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The World of Salem

This is a brief explanation of the world in which Salem is set. It is a darker, more magical
version of our world. Many mythological creatures exist, from vampires are werewolves to
ghosts and witches. There is no grand conspiracy of silence to keep mundanes from noticing
the weirdness, but most people only brush up the fringes of the spooky, or those that do see it
full on rarely survive. Plus it is a lot easier to go on living your life telling yourself that “you didn’t
really see that”, rather than admit everything you believe is wrong.


The Spirit World:

There is a realm of spirits and magic that is connected to our world in a few locations.
There are ways to cross over, but rarely safe or reliable ones, usually finding a fairy circle or
glad, something like that. The Spirit World has its own geography that is vastly different form
the mortal world. While each place does correspond to a place on Earth, the connections are
more due to a resonance or theme rather than locations. For example a Hunting supply store
could connect to a den of monstrous wolves. Due to this navigation by connection and theme
rather than geography if you can find ways in and out of the Spirit Realm then you can make
shortcuts that can make quick work of crossing the continents..if be a bit on the dangerous side.

Magic and those who use it:

There are a variety of terms for those who use magic, mostly based around how they
gained their magic and what they can do with it. For the most part this is a personal choice of
how they perceive their magic. It can be confusing since different people have different
connotations attached to each of the terms, but for the most part these generalities hold true.

Druid is indicative that the practitioner reveres the land foremost.

Elementalist indicates that the practitioner uses elemental magic almost exclusively.
Sorcerer usually means someone who is going to value power.
Warlock is one of the few that has a firm definition in the community: A warlock is someone who
has bargained with some other power for magic. Maybe they had some magic before and got
more, maybe they were mundane before the deal, regardless once they have made a deal for
power they are considered a warlock (and generally distrusted)
Witch is the most common term in Salem and usually indicates a cet of traditions including
potion-making and bonding a familiar.
Wizard denotes someone who is going to value knowledge.

Full Practitioner:
This is what most people say when they say “Wizard” or “Witch” meaning a person with
a wide spectrum of magical abilities. They generally have access to both the Evocation and
Thaumaturgy powers.

Minor Practitioner (Or Hedge-Witch/wizard):

This is a more middle ground of magic users, they have mastered a variety of
techniques, but not the full spectrum available to Full Practitioners. They will usually have either
Evocation or Thaumaturgy but not both. Or maybe they have a specific type of magic
(Sponsored Magic or Ritual & Channeling), in any event they lack the full range of magical

These folks have magic, but not a lot of it, usually they can manage one trick. They
have either the ritual or channeling power, but not both. They can be powerful in the application
of what they can do (If ann you want to do is set things on fire then Channeling is all you need),
but they lack any meaningful variety.

Things that Go Bump:

Note: This is not meant to be an exhaustive list, just some of the more notable ones

This is more of a catch-all term for dangerous denizens of the spirit world that are
malevolent and hostile. Some can come off as charming, some are outright horrors, but all are
working towards death, destruction and depravity.

There are very few dragons left in the mortal world, but those who are are generally one
of the most dangerous entities that one can encounter. Some of the few still active in the world
have learned how to take on a human form so they may walk among the mortals undetected.

Beautiful and dangerously fickle the fair folk are dreams made flesh, and they chase
after the dreams and emotions of mortals without regard for their well-being. From stately lords
of the Sidhe to kelpies dragging the unsuspecting to a watery death the fair folk contain a wide
variety of beings. But however much they may look like humans or ape human ways they are
not and their civility may cover a ravenous desire that leaves victims shattered husks, if alive.
There are two major courts of Fairies: The Seelie and Unseelie. Their main difference is
in how they relate to humans, Seelie generally wish humanity to be a renewable resource, they
can get carried away, but they generally try to feed off of the excess dreams and emotions that
humans generate. Their unseelie counterparts believe in a more direct manner of harvesting

Sometimes a death is so traumatic or a person so driven, that an echo of them can
linger. The vast majority of these ghosts are no more than that: an echo, they don’t really grow
or change, although they can react to the events around them. A rare few retain more
independence and a sense of self, these potent shades are often feared. Most people cannot
sea ghosts unless the ghost wills it or some mystical event occurs.

Another catch-all term for those who can change their shape from animal to human.
Some are born with this ability, some acquire it one way or another, all are a little bit on the feral
side due to their dual nature’s animalistic instincts.

