Multiple Choice: Choose The Letter of The Best Answer

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I. Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the best answer.

1.It refers to the technologies, both hardware and software, that enable humans to communicate with one another.
a. ICT b. ENIAC c. ET d. IT
2. Period of ICT wherein humans started communicating with one another using words and pictograms curved in rocks.
a. Mechanical Period b. Premechanical Period c. Electromechanical d. Electronic
3. Considered to be the first counting device.
a. abacus b. ENIAC c. Analytical Engine d. Commercial Telegraph
4. This period started around 1840-1940 wherein the use of electricity for information handling and transfer bloomed.
a. Mechanical Period b. Premechanical Period c. Electromechanical d. Electronic
5. This period started around 1450-1840 and served as the bridge between our current period and the
premechanical period.
a. Mechanical Period b. Premechanical Period c. Electromechanical d. Electronic
6. Who invented analytical engine?
a. Alexander Graham Bell b. Charles Babbage c. Gordon Welchman d. William Cooke
7. Pascaline was invented by ____.
a. Alexander Graham Bell b. Charles Babbage c. Gordon Welchman d. Blaise Pascal
8. The first electronic and general purpose computer that occupied an area of 167 square meters.
a. Bombe b. ENIAC c. Transistor d. Integrated Circuit
9. When was transistor invented?
a. 1935 b. 1946 c. 1945 d. 1947
10. It is a device that is composed of a group of transistors and circuit elements compressed in a single package.
a. Bombe b. ENIAC c. Transistor d. Integrated Circuit
11. What is meant by GUI?
a. Graphical under Index b. Graph user interfaces c. Graphical user Interfaces d. Gas u I
12. Is the system that enables you to access hypertext documents and other files over the Internet.
a. World Wide Web b. Read-only Web c. Read-and-write Web d. ICT
13. He proposed the World Wide Web in 1989.
a. Charles Babbage b. Tim Berners-Lee c. Graham d. William Cooke
14. These are web sites that enable companies to post job vacancies and also accommodate job seekers by providing
a resume-submission facility.
a. Web search engines b. Research indexing sites c. Tutorial sites d. Employment Web sites
15. These are web sites dedicated to compile and index researches done by academic researchers, engineers, and so on.
a. Web search engines b. Research indexing sites c. Tutorial sites d. Employment Web sites
16. This is a technology that uses electronic means to trade products and currencies.
a. Web search engines b. Electronic commerce c. Tutorial sites d. Employment Web sites
17. These are programs designed to search or mine the World Wide Web based on keywords provided by the user.
a. Web search engines b. Research indexing sites c. Tutorial sites d. Employment Web sites
18. These are web sites dedicated to teach and inform users focused on different areas.
a. Web search engines b. Research indexing sites c. Tutorial sites d. Employment Web sites
19. Is a set of ideal rules and conduct that a netizen should observe in communicating and/or publishing information
and materials over the World Wide Web and in ICT.
a. Manner b. Ethics c. Netiquette d. Etiquette
20. This is defined as a software or a program used by an attacker to obtain personal information.
a. Malware b. Spam c. Phishing d. All of the above
21. This refers to the transmission of the unsolicited messages from various origins using electronic messaging
systems such as e-mail and chat messengers.
a. Malware b. Spam c. Phishing d. All of the above
22. This is a short term for malicious software, which is a computer software sent by attackers to inflict chaos
on a computer’s operation and processes.
a. Malware b. Spam c. Phishing d. All of the above
23. E-mail spam is also known as
a. Unsolicited bulk e-mail b. Unsolicited bank e-mail c. Unsolicited bulk entry d. none of the above
24. This law includes protection of individuals from bullying through electronic means.
a. Republic Act 10627 b. Republic Act 10175 c. Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 d. R.A 10436
25. This law protects an individual from various unwanted online and cyber acts that may harm or evade one’s
privacy and integrity.
a. Republic Act 10627 b. Republic Act 10175 c. Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 d. R.A 10436
26. Is a software toolkit that is used to produce multiple documents with a given template, editing the basic
information that is supplied by a structured dataset.
a. E-mail b. hyperlinking c. mail merge d. anchor link
27. This is a hyperlink that points to a portion of the the same document.
a. hyperlink b. Inline link c. Anchor link d. Mail Merge
28. Is a term used to describe a document that contains hyperlinked elements.
a. hyperlink b. Source code c. Anchor link d. Mail Merge
29. This is a hyperlink wherein the content is located in other or remote files.
a. hyperlink b. Inline link c. Anchor link d. Mail Merge
30. Is a short term for information graphic, which refers to an image that combines information, storytelling,
and perceptions that help the cause of an individual or an institution to communicate a message to viewers.
a. Graphics b. Layout c. Infographic d. Image Formats
31. These are defined by the enclosure created by a combination of multiple lines.
a. Color b. Shapes c. Lines d. Patterns
32. Is one of the powerful and influential elements in an infographic.
a. Color b. Shapes c. Lines d. Patterns
33. The arrangement of the elements in an image may be done by combining elements with different properties
and characteristics.
a. Balance b. Contrast c. Unity d. Rhythm
34. This describes the product of having the elements placed in harmony with one another.
a. Balance b. Contrast c. Unity d. Rhythm
35. This describes the placement of elements, shapes, or lines throughout the image.
a. Balance b. Contrast c. Unity d. Rhythm

Test II. EXPLANATION (5 Points each)

1. What are the advantages of using mail merge?

2. How can hyperlinks be of help when placed in Powerpoint Presentations?

3. Describe the Informal Balance in Principles of Design.

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