IMC FInal Assignment

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Program, Batch and Semester: MMM, Sem VI, Batch 2018-22

Course: Integrated Marketing Communication & Digital Marketing

Faculty: Dr. Yesha Mehta


Guidelines for project are provided below:

Students in a group of 4 to 5 need to select a brand, company, organization, etc. study it in
detail to prepare and present a written IMC plan. The group may choose to focus the plan on
an existing product or service; an existing product/service launched into a new market, for a
new use or a different target; or, a new or conceptual product or service. The topic may be a
tangible brand, a provided service or a cause.

Some possible product choices include:

• Individual size bottled water
• New ink pen
• Chopsticks
• Perfume or cologne
• Errand running and reminder service
• E-trade service for Nasdaq stocks, etc.

Develop a complete IMC plan for the product / service that includes
• Situation analysis (Detailed Review of Previous and Current Promotion Programs for
the Product or Service, including Budgets, Promotion Mix, Share of Voice, Message
Strategies, and Media Strategies)
• Developing communications objectives
• Developing source and message strategies
• Allocating the budget
• Developing media strategy among imc program elements (advertising, Public relations,
direct marketing, sales promotions, digital marketing)
• Establishing a program for measuring effectiveness
• Annexures – poster/trailers

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