A general term for beings from the spirit world that were never human and who don’t fall
under any of the other categories. Technically Demons & Fairies would be spirits, but are
distinct sub-categories.

An undead blood-drinker, vampires cannot stand the sunlight. A new vampire is created
when a vampire fully drains a mortal of their blood and then feeds a small portion of it back to
them. A newly arisen vampire will be a bit stronger and tougher than the average person, but
will grow in power as they grow older and continue to drink blood. Eventually powerful vampires
may develop magical abilities such as shapeshifting or turning into mist.

Mindless undead raised via some for of magical effect. They may come in different
shapes and sizes, but all are rotting flesh and have no will of their own.
The City of Salem
If anyone in america were asked to compile a list of the locations important to the occult
history of the country it would surely include Salem. The town is nearly universally associated
with the witch trials of the 1690s. Everyone, clued-in or not, associates Salem with witches,
and, in this world of the occult, associations can have power. In this case it has lead to salem
having probably the largest supernatural community on the east coast of North America. This
document will go over most of the major factions and powers in the greater Salem area. That
area includes (for the supernatural community at least) Boston as well.
And community it is, much more so than many other cities around the globe. Salem is a
geographically small town, yet rich in history, emotions, and magic all attracting a different crowd
from the spooky side, if they didn’t have some structure and order there would be constant
conflict (well, more-constant conflict). The city has evolved a particular brand of stability, with
regular gatherings of all the major power-players in the city. This isn’t a court or anything so
formal as that, but usually neutral parties will side with the aggrieved party in conflicts,
preserving the status quo. Until recently these gatherings were informally lead by Michael
Rowland (See below), one of the more powerful denizens of Salem, how they will shake out
going forward remains to be seen...

Major City Themes: (more of these will be added during / after City-Gen)
Dark Magic - This city has a well deserved reputation for dark magic, be it warlocks
running amok or sinister spirits haunting the shadows. For some unknown reason Salem
seems to teem with dark energy, enough so that ghosts and similar spirit’s need not fear the
sunlight as they usually do.
Magic Walks Among Us - Salem is partially aware of the supernatural’s existence.
There is no law of secrecy or masquerade to uphold. This has lead to a lot of people trying to
find out more about magic and getting more than they bargained for, but also some people
using magic openly among the populace.

Major Factions / Powerblocks in Salem:

The Rowland Family (Faces: Michael Rowland)
For living memory Michael Rowland and his family were the undisputed power in Salem.
A family that had produced many strong Wizards over the centuries, the Rowland’s were a good
fit for Salem, able to keep an eye on things and deal with problems as soon as they began to
manifest. It is assumed that Michael’s daughter Sylvia will take his place as the power in Salem
when the old man passes away.

The Salem Witches Circle (Face: Mary Harrison):

As Salem is well known as an occult community (even to those not clued in), the number
of minor talents in the city is second to none. Few, if any, of these practitioners could possibly
have enough power to be an individual powerhouse. But when working together they are not
something that can be ignored. While they encourage members from all walks of life they are
very traditional in some regards and strongly encourage the study of potion-making and the
bonding of a familiar.

In contrast to the Witch’s Circle Daniyah certainly has power in spades. She is a
powerful Sorcerer who has lived in Salem for a minimum of 50 years. While she was once a
member of the Witches Circle she went her own way long ago and is now a major player in her
own right. She has innumerable contacts in the Spirit World, and should she call a legion of
spirits of various sorts would answer. She is frequently seen with a small owl on her shoulder,
and has a penchant for black robes as well as mixing music with her more potent magical

The Monroe Clan (face Kayla Monroe):

While not the largest Vampire enclave in America, the Boston area was too rich a city
not to attract a sizeable contingent of vampires. They are particularly active in the local nightlife
scene, as well as controlling a sizeable portion of the local business community.

The Mob (face: Eddie Malone)

No discussion of the politics of the Boston area would be complete without mentioning
the Mob. The mob has always had a strong presence in boston and always will be. The Mob
isn’t particularly clued-in as to the spooky side of things, but then again they don’t really need to
be to be a threat.

The Faerie Court (faces: Lord Oberon)

The Faerie Court has a strong local presence, led by Lord Oberon, a powerful Sidhe lord
of the Seelie court. He considers himself one of the major players in the city and has made
several attempts to seize power, usually through some political or peaceful means, which
explains why he is still alive after a couple of failures. Oberon laughs off the setbacks and
declares that his true moment has yet to come.

