Chapter Extra 7

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There is a part where Vick and Chase are talking together with Mason.

In korean, it's easy to distinguish who is who, since Chase uses the polite form of speech and
Vick doesn't (because he is the oldest).
But it can get confusing when translated, because we don't have a polite form.
So I will put a ⓥ for Vick and © for Chase on the confusing parts, to make it more clear!

KILL THE LIGHTS - Side Story 7

The set was so quiet that you could have heard a pin drop. Vick's face was as serious as
ever and the staff too, were watching engrossed with a serious face.

Mason said to Chase with an indifferent face.

"Shoot me."

Chase trembled with the gun in his hands. His face was deathly pale and his eyes
looked on the verge of tears. His lips were also trembling.

It even looked like the one who has holding the gun was Mason.


Mason pointed his index finger at his forehead.

"Shoot me here."

Shoot and end this world. As Mason said it like a whisper, Chase's gun slowly went up.

At one point, the shaking of the gun had stopped and Mason smiled as if watching a
baby walk for the first time. And then─

"Cut!!! Okay!!"

Vick shouted, standing up from his seat, while the waiting staff applauded. The filming
of the movie was completely over with this last scene.

As Vick's 'Cut!' sign announced the end of filming, Mason let out a deep sigh and
looked around.

Chase approached him with his messy makeup on, making a deeply moved face and
holding out his hand.

"Thank you for your hard work, Haley."

"I'm sure I messed up your schedule a lot. I'm grateful to you until the very end."

Mason greeted him with a bright smile, making Chase say out of the blue, "You're
growing more beautiful each day," with a slightly red face.
Mason chuckled and Vick ─ who had rushed over before he was even aware of it ─
said, "How long are you two going to hold hands? Huh?"

"Why? What's the rush?"

He meant to say, what was the matter of holding their hands and taking their time
when the filming was over anyway? Vick started saying, "About the next movie...," and
began talking to Mason.

"Did you take a look at the synopsis I sent you?"

They had just been over with this movie now, so when Mason heard Vick saying he had
sent him a new synopsis, he frowned slightly.

"Where did you send it to?"

"Your house... you didn't see it?"

"I'm staying at Noah's- Mr. Raycarlton's house these days."

Mason said in an uninterested tone and Vick asked with a slightly disconcerted face.

"R-Really? Should I send a new copy to Mr. Raycarlton's house?.....But I don't think it
will end up in your hands if I sent it there....he hates me, doesn't he?"

Mason didn't deny it and just gave him a smile.

Noah's dislike of Vick had reached its peak after the filming of the movie's last scenes
recently did sum up to Mason's delayed filming, making his schedule even tighter.

He already seemed annoyed by him before, but as he got busy with filming, going out
early in the morning and then coming back at dawn, or not even coming back, and
even if he did come back, not being able to see each other... when this kept going on
and on, Noah talked about Vick, saying, "I want to shoot him down," like a joke.

But his eyes were very sincere.

"You must be at your busiest time, editing the movie, but a new synopsis? Aren't you
rushing things too much?"©

"How can you say such carefree things? When Haley will be taken away by another
bastard as soon as he steps out of here! Wait. No way, Haley. You didn't decide on
your next movie already, did you?"

Vick said with the determination of a person who wouldn't let him leave before signing
a contract with him right here, right now. And as he gradually walked closer, Mason
avoided him, taking a few steps back and shaking his hand.
"What movie..... I'm going to take a good rest for the time being. And set up a coffee
shop too."

"Rest? Coffee shop?"ⓥ

"What did you say you were going to do again?"©

Vick and Chase asked him again, doubtfully, but Mason only smiled at them and kept
his mouth shut.

He had found a pretty good spot for a coffee shop, just a little far from Noah's house.

And, well, even though there were some places that were better than there, Mason
liked that place the most.

So when they saw him just smile in satisfaction instead of hearing him say 'Just
kidding!' they both blinked and asked him.

