ask which word is missing. Elicit the
full sentence and write it on the board.
Ask children to look at the rest of the sentences and write the missing words.
Monitor the activity and help where
Go over the answers with the class. Point to the pictures for children to say the
sentences in chorus.
(optional) Ask the children to write four more sentences in their notebooks that
are about their own classrooms.
1 Those are bags.
2 This is a pen.
3 These are pencils.
4 That is a computer.
4. Personalization.
Exercises: Workbook p. 15
-Practice words and structure
Date of teaching: 21/ 9/ 2018
Period: 20 LESSON 3
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
To identify more school objects and use words in the context of a song
To help children develop their listening and singing skills
1.Vocabulary: poster, picture, drawers, cupboard
Pronunciation tip: Help children to pronounce the /z/ at the end of drawers.
2.Sentence pattern: ..
Student Book p. 16,Workbook p. 16, Audio Tracks 17, 20–21,Flashcards 21–
What’s the picture?
Do the chant from p. 14 (Track 17) to warm up and energize the class.
Invite a child to come to the front of the class and draw one of the objects from
the chant.
The child draws the picture on the board for the rest of the class to guess what it
The first child to guess the object correctly comes to the front to draw a second
Divide the class into groups of five and tell them to repeat the activity, using a
piece of blank paper.
Listen, point, and repeat. (Exercise 1)
Ask children to look at the pictures in their Student Books. Play the first part of
the recording (Track 20) for children to
point to the words.
Play the second part of the recording for children to repeat the words.
Play the recording all the way through again for children to listen and point and
then repeat.
Hold up Flashcards one at a time for individual children to say the words.
Listen and sing. (Exercise 2)
Ask children to look at the picture. Point to the different things and ask What’s
this? Ask children to predict what the
song is about (a classroom).
Play the song all the way through once for children to listen; then play it again
as they follow the words in their books.
Play it again, stopping after each line for children to repeat.
Play the recording for children to sing along.
Stand up game
Give each student a word card for posters, pictures, drawers, book, window.
There should be one card for each child.
Play the song (Track 21). Each time children hear their word, they quickly stand
up and sit down.
Sing and do. (Exercise 3)
Ask children to look at the pictures and decide together what the actions should
be for this song.
Practice the actions with the class.
Play the recording (Track 21) for children to sing the song and do the actions.
Song actions
What’s in the classroom? – raise hands as if asking a question
Verse 1 – point to posters and pictures on the wall and mime opening a book
Verse 2 – mime opening a drawer, and then point to the board
Verse 3 – point to door and a window, and then a table and chair
3. Practice: A long sentence
Students should stay in their small groups.
Say a sentence that ends with a word from the vocabulary set that you want to
practice, e.g., In this room, there’s a
Ask a child to continue the sentence, adding a new word to the end, e.g., In this
room, there’s a table, and coat hooks.
This child then chooses another child, who says the sentence, adding another
word to the end of it.
Continue the game until someone forgets the words in the chain.
Ask children to play in their groups. The game can be repeated if one group
finishes ahead of the others.
I am a musician.
Children work in their groups to create an original verse by inserting different
classroom words.
4. Personalization.
Each group performs their new verse to make a new song.
Exercises: Workbook p. 16
-Practice words and structure
Date of teaching: 24/ 9/ 2018
Period: 21 LESSON 4
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
To pronounce sounds made by the letter combinations dr, tr, and cr
To differentiate between the sounds /dr/, /tr/, and /kr/
1.Vocabulary: drum, dress, truck, tree, crayon, crab
2.Sentence pattern: ..
Student Book p. 17, Workbook p. 17, Audio Tracks 13, 22–24, Phonics Card 7–
99, Worksheet 4: My alphabet
Ask children which sounds they looked at in the previous phonics lesson (/ɑ/
and /ʌ/).
Say the chant from p. 11 (Track 13) to energize the class and review the sounds
that o and u make in the middle of
Listen, point and repeat. (Exercise 1)
Ask children to look at the pictures in their Student Books. Tell them they are
going to hear a recording of the
different sounds.
Play the first part of the recording (Track 22) for children to listen and point to
the pictures.
Play the second part of the recording for children to repeat the sounds and
Play the recording all the way through for children to point and then repeat.
Simon says
Ask the children to stand at their desks.
Explain that you are going to give instructions. If the instruction begins with the
words Simon says…, the children
must do as you say. If not, they should stand still and wait for the next
instruction. Any child who gets this wrong is
out of the game and has to sit down.
Give an instruction from the chant e.g., Simon says… play your drum, wear
your dress, drive your truck, be a tree,
draw with your crayon, or be a crab.
Intermittently insert an instruction that is not preceded by Simon says… to see
which children are really paying
Continue the game until there is one winner left or a group of winners if you
3. Practice:
Listen and chant. (Exercise 2)
Play the recording (Track 23) for children to listen and follow the chant in their
Play the chant line by line for children to repeat each line one at a time.
Play the recording for children to join in.
Play the recording once more. This time, children point at each item in the
picture as they chant. Repeat.
4. Personalization.
- Ask Ss to find some more words
-Practice words and structure
Date of teaching: 24/ 9/ 2018
Period: 22 LESSON 4 (Cont.)
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
To pronounce sounds made by the letter combinations dr, tr, and cr
To differentiate between the sounds /dr/, /tr/, and /kr/
1.Vocabulary: review
2.Sentence pattern: ..
Student Book p. 17
Workbook p. 17
Audio Tracks 13, 22–24
Phonics Card 7–9
Worksheet 4: My alphabet
Ask children which sounds they looked at in the previous phonics lesson (/ɑ/
and /ʌ/).
Say the chant from p. 11 (Track 13) to energize the class and review the sounds
that o and u make in the middle of
Listen, point and repeat. (Exercise 1)
Ask children to look at the pictures in their Student Books. Tell them they are
going to hear a recording of the
different sounds.
Play the first part of the recording (Track 22) for children to listen and point to
the pictures.
Play the second part of the recording for children to repeat the sounds and
Play the recording all the way through for children to point and then repeat.
Simon says
Ask the children to stand at their desks.
Explain that you are going to give instructions. If the instruction begins with the
words Simon says…, the children
must do as you say. If not, they should stand still and wait for the next
instruction. Any child who gets this wrong is
out of the game and has to sit down.
Give an instruction from the chant e.g., Simon says… play your drum, wear
your dress, drive your truck, be a tree,
draw with your crayon, or be a crab.
Intermittently insert an instruction that is not preceded by Simon says… to see
which children are really paying
Continue the game until there is one winner left or a group of winners if you
3. Practice:
Listen and chant. (Exercise 2)
Play the recording (Track 23) for children to listen and follow the chant in their
Play the chant line by line for children to repeat each line one at a time.
Play the recording for children to join in.
Play the recording once more. This time, children point at each item in the
picture as they chant. Repeat.
4. Personalization.
Listen to the sounds and connect the letters. (Exercise 4)
Elicit the four pictures in the exercise (a boy, a truck, a drum, and a crayon).
Explain that you are going to play a
recording of different sounds and words from the lesson. Children have to follow
the sounds and words in the maze
to find out what the boy has – a truck, a drum, or a crayon.
Play the beginning of the recording (Track 24) and follow the blue line that links
the boy to the letters tr to
Play the rest of recording for children to link the remaining letters.
Go over the answers. Ask children to look at their mazes and call out the letters
they heard one at a time as you write
them on the board. Ask What does the boy have?
The boy has a truck.
-Practice words and structure

Date of teaching: 25/ 9/ 2018

Period: 23 LESSON 5
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
To read a text describing pictures
To read for specific words
1.Vocabulary: Review
Extra vocabulary: wall, sit with
2.Sentence pattern: ..
Student Book p. 18
Workbook p. 18
Audio Tracks 21, 25
Ask different children to tell you something about their classroom. Encourage as
many comments as possible, e.g.,
There are posters. There’s a computer. There are lots of books.
Point to things you can see in a school. Say the words. (Exercise 1)
Ask the children to look at the pictures again. They point to the different
classroom objects and say the words.
Ask children to work in pairs, taking turns pointing to the classroom objects and
saying the words.
tables, chairs, board, pictures, posters, drawers, windows, book, students
Listen and read. (Exercise 2)
Tell children that they are going to hear a recording. Explain that it doesn’t
matter if they don’t understand every
word, but they should look for words they do know.
Play the recording (Track 25) for children to listen and follow silently in their
Play the recording a second time. Answer any questions they have.
Ask questions to check comprehension, e.g., What school does Phong go to?
What’s in the classroom? What else is in
the school?
Read again. Circle the correct word. (Exercise 3)
Explain to children that they are going to do an exercise where they choose the
right answer out of two options.
Write the first question on the board with the two possible answers. Ask a child
to read it aloud to the class. Ask Is it
upstairs or downstairs?
Ask children to find the part of the text that gives them the answer (upstairs).
Draw a circle around upstairs on the
board. Show children the example answer and the circle in their books.
Read the rest of the questions with the class and check understanding.
Allow time for children to re-read the text and find the answer to each question.
Go over the answers with the class.

