Name: Sintia Septinaria NPM: 1823006 Course: English For Specific Purpose Lecture: Neti Lastri, M. Pd. Tasks

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Name : Sintia Septinaria

Npm : 1823006

Course : English for Specific Purpose

Lecture : Neti Lastri, M. Pd.


1.What can the ESP teacher learn from an evaluation of materials?

2.What criteria would you regard as the most important in evaluating Materials ? Put the
categories in the checklist in a rank order of Importance?

3.Try out the checklist for your own ESP situation. Fillin the objective Analysis for your
course. Then choose a textbook or set of materials And do the subjective analysis. Prepare a
report on why you would choose or reject the material. (You never know, you might find the
Perfect textbook for your course!)


1.From an Evaluation of Materials,the ESP teachers can learn about the concept of material
evaluation, the principle of material evaluation, the important of material evaluation, how to
evaluate materials or the steps(techniques) in evaluating the materials.

2.The criteria in evaluating materials:

 The basics in evaluating materials( quality of content and goals): accurancy,

importance, completeness, balance, Interest, Fairness,and appropriateness
 Instructional quality : provides opportunity to learn, provides aids to learning,
motivational quality, instructional flexibility, relation to rest of educational program.
 technical quality : reliability,ease of use, quality of display, quality of program

3. My course is English for Specific Purposes.

Objective Analysis

1B : Students

2B : for helping students to more understand about the course

3B : learning centered approach, applied linguistics

4B : most of language points

5B : yes

6B : find the Specific Purpose of learning

7B : most of the text is report text

8B : material evaluation

9B : systematic

10B: systematic

11B: :to easier for more difficult

12 B: from comprehension to production

13B : based on linguist theories

14 B : Learners need

15B: essay

16B: teacho centered learning, student centered,etc

17B: books

18B: aperception

19B: can provides opportunity to learn

20B: its free ebook

21B: anytime by download the material

Hutchinson, T. & Waters, A. (1987). English for Specific Purposes; A Learning-centered

Approach. Cambridge University. Press.

Subjective analysis

1A: Students of the sixth semester of English education major in teacher training and
education faculty Baturaja University, average age 21 years old.

2A: to help Students understand more about the materials


4A:most of language points

5A: reading

6A:deducing meaning from the unfamiliar words

7A: report

8A:English language, Englis h for Specific Purpose

9A:combination of the means

10A:by set patterns of component

11A:to easier for more difficult

12A:from comprehension to production

13A: combination of them

14A: learners need

15A:self study

16A: individual work

17A: books

18A: language guidance

19A: can provides opportunity to learn

20A:its free ebook

21A:on Internet just download it freely

I choose the materials because it based on my lecture instruction and my needs in learning.

Resume chapter 9

Materials Evaluation

Having completed need analysis and course design, the next step that should be done by the
teacher is deciding what they will do. One option, of course, is to decide that the whole thing
is completely impossible and throw the results in the wastepaper bin.Teacher may turn the
course design into actual teaching materials. There are three possible ways of turning the
course design into actual teaching materials:

1.     Select from existing materials: materials evaluation

2.     Write our own materials: material development.

3.     Modify existing materials: materials adaptation.

In this chapter, the writer concerns to discuss the first point “Material Evaluation”. The
techniques and a lot in terms of ideas of evaluating the existing materials can be found in this

1. Why Evaluate Materials?

According to Hutchinson &Waters (1987) stated that evaluation is a matter of judging the
fitness of something for a particular purpose. Evaluation concerns on the relative merit. There
is no absolute good or bad, only degrees of fitness for the required purpose. It means that,
when the teacher does materials evaluation, the evaluation is based on the required purpose or
goal that would be reached by the students.

In another word, according to Hutchinson &Waters (1987) stated that in any kind of
evaluation, the decision finally made is likely to be the better for being based on a systematic
check of all the important variables. In doing the evaluation materials, the writer probably get
a negative and positive impact. The negative side of evaluation materials is the teacher
probably spent a lot of expense, time, and probably getting frustrated. On the other hand, the
positive side ofevaluation materials is; it can also help in justifying request of the sponsors or
other members of an ESP team for money to buy materials or time to write them.

2. How do you evaluate materials?

Hutchinson &Waters (1987) stated that“evaluation is basically a matching process: matching

needs to available solutions”. In order to match the needs and solutions, the matching should
be done as objective as possible. It means that teachers have to look the needs of students and
the solution separately. In the final analysis, any choice will be made on subjective grounds.
However, if subjectivity influence your judgement, it may blind you to possible alternatives.
For example: teacher might reject a particular textbook, because the teacher does not like the
picture on the cover or dislike functional syllabuses but it does not mean that the book does
not suit the needs of parties. Thus, teachers should not let subjectivity too much influence
their judgement in the early stages of analysis when evaluating materials to be taught. Process
of evaluation can be divided into four major steps(see figure 26) :

1) Defining criteria

2) Subjective analysis

3) Objective analysis

4) Matching

The fist two stages will be done in course dsign stage. While the other two stage is done
as the continuation of the subjective analysis where teacher have to evaluate or develop their
material thrrough objectve analysis. From these process, teacher will be easier to know how
far the material match the needs.

There are some practical steps that we should do in material evaluation, as follows ;

1.Answer the A question

In this step, answer the A question to identify the requirements that can be used as a basis for
writing the materials or as an input to the next stage of material evaluation.

2.Answer the B question

In this step, answer the B question to analyze the materials that have selected.

3.Compare the A and B findings

This step can be done by awarding the points :

0= does not match the desired features

1= partly matches the desired features

2= closely matches the desired features

Based on the awarding points, you have to look for the widest spread of desired features and
concentrations in the areas you consider most important.

4. Make your choice and use your findings to prepare any documentation needed for
defending your decision. You can make a decision upon the analysis, whether everything is
good, or some part need to be modified/replaced.

In this chapter We observed the materials evaluation as one way of exploiting a course
design.The evaluation process should be systematic.Even it you eventually decide to write
your own materials, the evaluation of existing materials can provide a good source of ideas
(or what to avoid as well as what to do) and techniques.It can also save a lot of duplication of
effort by possibly revealing existing materials that can provide all or part of your materials
needs. The Evaluation process should be systematic and is best seen as a matching.The
evaluation process is best seen as a matching exercise: matching your analyzed needs with
available solutions. It can save a lot of duplication of effort by possibly revealing materials
that can provide all or part of your materials needs.

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