"You will really run a coffee shop? Those shops that have, like, your photos and posters
hung on it??"ⓥ

"You're taking a rest? Shouldn't you be working in the prime of your career? And who
are going to manage the cafe? Did you hire someone?"©

Mason knitted his brows at their questions. They were tarnishing his long-time
cherished dream on their own.

"No. I have already made a lot of money so I was wondering if I would need to keep on
filming movies.... and why would I hang on my photos and posters? It's not like I am in
love with myself. And I'll be the one managing it, of course. I even worked hard to
learn about coffee."

At his serious words, the two looked at each other and then they looked at Mason

"Will out......?"ⓥ

"Did Mr. Raycarlton agree on that?"©

They both asked with a suspicious face, and Mason asked them back, "Why do I need
Noah's permission to run a cafe?"

Though, of course, Noah laughed for a long time when Mason told him about the
coffee shop, and then said gently, "I'll send you flowers on the opening day."

"I mean, how should I put it... Should I say it's the advice of a businessman? I'm afraid
it won't work out as well as you think....."
"Oh! You mean you are selling coffee to the paparazzi?"

That's evil, huh? Vick nodded, thinking it was an evil but also an extremely original
idea. Mason just shrugged at their worried response.

"It might be noisy for a while but I'm sure it will quiet down soon. Being a star has
always been like that anyway. They will rise to stardom in the blink of an eye and be
forgotten just as fast."

Just like how Haley had once been forgotten, Mason thought they would soon forget
about him too.

Right now, the world was in an uproar because of that incident about him saving Noah,
but since they were done filming the movie, wouldn't things quickly quiet down in a
month or two?

"I thought you were a perceptive person but... is it because you're tired from filming?
You're saying such a dumb thing."ⓥ

"Well, that's right. No, I mean, whatever you do, I will be rooting for you."©

Vick said with indifference while Chase nodded and began shaking hands with the
waiting staff.

"At first, I was worried about what to do, thinking the director had gone crazy, but he
sure is a genius. I can't believe he found you. It was really a pleasure to work with you."

Gloria said with a warm smile.

Because of the reporters and the loathsome paparazzi, she had succeeded on the diet
she had only planned out for a long time, and she was extremely happy about it.

"Hey, Haley, are you really gay? I still can't get over that kiss."

Lizzy, the actress who had filmed the kiss scene with Mason, joked naughtily while

The camera director, lighting director, assistant director, props manager..... and even
to Ashton, who was standing with his eyes down. Mason extended his hand to him
with a small smile.

"Thank you for your hard work."

At Mason's request for a handshake, he scrunched up his face and avoided his eyes.

Mason pondered when it wouldn't be awkward for him to retrieve his empty hand
while Ashton said, fixing his eyes on the floor.
"To be honest, I thought it was unreasonable that you were getting so much spotlight
and I was jealous of that... but you are such a good actor that..."

You were really just scary, so much that, later on, you even appeared in my dreams

'mumbling and mumbling'

He mumbled as if talking to himself, and then he held the tip of Mason's hand slightly
and let it go.

"I'm sorry for what happened before."

Ashton's short apology trailed off and Mason grinned and said, "I wish you a bright

Vick was watching them behind his back and grumbled, "I will see if you will have a
bright future. Very attentively." And Chase let out a sigh, thinking how manly and cool
he was once again.

Mason was done greeting most of the people, and after getting rid of Vick and Chase,
who were sticking and urging him to go to the wrap up party, he looked around,
searching for Tony.

"Did you see Tony?"

Mason asked to a staff member who happened to pass by and the man said, "I'm not
sure," while shaking his head.

He hadn't seen him all day. Where the hell had he gone? Mason looked around a bit
more and when the man tried to go his way, he held him up again.

"Ah, I'm sorry. But could you help me for a moment?"


"I have to put my things in the car, but I can't find my manager."

