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Adelia Chausa Rama Shanti (1888203114)

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Elfin Febriyanti (1888203128)

Irene Putri Damayanti (1888203064)

Nabila Nur Aliffah (1888203139)





Praise and Gratitude for the presence of Allah SWT by giving an

abundance of His Grace and Hidayah to our group, so that we can complete a
paper entitled "NEWS STORY STRUCTURE (NEWS WRITING)" guided by
Mrs. Dwi Solaria Suharti, M.Pd. in journalism as well. Thank you to all parties
who have helped the process of making and completing this paper so that it can be
completed on time.

As for the purpose of making this paper, it is hoped that it can provide
knowledge and a clear picture of how journalism is currently developing rapidly.
And, it is hoped that this paper can be useful for anyone in need, especially for
journalists who write news.

We are fully aware that this paper is far from perfect. However, we hope
that this book will still be useful and can be material or source that can be
discussed for further development, given the dynamics of the world of journalism
which continues to develop along with the advancement of the world of
technology and information as well as changes in the mindset of society.

We as writers accept all forms of criticism and suggestions given to be

able to build the development of knowledge and competence of the writer in the
future which is useful for the improvement of subsequent papers and writings.

Tangerang, March 24, 2021



TABLE OF CONTENT..........................................................................................iii
CHAPTER I.............................................................................................................1
A. Background of the Study...........................................................................1
B. Formulation of the Problem......................................................................2
C. Purpose of the Study..................................................................................2
CHAPTER II............................................................................................................3
A. News Story Stucture..................................................................................3
B. News Briefs...............................................................................................5
C. News Writing – Preparing Copy...............................................................6
D. News Writing Rubric.................................................................................7
CHAPTER III...........................................................................................................8



A. Background of the Study

Journalism is a communication activity that uses mass media as a

medium in the process of delivering messages or information to audiences that
are indirect (indirect communication) as well as one direction. Along with the
emergence of technological developments in the convergence era, the media
are also experiencing dynamic developments. The existence of the internet
gave rise to newsroom changes to always innovate to bring more news fast in
public access (August E. Grant, 2009).

Nowadays, everyone definitely needs information in everyday life, so

journalism is one of the means that can be used either through print or
electronically and journalists will seek information that is accurate and can be
justified for its truth because it will become public consumption. News is the
main product of journalism in fulfilling the needs of curious human instinct in
providing information to audiences about an event. The news that a reporter is
looking for reports about facts involved in an event, but not intrinsic of the
event itself. (Curtis D. MacDougall, 2016).

Junaedi (2013: 3) says that news becomes a part of life along with
news that is present every day in life. Radio / Television as news broadcasters
lives as well as news that has already happened. However, the Internet is no
less fast in spreading news. Whether the news is domestic, foreign, political,
socio-economic, cultural, legal, sports, etc.

Events are very crucial objects or characters that are sought in deep
coverage, so a journalist must understand what news is and what news
deserves to be informed to the public. Why? Because a story will be in the
public domain which is then consumed both viral and simultaneously. So,
writing news whether, in Television, Radio, or Online Print Media must still
use the Principles and Systematics of writing news for the community. With
the journalist's code of ethics, it is an effort to establish rules for successful
news delivery before public consumption.

How to report or preach something, in order to attract the attention of

the crowd, and common people do it "to the point" or "diplomatic". Likewise
in terms of creating and presenting news according to journalistic principles.
News delivery saves the subjectivity of the author. For ordinary people, the
message of news will be judged for what it is. However, it is different from
certain circles that understand true press motion. They will judge more deeply
the preaching, that is, in every news writing save background a writer. An
author will include their ideas in the analysis of the data obtained in the field.
So, we need a separate analysis of the content of the news so that the
background of a writer in writing news will be known.

Vocabulary :

Inverted pyramid, direct quotation, indirect quotation, transitions, news briefs,


B. Formulation of the Problem

1. What is News Brief?
2. What are the Basic Rules of News Writing?
3. How is the Systematics of Writing News on the Computer?
4. What are the News Writing Rubrics?

C. Purpose of the Study

1. Knowing the definition of Short News.
2. Knowing the basic rules of Writing News.
3. Knowing the Systematics of Writing News on the Computer.
4. Know the content of the News Writing Rubric.