Richard Bowen (Face of City Theme: Dark Magic)

Richard Bowen has only been in Salem a couple of years but has made quite a name for
himself as a powerful and charismatic warlock. There are constant rumors swirling around him
as he does deliberately attempt to create an air of mystery and power around himself. He is
notable to the local community as a dealmaker and fixer for the magical community. If you need
something he can probably find a way for you to get it, at the cost of owing him a favor, all
tracked in a ledger he keeps constantly at his side. It is unknown exactly what entity he has
made a deal with, but he makes no secret of the fact that deal-making got him to where he is

Minor Factions / Powerblocks in Salem:

The Rainbow Dreams Co-Operative (Face: Opal Moonflower)
A splinter group of new age practitioners who felt that the traditional trappings of the
Witch's Circle were outdated and the organization and goals of the group far too traditional.
This group has only slightly fewer members than the Circle itself, but much less influence, as it
is hard to get all of them passionate about the same thing, and due to their egalitarian ideals
one cannot really “give orders.” Despite that they are a strong (if disorganized) force for peace
in the city, trying to get various factions working together instead of fighting.

The Howling Wolf Taqueria (face: Jesus Cordova)

The Howling Wolf Taqueria is a local restaurant with branches in a couple of neighboring
cities as well as Salem. It was founded and is currently run by Angelo Cordova and most of his
family. What most of the world does not realize is that the Cordova family and many of their
employees are werewolves. While they are not a major power in the city, having the option of
20ish dire wolves show up one night keeps the Cordova family respected and sometimes
feared. Angelo’s Son Jesus is currently acting as the family member who represents the family
to the supernatural community at large.

The Revelry (face: Jim)

The Revelry is a non-stop party wherever they find themselves. While not usually
malicious they also don’t really give a damn about property damage or really consequences of
any kind. They are a collection of mortals, satyrs, nymphs, and maenads. They usually set up
shop in an abandoned warehouse, but occasionally they can roam the city. The cops have
occasionally tried to shut them down, but have been stymied each time (usually the cops end up
joining in) The clued-in cops view the Revelry as more of an environmental hazard than a party.

The Cops (face: Sean O’Malley)

Like many is Salem the police have been forced to admit that the supernatural exists, no
matter how much they might try to rationalize it away. It has been made clear that the greater
Boston PD does not share this view and their reports should not read like a fantasy novel. As
such the Salem PD does a lot of “off the books” work, as well as some creative liberties with
reports. They are also fully aware that they are not capable of handling most supernatural

Count Orlok’s Nightmare Gallery
This museum of monsters and horror has recently moved to a new and larger space in
the heart of the spooky parts of downtown, in the heart of what was territory that phased out of
this world and left things...weird. Most of the physical changes to the area have been replaced,
but there is a lingering sense of the odd and unknown in the whole area that Count Orlok’s plays
into spooky majesty.

Gallows hill
This now-lovely green field was once used for bloody executions. These acts left a
magical resonance with blood, death and violence making the many twisting passages under
the hollow hill a prime den for many spooky critters in town.
Hamilton Hall.
The largest Accorded Neutral territory in the country is a large meeting hall that serves
as the center of Salem’s supernatural politics. At least once a month (on the first), more
frequently in times of strife, there is a gathering where anyone in the supernatural community is
invited to attend and share any news or grievances, with the stage open to anyone who wishes
to speak. This serves to let people know what is going on, talk with one another with no fear of
violence and generally serves as the heart of Salem’s occult world.

The House of the Seven Gables

A storied house and a tourist attraction, it has been the source of strage glows and
sounds for years. Most folks who go inside find it vaguely unsettling, but some of them, like Ole’
Pete emerge a very different person than they were when they went in driven by voices only
they can hear. Among the magical community caution is advised if one decides to enter.

The Misery Islands

This string of Islands off the coast were once inhabited by a decent town and casino
resort, all of which has been destroyed. Most of it was burned by a fire, some was blown down
by storms and still others were just abandoned and left to rot.

