A Multi-Agent Systems Approach To Autonomic Computing

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A Multi-Agent Systems Approach to Autonomic Computing

Gerald Tesauro, David M. Chess, William E. Walsh, Rajarshi Das,

Alla Segal, Ian Whalley, Jeffrey O. Kephart and Steve R. White
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
19 Skyline Drive, Hawthorne, NY 10532

Abstract propose instead that a multi-agent systems (MAS) ap-

proach is much better suited for autonomic computing.
The goal of autonomic computing is to create computing Jennings [6] advocates an agent-based approach to soft-
systems capable of managing themselves to a far greater ware engineering based on decomposing problems in
extent than they do today. This paper presents Unity, a de- terms of decentralized, autonomous agents that can en-
centralized architecture for autonomic computing based on gage in flexible, high-level interactions. This approach
multiple interacting agents called autonomic elements. We is particularly well-suited for autonomic computing sys-
illustrate how the Unity architecture realizes a number of tems, which must self-configure, self-protect, self-heal,
desired autonomic system behaviors including goal-driven and self-optimize on both local and system levels. Many
self-assembly, self-healing, and real-time self-optimization. ideas developed in the MAS community, such as those per-
We then present a realistic prototype implementation, show- taining to automatic group formation, emergent behavior,
ing how a collection of Unity elements self-assembles, re- multiagent adaptation, and agent coordination, among oth-
covers from certain classes of faults, and manages the use of ers, could likely be fruitfully adapted for autonomic
computational resources (e.g. servers) in a dynamic multi- computing. The practical challenges of automatic comput-
application environment. In Unity, an autonomic element ing may likewise spur basic research advances within the
within each application environment computes a resource- MAS community.
level utility function based on information specified in that Motivated by the above considerations, we have devel-
application’s service-level utility function. Resource-level oped a software architecture called Unity, which aims to
utility functions from multiple application environments are achieve self-management of a distributed computing system
sent to a Resource Arbiter element, which computes a glob- via interactions amongst a population of autonomous agents
ally optimal allocation of servers across the applications. called autonomic elements. The specific software engineer-
We present illustrative empirical data showing the behavior ing objectives of Unity are: to enable a distributed system to
of our implemented system in handling realistic Web-based self-configure at runtime initialization; to develop software
transactional workloads running on a Linux cluster. design patterns that enable self-healing within the system;
and to self-optimize in real time the use of distributed com-
putational resources in accordance with the system’s over-
all business objectives. We have developed a prototype data
1. Introduction
center in Unity as a concrete testbed to pursue these ob-
The vision of autonomic computing [8] is of computing jectives. The data center, based on industrial systems un-
systems that manage themselves to a far greater extent than der research and development, provides a number of com-
they do today. To achieve this vision, we believe that inter- putational resources to run multiple applications for many
acting sets of individual computing elements must regulate customers. Managing data centers is of real and practical
and adapt their own behavior in response to widely chang- concern for corporate information technology and provides
ing conditions, with only high-level direction from humans. many interesting challenges for autonomic computing.
While traditional approaches to computer systems man- Unity performs self-optimization based on utility func-
agement are often centralized and hierarchical, today’s tions that express the value to the data center as a function
large-scale computing systems are highly distributed with of the service level attained for customers and other users.
increasingly complex connectivity and interactions, ren- The MAS architecture encapsulates the local optimization
dering centralized management schemes infeasible. We of resource usage from the global allocation of resources.
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AAMAS'04, July 19-23, 2004, New York, New York, USA.
Copyright 2004 ACM 1-58113-864-4/04/0007...$5.00
A key contribution of this paper is a working demonstra- aging the environment, for obtaining the resources that the
tion of service-level utility functions operating in the con- environment needs to meet its goals, and for communicat-
text of our prototype data center. ing with other elements on matters relevant to the manage-
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. We ment of the environment. One key responsibility of an ap-
begin by outlining the basic structure and components of the plication manager is to predict how changes in its allocated
Unity system in Sections 2. We then describe Unity’s goal- resources would affect the environment’s ability to meet its