1. Upstairs 2. 3C 3. 14
4. Miss Loan 5. Pictures 6. Yes
3. Practice:
What can you remember?
Ask children to close their books.
Ask them to call out some things they can remember from the story, e.g.,
Phong’s classroom is upstairs.
Tell them you are going to read some statements about the story. If they think
they are true they should stand up, but
if they think they are false they should stay sitting.
Read these sentences: Phong’s classroom is small. (F) His teacher is a man. (F)
There are lots of pictures and posters
on the wall. (T) Phong sits next to the teacher. (F)
The same or different
Ask children to look at the text again. Point to the sentence The classroom is
upstairs and ask the children Is this the
same or different in our school? Elicit the answer.
In small groups ask children to look at the text again and find things that are the
same and different to their own
Draw two columns on the board for feedback, one called Same and one called
Invite different children to come to the front and write a sentence from the text
into the correct column. For example
the column Same might have The classroom is big. Different might have The
classroom is upstairs.
Put the children into groups of five or six and give each group a large piece of
paper and some colored pens.
Ask them to make a poster that contains some facts about their class. The can
write the class name, the teacher’s
name, the number of children and so on. Children can use sentences from the
reading text or their own ideas.
Encourage the children to decorate the poster with pictures and colors as well as
writing facts.
Set a time limit of ten minutes. When the time is up the children can show their
pictures to the rest of the class.
The pictures can be displayed around the classroom for future lessons.
4. Personalization.
School things bingo
Ask children to draw a 9x9 grid in their notebooks.
In each box they should write a school word from the last unit.
The teacher calls out school words. If children have that word on their grid they
should cross it out.
The first student to cross out three squares across, down, or diagonally wins the
Exercises: Workbook p. 18
-Practice words and structure


