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Philippines shift to K to 12 Curriculum

1. What can you say of these headlines? Do these reflect what are going on in our schools?

K-12 Curriculum was implemented on year 2011-2012, it was implemented because the
Philippines is the only country with a 10 year educational cycle throughout Southeast Asia. Upon
seeing this headline "Philippines shift to the k-12 curriculum" I remember that this was a hot
topic way back then. There were many Filipinos that were against it while on the other hand;
there were also Filipinos that supports the k-12 implementation. Like any kind of system, K-12
has its pros and cons.

One of the cons is that the government is not prepared for the new curriculum. While
Private schools have an easier time adjusting to the new system and some implemented it earlier.
However, the public schools have a hard time making the system work out, due to the lack of
classrooms, teachers, and resources. Additionally, there are some parents that can't afford the
additional 2 years in school because of financial problem. On the positive note, students under
the new k-12 curriculum will be equipped with the skills required to be ready for employment,
entrepreneurship, middle-level skills development, and higher education even if they intend to do
so after graduation. The purpose of the additional 2 years is to expose the students to practical
applications of theories. It also promotes global competency by accelerating mutual recognition
of Filipino graduates and professionals in other countries.

Yes, it does reflect on what is going on now in the schools. This educational reform and
restructuring make information literacy skills a necessity as students seek to construct their own
knowledge and create their own understandings. Today instruction methods have changed
drastically from the mostly one-directional teacher-student model, to a more collaborative
approach where the students themselves feel empowered. This quality of education is reflected in
the inadequate preparation of high school graduates for the world of work or entrepreneurship or
higher education.

2. Should the public know and be involved in the schooling of their citizens?

Yes, According to, The 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines, Article
XIV Section 1. The State shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education at
all levels and shall take appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all.The control
and administration of educational institutions shall be vested in citizens of the Philippines.

The public should know and be involved in the schooling of the citizens because their
discretions matter, and every individual has a right to partake in discussing issues that concerns
the education we have today. If the public knows the schooling of the citizens they can build a
better relationship that will lead to most productive education. They can show and support every
activity that citizens will do.
3. What are the implications of each headline to the classroom curriculum?

The implications of each headline to the classroom curriculum were very significant. As
Kto12 curriculum was new for everyone, it means that everyone like the teachers, schools,
students, and parents needs to adapt and adjust in the new curriculum. For the teachers, it was
extra challenge for them to teach the new type of lessons. They need to look for the best
approach on how the students will understand the lessons. Students, was expected to enhanced
their abilities and critical thinking because of the subjects that was added to the new curriculum.
In K-12 curriculum the students have the chance to choose the strands they want that is related to
their desired course in college.

Furthermore, K to 12 as a student-centered curriculum can influence the students to take

a more active role in the learning process. With the freedom and the flexibility to choose what
they will learn, how they will learn, and how they can evaluate your own learning, this would be
a way to teach them about independence and how to be a reliable member of a team. Not only
will this make learning very enjoyable and easier for students, it will also help address diverse
needs which include special cases and those that come from indigenous groups which make this
education system very inclusive for everyone.

Submitted by:

Abucal, Jahna Dane

Albaniel, Ariane

Bance, Danica

Bautista, Joshua-Lyn

Besas, Charity

Cirilo, Jhon Paul

Conde, Mary Grace

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