driven self-assembly methodology in Section 3, and its de- goals. We have written application managers for typical web
sign for cluster self-healing in Section 4. We then present service requests directed to a set of servers by a workload
our scenario for optimal resource allocation in a dynamic driver or by IBM’s WebSphere Edge Server, for applica-
multi-workload environment in Section 5. Implementation tions parallelized through IBM’s Topology Aware Grid Ser-
details and empirical observations of our prototype system vices Scheduler, and for our own test applications.
are given in Section 6, following by concluding remarks and Resource arbiter elements compute allocations of re-
future research directions in Section 7. sources to application environments. This is done by ob-
taining from each application environment an estimate of
the value of various possible allocations, and calculating an
2. The Structure of Unity
optimum allocation, as described in Section 5. Resource ar-
The essential structure of Unity follows that outlined by biters also represent the “solution” as a whole (the entire
Kephart and Chess [8]. The Unity system components are set of application environments, resources, etc.) to the out-
implemented as autonomic elements— individual agents side world, and are responsible for any overall bootstrap-
that control resources and deliver services to humans and to ping and maintenance issues.
other autonomic elements. Every Unity component is an au- In the current Unity configuration, the resources being
tonomic element. This includes: computing resources (e.g. allocated are individual servers. Each server is represented
databases, storage systems, servers), higher-level elements by a server element, which is responsible for (among other
with some management authority (e.g. workload managers things) announcing the server’s address and capabilities in
or provisioners), and elements that assist other elements in such a way that possible users of the server can see them.
doing their tasks (e.g. policy repositories, sentinels, brokers, Each host computer that can support autonomic elements
or registries). We are particularly interested in the properties is represented by an OSContainer element, which accepts
that all autonomic element subtypes have in common. requests from elements to start up certain services or other
Each autonomic element is responsible for its own in- autonomic elements.
ternal autonomic behavior, namely, managing the resources Registry elements, based on the Virtual Organization
that it controls, and managing its own internal oper- Registry [5], enable elements to locate other elements with
ations, including self-configuration, self-optimization, which they need to communicate. This role is analogous to
self-protection, and self-healing. Each element is also re- registries in other multi-agent systems (e.g., [2]).
sponsible for forming and managing relationships that it Policy repository elements support interfaces that allow
enters into in order to accomplish its goals, that is, the ex- human administrators to enter high-level policies that guide
ternal autonomic behavior that enables the system as a the operation of the system. We describe utility-function
whole to be self-managing. based policies below; other policies control simpler aspects
Unity’s autonomic elements are implemented as Java of the system’s operation, such as reserving a server for test-
programs, using the Autonomic Manager Toolset [1] . They ing or freeing it for use.
communicate with each other using a variety of Web Ser- Sentinel elements support interfaces that allow one ele-
vice interfaces, including both standard OGSA [5] inter- ment to ask the sentinel to monitor the functioning of an-
faces and additional interfaces that we and others have de- other. If the monitored element becomes unresponsive, the
fined for autonomic elements. An important principle of the sentinel notifies the element that requested the monitoring.
system is that no other means of communication between Sentinels take part in cluster self-healing, as described in
the elements is permitted; there are no back doors or un- Section 4.
documented interfaces between elements. This allows us Unity sentinels are designed explicitly for monitoring
to completely specify the interactions between elements in OGSA services. When a sentinel is asked to monitor a tar-
terms of the interfaces that they support, and the behaviors get service, the sentinel periodically reads standard Service
that they exhibit through these interfaces. Data Elements from that target service to determine if is still
Unity can support multiple, logically separated applica- functioning. The sentinel then passes the target service sta-
tion environments, each providing a distinct application ser- tus to the requesting service via Service Data.
vice. Each application environment is represented by an ap- Unity also has a user interface that allows an adminis-
plication manager element, which is responsible for man- trator to observe and direct the system. The user interface
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AAMAS'04, July 19-23, 2004, New York, New York, USA.
Copyright 2004 ACM 1-58113-864-4/04/0007...$5.00
is a web application consisting of a number of servlets, element needs to know beyond the registry address and its
portlets, and applets, built using IBM’s Integrated Solutions own high-level role. As one of its first actions, a newly-