Date of teaching: 28/ 9/ 2018

Period: 24 LESSON 6
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
To listen and identify people and objects from their descriptions
To ask and answer questions about a picture
To write about your own classroom
1.Vocabulary: Review
Extra vocabulary: long
Structures: Review
2.Sentence pattern: ..
Student Book p. 18–19
Workbook p. 19
Audio Track 26
Blank paper and some music
Chain drawings
Give each child a blank piece of paper.
Play some music and tell them to draw an imaginary classroom. As the music is
playing the children start to draw.
After 20 or 30 seconds, stop the music and tell the children to stop drawing and
pass their piece of paper to the
person to their left.
Play the music again and tell children to continue with the drawing the person
next to them had started.
Stop the music again and tell children to pass on their pictures again. This
continues until the end of the song.
Each child will now have a picture that several different people have contributed
to. Play the music again and tell
them to label everything they know in the picture.
In pairs or small groups, look at the pictures together and describe them.
Put up the pictures around the room and create an art gallery!
Ask children what they can remember about Phong’s school from the previous
lesson. Say Where’s Phong’s
classroom? What’s in Phong’s school? Encourage children to describe Phong’s
school in as much detail as they can.
Allow children to check the pictures and text on p. 18 to see how accurate their
descriptions were.
Listen and number. (Exercise 1)
Ask children to look at the picture in Exercise 1 on p. 19 and tell you what they
can about it.
Tell them that they are going to hear a recording of a girl describing the people
and things in her classroom. Explain
that they don’t have to understand every word, but they should concentrate on the
words they do know and see if
they can guess the meanings of other words.
Play the recording (Track 26) for children to listen and point to the people and
things as they hear them mentioned.
Play the recording a second time, stopping after item 1. Ask children to tell you
which person is described (the girl
with long, black hair) and point out the example answer in the box. Explain that
they must number the pictures in the
order they hear them described.
Continue the recording, stopping after each item for children to number the
people and things.
Play the recording all the way through for children to complete or check their
Go over the answers with the class.
(left to right) 5, 3, 1, 4, 2, 6
3. Practice:
Point, ask, and answer. (Exercise 2)
Ask children to look at the picture again. Ask How many children / chairs /
boards are there?
Ask different children to read the words in the word box.
Read the questions and answers in the speech bubbles together for the class to
repeat in chorus. Encourage children
to make their words flow together, avoiding unnecessary pauses.
Ask children to work in pairs. They practice asking and answering questions
using the words in the word box.
Monitor the activity and model the words where necessary.
Ask some pairs to ask and answer questions for the class.
Rock, paper, scissors
Put children into pairs.
Encourage the children to play rock, paper, scissors. The loser makes a question
about their own classroom using the
words in the word box of Exercise 2, e.g. How many boys are there? etc.
4. Personalization.
- Ask Ss to find some more words
-Practice words and structure
Date of teaching: 1/ 10/ 2018
Period: 25 LESSON 1
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
To identify types of food
To understand a short story.
1.Vocabulary: salad, noodles, pizza, milkshake, chicken
+ Extra vocabulary: It’s OK, bad
+ Pronunciation tip: Focus children on the /ts/ sound in pizza.
2.Sentence pattern: ..
Student Book p. 20, Workbook p. 20, Audio Tracks 21, 27–29, Flashcards 24–29
Play Track 21 from p. 16 to warm up the class and review the last lesson.
Use Flashcards to elicit the food vocabulary for this lesson. Hold them up one at
a time for children to name the
different types of food. Model any words that children do not know.
Hold the flashcards up in a different order and repeat.
Listen and number. (Exercise 1)
Listen, point, and repeat. (Exercise 1)
Ask children to look at the pictures in their Student Books of the different
kinds of food.
Play the first part of the recording (Track 27) for children to listen and point to
the pictures. Hold up the appropriate
flashcard as each word is said.
Play the second part of the recording, pausing after each word for children to
Play the recording all the way through for children to listen and point and then
repeat the words.
Hold up the flashcards in a random order and ask the class to say the words.
3. Practice:
Play the recording (Track 28) for children to listen to the chant.
Play the chant a second time for children to repeat the words in the pauses.
Repeat (more than once if necessary).
Encourage the children to say the chant as a class, without the recording.
Transcript (Track 28)
salad, salad, salad
noodles, noodles, noodles
pizza, pizza, pizza
milkshake, milkshake, milkshake
chicken, chicken, chicken
4. Personalization.
- Play game Slap the board.
-Practice words and structure
Date of teaching: 2/ 10/ 2018
Period: 26 LESSON 1 ( Cont.)
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
To identify types of food
To understand a short story.
1.Vocabulary: salad, noodles, pizza, milkshake, chicken
+ Extra vocabulary: It’s OK, bad
+ Pronunciation tip: Focus children on the /ts/ sound in pizza.
2.Sentence pattern: ..
Student Book p. 20, Workbook p. 20, Audio Tracks 21, 27–29, Flashcards 24–29
Play Track 21 from p. 16 to warm up the class and review the last lesson.
- Ask Ss to look at the story and answer some questions: What can you see in the
pictures? Who are they? Where are they?
3. Practice:
Listen and read. (Exercise 3)
Use Story poster 3 to present the story. Talk about each frame one at a time
with the class. Encourage predictions
about the story from different members of the class.
Ask children to look at the story in their Student Books. Play the recording
(Track 29) for them to listen and point to
the different speech bubbles as they hear the words.
Ask questions to check comprehension, e.g., Where are Mom, Rosy, and
Billy? Does Rosy give Billy a sandwich? Does
Billy eat the sandwich?
Ask children to look at the story again. They find and point to the words from
Exercise 1.
Make the story.
Ask children to close their books.
Give out the pictures from Student Book p. 20 with the numbers blanked out,
photocopied and cut into cards.
In groups of three or four students, ask children to put the story in the correct
When they have finished, they can check in their books. Collect the cards at
the end of the activity to use again in the
next class.
4. Personalization.
- Sts act out as the class.
-Practice words and structure
Date of teaching: 4/ 10/ 2018
Period: 27 LESSON 2
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
To ask and answer questions about what people have
To write short answers to questions
To act out the story
2.Sentence pattern: Do you have a milkshake? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
Does he have a sandwich? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.
Student Book p. 21, Workbook p. 21, Audio Tracks 23, 29–30, Flashcards 25–29
Play a game of Pictionary. Ask children to work in pairs. One child starts to draw
a food word. Their partner must
guess what it is and call out answers. When they have guessed correctly the
children change roles.
Order the story.
Give out the Story cards from the previous lesson. Make sure that children
keep their books closed.
In groups of three to four students, they should try to put the story into the
correct order. Then listen to Track 29 to
see if they are correct.
If any cards are in the wrong order, they can change them around as they
Listen to the story and repeat. Act. (Exercise 1)
Ask children to turn to the story on p. 20 of their Student Books. Play the
recording (Track 29), pausing after each line
of text for children to repeat.
Ask children to look at the different actions that the people do in the story. As
a class, decide on the actions for the
story (see suggestions below).
Divide the class into groups of three to play the parts of Mom, Rosy, and
Play the recording a second time for children to mime the actions as they
Children practice acting out the story in their groups. Monitor the activity,
checking for correct pronunciation.
Ask some of the groups to come to the front of the class to act out the story.
Listen and say. (Exercise 2)
Ask children to look at the pictures in the Let’s learn! box. Ask What can you
see? Children identify the types of food.
Play the recording (Track 30), pausing after each question and answer for
children to point to the picture and repeat.
Write the sentences and questions on the board. Play the recording again,
miming the actions in the pictures to
reinforce meaning. Children repeat again.
Erase the food words in each sentence and replace them with flashcards to
elicit sentences with the same pattern,
e.g., Do you have chicken? Does he have salad? Does she have a milkshake?
Children repeat the new sentences.
Invite different children to change the food words to make new sentences and
3. Practice:
Look and say. (Exercise 3)
Ask children to look at the picture on p. 21 in their Student Books and tell you
what food the children have.
Children read the answers in the word box. Read the questions the girl asks
for the children to give the correct answer
from the two options.
Drill the pronunciation of Yes, I do and No, I don’t.
Allow time for children to work with a partner to ask and answer the
If you wish, have some of the pairs ask and answer the questions while the
class listens.
1. Yes, I do.
2. No, I don’t.
Flashcard practice
Invite five children to come to the front of the class and give them a food
flashcard each. Ask them to face the class
and show them their flashcards.
Ask the class Does he/she have salad/chicken/a milkshake?
Give the flashcards to five different children. This time ask Do you have
noodles/a pizza?
The class should answer in chorus.
Look and write. (Exercise 4)
Ask the class to look at the picture and tell you what food the children have.
Children read the answers in the word box. Read the first question and have a
child read the example answer.
Allow time for children to read the questions and write the correct answers.
Go over the answers with the class. Ask the questions for the class to answer.
1. No, he doesn’t.
2. Yes, he does.
3. Yes, she does.
4. No, she doesn’t.
5. No, he doesn’t.
4. Personalization.
Let’s practice!
Ask students to look at the picture and speech bubble. Ask Does she have a
sandwich? Have one student answer Yes,
she does.
Have a pair of students ask and answer the same question.
Have students work in pairs to ask and answer the question. Tell them to use
other vocabulary words on the page.
Do you have…. Bingo!
Ask children to write down (or draw) three food words from the unit. They
should keep this secret.
Put the children into pairs and ask them to play Bingo with their partner.
Children take turns asking Do you have….?
and try to guess what their partner has written down. Their partner answers either
Yes, I do or No, I don’t.
The winner is the first child to guess all three of their partner’s foods.
-Practice words and structure
Date of teaching: 5 / 10/ 2018
Period: 28 LESSON 3
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
To learn the numbers 10–100
To use the numbers in the context of a song
1.Vocabulary: ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one
Extra vocabulary: start (v+n), easy, if, try, number, high, done
2.Sentence pattern:
Student Book p. 22, Workbook p. 22, Audio Tracks 31–3
Review numbers 1–20 by counting around the class. Start the game yourself. Say
one, and then point to the child
nearest you to say two. The next child says three, and so on.
When you reach 20, start again.
Listen, point, and repeat. (Exercise 1)
Ask children to look at the numbers in their Student Books. Play the first part
of the recording (Track 31) for children
to point to the pictures and say the words.
Play the second part of the recording for children to repeat the words.
Play the recording all the way through for children to listen and then repeat.
Hold up Flashcards one at a time for individual children to say the words.
Ask ten children to come to the front of the class. Give each one a different
number flashcard and ask them to stand
in the correct order.
Say the numbers with the class. As each number is said, the person holding
that flashcard takes a step forward and
then back again.
Listen and sing. (Exercise 2)
Ask children to look at the pictures. Point to the numbers for the class to say
aloud. Ask children to tell you what they
think the song is about (numbers).
Play the recording (Track 32) all the way through once for children to listen
to. Then play it again as they follow the
words in their books.
Play each line of the song for children to repeat aloud.
Play the recording again for children to sing along.
3. Practice:
Stand up game
Give each student a number word card from the song. Play the song (Track
Each time children hear their word, they quickly stand up and sit down.
Sing and do. (Exercise 3)
Divide the class into ten groups and give each group one of the Flashcards 10–
Play the recording (Track 32) for children to sing and do the actions (see
Change the cards around and play the song again.
Children do new actions for their new number.
4. Personalization.
Ask the children to draw a grid, three by three (or three by two) squares. In
each of the squares, they write a different
word from the vocabulary (numbers ten to one hundred).
Call out the words from the vocabulary set in any order, keeping a record of the
words used so students don’t hear
them twice. The children cross off the words as they hear them. The first child to
complete a line of three shouts
Exercises: Workbook p. 22
-Practice words and structure
Date of teaching: 8 / 10/ 2018
Period: 29 LESSON 4
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
To pronounce words made by the letter combinations gr, br, and fr
To differentiate between the sounds /gr/, /br/, and /fr/
1.Vocabulary: grass, grapes, brush, bread, frog, frisbee
2.Sentence pattern:
Student Book p. 23, Workbook p. 23, Audio Tracks 32, 33–35, Phonics cards 10–
Play the song Let’s count to one hundred! (Track 32) to energize the class and
review the previous lesson.
Listen, point, and repeat. (Exercise 1)
Ask children to look at the pictures in their Student Books. Tell them that they
are going to hear a recording of the
different sounds.
Play the first part of the recording (Track 33) for children to listen and point to
the pictures.
Play the second part of the recording for children to repeat the sounds.
Play the recording all the way through for children to point and then repeat.
What’s the word?
Hold up each of the phonics cards one at a time, showing only the picture.
Ask the class for the sound and the word.
3. Practice:
Read the chant again. Circle the sounds gr, br, and fr. (Exercise 3)
Ask children to look at the chant again. Write the first line of the chant on the
board. Ask children to find examples of
sounds they have looked at in this lesson. Ask a child to come to the board to
circle the gr in grapes and br in bread.
Allow time for children to read the rest of the chant and circle the other
examples in their books.
Go over the answers with the class.
There are grapes and bread,
And juice in a glass.
Friends together,
In the green, green grass.
Play with a frisbee,
Play with a ball.
The friends have fun
With the big, brown ball.
4. Personalization.
Let’s practice!
Ask students to look at the picture and speech bubble.
Have two students demonstrate the question in the speech bubble by asking
Does he have grapes? and miming
plucking grapes and eating them. The second student answers the question.
Have students work in pairs to ask and answer the question. Tell them to use
other vocabulary words on the page 5.Homework:
-Practice words and structure
.......... Date of teaching: 9 / 10/ 2018
Period: 30 LESSON 4 ( Cont.)
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
To pronounce words made by the letter combinations gr, br, and fr
To differentiate between the sounds /gr/, /br/, and /fr/
1.Vocabulary: grass, grapes, brush, bread, frog, frisbee
2.Sentence pattern:

