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SHOULD and MUST are real modal verbs, and therefore, like all modal

 They are always followed by the “infinitive without TO”

Should do / must do

 They are the same for all the pronouns

I should /he should/it should

 They don´t need AUXILIARIES. They take direct Negative and Questions
I should not (shouldn´t) / We must not (mustn´t)
Should I? / Must we?

 They never Combine with another Modal verb

You should can You should be able to….
He will must He will have to …..

HAVE TO is a semi-modal verb. It is like a modal verb because it fulfils a

specific function, but it behaves like an ordinary verb in its formulation:

 It is followed by the “infinitive without TO”

Have to do

 But……It is conjugated according to pronouns:

I have to / he has to …..

 But……It needs auxiliaries. It doesn´t take direct negative and question

I don´t have to / She doesn´t have to
Do I have to? / Does she have to?

 But…… It can combine with modal verbs

You will have to / He might have to


1 Expressing an opinion / Giving advice or asking for advice

I believe nurses should have higher salaries

You looked tired. I think you should have some rest
He shouldn´t make a rushed decision
Do you think we should phone her?
What should I say when I speak to him?

2 Expressing an expectation

He should arrive any minute

He shouldn´t be long now
He should have arrived by now

3 Expressing a regret about a past action

You should have been more careful

I shouldn´t have said that


“OUGHT TO” is a synonym for ” SHOULD”. It generally sounds more

formal than SHOULD, and is less commonly used particularly in the
question form:

You ought to have some rest

He oughtn´t to make a rushed decision
I oughtn´t to have said that
(Ought we to phone her?) less common


SHOULD (but not OUGHT TO) is also used to express a small possibility.

If I should ever go back there, I will not make the same mistake again
Should you need any further assistance, do not hesitate to contact me
(formal writing)


1 Expressing a necessity felt by the speaker (present or future)

He is very ill. You must call a doctor now
We must not (mustn´t) lose the match tomorrow, or we will be out of the tournament
This is the best book I´ve ever read. You must read it too.
You musn´t hesitate to call me if you need help

2 Expressing a prohibition (present or future)

You must not (mustn´t) use your mobile devices during take off
You must not be late for your interview tomorrow

3 Expressing an assumption in the present or past (affirmative sentences


You must be tired after your very long day

He must have read my letter, because he repeated exactly what I had


1 Expressing an external obligation (positive sentences)

You have to make an appointment to see him

She has failed her exam. He has to retake it

2 Expressing a necessity or obligation in the past

He was very hill. We had to call the doctor inmediately

He was very busy. I had to make an appointment to see him

3 Removing a necessity or an obligation (Present-Past-Future)

He feels much better now. You don´t have to call a doctor

I didn´t have to make an appointment to see him
She has passed her exam. She won´t have to retake it


As you can see, the main difference between MUST and HAVE TO is that
MUST is a necessity felt by the speaker (internal obligation), whereas
HAVE TO is an external obligation or rule. If this difference is not relevant,
you can use MUST and HAVE TO interchangeably in positive sentences

However, be careful that I the negative MUST NOT is still a necessity or an
obligation NOT TO do something (a prohibition) whereas DON´T HAVE
TO removes the necessity or obligation

As MUST has no past tense, both obligation and necessity are expressed
with HAD TO in the past


NEED TO is a softer alternative to both MUST and HAVE TO:

I MUST/NEED TO finish this tonight, because I want to take

tomorrow off
I HAVE TO/NEED TO finish this tonight. My deadline is tomorrow
DO I NEED TO finish this tonight? I DONN´T NEED TO finish this

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