Console, an interface framework that is itself built on Web- initialized element locates and contacts a policy repository,
Sphere Portal technology. It communicates with the auto- queries it for the policies governing elements acting in its
nomic elements in the system through their defined Web- role, and uses the result of the query to make decisions
Services interfaces; it has no privileged access to any com- about further configuration and subsequent operation.2
ponent. This allows one to create replacement or alternative Concretely, the first elements to start are the OSContain-
user interfaces for Unity without altering any other part of ers and the registry, which are necessary to start the other el-
the system. ements. A bootstrap process then starts the resource arbiter,
The Unity user interface allows the user to define high- which decides what other elements need to be started and
level policies and utility functions and enter them into the contacts OSContainers (found in the registry) to arrange for
policy repository. It polls the registry and the autonomic ele- their starting. The policy repository and sentinels register
ments at regular intervals to obtain current performance val- with the registry immediately upon coming up. The arbiter
ues for each application environment, and allows the user to registers with the registry, locates the existing policy repos-
examine the performance of the application environments in itories and sentinels, and contracts with a sentinel to watch
the system and the current state of each autonomic element. each policy repository. Server elements locate and contact
The Unity UI is a system-wide management interface, the arbiter to announce themselves, and application environ-
but it is possible to construct user interfaces to specific ment managers contact the arbiter to have servers allocated
autonomic elements. One of the goals of Unity is to ex- to them. None of the elements knows in advance where the
plore user-interface design patterns in autonomic systems others are, or even how many other elements of a given kind
and to study, for instance, the relationship between element- will exist.
specific user interfaces and broader system interfaces. The above description glosses over some potentially
complex issues of bootstrapping. Our current system cen-
3. Goal-driven Self-assembly tralizes much of the bootstrapping process, relying on the
resource arbiter to contact OSContainers to bring into be-
One of our design aims for autonomic systems is to self- ing those other elements required by the system. We plan
configure, based on the environment in which they find to develop a more dynamic and decentralized bootstrap-
themselves and the high-level tasks to which they have been ping protocol in which each element would be responsible
set, without any detailed human intervention in the form of for instantiating any other elements that it requires, if none
configuration files or installation dialogs. are already available. Another interesting approach would
Within Unity, we are experimenting with a technique be to retain the resource arbiter function and define a lan-
that we call “goal-driven self-assembly”. Ideally, each auto- guage for solution recipes which would tell the solution
nomic element, when it first begins to execute, knows only manager which elements (or at least which initial elements)
a high-level description of what it is supposed to be doing to bring up to start the system. It is important that any new
(e.g., “make yourself available as an application server”, or approaches properly handle circular dependencies.
“join policy repository cluster 17”), and the contact infor- A smaller-scale bootstrapping issue is that when the first
mation (Grid Service Handle) of the registry.1 OSContainer element comes up it cannot register because
The self-assembly process proceeds as follows. When there is not yet a registry running. In our current design,
each element initializes, it contacts the registry to locate each OSContainer consults its information about where the
existing elements that can supply services that it requires. registry should be, and if that address refers to a registry
It contacts the elements thus located, and enters into rela- that the OSContainer could create, it creates it.
tionships to obtain the needed services. Once the element
Similarly, no element is able to contact a policy reposi-
has entered into all the relationships and obtained all the re-
tory until both a registry and a policy repository have come
sources that it needs, it registers itself in the registry, so that
up. This means that at least both the OSContainers and the
it can be located by elements that in turn need its services.
registry must be able to function at least temporarily with-
This process is not confined to initialization. If an elements
out a policy repository. In fact all elements should have min-
need another certain service later on in its lifecycle, it simi-
imal default policies that suffice at least to get them through
larly contacts the registry to find available suppliers.
the process of waiting for a policy repository to appear, and
A key service located through the registry is the policy
correctly reporting the error if none ever does.
repository, which contains, in principle, everything that an