Student Book p. 23, Workbook p. 23, Audio Tracks 32, 33–35, Phonics cards 10–
Play I’m having a picnic. Write on the board I’m having a picnic and I’m
taking…. Say to the class I’m having a picnic
and I’m taking pizza.
Nominate a child to go next and tell them they must repeat your sentence and
add one item, e.g., I’m having a picnic
and I’m taking pizza and bread.
When children understand the game split them into small groups to play. The
sentence is continued until a child
makes a mistake or cannot remember the next item.
What’s the word?
Hold up each of the phonics cards one at a time, showing only the picture.
Ask the class for the sound and the word.
Listen and chant. (Exercise 2)
Play the recording (Track 34) for children to listen to the chant.
Play the chant once more, stopping the recording after each line for children to
repeat. Repeat, and encourage
children to follow the chant in their book.
Where’s the sound?
On three separate pieces of paper, write the letter combinations gr, br, and fr
in large letters.
Display the papers on different walls in the classroom, making sure everyone
can see them.
Play the chant again. Whenever children hear a word beginning with one of
the sounds, they point to the appropriate
piece of paper.
3. Practice:
Listen and complete the words. (Exercise 4)
Tell children you are going to play a recording (Track 35). They have to listen
and fill in the missing sounds below the
Children look at the first picture. Play the recording for them to listen to the
first word. Ask What’s the word?
(grapes). Draw attention to the example letters gr that complete the word.
Play the rest of the recording for children to write in the other missing sounds
and complete the words.
Play the recording again for children to complete or check their answers.
Go over the answers. Ask children to say the missing sounds followed by the
1. grapes
2. brown
3. green
4. frog
5. Brush
4. Personalization.
Exercises: Workbook p. 23
-Practice words and structure
..........Date of teaching: 11 / 10/ 2018
Period: 31 LESSON 5
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
To read and understand a caption story
To find specific information in a text
1.Vocabulary: chicken, bananas, noodles, soup, juice
Extra vocabulary: much
2..Sentence pattern: Are you sure?
Student Book p. 24, Workbook p. 24, Audio Tracks 34, 36
Sing the chant on p. 23 (Track 34) to energize the class and review the phonics
Look at the pictures. What food do they have? (Exercise 1)
Ask children to look at the pictures on p. 24 in their Student Books and tell
you all the kinds of food they can see.
Listen and read. (Exercise 2)
Tell children that they are going to hear a recording of the text. They should
listen and read carefully.
Play the recording (Track 36) for children to listen and follow silently in their
Play the recording a second time. Answer any questions they have.
Ask questions to check comprehension, e.g., Where is the boy? Does the
woman have a lot of food? Why not? What
food does the boy buy? What drink does the boy buy? What’s his favorite soup?
Act it out.
Ask children to work in pairs. One child is the boy and one child is the woman
from the noodle soup shop.
Children practice reading the dialogue from the story together.

Monitor and help with pronunciation.
Switch partners and change roles.
3. Practice:
What food do they have? Write or . (Exercise 3)
Explain that children are going to read the text again and see what foods the
man in the noodle soup shop has.
Read the list of words together. Draw attention to the first food. Ask Do they
have chicken? (No). Draw attention to
the example in the box. Explain that they are going to do the same for the other
foods, adding checks () where
they have a kind of food and s where they don’t.
Allow time for children to reread the text to find out what food they have /
don’t have and write a or an for each
Go over the answers with the class.
chicken , bananas , rice , noodles 
Design your own menu!
Divide the class into groups of six. Tell children that they are the owners of a
take-out stall, and they are going to
design a new menu.
Children discuss as a group what kind of foods they are going to sell.
Encourage them to use their imaginations.
Give each group a large piece of paper and some colored pencils. Children
write their menu and illustrate it with
Ask a child from each group to show their menu to the class and read it aloud.
Ask the children which new menu they would most like to try.
Two the same, one different
Put children into pairs and tell them they must find two foods that they both
like and one that they both don’t like.
They do this by asking Do you like….? and answering yes or no. When they
find a food they both like or dislike they
write it down.
The first pair to finish raises their hands and can feedback to the teacher, for
example We both like apples and pizza,
we both don’t like bananas.
4. Personalization.
Island hopping game
Children work in groups of three-four students. Give each group a pile of food
cards face down on the desk. Each
group should have the same number of cards in their pile.
Say Go! and have children in each group take turns turning over the top card
and making a sentence that features
that word, e.g., I have / don’t have…
They put the card face down on the desk after saying the sentence.
The first group to finish all their cards wins!
Exercises: Workbook p. 24
-Practice words and structure
Date of teaching: 12 / 10/ 2018
Period: 32 LESSON 6
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
To listen and identify food items in a store
To ask and answer questions with Do you have…
To write which foods you like and don’t like
1.Vocabulary: review
2..Sentence pattern: review
Student book p. 25, Workbook p. 25, Audio Track 37
Children write down three different types of food from this unit.
Have children work in pairs. One child is the customer and the other is the store
employee. The customer uses his/her
words to ask questions with Do you have…? The store employee looks at his/her
list of words and answers the
Listen and write Yes or No. (Exercise 1)
Tell children that they are going to hear a recording of a boy and girl buying
fruit. They need to listen carefully and say
which fruits the store has and which ones it doesn’t have.
Play the recording (Track 37) for children to listen and point to the fruit as
they hear it mentioned.
Play the recording a second time for children to write Yes for the food the
store has and No for the food the store
doesn’t have.
Play the recording again for children to complete their answers.
Go over the answers with the class.
1. Yes
2. No
3. No
4. Yes
5. Yes
6. No
Point, ask, and answer. (Exercise 2)
Ask children to look at the picture in their Student Books. Ask them to tell
you the different kinds of food they can see
at the stand.
Explain that they are going to practice asking for fruit at a fruit market. Focus
attention on the example question and
answer. Invite a child to come to the front of the class. Read the question and
answer in the speech bubbles together
for the class to repeat in chorus.
Ask children to work in pairs. They take turns pointing to the different fruits
in the pictures and asking and answering
questions using the words in the box.
Monitor the activity and model the words where necessary.
Ask some pairs to ask and answer questions for the class.
3. Practice:
Write a question mark or a period. (Exercise 3)
Ask children to look at the first sentence in Exercise 3. Ask Is this a sentence
or a question? Elicit that it is a question.
Ask children What goes at the end of a question? (a question mark).
Then ask children to look at the next sentence. Again, ask children Is this a
sentence or a question? Determine with
the class that it is a sentence and that it ends with a period.
Show children the sample answers.
Explain that children will work with a partner and continue reading. They
should decide if each is a sentence or a
question. Then they write in a question mark or a period for each.
Monitor and help where needed.
Answer the questions from 3. (Exercise 4)
Point out the first question and ask one student Do you like apples? Have the
student answer.
Have children work with a partner to read the questions and write answers that
are true for them.
Explain that they can also write Yes or No for each of the sentences.
4. Personalization.
Island hopping game
Children work in groups of three-four students. Give each group a pile of food
cards face down on the desk. Each
group should have the same number of cards in their pile.
Say Go! and have children in each group take turns turning over the top card
and making a sentence that features
that word, e.g., I have / don’t have…
They put the card face down on the desk after saying the sentence.
The first group to finish all their cards wins!
Exercises: Workbook p. 24
Exercises: Workbook p. 25
Date of teaching: 15 / 10/ 2018
Week: 9 REVIEW 1
Period: 33
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- Review how to ask and answer questions about School things, numbers, food
and drink.
1.Vocabulary: review
2.Sentence pattern: review
Student book p. 26, workbook p.26
Net work

Food and School things


Tell Ss that they are going to practice reading skill by do exercises 1,2,3..
3. Pratice.Do exercises.
Task 1. Exercise 1.Circle the odd-one-out. Write.
- Ss look at task 1 and answer the question “ What can you see?”.
-Ss do the task in 3 minutes.
- Call some Ss to give feedback.
- T comments gives the answer key.
2.seventeen 3. drawers 4.noodles 5.twenty
Task 2. Exercise 2.Look and Match.

