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Unbalanced and Small Sample Deep Learning for

COVID X-Ray Classification

Sree Rama Vamsidhar, Gowtham Senthil, Arun Kumar, Vaishnavi and

Rama Krishna Sai S. Gorthi

Dept. of Electrical Engg., IIT Tirupati, Tirupati, AP 517619, India

Email: {ee19d505, ee17b013, ee18m018, ee19d504, rkg} 

Abstract. ​As the number of Coronavirus patients rapidly increases, there is

increasing stress on requirements for rapid testing. One effective way of testing
is by analyzing Chest X-Rays for disease detection which requires expert
radiologists. Deep learning-based methods have become the go-to technique for
image classification tasks and can be used to classify Chest X-Rays and assist
radiologists in disease detection. Medical Imaging requires fine grained
classification and is especially challenging when available data is scarce and
becomes even more challenging when data distribution is imbalanced.
Acquiring Covid Chest X-Ray samples in uncertain times, is difficult, thus
making Covid19 Medical Imaging classification challenging. We address this
imbalance in data, by effectively employing both data level and algorithmic
level approaches in deep learning, and were able to develop a robust reliable
model predicting Covid19 Chest X-Rays with state-of-the-art recall of 96% and
an overall accuracy of 92.5% on COVID-X [] dataset.

Keywords:​ Limited Dataset, Unbalanced Dataset, Medical Image Classification.

1 Introduction

Image classification is a well-established supervised learning task in computer vision

using deep learning. The more data used to train models, the more robust and reliable
the resulting deep learning model will be. In the case of medical imaging
classification, acquiring large amounts of open source data is difficult due to various
privacy reasons. When scarcity occurs only among a few classes, it leads to data
imbalance which makes training an unbiased model challenging and consequently
results in poor accuracy in the real world. Some approaches to tackle imbalanced data
are by Data Sampling [8,9,10,11,12], Synthetic Data Generation [8], Data
Augmentation [15,16] and Cost sensitive learning [12,13,14].
The main objective of our work is to develop a robust model which provides high
recall (less false negatives) for minority class while maintaining overall accuracy as
well. The problem is formulated as a Classification task between Normal, Pneumonia
and COVID19 Chest X-rays, due to the inherent similarities between Pneumonia and
COVID19 infected lungs []. While Normal and Pneumonia affected X-rays are
available at large as part of NIH Dataset [] and its variations [], the publicly available

dataset [] for COVID positive Chest X-rays are limited and cannot be directly used to
train deep learning models for diagnosis.
In this paper, we propose a reliable deep learning model which can explain its
predictions, and address the imbalanced data classification task at both ​data level
-through data sampling techniques, and ​architecture level - through appropriate
network and regularization like drop outs and suitable learning strategies [ ].

1.1 Chest X-Ray Classification and Limited Unbalanced Datasets

Medical image classification is a challenging task primarily due to limited

open-source labelled data and when labelled data is extremely limited for a particular
class, it leads to class imbalance which makes the process even more challenging.
Data resampling and cost sensitive learning are some of the methods used to tackle
the class imbalance problem. Data augmentation [15,16] is used whenever available
labelled data is limited, to increase the size of the dataset by performing operations
like cropping, rotation, translation, flipping, scaling and adding noise on the available
Data resampling methods are broadly categorized into two methods as
Undersampling and Oversampling techniques. To obtain a balanced dataset, in
Undersampling [9,10,11,12] some samples are removed from majority classes and in
Over Sampling [8,9,12] a greater number of samples are added to minority class by
merely repeating samples from minority class. Cost sensitive learning [12,13,14]
takes misclassification costs into consideration and optimizes the total cost. Whenever
limited labelled data is available for every class, few shot learning is adopted to solve
the problem.
Since the starting of Coronavirus pandemic, there are many works proposed to
distinguish between COVID19, normal and viral pneumonia based on chest X ray
images. As the publicly available dataset [] for COVID positive Chest X-rays are
limited and not sufficient to train a deep learning algorithm, most of the
works[1,2,3,4] used data resampling methods to maintain a balanced dataset.
To classify the given chest X-ray images with limited data Apostolopoulos [3]
adopted a transfer learning approach and evaluated and compared the performance on
five state of the art architectures and obtained best results with Mobilenet v2.
CoroNet[4] also adopted a transfer learning approach and incorporates dropouts in
Xception[5] architecture and fine-tuned with COVID-X dataset for classifying the
Covid samples successfully. Ozturk [1] proposed a deep learning model called
DarkCovidNet using DarkNet19[28] to classify and detect the Covid samples, the
imprecise localization of the chest region is the limitation of this work. Oh [2]
proposes a patch-based two-stage learning approach. Initially, images are passed to a
segmentation network and the segmented output is randomly cropped into K patches,
which are classified with a Resnet architecture, and final prediction is based on
maxing voting of the K patches. Even though all these works obtained promising
results with data resampling techniques, transfer learning and patch based learning,
we demonstrate that with proper learning strategies and attention based convolutional
neural networks the recall can be greatly improved.