1 In a commercial-grade version of this technique, each element would 2 In the current Unity implementation, only some of these policies are
also be provided with the security credentials needed to prove its iden- actually stored in and retrieved from the policy repository. We intend
tity to the other elements in the system. to increase that fraction in the coming year.
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AAMAS'04, July 19-23, 2004, New York, New York, USA.
Copyright 2004 ACM 1-58113-864-4/04/0007...$5.00
4. Self-Healing for Clusters quired policy repositories, each of which is supplied with
its intended role (including the identifier of the cluster that
Another main goal of Unity is to demonstrate and study it should join) and the registry address. As each one initial-
self-healing clusters of autonomic elements. We have ini- izes, it consults the registry to contact the already registered
tially implemented this style of self-healing in a single ele- members of the cluster and thereby join the cluster itself,
ment: the policy repository. using a simple serial algorithm that avoids most race con-
The purpose of a self-healing system is to provide re- ditions. The resource arbiter also contracts with the sentinel
liability and data integrity in the face of imperfect under- to monitor these policy repositories.
lying software and hardware. We approach this by adding From this point, whenever one of the policy repositories
function to the policy repository to support joining an exist- receives changes to its policy set, the changes are commu-
ing cluster of synchronized policy repositories, and replicat- nicated to the rest of the cluster, as discussed above. Simi-
ing data changes within that cluster. It is also necessary for larly, policy repositories within the cluster exchange infor-
the cluster as a whole to detect the failure of one of its ele- mation about which elements are subscribers to the policy
ments, and to create a replacement element. Care and con- data, and to which policy data they are subscribed.
sideration must be given to which machine should host this Now, let us assume that the sentinel determines that one
new element. For instance, the current policy in Unity is of the policy repositories has failed. Perhaps the software
that two elements in the same cluster should not be hosted has failed, or perhaps the network connection has been sev-
on the same machine, and that elements in a cluster should ered. The resource arbiter will be notified by the sentinel of
not be instantiated on machines that have previously hosted this failure, and will first choose one of the still-functioning
failed elements in that same cluster. policy repositories to take over subscriptions previous han-
Unity supports clustering with two operations added to dled by the failed one, and notify all cluster members of
the policy repository element. First, whenever a new or this reassignment. Then, typically, it will determine that it
modified piece of policy data is received by one of the pol- should replace the failed policy repository. In this case, it
icy repositories in the cluster, it is sent to all other reposi- will examine the available hosts, and select one upon which
tories. This maintains a consistent view (within a few sec- to deploy a replacement policy repository. The policy repos-
onds) amongst all policy repositories. (The algorithm cur- itory is deployed (via a standard interaction with the OS-
rently used does not have transactional integrity, and race Container on the target host), and upon initialization, the
conditions can lead to desynchronization in rare conditions. new policy repository joins the cluster and retrieves a copy
We intend to address this in the near future.) of the current cluster state data (policies and subscriptions).
Secondly, we have modified the subscription system by Such clusters are still subject to a significant data repli-
which Unity elements learn of changes to their policies. In cation problem. A more complete solution could be assisted
standard OGSI [13] notification, a single OGSA service (the by the use of the failover and data replication features of a
subscriber) subscribes to a given Service Data Element on database management system. The method is also most ef-
a single other OGSA service (the publisher). In Unity, the fective in the case of simple single-element failures; it is not
publisher would be the policy repository. In the event of robust against network partitions or similar problems.
that policy repository failing, even if its data is still safe and The above description still contains a central point of
available from the other policy repositories in the cluster, failure, if the system contains only one sentinel. This prob-
the subscriber is left with no subscription, and is never no- lem is easily solved with a cluster of sentinels similar to the
tified of policy changes. In our modified system, subscrip- cluster of policy repositories. Sentinels within a cluster keep
tions themselves (including the identity of the subscriber, each other’s state up-to-date, and provide resiliency against
the class of data subscribed to, and the member of the clus- the failure of a single sentinel.
ter currently servicing the subscription) are part of the data
replicated between elements of the cluster. When a member 5. Self-Optimization Scenario
of the cluster fails, all of its subscriptions are still recorded
in the state data of the surviving cluster members. By reas- In this section, we illustrate how utility functions may
signing those subscriptions to a surviving member, the sys- be effectively used in autonomic systems by means of a
tem can continue providing notifications to the subscribers. data center scenario. The data center manages numerous re-
The self-healing cluster operates as follows. When the sources, including compute servers, database servers, stor-
Unity system is initialized, the resource arbiter determines age devices, etc., and serves many different customers us-
how many policy repositories are required (this is nominally ing multiple applications. We focus in particular on the dy-
done by consulting the system policy, but due to the obvi- namic allocation and management of the compute servers
ous bootstrapping problem this policy is not stored in the within the data center, although our general methodology
policy repository). The resource arbiter then deploys the re- applies to multiple, arbitrary resources.
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While utility-based resource allocation is widely studied
in MAS and other fields, we find surprisingly that it is little Resource
known in real-world computer systems management. Addi-
U1(R) U2(R)
tionally, those approaches proposed in the research litera-
ture do not fully meet the needs of autonomic computing.
Some approaches [4, 7, 10], require humans to ascribe util- Application Application
ity value to low-level resources. However, a truly autonomic Manager U1(S, D) Manager U2(S, D)