- Tell Ss that they are going to look at the picture, read and match the questions on
the left with the suitable answers on the right.
- Ask Ss “ What can you see in the picture?
- Have Ss work in pairs to do the task in three minutes.
- Ss give feedback
- T comments and gives the answer key.
2.f 3.a 4.e 5.b 6.d
Task 3. Exercise 3.Ask and answer..
- Remind Ss how to use Do/ Does.....?
- Give some examples: Do you have a pencil? Does she have bananas?
- Ss work in group of four to do the task in three minutes.
- Ss give feedback.
- T comments
4. Personalization.
- Play game Pass the teddy bear, using some structures that they have learnt: Do
you have....? Does he/ she have.....?
-T gives comments.
Date of teaching: 16 / 10/ 2018
Week: 9 REVIEW 1 (2)
Period: 34
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- Review how to ask and answer questions about School things, numbers, food
and drink.
1.Vocabulary: review
2.Sentence pattern: review
Student book p. 27, workbook p.27
Sing the song Do you like food?
Tell Ss that they are going to do exercises on their books.
3. Pratice. Do exercises.
Task 1. Exercise 4.Check(√) the two pictures that startwith the same sound.
Write the letter.
-Tell Ss that they are going to look at the pictures and tick in the box has the
word that start with the same sound. Then write the letters in the lines.
- Ss read the sentences in a few second. Check comprehension and feedback.
- Give them 3 minutes to do the task. ( Work in pairs)
- Ask some Ss give feedback.
- T gives comments.
Key: 3.dr
Task 2. Exercise 5.Write T (true) or F( False)
- Tell Ss that they are going to look at the pictures, read the sentences and
chosse T or F.
- Ask Ss describe the picture.
- Ss work individual in 2 minutes.
- Some Ss give feedback.
- T gives comments.
Key: 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T
4. Persenalization.
Task 3. Read and color.
Have the class read the statements and check their comprehension:
Give them time to color the faces.
Give further support to Ss who find it difficult to achieve certain objectives
Date of teaching: 18 / 10/ 2018
Week: 9 REVIEW 1 (3)
Period: 35
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- Review how to ask and answer questions about School things, numbers, food
and drinks
1.Vocabulary: review
2.Sentence pattern: review
- Flashcards
- Real objects: a ball
Play game Pass the ball.
Tell Ss that they are going to do some worksheets about toys and school things.
3. Pratice. Do exercises.

4. Persenalization.

Date of teaching: 19 / 10/ 2018
Week: 9 REVIEW 1 (4)
Period: 36
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- Review how to ask and answer questions about School things, food and drink,
1.Vocabulary: review
2.Sentence pattern: review
- Flashcards
- Real objects: a ball
Play game Pass the ball.
Tell Ss that they are going to do some worksheets about toys and school things.
3. Pratice. Do exercises.