Neutral Grounds
This coffee shop and bakery is the other, much smaller Accorded Neutral Territory in the
city. Used as a place for less-formal meetings where one still wants to be assured that the
accords will prevent violence, or just a place to truly relax, knowing that you can let your guard
down, enjoy a hot coco and read a book in one of the comfy chairs scattered throughout the
sunlit space.

Salem Woods
These woods are part of a large park system that somehow utterly fails at making the
area any less wild or primal than it was a thousand years ago. This forest is scattered with
sunny glades in which the Summer Court make their homes and sites for their revels, as well as
darker, more hungry parts where hikers have been known to go missing.

The Witch House

This is museum by day and a meeting place for the Witch’s Circle by night, acting as
their headquarters most of the time, and allowing them to shelter behind its powerful
community-raised wards in times of danger.


Note: these NPCs are designed in ignorance of many of the PCs, I’m assuming Indy will
want to play Warden Bassam again, but nothing past that. This means that I have created
NPCs for each of the factions to act as faces for them, however if you want your character to
have a role that one of the NPCs currently holds we can adjust or remove the NPC, this
document is designed to flesh out the world, not foreclose character options.

Mary Harrison
A Middle aged practitioner who has been a member of the Witches Circle since she first
manifested the ability in her early teens. Mary has risen to the position of coven leader based
upon both her magical abilities, which while not particularly strong are not weak either, and her
empathic nature. Mary is an ideal mediator, able to find solutions to problems that usually leave
everyone satisfied and feeling good about the compromise. She is the social heart of the circle
as well as its leader. Mary is rarely seen without her cat, long ago bound as a familiar.

Moonflower Opal (The Rainbow Dreams Co.Op)

A former member of the Witches Circle who left with several others to form the Rainbow
Dreams Co.Op. Opal specializes in healing magics and abhors violence. She seeks to
promote healthy relationships between opposing parties instead of conflict.

Lord Oberon (The Faerie Court)

A powerful noble in the courts of the seelie Sidhe who has fallen out of favor in the court
of Queen Titania. He has set up an extravagant court in Salem that acts as a strange
orphanage for abused children who have run away from home. Mostly he is content to host
galas and feasts of epic proportions and play out the dramas of his court. Lord Cluracan
presents himself as a bit of a dandy, his clothing always the finest, designed far more for show
than practicality.

Kyla Monroe
The leader of the vampire clan in Salem, Kyla Monroe is a shrewd and canny
businesswoman in addition to a powerful vampire in her own right. She has established herself
via trickery and misdirection, as well as surprising business acumen. Out of the spooky side of
things she is probably the most influential on the mortal world, having most of the nightlife and
entertainment industry in her hand as well as a vast array of businesses.

Fodla (Gallows Hill)

Fodla is a charismatic unseelie fae who has gathered many of the darker denizens of
Salem into a collection of horrors. While they do not engage in the wanton violence that would
elevate them into a true threat, the majority of the dark and dangerous places in Salem play
host to at least one member of her “court.” Fodla herself is brooding and violent, delighting in
despair and the inevitability of death. She has been known to prolong that suffering to
excruciating lengths for those who have truly earned her ire.

Eddie Malone (The Mob)

Eddie is a middle level made man who has all the best gossip from around the shadier
parts of town. If you need a place to lie low, or a couple of thugs to break some kneecaps, you
go to Eddie, although it might cost you. Eddie (and the mob in general) isn’t exactly clued-in to
the supernatural side of things, but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t seen things he can’t explain,
seems everyone has in this town.

Pete Harris (House of the Seven Gables)

Pete, or “Ole’ Pete” as he is frequently called, is one of the homeless in Salem. He
frequently stares off into space and seems to hear what noone else can. The vast majority of
the people in Salem dismiss him as another harmless drunk. What most people don’t know is
that many years ago Pete was part of the occult community, he was once a member of the
Witches Circle. In 1995 he was running the tours of the House of the Seven Gables when one
evening he didn’t come home from closing up the museum. The next day, fearing foul play, the
Circle searched the whole building and found nothing, not one trace of Pete was left. One week
later Pete stumbled out of the house, confused and rambling. While the Witches Circle tries to
take care of him as best they can whatever happened in that missing week shattered his sanity
beyond full recovery.