To the best of our knowledge, we are the first one to employ attention based
convolutional neural network and learning strategies like LDAM loss to demonstrate
almost 100% recall maintaining high accuracy on the COVID-X dataset. We have
also brought in visualization of the classification task through density maps to help in
better visual inference of the processes.
Overall organization of the rest of the paper is as follows. Section 2 describes our
proposed study including the involved datasets, learning techniques, specialized
losses, the explainability approach and the architecture used. In Section 3, we describe
the experiments run on these datasets, quantify and analyze the effectiveness of the
different techniques discussed in enabling learning with limited unbalanced data.
Finally, conclusions and proposed future work are presented in Section 4.

2 Proposed Approach
2.1 Overview

In this paper, we study the effectiveness of various approaches in enabling deep

learning with scarce and imperfect medical images by focusing on Chest X-ray based
COVID19 Diagnosis and propose a Global to local guided attention based network
that leverage undersampling strategy and margin loss based training for high recall
COVID X-ray classification. We compare commonly used data balancing techniques
such as oversampling, undersampling and some specialized loss functions. To enable
few instance learning, we study the effect of transfer learning, preprocessing and
simple augmentation techniques.
Additionally, to affirm the model’s robustness and explain its predictions, we make
use of a state-of-the-art explainable attention guided CNN model [9] and compare its
region of interest with existing explainability approaches [10].

2.2 Datasets

The work involves 3 major datasets. The NIH ChestX-ray14 dataset [7] with over 1
lakh labelled Chest X-Ray images and 14 pathological classifications is the largest
and most diverse Chest X-ray dataset publicly available. It has been studied
extensively and used to build many robust deep learning architectures [9, 11, 12].
However, out of these only around 67,000 images are PA views which are considered
for pretraining the proposed deep backbone model on a multi-label classification task.
For testing few instance learning and COVID19 diagnosis, the RSNA Pneumonia
dataset [13] with over 8000 Normal and 9000 Pneumonia affected Chest X-rays are
used in unison with the largest publicly available COVID Chest X-ray dataset [8],
which consists of only 142 PA COVID Chest X-rays. This combined unbalanced
dataset is named COVIDx and used to train the proposed robust deep learning model
for diagnosing COVID19 with high specificity and sensitivity, guided by transfer
learning, undersampling and specialized loss functions.

2.3 Techniques for learning using Limited and Biased Datasets

To train a deep learning model specifically for diagnosing COVID19 with an

approximately 1:300 unbalanced dataset is a challenging task. Direct training on the
COVIDx dataset would ideally have low sensitivity towards COVID class. Herein, we
compare some traditional and state-of-the-art approaches and discuss their relevance
to scarce medical image classification through deep learning.

Transfer Learning. ​State of the art deep learning convolutional neural networks
require lakhs of images to train its parameters from random initialization. Fortunately,
recent trends [?] have shown that deep CNNs trained on one task may also perform
well on a comparable task with very little training. This transfer of knowledge from
one domain to another is exploited to pretrain the model on NIH multi-label
classification task prior to training on COVIDx 3-class classification task. During the
fine-tuning process it is also common to make use of dropouts [?] which is shown to
prevent overfitting to a great extent.

Data Augmentation and Preprocessing. ​By far the most widely studied and used
technique [?] to deal with limited datasets is augmenting existing data with simple
affine transformations, crops, flips and noise. They are also used with large datasets to
improve model robustness and generalizability, especially in the medical domain [?].
However, when data is extremely scarce, as is the case with many medical imaging
tasks, augmentation does not equal more data, due to lack of diversity.
Apart from the above-mentioned techniques, sometimes simple preprocessing steps
might help improve performance. Denoising, binarization, normalization are simple
techniques borrowed from the machine learning era. Histogram equalization is one
such technique applied on gray-scale inputs to improve quality of image without
introducing artifacts or information loss and helps deep models learn better features.

Sampling. Two approaches typically used to tackle class imbalance are oversampling
of minority class and undersampling of majority class. [?, ?] Oversampling minority
class removes the inherent bias towards majority classes, by having duplicate copies
of minority samples in each batch. However, it is more prone to overfitting to the
small number of samples and leads to poor generalization. Under-sampling majority
classes also removes the dataset bias, but leads to loss of true diverse information and
leaves a small number of samples for training, which more often is not enough to train
deep models.