4. Persenalization.


Date of teaching: 22/ 10/ 2018
Period: 37 LESSON 1
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
To identify school subjects
To understand a short story
1.Vocabulary: art, math, English, P.E., music
Extra vocabulary: our, their, time, wear
Pronunciation tip: Make sure children pronounce /θ/ at the end of math.
2.Sentence pattern: none
Student Book p. 28, Workbook p. 28, Audio Tracks 21, 38–40, Flashcards 39–43
Draw four circles with different fruits in them on the board.
Assign a different action to each fruit (e.g., apple = jump, banana = spin, etc.).
Have children stand up and do the actions every time you say or touch one of
the fruits..
Listen, point, and repeat. (Exercise 1)
Ask children to look at the pictures of the different school subjects in their
books on p. 28.
Play the first part of the recording (Track 38) for children to listen and point to
the appropriate picture. Hold up the
appropriate flashcard as each word is said.
Play the second part of the recording, pausing after each word for children to
Play the recording all the way through for children to listen and point and then
repeat the words.
Hold up the flashcards in random order and ask the class to say the words.
Pointing game
Put Flashcards in different places around the room.
Call out one word. Ask children to listen to the word and point to the correct
flashcard as fast as possible and then
repeat it loudly.
Ask a child to take the role of caller. After a few turns, change to a different
Listen and chant. (Exercise 2)
Play the recording (Track 39) and teach the chant.
Play the recording a second time for children to repeat the words in the pauses
in the chant.
Repeat (more than once if necessary).
Children say the chant as a class, without the recording.
Listen and read. (Exercise 3)
Use Story poster 4 to present the story. Talk about each frame with the class.
Encourage predictions about the story
from different members of the class.
Ask children to look at the story in their Student Books. Play the recording (Track
40) for them to listen and point to
the different speech bubbles as they hear the words.
Ask questions to check comprehension, e.g., Does Tim like P.E.? Do Rosy and
Tim take their P.E. bags to school? Does
Tim have his P.E. clothes?
Ask children to look at the story again. They find and point to words from Exercise
4. Personalization.
Spin zone!
Put the class into groups of four. Give each group a spinning top or coin.
The group spins the top, and the children take turns saying as many school words
as possible before the top stops
The child who says the most words wins.
Date of teaching: 23 / 10/ 2018
Period: 38 LESSON 1(CONT.)
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
Reading: read and follow instructions; read a text and put pictures in the correct
1.Vocabulary: Review Extra: make, body, cut (v), fold (v), paper, paw, glue (v),
color (v), then
2.Sentence pattern: none
Student Book p. 24, Workbook p. 24, Audio Tracks 37, 41, Cut and Make 1: Paper
lion (one copy per student), Colored markers or pencils, Scissors, glue, string
Song: Sing Ten fingers on my hands (Track 37)
Listen, point, and repeat. (Exercise 1)
Ask children to look at the pictures of the different school subjects in their
books on p. 28.
Play the first part of the recording (Track 38) for children to listen and point to
the appropriate picture. Hold up the
appropriate flashcard as each word is said.
Play the second part of the recording, pausing after each word for children to
Play the recording all the way through for children to listen and point and then
repeat the words.
Hold up the flashcards in random order and ask the class to say the words.
Pointing game
Put Flashcards in different places around the room.
Call out one word. Ask children to listen to the word and point to the correct
flashcard as fast as possible and then
repeat it loudly.
Ask a child to take the role of caller. After a few turns, change to a different
- Write one of the items from the vocabulary set on the board, e.g., firefighter.
Say the word aloud.
- Put Flashcards 43–46 in a pile and hold them up so that the children can only
see the facing card. Reveal the cards
one at a time by putting the front card to the back. When children see the
firefighter, they shout Snap!
- Repeat with the rest of the words in the set.
4. Personalization.
Worksheet 1: What we do at school
In groups of three to four students, match the school subject with the description.
They may need to look in
Vietnamese-English dictionaries for some of the words.
Check the answers together.
Exercises: Workbook p. 28
Date of teaching: 23 / 10/ 2018
Period: 39 LESSON 2
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
To write sentences with our and their
To ask questions about what subjects you have on different days of the week
To act out a story
Language focus: listening, speaking, writing
Vocabulary: our, their
What do we have on Monday? We have English.
When do we have P.E.? We have P.E. on Thursday.
Student Book p. 29, Workbook p. 29, Audio Tracks 39, 40–41, Flashcards 39–43
What’s missing?
Display the flashcards from the vocabulary set on the board.
Point to each one, one at a time, for children to say the words. Give the class a
few seconds to look at them all.
Ask children to close their eyes and put their heads down. Remove a card and
rearrange the others. Ask What’s
Repeat the activity to review all the vocabulary.
Order the story.
Give out the cut up scenes from the story (with the numbers blanked out) to the
children in groups of three to four
With their books closed, see if they can put the cards in the correct order.
Listen to the story (Track 40) to check their answers and make any necessary
Listen to the story and repeat. Act. (Exercise 1)
Ask children to turn to the story on p. 28 of their Student Books. They check
how many of the school subjects they
remembered in the lead-in activity.
Play the recording (Track 40), pausing after each line of text for children to
Ask children to look at the different actions that the people do in the story. As a
class, decide on the actions for the
story (see suggestions below).
Play the recording a second time for children to mime the actions as they listen.
Divide the class into groups of six to play the parts of Rosy, Tim, Grandma, the
P.E. teacher, and the two boys.
Children practice acting out the story in their groups. (Note that the two boys
don’t have speaking parts.)
Monitor the activity, checking for correct pronunciation.
Ask some of the groups to come to the front of the class to act out the story.
Listen and say. (Exercise 2)
Ask children to look at the pictures in the Let’s learn! box. Ask What can you
Play the recording (Track 41), pausing after each sentence and question for
children to point to the picture and
Write the sentences and questions on the board. Play the recording again,
miming the actions in the pictures to
reinforce meaning. Children repeat again.
Reinforce the meaning of our and their by inviting three children to come to the
front. Stand with one child a little
distance from the other children and hold a bag between you. Say This is our bag.
Give the other two children an item
such as a pencil and say That is their pencil. Repeat, using different school items,
until the meaning is clear.
Erase the last word in each sentence. Ask children to suggest other words that
could go in the spaces, e.g.,
What do we have on Tuesday? We have math. We have art on Thursday. These
are our pencils. You can wear their
hats. Say the new sentences for children to repeat.
Invite different children to change the words.
Look and say. (Exercise 3)
Ask the class to look at the schedule and read the days of the week and the
school subjects out loud.
Draw attention to the speech bubbles. Ask a child to stand up. Ask the questions
for him/her to answer while the
class listens.
Ask children to work in pairs, asking and answering questions about the other
subjects in the schedule.
Monitor the activity. Help with pronunciation and model words and phrases
where necessary.
Our schedule
Draw a grid on the board and make your own schedule by putting Flashcards
into different squares of the grid.
Ask questions for individual children to reply to, e.g., What do we have on
Ask children to work in pairs to ask and answer questions about the new
Change the flashcards around after a few minutes to change the answers.
Write. (Exercise 4)
Ask children to look at the pictures and the words our and their in the word box.
Children look at the first picture. Ask Our or their? Establish that the correct
answer is our and show children that it is
written in as an example.
Allow time for children to look at the rest of the pictures and write the missing
Go over the answers with the class. Ask children to read the complete sentences
in chorus.
1. These are our bags.
2. Those are their bags.
3. These are our T-shirts.
4. Those are their T-shirts.
4. Personalization.
Let’s practice!
Ask students to look at the picture and speech bubble. Ask a student to read the
speech bubble These are our balls.
Have a student demonstrate the sentence for the class by miming bouncing or
juggling several balls.
Have students work in pairs to take turns saying the sentence and demonstrating
the action. Tell them to use other
vocabulary words on the page.
Exercises: Workbook p. 29
Date of teaching: 26 / 10/ 2018
Period: 40 LESSON 3
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
To identify rooms and areas in a school
To use these words in the context of a song
school yard, art room, computer room
Extra vocabulary: paint, headphones
Student Book p. 30, Workbook p. 30, Audio Tracks 42–43
Warmer: Jump!
Give each child a word card with a school subject on it.
Ask them to stand behind their desks. Say a word at random. If it is the same as
the word on their card, they should
jump. If it isn’t, they should stay still.
Listen, point, and repeat. (Exercise 1)
Ask children to look at the pictures in their Student Books.
Play the first part of the recording (Track 42) for children to point to the pictures
and say the words.
Play the second part of the recording for children to repeat the words.
Play the recording all the way through for children to listen and then repeat.
Hold up Flashcards one at a time for individual children to say the words.
If you have all of these in your school, ask children Where do you have P.E. /
art / computers?
Listen and sing. (Exercise 2)
Point to the different pictures for children to tell you what they can see. See if
they can name the school subjects or
say which places they can see.
Play the song (Track 43) all the way through for children to listen. Then play it
again as they follow the words in their
Read each line of the song line by line for children to repeat after you.
Play the recording for children to sing along.
Stand up game
Divide the class into four groups and assign each group a word: art room,
school yard, computer room, and school.
Play the song (Track 43). Each time children hear their word, they quickly stand
up and sit down.
Sing and do. (Exercise 3)
Ask children to look at the pictures and tell you which action they should do for
each verse of the song (see below for
Practice the actions with the class.
Play the recording (Track 43) for children to sing the song and do the actions.
4. Personalization.
Group verse
Divide the class into three groups, one for each verse.
Without playing the song, hold up the school yard flashcard. The school yard
group sings or chants the words from
their verse in the Student Book.
Repeat with the art room and computer room flashcards. The whole class can
sing At our school… together each time.
Tell children that now they are going to sing the song from memory. Ask them
to close their books. Play the song
again. At the beginning of each verse, hold up the appropriate flashcard to remind
children which group is going to
Exercises: Workbook p. 30
Date of teaching: 29 / 10/ 2018
Period: 41 LESSON 4
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
 To pronounce sounds made by the letter combinations fl, pl, and bl
To differentiate between the sounds /fl/, /pl/, and /bl/
flower, flag, plum, plate, blanket, blue
 Student Book p. 31, Workbook p. 31, Audio Tracks 43, 44–45
Song: Sing the song from p. 30 (Track 43) to energize the class.
Ask children if they can remember the sounds from the previous phonics lesson
(/gr/, /br/, and /fr/). Say the words
green, brown, and frog to help them remember if they have forgotten.
Teach the new sounds and letters for the lesson using the phonics cards.
Hold up the first card and say Letters f and l make the sound /fl/. Say the sound
for children to repeat several times.
Repeat the procedure with the other phonics cards.
Hold up each card one at a time and say the words for children to repeat.
Listen, point, and repeat. (Exercise 1)
Ask children to look at the pictures in their Student Books. Tell them they are
going to hear a recording of the
different sounds.
Play the first part of the recording (Track 44) for children to listen and point to
the pictures.
Play the second part of the recording for children to repeat the sounds and
Play the recording all the way through for children to point and then repeat.
Listen and chant. (Exercise 2)
Ask children to look at the picture and tell you what they can see. Play the
recording (Track 45) for them to listen to
the chant.
Play the chant once more, pausing the audio after each line for children to
Repeat, and encourage children to follow the chant in their books.
Read the chant again. Circle the sounds fl, pl, and bl. (Exercise 3)
Ask children to look at the chant again. Write the first line on the board. Ask
children to find an example of the letters
fl, pl, or bl. Ask a child to come to the front and circle the pl in plum and plate.
Allow time for children to read the rest of the chant and circle the other
examples in their books.
Monitor the activity and help where necessary.
Go over the answers with the class.
Plums on a plate,
Plums on a plate.
Blue plums, black plums,
Plums on a plate.
A blanket on a bed,
A blanket on a bed.
There’s a pretty flower
On the blanket on the bed.
4. Personalization.
Let’s practice!
Ask students to look at the picture and speech bubble. Say Look at the blue
Have a student read the sentence.
Have students work in pairs and take turns saying the sentence. Tell them to use
other vocabulary words on the page.
Miming flashcards
Go around the room, assigning the words plate, blanket, and flower to different
children, so that children
representing each word are evenly dispersed.
Tell children you are going to read a list of words beginning with the sounds
/pl/, /bl/, and /fl/. When children hear
the sounds represented by their words, they hold up their plate, wrap themselves
in a blanket, or pick a flower.
Read the following list out loud (more than once if necessary), pausing between
each word: plum, flag, blue, flower,
blanket, plate.
Change the words assigned to each child so that they can practice the different
sounds and actions.