Jim, The High Drunk (The Revelry)

Jim has never given anyone his full name, just that he is “The High Drunk of Dionysus”
He is near-constantly drunk and leads a pack of satyrs and maenads along with more mortal
revelers. He has occasionally displayed strange powers and miracles granted by his patron, but
mostly he leads a non-stop party wherever he happens to find himself. His partying has a
darker side, as he is one of the few who can call the wyld hunt, where his followers will revel in
bloodshed every bit as much as they usually enjoy good booze and weed.

Jesus Cordova (Howling Wolf Taqueria)

Jesus is the spokesperson to the supernatural community for the Cordova family of
werewolves. In the last few years he has become an aggressive defender of immigration rights
and in recent months ICE trucks have been found smashed and savaged by a large animal.
Jesus is only 20 or so and as such sometimes thinks with his heart much more than his head.
While he is not inclined towards bullying he will aggressively confront those he sees as a bully,
including the threat of physical force, a threat he and his family are very well-placed to make
good on.

Father Dean Macklepenny (The Church)

Father Macklepenny is, like most of Salem at this point, fully clued in as to the
supernatural world. Unlike most of Salem however he has found himself involved in more dark
messes than he would like. No one in the Catholic church in the area is any more prepared of
knowledgeable about these issues and Father Macklepenny has fallen into the role of
supernatural point-man for the church. While not a position he sought (or particularly likes)
Father Macklepenny refuses to do anything but his best in service of the church.

Sean O’Malley (The Cops)

Sean has only recently made Captain in the Salem PD, but he has long been a member
of the Witch’s Circle, bringing some much-needed occult knowledge to the local police
department, as well as funneling anything that the cops can’t handle to the appropriate
members of the supernatural community. He is a decently skilled thaumaturge, but lacks any
evocation whatsovere, but in his words “Guns work just as well 95% of the time.”

Ian Fitzpatrick (Hammilton hall)

Ian is the caretaker of Hamilton Hall, the largest Accorded Neutral territory in the country.
He is cordial, polite and plays absolutely no favorites. He acts as moderator for the frequent
meetings of the Supernatural community in Hammilton hall and also manages invitations to
emergency meetings.

Diane Basset (Neutral Grounds)

Diane is the proprietor of the Neutral Ground coffee shop. She describes herself as a
“Caffineomancer” and a “Kitchen Witch” Her baking and coffee seem to bear this out. She is
always friendly and happy when at her restaurant. She is a member in good standing of both
the Witch’s Circle and the Rainbow Dreams Co-Op.

Barghest (Magic Walks among us)

Barghest was once a teenager who was part of a group that attempted a ritual well
beyond their abilities to control. Magic ran rampant though their minds and bodies, forcing
changes onto the unsuspecting kids. Most of the kids did not survive the process in one way or
another. Barghest emerged from the changes with his body transformed into that of a giant
wolf-lizard hybrid. His mind was untouched and he has adapted remarkably well. He has a
positive attitude and always tries to help out where he can.
The Rules of Salem
This document will provide the special rules needed. This document will reference the basic
Fate rules from the Fate Core Book, as well as using the magic system from The Dresden File
RPG. For The basic rules this game will be using the Fate Core rules. For the powers and
spellcraft we will be using the rules from The Dresden Files RPG. Exceptions to both are noted

Characters start out with 5 Refresh and 5 points worth of stunts or powers.

Lore has been split into Culture, Lore and Science.
The Witchcraft skill has been added.

New Skills:
Culture: This skill cover knowledge of history, philosophy, arts and so-called “soft-sciences”
Lore: This skill covers knowledge of the occult practices and community as well as the ability to
detect and analyze magical phenomena.
Science: This skill covers the hard sciences like physics, biology, engineering, and computers.
Witchcraft: this covers the practical ability to perform magic. It is used In place of Discipline for
spellcasting (use Will in place of Conviction)

As a reminder these are just suggestions and should not be considered a hard and fast limit on
what you can play.