A. News Story Stucture

News is an incident report that is in accordance with the facts and can be
disseminated through newspapers, radio, television or even social media. In
writing news, you must use the latest ideas in order to attract readers' interest,
smart journalists will automatically pour the ideas that are in the journalist's mind
which are poured into news that is interesting for news enthusiasts. In writing a
story, a plan is needed that will help you compile a material by visualizing a
physical form such as the pyramid below:

The Inverted Pyramid

The Inveted Pyramid is a basic form of news writing that uses information in the
news in descending order of importance to least importance. At the very top is
the most important or most interesting information that will be written in the first
paragraph, then for further information it will be included in the next paragraph in
detail. This inverted pyramid structure will make message delivery faster and
more effective. This inverted pyramid structure can also be used as follows:

Best for: News briefs, stories about breaking news events.

How it work: summarize the key fact in a concise lead. Then organize the story as
logically as possible, arranging paragraphs in descending order of important. End
the story when you run out of facts.

So, this pyramid will help if you have a deadlock or stack. Because if we write
news that is not clear, does not reach the core of the written discussion and is
ineffective, it will make readers not understand what is being written, thus making
news readers lose interest in reading the news that we have presented. Therefore,
as a journalist in writing news, you need to think carefully before starting to write

Some basic rules of news writing :

 Introduction, in the first paragraph the story should be short about 25

 The next paragraph should also be short, between 25-35 words. A news
paragraph has similarities with an essay paragraph. News paragraphs are
written concisely so that information can be conveyed quickly. Most of
the paragraph in the news consists of 1-3 sentences
 Stories should answer questions related to the 5W and 1H (Who, What,
Where, When, Why and How) in the order that they are most important or
interesting to the reader reading
 News must be active, not passive. Sentences written in an active voice
will be more lively and easier to understand
 The writing must be in accordance with the facts
 News must be written in third person (he, she) or second person (me)
 News should not reflect the opinion of the author. Authors must be fair
and balanced in reporting facts. Every opinion must be linked with the
 A story must have several reliable sources

 Citations should be used throughout the story to give the reporter
authenticity of facts. Quotations can contain alternative facts or direct and
indirect (transitional) quotes.
 Every citation must relate to the source. the source must be identified by
the first and last name
 A good way to end a story is with a quote. Never end a story with your
own opinion statement.

B. News Briefs
Short news is news that is written very concisely, consisting of 2-4 paragraphs
that provide very basic information about an event or incident that is worth
covering and without the need for a complete story. The purpose of this short
story is to provide a brief, comprehensive, yet fast and efficient, share of
newsworthy information. Most forms of news writing use a structure called an
inverted pyramid, including short stories. If a short story is written using an
inverted pyramid structure, the most important news will be at the top and at the
bottom can be omitted because it doesn't really matter.

C. News Writing – Preparing Copy
In this material we will understand how important it is to prepare a correct copy.
In compiling a story in journalism, all stories must be prepared on a computer and
must follow the following guidelines:

 Insert a hearder in the upper left comer pf the page. It should include:
o Slug line: a brief, single word to indetify the story, such as
HOMECOMING for a story on Homecoming activities
o Reporter’s full name
o Section or Page Assignment, or in the case of Journalism I practice
assignments, type JOUR 1
o Date
 All rough drafts should be double-spaced to make the easier to edit and
 Type all stories in 12pt. Times New Roman
 Use standard margins and tab settings
 Indent three spaces for all paragraphs
 Set byline at the beginning of the story, using the newspaper style. Include
name and identification
 Do not include a headline with the story. This will be added later
 If the story ends on the first page , type # or-30-at the end
 If the story extends beyond the first page, type MORE at the bottom of
each page, except for the last. On the last page type-30-or#
 If the story is more than one page in length, write ADD 1 in the top left
comer of the first additional page, ADD 2 for the second additional page,
etc. do not number the first page.

D. News Writing Rubric


It can be concluded that writing a news text requires some understanding
regarding the rules that must be used in writing a news text. This is an important
rule related to writing news that is clear, concise and in accordance with existing
writing. For this reason, several important rules that are related and that must be
applied can help journalists in writing articles that can help attract readers so that
they can provide information clearly and concisely. How to write news, how to
understand the composition of the words, sentences and paragraphs used. It is the
basics that must be mastered for news writers so that there are no difficulties and
failures in writing good and correct news.

This paper contains some material such as, news story structures, news briefs,
news writing and news writing rubrics. So, hopefully this paper useful for writers
in particular are also dear readers in general and also may be useful and inspire
you. We as the authors realize there are still shortcomings and errors caused by
the limited knowledge that the author has. Therefore, the author asks for critism
and advice from the readers.


Weth attends South Texas University; Harris, Texas A&M University; and
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(Examples from Houston Chronicle This Week: Alief/Sharpstown, Nov. 28,


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