Mason smiled at him with a troubled look, and the man blinked and nodded, "Y-yes."

He handed him the bags and costumes that Tony used to carry around.

After that, acting like a thoughtless actor by carrying only his phone in his hand, he
worked the staff member hard like his manager and got near his car, in the parking lot
behind the set.

"....Did Mr. Raycarlton g-gift it to you?"

"Hm? Oh, awesome, isn't it?"

Mason laughed, showing off his red Ferrari Enzo.

"I thought it was too fancy but... sedans aren't my cup of tea."


The staff member sucked in his cheeks a little while nodding and breathing hard.

Mason grinned like an ordinary brainless slut and said, "And sports cars are not
comfortable to ride in. It shakes so much that it feels like I'm having sex."

Bouncing up and down, especially when we're going through a rough road. You know
the feel, right? Mason said, licking his lips with his tongue, and the man blushed red.

After smiling at him, Mason turned around, opened the trunk in front and asked, while
putting his stuffs in.

"Is this more to your liking?"

"......Excuse me?"

"I mean if you prefer the crazy for sex and sleeping around with anyone types."


Mason glanced back and looked straight at the man's face.

That slender and slightly bent body along with that brown hair. And those dirty
sneakers. This was the guy, for sure.

On that drizzling rainy day, he couldn't check his opponent's face because Noah had
held him back, but those sneakers he was wearing were the only thing he had seen for

'Splash'. The mud had splashed on the man's shoes while he turned the dark alleyway.
And it had dried up, leaving a distinct mark on those sneakers.

Mason looked at his sneakers, then at his face, and then threw him a smile, crinkling
the corners of his eyes.

"Do you want to stop it by yourself, or do you want me to force you to stop it?"

The man trembled at Mason's question.

"W-what do you mean?"

Mason just shrugged while turning around. He opened again the trunk that wasn't
closing straight, and said, while organizing the things inside.
"Before, when you poured paint and wrote down those words, you put your hands on
the car like this, right? You left all your fingerprints there. And, of course, we have got
the CCTV too... I saw you didn't spare any dramas or movies I've filmed and worked as
a staff there, huh?"

What's so good about me anyway? Mason spoke in an indifferent tone and put the
hanger that was sticking out of the trunk back in order.

"My boyfriend hates when I do this kind of things, so I'm giving you a chance. Actually,
I wouldn't have cared about it before, since those things like painting, sending photos
of you wanking yourself and swearing, are not even laughable. To be honest, if you
hadn't kept on hurting Noah's fingers..... Hmm, anyway, you know..."

Mason struggled to organize the things inside the trunk for a long time and after barely
being able to close the trunk lid, he said,

"If you say you won't do it anymore, since I'm too lazy anyways, I──"

Mason was going to say he would just let it go and was turning around when he froze
on the spot and opened his eyes wide.

"......I-I told you I would kill you too if you didn't break up with that guy, didn't I?"

The man was trembling and laughing creepily, his hands still holding the jackknife he
had pushed into Mason's stomach.

"You looked d-down on me, didn't you? You have changed. If you have no intention of
going back to how you used to be anyway then....."

It will be better for you to die.

The stalker lowered his head, expecting his hands to be quickly getting wet, and then
he opened his eyes wide. He heard a long sigh above his head.

When he lifted his head, instead of seeing him covered in a cold sweat because of the
pain, he saw Haley looking at him, without a single change in his complexion.

"Sigh. I can't believe‥‥."

I can't believe I went out of my way to catch such a guy and Noah was even worried
about it........

Mason muttered under his breath while grabbing the man's hand and pulling out the
knife that was stuck on the pouch he had been holding.

I mean, he should have stabbed someone before to know if what he had stabbed was
a person or a bag, but since he was just a stalker who did nothing but scrawl on his
photos all day, he seemed to have no idea about what had just happened at all.
"You know, a jackknife...."