system should allow utility to be expressed in terms of

the service-level attributes that matter to them or their cus- Router Servers
Servers Servers
Servers Router Servers
tomers, such as end-to-end response time, latency, through-
put, etc. Our approach is to use service-level utility functions Application Environment 1 Application Environment 2
specifying the business value (e.g., payment/penalty terms
of a customer contract) as a function of the service level Figure 1. Architecture for self-optimization.
given to users of the application environment. Some market-
based approaches [9, 12, 14] allow applications to specify
a vector, each component of which indicates the amount of
their utility directly for goods representing QoS guarantees.
a specific type of resource.)
The market contains agents that provide these QoS guaran-
A single resource arbiter allocates resources across dif-
tees and know how to transform demand for QoS into de-
mand for actual resources, and the market mechanism deter- ferent application environments. The arbiter is privy neither
to details of how the individual application managers opti-
mines the resource allocation. This approach works well in
mize their utility nor of the services provided by the indi-
domains where standard mappings between resources and
QoS can be established. However, in a real data center the vidual application environments. Instead, prompted by its
own perceived need for more resource, or by a query from
service specifications and the mappings from resource to
QoS can be arbitrarily complex and application-specific. To the resource arbiter, an application manager sends to the ar-
this end, we encapsulate this special knowledge of applica- biter a resource-level utility function Û R that specifies the
value to the application environment of obtaining each pos-
tion environments inside the application managers, as de-
scribed below. sible level R of resource.3
All of the internal complexities of individual application
environments, including representing and modeling a po-
5.1. Data Center Scenario tentially infinite variety of services and systems, are com-
pressed by the application manager into a uniform resource-
The Unity elements and their relationships bearing di- level utility function that relates value to resources in com-
rectly on self-optimization are illustrated in Figure 1. Each mon units. This approach makes it easy to add, change or
application environment has a service-level utility function, remove application environments—even different types of
obtained from the policy repository. We assume the utility application environments—because the resource arbiter re-
function is independent of that of other application environ- quires no information about their internal workings. Our
ments, and that all utility functions share a common scale two-level architecture also neatly handles the different time
of valuation, such as a common currency. The utility func- scales appropriate to different types of optimization. Appli-
tion for environment i is of the form Ui Si Di , where Si is cation managers adjust control parameters on a timescale
the service level provided in i and Di is the demand in i. of seconds to respond to changes in demand, while the re-
Both Si and Di are vectors that can specify values for mul- source arbiter typically operates on a timescale of minutes,
tiple user classes. Si is particular to i, and can be any viable which is more commensurate with switching delays neces-
service metric (e.g., response time, throughput, etc.). Al- sitated by flushing out the current workload, changing con-
though such service-level specification will often be most nections, and installing or uninstalling applications.
useful, we do not exclude the possibility that Si could di-
rectly measure resources assigned to the classes in i. 5.2. Application Manager Architecture
The system goal is to optimize ∑i Ui Si Di  on a con-
tinual basis to accommodate fluctuations in demand. Con- Figure 2 illustrates the major components and infor-
trol and optimization of a fixed amount of resource within mation flows in a single application manager. (As we re-
an application environment is handled by a resident applica- fer here to only a single manager, we dispense with the
tion manager. As demand shifts, application manager i can
adjust certain control parameters or divert resources from 3 If the Û R is too expensive to compute or communicate, it is possible
one transaction class to another in order to keep Ui Si Di  to avoid sending the entire function by having the arbiter query each
as optimal as possible, given a fixed Ri . (Here Ri represents application manager for a limited set of R [3].
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AAMAS'04, July 19-23, 2004, New York, New York, USA.
Copyright 2004 ACM 1-58113-864-4/04/0007...$5.00
subscripts.) The application manager receives a continual The utility calculator computes resource-level utility
stream of measured service S and demand D data from the from U S D. Since resources are allocated on a relatively
router and servers. The data aggregator aggregates these long time scale, the application manager uses a demand
raw measurements (e.g., by averaging them over a suitable forecaster to estimate the average future demand D¼ over
time window). The controller continually adjusts the router an appropriate time window (e.g., up until the next reallo-
and server control parameters C to optimize the utility in the cation), based on the historical observed demand D received
face of fluctuating demand. These parameters may specify from the data aggregator. Methods such as time series anal-
how workloads from different customer classes are routed ysis and special knowledge of the typical usage patterns of
to the servers, as well as any other tunable parameters on the the application may be used. The utility calculator computes
servers (e.g. buffer sizes, operating system settings, etc.).
Û R  max U S C R D¼  D¼  (2)

