Quarter 3 Module 1

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Activity 1

Q1. Communication is the exchange of information or ideas between sender and receiver.

Q2. It is important to listen on the other part of the story.

Q3. Don’t easily believe to gossips without any proof.

Q4. Communication bridges the gap between individuals through flow of information and

Q5. Words are primarily the means we use in communication.

Enrichment activity 1: Pair Me Up!

1. B 6. E
2. F 7. D
3. C 8. H
4. G 9. J
5. A 10. I


1. I used media as a way of gathering information such as news, it can also serve as our day-to-day
activities, and a communication site. Today, media is becoming an effective key medium of
information and contact in our lives. We also use media to connect quickly and reliably with our
loved ones from nearby and faraway areas, by sharing, chatting and calling.

Media Literacy Information Literacy Technology Literacy Media and

Information Literacy

- The ability to - The ability to - The ability to use - It bridges the gap
access, analyze, recognize when digital technology, between the
evaluate, and information is communication information rich
create media in a needed to locate, tools or networks and information
variety of forms. It evaluate, to locate, poor. It endows
aims to empower effectively use, evaluate, use, and individuals with
citizens by and create create knowledge of the
providing them information. information. functions of
with the media and
competencies information and
(knowledge and the conditions
skills) necessary to under which these
engage with functions
traditional media performed.
and new
3. Someone is considered literate in media and information processing is someone who can discern
and identify what is fake news and what is not. They are also expected to be able to process and
understand the information being provided to them and perhaps explain it to others as well.
4. On a daily basis, (1) I keep track of information that I am spreading to my friends and family. (2) I
practice searching for things or topics that I need or want to know. (3) I keep my posts


1. Fact 6. Fact
2. Fact 7. Fraud
3. Fact 8. Fraud
4. Fact 9. Fraud
5. Fact 10. Fact


1. Literacy
2. Receiver
3. Formal Communication
4. Nonverbal Communication
5. Interpersonal Communication


1. C 6. A
2. C 7. C
3. B 8. D
4. B 9. A
5. D 10. A

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