Date of teaching: 30 / 10/ 2018
Period: 42 LESSON 4 (cont.)
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
 To pronounce sounds made by the letter combinations fl, pl, and bl
 To differentiate between the sounds /fl/, /pl/, and /bl/
flower, flag, plum, plate, blanket, blue
 Student Book p. 31, Workbook p. 31, Audio Tracks 43, 44–45
I know, I know, I know.
Divide the class into four teams.
Use a variety of flashcards from previous lessons.
Show the class a flashcard very quickly. The first team to shout I know, I know,
I know and tell you the correct word
gets one point.
Listen, point, and repeat. (Exercise 1)
Ask children to look at the pictures in their Student Books. Tell them they are
going to hear a recording of the
different sounds.
Play the first part of the recording (Track 44) for children to listen and point to
the pictures.
Play the second part of the recording for children to repeat the sounds and
Play the recording all the way through for children to point and then repeat.
Listen and complete the words. (Exercise 4)
Point out the five pictures in the exercise. Explain that you are going to play a
recording of different sounds and words
from the lesson. Children have listen to the sounds and words and write in the
letters for each picture that they hear.
Play the beginning of the recording (Track 46) and ask children What word do
you hear? (plate). Then ask What letters
make the first sound in that word? (pl).
Play the rest of recording for children to write the remaining letters.
Go over the answers with the class.
bl/ blue /fl/ flower /bl/ blanket /pl/ plum
1. Plate 2. Blue 3. Flower 4. Blanket 5. Plum
4. Personalization.
Worksheet 2: Maze master
Give children a copy of Worksheet 2 and tell them they are going to make their
own maze for their partner.
Tell them to decide what they would like to reach and then guide their partner to
the item by saying the different
sounds for them to follow.
When their partner reaches an item, check that it is the one they intended to
guide them to.
Tell children to change roles and listen to their partner guide them through the
Exercises: Workbook p. 31
Date of teaching: 1 / 11/ 2018
Period: 43 LESSON 5
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
To read and understand a webpage
To find specific details in a text
1.Vocabulary: review
Extra vocabulary: speak, study, read, lesson
Structures: review
 Student Book p. 32, Workbook p. 32, Audio Track 47
Musical cards
Play lively music. Hand the schoolroom flashcards and any other words you
would like to review to different children
around the class.
Ask them to pass them to each other until the music stops.
Stop the music suddenly and ask each child holding a card to tell you what the
picture is.
Talk about computers with your class. Ask Do you like computers? Do you
have a computer? Do you have computer
lessons at school?
Ask children to look at the picture on p. 32 in their Student Books. Encourage
children to make predictions about
what they are going to read, e.g., It’s about computer lessons in school. The
children like computers. Explain that they
are going to read a webpage that some children have written about the computer
room in a school.
Look at the picture. What school subjects can you see? (Exercise 1)
Ask children to look at the picture again. Ask them to name the different
subjects that children are studying in the
computer room.
If you wish, ask children to work in pairs, taking turns pointing to children and
saying which subjects they are
English, math, music, art
Listen and read. (Exercise 2)
Tell children that they are going to hear a recording of the text. Play the
recording (Track 47) for children to listen and
follow silently in their books.
Play the recording a second time. Answer any questions that they have.
Ask questions to check comprehension, e.g., Where are the children? What can
the children do on the computers?
Reading race
Tell the children you will ask them some questions and they must race to find
the answers. When they know the
answer, they should raise their hand until they are called upon.
Ask the following questions:
How many children can go into the computer room? (12)
Is there a computer for every student? (Yes)
Can the children use headphones? (Yes)
Can the children study P.E. in the computer room? (No)
What days of the week can the children come to the computer room? (Tuesday
and Thursday)
Read again. Circle the false word and write the correct word. (Exercise 3)
Ask children to close their books. Copy the example sentence from the Student
Book onto the board.
Ask children Is the sentence correct? (No). Ask Which word is wrong? Invite a
child to come to the front to circle the
incorrect word in the sentence (small). Invite a second child to come and write
the correct word (big) next to the
Ask children to look at the exercise in their Student Books. Explain that they
need to find the word that is wrong in
each sentence and circle it. They should then put the correct word at the end of
the line.
Allow time for children to reread the text and then find the incorrect words and
write the correct words for each
Go over the answers with the class. Read each sentence for children to tell you
which word is wrong and tell you the
correct word.
1 We have a small computer room. (big)
2 We have 18 computers. (12)
3 The students can listen and eat. (speak)
4 The computers help the children to run and write. (read)
5 The children come every Tuesday and Wednesday. (Thursday)
4. Personalization.
Exercises: Workbook p. 32
Date of teaching: 2 / 11/ 2018
Period: 44 LESSON 6
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
To listen and identify school rooms from their descriptions
To ask and answer questions about different rooms in a school
To write about the week
1.Vocabulary: review
Extra vocabulary: break time, learn
Structures: review
 Student Book p. 33, Workbook p. 33
Ask the children to draw a three-by-three grid. In each of the squares, they write
a different word from the
vocabulary they have studied in the unit.
Call out words from the vocabulary in any order. Keep a record of the words as
you say them, so that you don’t say
the same word twice. The children cross off the words in their grids as they hear
them. The first child to complete a
line of three shouts Bingo!
Listen and number. (Exercise 1)
Tell children that they are going to hear a girl talking about the rooms in her
school. They have to listen and write the
number when they hear the word mentioned.
Play the recording (Track 48) all the way through for children to listen and point
to the rooms as they hear them
Play the recording a second time, stopping after the first item. Show children the
example answer 1 in the box.
Continue the recording, pausing after each item for children to number the
Play the recording again for children to complete or check their answers.
Go over the answers with the class.
(top row) 2, 1 (bottom row) 3, 4
Point, ask, and answer about your school. (Exercise 2)
Ask children to read the words and phrases in the word box out loud.
Focus attention on the speech bubbles. Ask a child to stand up and model the
question and answer with you. Children
repeat the question and answer in chorus. Encourage them to make their words
flow together, avoiding unnecessary
Children work in pairs, taking turns pointing, asking, and answering questions
about what is in the different rooms.
Monitor the activity and model words where necessary.
Ask some of the pairs to ask and answer questions for the class.
What’s in the rooms?
Put the children into groups of three or four students and ask them to close their
Student Books.
Write the different rooms on the board. One child from each group should ask
the others a question about one of the
rooms e.g., What do we have in the art room?
The other children in the group answer the question.
Repeat with different children in the group asking the questions.
4. Personalization.
Circle the capital letters at the start of the days of the week. (Exercise 4)
Have children look at the sentences in Exercise 3 again. Point out the M in
Monday. Ask children if this is a capital
letter or a lower-case letter (capital). Ask children why there is a capital letter in
Monday. (All days of the week start
with a capital letter.)
Have children circle all the capital letters for the days of the week.
Worksheet 3: Unscramble sentences
Give each group a set of word cards.
Children work in groups to rearrange these words to make correct sentences.
My perfect schedule
Ask children to work in groups of three or four students.
Tell them they are going to design their perfect schedule for the school week.
Encourage them to use their
imaginations, for example, On Monday we have football, on Tuesday we have
computer games, etc.
When they have finished, each group can share their schedule with the class and
vote on which schedule sounds the
most fun!
Exercises: Workbook p. 33
Date of teaching: 5 / 11/ 2018
Period: 45 LESSON 1
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
To identify different party objects
Language focus: reading, listening
Vocabulary: candy, balloon, present, cake, card
Extra vocabulary: birthday, tomorrow, scared of, asleep, someone
Student Book p. 34, Workbook p. 34, Audio Tracks 32, 49–51, Flashcards 47–51
Draw a picture of a big box with a ribbon on the board. Ask What is it? (a
present). When do we give presents?
(birthdays, Tet, teachers’ day, etc.)
Ask I want to buy a present for my friend. What shall I buy? See what ideas the
children have.
Ask What other things would there be at a birthday party? Write the ideas on
the board around the present.
Use Flashcards to elicit the vocabulary for this lesson (or use real objects if you
have them). Hold them up one at a
time for children to say the words. Model any words that children do not know.
Hold the flashcards up in a different order and repeat.
Listen, point, and repeat. (Exercise 1)
Ask children to look at the pictures of the different party objects.
Play the first part of the recording (Track 49) for children to listen and point to
the appropriate picture or object. Hold
up the appropriate flashcard or object as each word is said.
Play the second part of the recording, pausing after each word for children to
Play the recording all the way through for children to listen and point and then
repeat the words.
Hold up the flashcards in random order and ask the class to say the words.
Word chain
Put the flashcards on the board in a sequence, e.g., balloon, cake, present, card,
Have the class repeat the sequence.
Remove one flashcard. The class repeats the sequence including the missing
word. Remove one more flashcard each
time, until children are saying the whole sequence from memory.
Listen and chant. (Exercise 2)
Play the recording (Track 50) for children to listen to the chant.
Play the chant a second time for children to point to and repeat the words in the
pauses in the chant.
Repeat (more than once if necessary).
Children say the chant as a class, without the recording.
4. Personalization.
Play game “ Use the sticks to make the words”
- Ss play game in groups of four.
- T gives comments.
Date of teaching: 6 / 11/ 2018