for each possible resource level R. To compute the entire

Û R essentially requires repeated computation of (1) us-
Resource ing each possible hypothetical resource level R (rather than
the current resource level), and with the predicted demand
D¼ , rather than the current demand D.
Application Environment U(R)
With complex applications, it may be difficult for human
Application Manager developers to determine an accurate performance model a
D' Utility
U(S, D)
priori. To address this problem, the application manager can
Forecaster Calculator have a modeler module that employs inference and learn-
ing algorithms to create, update, and revise the performance
Controller model based on joint observations of S C Rt D.
S, D
6. Resource Allocation in a Prototype System
Data S(C, R, D) Rt
Aggregator To demonstrate the power of our multi-agent system ar-
chitecture for self-optimization, we show an example of re-
S, D
Router source allocation based on utility functions in a prototype
S, D Servers
system. In our example we have two Application Environ-
Servers ments with different service-level utility functions based on
completely different metrics. The key is that most of the lo-
Figure 2. The modules and data flow in an ap- cal, detailed knowledge and control complexity is managed
plication manager. by the individual Application Managers, while system-wide
optimal behavior emerges from communication of com-
mon resource-level utility functions to the Resource Arbiter.
Here, since S, D and R are all single-valued, we shall re-
The application manager maintains at least three kinds place them with the scalar notation S, D, and R.
of knowledge: U S D, the current resource level Rt , and a Our prototype system runs on a cluster of identical IBM
model S C R D of system performance. The model spec- eServer x Series 335 machines running Redhat Enterprise
ifies the service level obtained by setting control parame- Linux Advanced Server 2.1. The system conforms to Fig-
ters to C, given the current R and D. The model yields a ure 1 using Unity elements as described in Section 2. The
vector of (estimated) service attribute measurements, which two Application Managers, responsible for managing the
could for example represent one or more performance val- two Environments, as well as the Arbiter, run on one of the
ues for each customer class. machines; three other machines are available as resources
The controller optimizes the utility U S D subject to to process workload.
the fixed current Rt . It receives D from the data aggregator, Application Environment A1 handles a transac-
and when this quantity changes sufficiently, or other speci- tional workload, running on top of WebSphere and DB2,
fied conditions occur, the controller recomputes the control which provides a realistic simulation of an electronic trad-
parameters C£ that optimize U S D based on the perfor- ing platform. The service-level utility function for A1 is
mance model and current resource level: based on the average response time S1 of the customer re-
C£  argmax U S C Rt D D (1) quests. More precisely, its service-level utility function
C U1 S1 D1   U1 S1  is given by a decreasing sigmoid util-
and resets the control parameter vector to C£ . ity function (roughly, a smoothed out step function) with a
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AAMAS'04, July 19-23, 2004, New York, New York, USA.
Copyright 2004 ACM 1-58113-864-4/04/0007...$5.00
maximum value of 1000 for fast response times and a min-
a b c d e Time f
imum value of zero for slow response times.
1 A1