Vanilla Mortal:
A “normal” person trying to survive in this world. No supernatural powers or ancient rites, just
skill, wits, luck and maybe a flamethrower.
Musts: This character must have no supernatural powers.
Effects: +2 Refresh

Minor Practitioner:
Musts: Must have a high concept relating to being a practitioner. Must have the Witchcraft skill
at +1 or higher. Must have the Thaumaturgy power, or the Evocation power, or the Channeling
& Ritual powers, or the Sponsored Magic power.
Options: Inexhaustible Magicks, Refinement, Shielding Spell, Sponsored Magic

Pactbound Warlock:
Some of those who enter the supernatural world are brought in by a patron who grants them
powers in exchange for something. You should work with the ST to create an entity that you
have entered into pacts with.
Musts: A high concept relating to what bargain was made with whom.
Marked by Power [-0]
Options: Almost anything depending on who and what the patron is. Sponsored Magic is

For one reason or another you can turn into an animal, maybe you are an actual Werewolf,
maybe descended from one for a more controlled wolf-form, or maybe you stumbled into an
occult rite.
Musts: Must have a high concept related to being a shapeshifter.
Beast Form [-1 Refresh]
Options: Shapeshifting, Creature Features, Minor Abilities, and Inhuman Attributes that are
applicable to the shapeshift.

At least one of your parents was magical in some way that has been inherited, at lest in part.
This template obviously has a wide variety, a half-demon is going to be very, very different from
a child of Thor, or some other old god.
Musts: Must have a high concept that references your magical parent.
Options: Almost any, most have Marked By Power, but not all do, work with your ST to find a
set of powers that work for your character and their ancestry.

You have some magical ability, but not a wide array of them, while some consider you a
one-trick-pony, many respect the power that a such a specialist can bring to bear.
Musts: Must have a high concept referencing your talent. Must have of of: Channeling, Ritual
or a Minor Ability.

True Faith:
Sometimes the power of belief in a higher power can triumph over even the forces of darkness.
Musts: Must have a high concept that relates to their faith.
Bless this House [0]
Options: Guide My hand [-1], Holy Touch [-1], Righteousness [-1]

Twisted One:
Either through accident or direct exposure to magics in one form or another you have become
different. What exactly this means varies from person to person; a half-vampire is going to be
different from someone warped into a hulking brute by an ancient rite.
Musts: Must have a high concept that explains why you are inherently magical.
Options: Almost anything.

You are one of the undead, brought back from death by the power of a vampire’s blood. You
now stalk the night drinking the blood of others to sustain yourself. Sunlight causes intense pain
and a burn similar to an incredibly fast and severe sunburn. In addition if you have them:
domination, Speed, Strength, Toughness & Recovery do not function while exposed to direct
Musts: Must have a high concept that includes vampirism. Living Dead [-1], Blood Drinker [-1],
Feeding Dependency [+1],
Options: Addictive Saliva, Claws, Spider Walk, Minor Abilities, and Speed, Strength, Toughness
& Recovery (Catch: holy & Sunlight), Domination [-2].

Witch (or other magic user):

Someone who has been born into magical power.
Musts: Must have a high concept relating to being a practitioner. Must have the Witchcraft skill
at +1 or higher. Must have the Thaumaturgy and Evocation powers.
Options: Familiar, Inexhaustible Magicks, Refinement, Shielding Spell, Sponsored Magic,

For most powers you should use the powers section of the Dresden Files RPG. There
are a few additions and changes that will be noted here. If a power exists both here and in the
DFRPG use the version fo the power from this document.

Faerie Magic:
Seelie and Unseelie Magic do not exist.

Minor Abilities:
Mana Static functions as written, but magic by default does not have this effect.
Marked by Power has a cost of [-0].
Wizard’s Constitution does not exist. Magic users live just as long as normal folks (unless
they manage to change that via magic)

Nevernever Powers:
Worldwalker this ability can no long be duplicated via spellcasting. If you want to physically
enter the spirit world you need this power.

Psychic Abilities:
The Sight and Soulgaze do not exist.
Beast Change [–1]
Description: You’re able to take on the form of a beast, rearranging the priorities of your skill
Musts: You must define the particular kind of beast that you change into.
Skills Affected: Many.
Beast Form. You take on the shape and appearance of the beast you specified at the time you
took this ability. This comes with one free point of refresh that must be spent on a Creature
Feature or inhuman attribute like wings, claws or Inhuman Strength. You may spend more of
your refresh and stunts on these abilities if you wish.
Skill Shuffle. You may shuffle around your skills for a different configuration while changed
(using the same number of skill points and following the same rules as during character
creation), so long as any knowledge or social skills are not given a higher value by the change.
In other words, you can’t suddenly know more about Shakespeare just because you’re a wolf
(or whatever). Physical and perception skills, however, may (and perhaps should) be increased
in this way.
Rare or Involuntary Change [+1]. If you are only rarely able to take your powered form (due to
involuntary change, rare times of the day or month or year, etc.), you regain one point of refresh
for taking this ability.
Multiple Forms. [-1] per form. You have more than one animal form you can turn into. Each
addition form allows you to choose another skill pyramid set up. You only gain the discount on
other powers for your first form. Most characters with multiple forms are advised to use modular
abilities to handle it.