Specialized Loss Functions. Categorical cross entropy is the standard loss used for
classification tasks, when datasets are balanced. However, when datasets are
unbalanced, it works against the minority class and is prone to overfit to the small set
of samples. The deep learning community has come up with specialized losses to

effectively tackle dataset imbalance, either in unison with cross entropy loss or
independently. Some key ideas behind these cost functions are to address prior
probability bias, minimize intraclass variance and maximize interclass variance [].

Weighted Loss. ​Weighting the samples in inverse proportionality to their class support
strength is often the traditional approach to tackle imbalance, which addresses the
difference in prior probabilities. Some variants such as Class-Balanced Loss [15] have
been proposed to tackle imbalances up to 1:200. However, in cases of extremely large
imbalance and very few samples of minority class, these render training highly
unstable and sometimes lead to overfitting as well.

ArcFace Loss[]. This was introduced in face recognition tasks to obtain highly
discriminative features. The key objective is to minimize intraclass variance and
maximize interclass variance. And this is done in angular space by adding additive
angular margin between the classes. ArcFace loss is defined as

1 ∑ es(cos(θyi +m))
L = − N ( l og( n )
i=1 es(cos(θyi +m)) + ∑ es(cosθj )
/ i

where N is no.of samples, θj is the angle between the weight and the feature
of class j and s is scale factor.

Label Distribution Aware Margin Loss (LDAM)[]. ​The key idea of this optimization
objective is to train a simpler model for minority class, providing more room for
generalization and a complex model for majority class. This provides stronger
regularization to minority class, to enhance mode robustness on unseen data.
Its class label dependent margins are enforced into a well-established classification
loss function, the cross-entropy loss, to adjust the margin in favor of the minority

ez y −∆y
L ((x, y) ; f ) = − log (2)
ez y −∆y + ∑ ϱz j

where ∆j = nj
for j ∈{1, 2, ..., k } , C is a hyper-parameter and k is the total number
of classes.

2.4 Deep Learning and Explainability

It is imperative that all medical imaging learning models incorporate explainability to

confirm that their predictions are based on meaningful features of the image and not

merely based on other artifacts or inherent biases in the images. When available
datasets are sparse, these biases tend to get magnified by deep models and visualizing
the model’s reasoning is essential.
In that regard, we make use of an attention-based architecture [9] which globally
predicts the amount of attention to be provided for different local regions of the image
and evaluates the image with these additional weights, just like a coarse to fine search.
These attention weights are compared against existing explainability approaches such
as [5].

2.5 Proposed Architectural Details

We take ideas from [9] to build a state-of-the-art Attention based CNN architecture
with Global, Local and Fusion branches. The Global and Local branches are based on
the standard DenseNet121 [16] architecture. The architecture is developed at three
stages and 3 class classification was carried out at all the three stages.
In stage 1, the chest X-ray image is resized to 224x224 and converted to grayscale
format and provided as model input to the Global DenseNet which produces an
attention weight map and a 1024 dimensional feature vector. Unlike in [9] the real
attention map is directly multiplied with the input image and passed through Local
DenseNet for stage 2 evaluation, which produces another 1024-dimensional feature
vector. This enables more effective feature fusion and attention map training for
identifying the RoI for local branch. Finally, in stage 3, these 2 feature vectors are
concatenated and passed through a Fusion branch, a single Dense layer, to produce
the 3 class probabilities.
The model is trained in a stage wise manner similar to [9], Global, Local and then
Fusion. Overall pre training is done on the NIH dataset and then fine tuned on
COVIDx dataset. The entire architecture was built using PyTorch [?].
Hyperparameters such as epochs, learning rate, batch size, optimizers were
experimentally fine tuned for different experiments.

Fig. 1.​ Model Architectural Setup ##[Need to update image with relevant one]

3 Experiments and Results

Since the COVIDx dataset [] is highly imbalanced, we started with the objective to
improve recall for minority class such that no Covid patient goes misclassified.
Training the model as is on the given COVIDx dataset would ideally result in low
sensitivity towards COVID class. We made use of transfer learning to pretrain the
model on NIH multi-label classification task prior to training on COVIDx 3 class
classification task. During the fine-tuning process we made an extensive use of
dropouts to prevent overfitting. The model’s performance was studied with more
suitable learning methods whose objectives were towards addressing imbalance in
data. The detailed study was presented in the following sections 3.1 and 3.2 with
quantitative results. In section 3.3 our model’s predictions were explained using
GradCam[] and also the attention provided by the heat maps on the input images were
visually presented.