Period: 46 LESSON 1(cont.)
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
To understand a short story
Language focus: reading, listening
Vocabulary: seesaw, slide, goal, tree
Extra Vocabulary: good try, under, on, in, where
Student Book p. 34, Workbook p. 34, Audio Tracks 48, 54–56
Sing “Hello song”
Ask I want to buy a present for my friend. What shall I buy? See what ideas
the children have.
Ask What other things would there be at a birthday party? Write the ideas on
the board around the present.
 Tell Ss that they are going to read a story in the book.
 Ask Ss look at the books and identify what they can see in the pictures.
Listen and read. (Exercise 3)
Use Story poster 5 to present the story. Talk about each frame one at a time with
the class. Encourage predictions
about the story from different members of the class.
Ask children to look at the story in their Student Books. Play the recording
(Track 51) for them to listen and point to
the different speech bubbles as they hear the words.
Ask questions to check comprehension, e.g., Whose birthday is it? What does
Billy like? Who is in the living room?
Ask children to look at the story again. They find and point to words from
Exercise 1.
When’s your birthday?
Find out if any of the children have a birthday this month.
The children who have a birthday stand up and the other children in the class
sing Happy Birthday to them.
4. Personalization.
It’s my party!
Have children work in groups of three to four students. Tell them they are going
to plan a party and invite the other
children to come.
Write the following prompts on the board:
Anything else?
Explain that the theme of the party means the style that the party will follow, e.g.,
pirates, dinosaurs, princesses, etc.
In their groups, have children plan their party and make a poster to describe it.
At the end of the planning time, each group should come to the front and present
their posters to the class.
After the presentations, ask children to choose which party they will attend.
Have a class vote.
Spelling Bee
Put the children into groups of five or six students.
Give children a word from the unit to spell orally. Children work in their groups
to spell the word. When they think
have the spelling, one student from the group raises his/her hand. The first team
that can spell out the word gets one
point. Make sure all the students get a chance to be the speller for their group.
If you prefer, you can have the children write the word on pieces of paper and
hold them up for you to see.
Exercises: Workbook p. 34
Date of teaching: 8 / 11/ 2018
Period: 47 LESSON 2
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
To express likes and dislikes
To ask and answer questions about what people like
To act out a story
Language focus: listening, speaking, writing
Vocabulary: What do you like? I don’t like balloons. What does he like? He likes /
doesn’t like candy.
Student Book p. 35, Workbook p. 35, Audio Tracks 51–52, Flashcards 47–51
Song: Sing Happy birthday to remind children of the topic and to energize the
Warmer: What’s missing?
Ask children if they can remember the new words from the previous lesson.
Bring out the flashcards to help them remember and put them on the board.
Point to each one and ask children to
say the words.
Ask children to turn around. Remove a flashcard.
Display the flashcards again and ask What’s missing?
When children have identified the missing flashcard, shuffle them again and
repeat the procedure.
Ask children if they can remember what happened in the story in the previous
lesson. Show Story poster 5 to
encourage ideas.
Cover the poster and ask children which party objects were mentioned in the
Listen to the story and repeat. Act. (Exercise 1)
Ask children to turn to the story on p. 34 of their Student Books. They check
how well they remembered the story.
Play the recording (Track 51), pausing after each line of text for children to
Ask children to look at the different actions the people do in the story. As a
class, decide on the actions for the story
(see suggestions below).
Divide the class into groups of five to play the parts of Rosy, Tim, Billy, Mom,
and Dad.
Play the recording a second time for children to mime the actions as they listen.
Children practice acting out the story in their groups. Monitor the activity,
checking for correct pronunciation.
Ask some of the groups to come to the front of the class to act out the story.
Listen and say. (Exercise 2)
Ask children to look at the pictures in the Let’s learn! box. Ask What can you
Play the recording (Track 52), pausing after each sentence and question for
children to point to the picture and
Write the sentences and questions on the board. Play the recording again,
miming the actions and expressions in the
pictures to reinforce meaning. Children repeat again.
Erase the last word in each sentence and replace with flashcards to elicit
sentences with the same pattern, e.g., I like
candy. I don’t like balloons. He likes cards. He doesn’t like cake. Say the
sentences for children to repeat.
Invite children to change the words to make new sentences.
Ask a child to stand up. Hold up a flashcard and ask, e.g., Do you like balloons?
to elicit Yes, I like balloons or No, I
don’t like balloons.
Ask the class Does he / she like balloons? They say Yes, he/she likes balloons or
No, he/she doesn’t like balloons in
chorus. Repeat with other flashcards.
Look and say. (Exercise 3)
Ask the class to look at the speech bubble. Ask a child to stand up. Point to the
pictures and have him/her say what
the boy and girl like or don’t like while the class listens.
Ask children to work in pairs. They take turns pointing to the pictures and
saying what the children like or don’t like.
Monitor the activity. Help with pronunciation and model words and phrases
where necessary.
Interview your partner.
Ask children to work in pairs. They take turns saying what they like and don’t
like. They record their partner’s likes
and dislikes.
Ask some of the children to tell the class about their partner’s likes and dislikes.
Look again and write. (Exercise 4)
Ask individual children to read the words in the word box.
Ask children to look at the first picture in Exercise 3. Ask Does he like candy?
to elicit Yes, he does. Establish that the
missing word in the sentence is likes.
Allow time for children to look at the rest of the pictures and complete the
Go over the answers with the class. Ask children to read the complete sentences
in chorus.
1 He likes candy.
2 He doesn’t like balloons.
3 She likes presents.
4 She doesn’t like cake.
4. Personalization.
Let’s practice!
Ask students to look at the picture and speech bubble.
Have two students demonstrate the sentence and the question in the speech
bubble. The first student says the
sentence and mimes eating cake and smiling. The student then asks What do you
The second student says I like cake (too).
Have students work in pairs to say the sentence and ask the question. Tell them
to use other vocabulary words on the
Worksheet 1: Find someone who…
Give each child a copy of Worksheet 1 and ask them if there are any words they
want to check before the activity.
Explain that they need to find someone in the class who likes each of the things.
They should walk around the
classroom and ask different children the questions until they find someone and
then write their name in the box.
They can only use each child’s name once.
The winner is the first one to complete the worksheet. They should sit down to
show they have finished. V.COMMENTS:
Date of teaching: 9 / 11/ 2018
Period: 48 LESSON 3
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
To identify more words about presents
To use these words in the context of a song
Language focus: listening, speaking
Vocabulary: neighbor, nuts, tie
Student Book p. 36, Workbook p. 36, Audio Tracks 53–54, Flashcards 61–63
Quick flash
Use the flashcards from the unit so far and any other vocabulary cards that you
want to review.
Show each card very quickly and then hide it again, ask the class to call out the
Special days
Ask children to work in pairs.
Tell them to talk to their partner about birthday traditions in Vietnam. How are
birthdays usually celebrated? Is this
the same as in the United States or not?
Using the culture note (above), tell the class about birthday celebrations in the
United States. Have an open
discussion about similarities and differences between the United States and
Use Flashcard to introduce the word neighbor. Say the word for children to
repeat. Establish that a neighbor is anyone
who lives near you, not just the person who lives next door.
Ask Who are your neighbors? Do your neighbors ever come to your house? Do
you buy presents for your neighbors?
Listen, point, and repeat. (Exercise 1)
Ask children to look at the pictures in their Student Books. Play the first part of
the recording (Track 53) for children to
point to the pictures and say the words.
Play the second part of the recording for children to repeat the words.
Play the recording all the way through for children to listen and then repeat.
Hold up Flashcards one at a time for individual children to say the words.
What’s the picture?
Invite a child to come to the front of the class and whisper the name of an object
he/she has to draw.
The child draws the picture on the board for the rest of the class to guess.
Put the children into groups of five or six students and assign one child to draw
first. Tell them they can draw any of
the vocabulary they have studied in the unit.
The child draws a picture and the first one in their group to guess what it is,
takes the pen to draw the next picture.
Continue until all of the target vocabulary has been used.
Listen and sing. (Exercise 2)
Ask children to look at the picture. Ask What can you see?
Ask them to predict what the song is about (a family visiting their neighbors).
Play the recording (Track 54) all the way through once. Play again, pausing
after each line, for children to repeat.
Play the recording again for children to sing along.
Repeat (more than once if you wish).
Sing and do. (Exercise 3)
Ask children to look at the pictures and tell you which action they should do for
each verse of the song (see below).
Play the recording for children to listen and do their actions.
Sing and do. (Exercise 3)
Ask children to look at the pictures and decide together on what the actions
should be (see suggestions below).
Practice the actions with the class.
Play the recording for children to sing the song and do their actions.
Song actions
seesaw – move forearm up and down from the elbow
pool – swimming action with arms
ice cream – hold and eat an ice cream
frisbee – throw a frisbee with one hand
ball – catch a ball with two hands
slide – use hand to mime going down a slide
4. Personalization.
Worksheet 2: Cla
ss birthday cake
Give one copy of Worksheet 2 to each child.
They should write their name and birthdate on it, and then decorate the cake
with colored pencils.
Put the cakes in order by birthday date and make them into a class poster,
displaying all the birthdays through the
Exercises: Workbook p. 36


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