Modular Abilities:
Note: You may not use modular abilities to take recovery powers. If you want the ability to heal
quickly you need to buy that separately.

True Shapeshifting [-2 or more]

Description: You are able to shapeshift into a variety of human and non-human (usually
animate) forms.
Options: Skill Shuffle, but the Modular Abilities power (above) is recommended.
Skills Affected: Varies.
Multi-Form. You may take on nearly any humanoid or beastly form as a supplemental action.
Changing into something else—say, a tree, a vacuum cleaner, a water bed—takes a longer
amount of time, usually several actions, or even minutes, depending on how different.
Concealing your true nature while in these forms is casually easy, but if you do something to call
it into suspicion, your attempts to evade detection are at +4 on your Deceit or Stealth rolls.
Temporary Aspect. When you use this power you place an aspect on yourself of
“Shapeshifted into X” where X is the form you have taken. Like an aspect placed on you by a
maneuver you gain one free tag of this aspect once per scene. You may tag this aspect to give
yourself a bonus to something your form would help you with (turning into a mountain goat
would allow you to boost your climbing).
Skill Shuffle [-1 per skill pyramid]. As with the skill-shuffling effect of the same name under
the Beast Change power, only with multiple different configurations to suit the form you take.
Each different configuration costs 1 refresh.

Lawbreaker no longer exists.

Familiar [-1]
Description: You have bonded a familiar animal to aid you in your magic. You have either
summoned a spirit and boun it into the animal’s body or awakened the animal itself, either way
you now have a sentient spiritually aware critter.
Musts: Ritual (Summoning) or Thaumaturgy. Additionally you must specify what form the
animal takes.
Skills Affected: none.
Familiar. Your critter is assumed to have a skill rating of +2 in any relevant skills, and may use
the witchcraft skill to aid you in performing magic. In combat it is generally best to not have it
enter as an independent entity as they tend to be rather fragile, but if you wish to risk your
familiar in such a way they have 3 physical stress boxes and can take a single 2 stress
consequence before being taken out.

Inexhaustible Magicks [-1]

Description: You are skilled enough with slinging magic around that you can do so all day long,
even if you do have to step down the power a touch to manage it.
Musts: Evocation, Channeling or Sponsored Magic
Skills Affected: Will
Unlimited Magic. You may use evocation at a base strength of your (will -1) with no mental
stress cost.

Shielding Spell [-1]

Description: You have become familiar with defensive spells to the point that defending
yourself with them is second nature.
Musts: Evocation, Channeling or Sponsored Magic
Skills Affected: Will
Spell-shield. You may use Willpower to defend against attacks without going through the
spellcasting process or spending mental stress.

Sponsored Magics:
Note: for clarification if you possess the sponsored magic power you may use it as if it were
ritual or channeling WITHOUT accruing debt unless stated otherwise. You have earned that by
spending the refresh. You gain debt only when calling on it to pay the costs of a spellcating
action (2 points of stress or a fate point).

Dark Magic
Cost: -4 (-2 after discounts)
Benefits: you have tapped into a dark power that risks corrupting you. Unlike most sponsored
magics you may use Dark magic to perform or enhance nearly any spell not just a small
subsection. However the downside is that you always gain a point of dept. This debt is most
often discharged by replacing an aspect with a new one reflecting your descent into darkness.

Faerie Magic
Cost: -4 (-2 after discounts)
Benefits: you have been gifted with power from a Faerie Noble. This power can be used for
beguiling mortals with entracements, enchanted sleeps and illusions. It can also be used to
curse and grant good fortune.

Nature Magic
Cost: -5 (-2 after discounts)
Benefits: you may utilize this magic to enhance (or cast) any spell that directly influences or
uses the natural world. So while throwing lightning from your fingertips isn’t particularly natural
and would not benefit from this power, calling it down from a stormy sky would definitely count,
as would encouraging the growth of plants or influencing the behavior of animals. As this power
is particularly broad it costs more to have this than is standard if you don’t already have both
evocation and thaumaturgy.

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