3.1 Experiments

Experiment A. ​In this we made an ablation study on loss functions, observed the
model’s performance with the different learning strategies. Initially at data level,
under-sampling operation was carried out to mitigate the imbalance by cutting down
the available dataset, resulting in a dataset containing moderate imbalance. Later the
learning strategy [] was employed to ensure that the model can generalize well for
new unseen data of minority class in particular.
While there is no common benchmark dataset to compare all Chest X-Ray
based Covid Diagnosis works, we have listed the scores reported by some
state-of-the-art methods on their own closed-source data and our model’s performance
was given in table no. 1.

Experiment B. ​In experiment B, we trained models with a data augmentation

approach (flipping and rotation), to avoid overfitting. These results show while
augmentations do indeed improve overall accuracy, there is no significant
improvement in recall of minority class, hence did not tackle unbalanced dataset
issue. The results were shown in table no. 2.

Experiment C. ​In experiment C, we trained models with different specialized losses

as explained earlier in Section 2.3. The dataset was under sampled and then used for
training, to avoid excessive imbalance. Based on this study, we propose the LDAM
loss in our proposed approach as it outperforms other losses in improving model
performance on minority classes without sacrificing overall test accuracy. These
results are tabulated in table no. 3.

3.2 Quantitative Results

Table no.1 shows the state-of-the-art methods on their own closed-source data and the proposed model’s
performance with using recall and accuracy values on the aforementioned imbalanced test dataset.

Model Recall Test Accuracy Remarks(add)

Tulin Ozturk 87.02[]

oannis D. Apostol 98.66% 96.78%

opoulos [3]

Our Model Name 96 92.49

Table no. 2 shows the data augmentation results with recall and accuracy values.using the aforementioned
imbalanced test dataset, using loss functions NLL and LDAM disjointly.

LossFunction Recall Test Accuracy

NLL 80 92.68

LDAM 84 92.68

Table no.3 shows the ablation study of loss functions

Branch LossFunction Recall Test Accuracy

Fusion NLL 92 93.45

Local NLL 84 89

Global NLL 88 93.26

Fusion ArcFace + NLL 92 90.75

Local ArcFace + NLL 80 88.25


Global ArcFace + NLL 76 91.91

Fusion ArcFace + LDAM 92 90.17

Local ArcFace + LDAM 92 86.7

Global ArcFace + LDAM 92 92.49

Fusion LDAM 96 92.49

Local LDAM 96 83.4

Global LDAM 96 92.29

Fusion RKL + NLL 92 92.1

Local RKL + NLL 88 82

Global RKL + NLL 92 91

Fusion RKL + LDAM 96 90.5

Local RKL + LDAM 92 80

Global RKL + LDAM 96 92.1

3.3 Explainability Analysis

In order to get visual explanations for the classification done by the network,
GradCam[] based class discriminative feature maps are plotted for test images from
all the three classes. These images are showcased in Figure 2, which specifies the
portions of the images based on which the particular decisions have been taken.

Some key observations from the visualizations are as follows,

For pneumonia class. ​Several regions in the lungs are shown to be affected as the
heat map shows attention in many regions. This is in line with medical findings [?]
which suggest pneumonia does not affect lungs in a localized manner.

For normal and covid class samples. The heatmaps are concentrated to a specific
region & similar to each other, this shows the network is learning to classify
distinctively between them based on local features.

The attention maps which are generated from the global branch and fed as input to
the local branch also show similar affected regions and hence affirms the model’s
ability to explain its predictions.

Fig. 2.​ Demonstrating GradCAM feature map (row 2) and model’s attention feature map (row
3) for the input images (row 1). Left is normal, middle is pneumonia and right is Covid.
###[Can update image distribution, to neatly show difference]

4 Conclusion

In this work, we have showcased various techniques to effectively train Medical

Imaging deep models in cases of few instance learning and unbalanced datasets. We
see that in addition to common techniques such as transfer learning, augmentations
and data sampling, advanced techniques at architecture level with specialized loss
functions improve model generalizability significantly.

We believe these techniques can be widely used across many other Medical
Imaging applications wherein publicly available dataset is scarce. Especially in
uncertain times such as the ongoing pandemic, global access to open source
diagnosed images is questionable, and thus these techniques are of essence at building
robust deep-learning models.

Table 1.​ Example Table.

Heading level Example Font size and style

Title (centered) Lecture Notes 14 point, bold
1​st​-level heading 1 Introduction 12 point, bold
2​ -level heading 2.1 Printing Area 10 point, bold
3​ -level heading Run-in Heading in Bold.​ Text follows 10 point, bold
4​th​-level heading Lowest Level Heading.​ Text follows 10 point, italic

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