Mason easily twisted the arm of the man who had been trembling with his wrist
caught in a tight grip. And then 'snap', a gruesome sound could be heard as he felt the
man's pulse and broke his wrist.


" a very dangerous weapon. It's easy for you to get hurt since it can be folded in

Like this. Mason slammed the back of the screaming man down on the car and slowly
folded the jackknife towards the guy's hand.

"Uh, aargh! Stop!"

He pressed down the back of the knife until the blade sank on top of the guy's finger
that was holding the knife.

"The blade is pretty well sharpened, huh? It will cut off a finger in no time."

"He-eeek. Save, Save me."

Mason slammed the guy down once again on the car, putting his bleeding hand in
front of his eyes for him to see, and after lightly pressing down the back of the
jackknife, he whispered in his ear.

"You know about the cut on Noah's finger, right?"

"T-that was only a little cut! Just a little wound from a razor blad─, aaarghh!"

Mason pressed down the back of the knife a little harder and while his blood trickled
down and fell on the car, he said,

"Yeah. Now you know what happens when you harm Noah, right?"

A finger for a little wound. I reckon you know how to count? Mason flashed him a
smile that was sincerely filled with murderous intentions.

The man was trembling with the pain and fear of having his finger cut off, his face a
mess of tears and snot, and when his eyes met Mason's, he cracked his mouth open.

Mason stared delightedly at his own cruel face reflecting inside the guy's eyes.

"Uh, Uhhh‥‥‥."

With his legs shaking, the man swallowed his breath as if he was about to fall back.
"Uhh, aarghh! Help! He-heeelp!"

Soon, he started screaming as if he had been struck by lightning, and Mason released
the hand he had been pressing down, letting the guy roll down to the floor.

He fell down, his legs turning to jelly, and he moved backward while peeing his pants.

"What's wrong?!"

Not long after, people who had heard the stalker's screams swarmed over, and Mason
made a slightly frightened face, before leaning against the car and gasping.


"Are you alright, Haley? What's going on here?"

They looked at the man bleeding with a knife on his hand, and at Haley, who was white
as a sheet.

"What the hell happened?"

Gloria asked urgently and Mason said, while pretending to wipe the sweat off his neat
forehead, "Call the police."

"I think I caught a stalker."

They stood with a dumbfounded face at Mason's words, but then they quickly ran to
call the police, overpowered the stalker who was writhing to get away, and also, in
order to deliver this wonderful news, they hurried to call the press.

And in the midst of the busy people, as if all of that were none of his business, Mason
wiped the blood that had splattered on the car with a relieved smile, as though he had
finally pulled out that aching tooth from his mouth. Since all the filming would end by
today, he had worried himself sick last night, thinking what to do if he didn't catch the
guy until the very end.

So throughout the shoot, he had such a hard time using all his brain cells to wonder
where the guy could be and how he could handle this to make Noah less worried when
he told him about it later, that he was even sweating through his feet.

".....So you're taking a break and opening a cafe?"

Vick, who had come over before he even realized it, asked him quietly, and Mason
said, "Yes. I'm going to sign a contract with the interior company tomorrow," and

"Well. Okay."
Will that be possible, really?...'Acting, looks, charms.... and even the ability to make
headlines are that of a genius,' Vick muttered to himself.


What? Mason asked him again, not having heard what he had muttered to himself,
because he had been busy seeing the scratch made in the car. Vick shook his hand, as
if it was nothing important.

"But really, don't you want to sign with me now before leaving? I will give you a
running guarantee* of $10 million for the next movie, what do you say?"

"......How much again?"

How much are you paying me? Mason stared at Vick with an interested face, making
Vick put his hand over his shoulders and begin to explain about his previously
forgotten synopsis with all his passion and devotion.

Outside the set, the noise from the police car sirens and the hordes of paparazzi that
had gathered around caused an uproar that continued for quite a long time.

It was a hot Hollywood night, as usual.


*running guarantee is an incentive money stars receive when a film breaks even in

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