Demand for the transactional workload D1 consists of re- 100

peated requests for a web page at a variable rate. To provide 50

for a realistic simulation of stochastic, periodic and bursty 0
web traffic, we use a time-series model developed by Squil- 100

Resp. Time
2 A1
lante et al. [11] to reset the demand every 5 seconds. 50
Given the service-level utility U1 S1 , A1 uses a sim-
ple system performance model S1 C R1 D¼   S1 R1 D1  0

Res. Util.
for each possible number of servers R1 to estimate the 1000

resource-level utility function U1 R1 . In these experiments, 500 R=1 R=2

server control parameters C are held constant and the de- 0
mand forecaster simply returns D. We obtained the perfor- Total

mance model by measuring average response time with de- 4
mand held constant at certain values, and performing linear A1
interpolation between the measured points.
Application Environment A2 handles a long-running 5

batch workload. The service level S2 is measured solely in 100 A2
terms of the number of servers R2 allocated to A2 and the 0
the utility function U2 S2 D2   U2 R  Û2 R is defined 3 6 A1
as: U2 0  0 U2 1  200 U2 2  300 U2 3  350. Servers 2
Results from a typical experiment with the two Applica-
tion Environments and three servers are shown in Figure 3.
3 7 A2
The figure shows seven time-series plots over a period of

575 seconds. From top to bottom, they are: (1) Average de- 1
mand D1 on A1; (2) Average response time S1 in A1; (3)
Resource-level utility Û1 R1  for R1  1 2 3 servers for
0 100 200 300 400 500
Time (Seconds)
A1; (4) Total utility from the two applications (solid plot)
and the utility U1 S1  obtained from A1 (dashed plot); (5) Figure 3. Times series plots of transactional
Utility U2 R2  obtained from A2; (6) Number of servers R1 demand rate, attained utilities, and server al-
allocated to A1; and (7) Number of servers R2 allocated to locations to each Application Environment,
A2. Notable times are indicated by vertical dashed lines and during a sample Unity experiment.
labeled by letters at the top.
Initially, we set U1 S1  so that it transitions relatively
sharply from 1000 to zero utility, centered at 30ms. The At time f, we change U1 S in the policy repository so
D1 begins low, allowing A1 to get a low response time and that it transitions more gradually, and is centered at 40ms.
utility of nearly 1000 with one server. At time a, D1 rises, A then determines that it can obtain high utility with fewer
and the manager of A1 changes Û R so that two or more servers. Even at the demand peak after time f, the Manager
servers are needed to get a high utility. In response, the Ar- of A1 computes Û1 R1  to reflect that three servers are suf-
biter reoptimizes the allocation to give two servers to A1. ficient to give A1 positive utility.
Just after time c, the demand rises considerably, and even
three servers are not enough to reduce S1 enough to give A1 7. Conclusions and Future Work
nonzero utility. Since no amount of the available servers can
help A1, they are all allocated to A2. The subsequent de- Many researchers in the MAS community have recog-
crease in demand allows A1 to obtain low response times nized the advantages of an agent-based approach to building
with three or fewer servers, and the optimal allocation gives deployable solutions in a number of application domains
some servers to A1. Note that the spikes in response time comprising complex, distributed systems. In this paper we
for A1 at time b and just prior to 300 seconds, which are put forth self-managing distributed computing systems as
too transitory to trigger reallocation, are not caused by an a new and promising application domain for MAS ideas.
increase in demand4. This area is not only natually well-suited to agent-based ap-
proaches, but it is also of immense interest and practical im-
4 Investigation reveals that they are due to Java garbage collection in portance throughout the entire IT industry.
WebSphere. Our decentralized and distributed approach to autonomic
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AAMAS'04, July 19-23, 2004, New York, New York, USA.
Copyright 2004 ACM 1-58113-864-4/04/0007...$5.00
computing provided the basic principles underlying the ing queuing theory, simulation, and novel machine learn-
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