Sedco Forex Competency

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SPE 46784

Competency Assurance of Drilling rig Operatives: A Drilling Contractors Approach

K.Karmous - Sedco Forex; N.Clyne - Sedco Forex; I.McLean - EQE International Ltd

Copyright 1998, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Inc.

work safely and efficiently and are able to respond
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 1998 SPE International Conference on appropriately to emergency situations.
Health, Safety and Environment in Oil and Gas Exploration and Production held in Caracas,
Venezuela, 7–10 June 1998. This paper provides information on the definition we give
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of to competence and why it is embraced as an important element
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to
of modern risk management. It reviews the options available
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any to drilling contractors for demonstrating competence. The
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of paper then discusses the approach adopted by Sedco Forex
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper North Sea Division, an approach which is based on traditional
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 good practices of recruitment, training and performance
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. evaluations, while focusing formal assessment of operatives’
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
competency on health, safety and environmentally (HSE)
critical activities.
Drilling Contractors operating Mobile Offshore Drilling Units Introduction
(MODUs) have considerable experience of complying with the Traditionally, safety activities have focused on hardware. Five
requirements of Classification Societies and other Industry to ten years ago, the emphasis moved towards software issues
Standards such as those of API, Lloyds, ABS, DNV etc. such as documented policies and procedures. Today there is
These Standards have one common objective which is to much greater awareness of the ‘liveware’ i.e. people. Our rig
demonstrate that a rig’s structure and its drilling and well crews must have the necessary knowledge, skills and
control systems are appropriate for the stated range of motivation to do a job safely and efficiently. Simply stated our
foreseeable operating conditions. However, they do not rig crews must be competent.
address the demonstration of competency of the rig’s In the past competence has been assumed through
operatives. recruitment, training and experience. However, as our safety
Apart from some limited requirements with respect to management systems (SMSs) have evolved (1,2) there is a need
well control, marine responsibilities and emergency training, to demonstrate competence to ourselves, our clients and the
there has been no official requirement that drilling contractors regulators.
demonstrate the competency of their crews. Traditionally, A number of approaches are available to demonstrate
drilling contractors and service companies recruited people competence. Some drilling contractors have in addition to
whom they considered capable of fulfilling certain functions, their recruitment and training programs, adopted competence
provided them with training then asked them do the work, assurance schemes which require detailed formal assessment of
initially under supervision of an experienced colleague and performance in all aspects of a particular job category.
subsequently without direct supervision. Whilst this Sedco Forex North Sea Division are adopting a
methodology largely remains today’s approach to ensuring Competence Assurance Scheme which takes credit for our
personnel are competent, it does not adequately provide for the established recruitment, training and performance appraisal
capacity of being able to demonstrate competence. programs. The scheme also requires the formal assessment of
As the oil and gas industry increasingly adopts the HSE critical competencies within the job function.
principles of modern health, safety and environmental
management, the people element is of greater significance.
Clients and industry authorities are increasing their Competence Assurance Scheme Overview
requirements for drilling contractors and service companies to In a hazardous industry such as ours, the primary control
not only demonstrate that their rig and its equipment are fit for against occurrence of accidents is the performance of our rig
purpose, but also that their operatives are able to demonstrate crews. Every task on a rig, from the most basic (eg chipping
the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to perform the and painting), through to the more complex, (eg well control),

requires the person performing the task to have the necessary previous employers are contacted to develop a more complete
knowledge, skills and motivation, (i.e. competence), to do the picture of the candidate. The decision to hire is then taken;
job safely and efficiently. If the person is not competent then previous training is rationalized with respect to our in house
the probability of the job not being done safely and efficiently requirements and a short term training and development plan is
are significantly increased, irrespective of other controls such made.
as supervision, permits to work etc. which may be applied.
Our established processes of recruitment, training and Training and Development
performance evaluation, have been developed to select and Supervisor Development from recruitment. Our training
develop crews with the ability to work safely and efficiently. and development program for the technicians we have
Any shortfalls in competence are adequately compensated for recruited is a very structured program called the Supervisor
through effective supervision. Development Program (SDP). The program involves: on the
Also, it is now well understood that management and job training, self paced modular study, report writing, and
supervision play a major part in both accident causation and formal courses. Participants in the program will spend some
accident prevention3. It is for these reasons that we are time in each department in order to gain a good overall picture
introducing formal assessment of competence for management of our entire operation. They then concentrate on completing a
and supervisory activities on the rig which are HSE critical. comprehensive set of tasks specific to their field.
In summary, we assure competence of our rig crews Career Development of existing employees. All rig
through; our recruitment, training, performance evaluations based employees have mandatory training requirements which
and formal assessment of HSE critical tasks as described may be in house only, local government motivated or based on
below. an international standard.
All training courses have some form of relevant
Recruitment Process assessment. For practical courses candidates are assessed by
Inexperienced recruits. When possible we recruit “fresh- the demonstration of skills. Alternatively, at the end of
out” technicians with a two or three year degree in electrical or theoretical courses candidates have to satisfactorily complete a
mechanical subjects for eventual development into rig written exam.
supervisors. We look for young, energetic people with an
aptitude for learning. Once a candidate has progressed Performance Evaluations
through the first interview, a two day assessment is carried out Performance reviews are completed for all employees as a
for a group of candidates usually approximately 10 persons at minimum once per year by the employee's immediate
a time. supervisor. The reviews are judged against quality standards
The two day assessment begins with a technical test; set out in the employee’s job description and objectives
candidates who do well on the test continue with the agreed during the previous performance evaluation. The HSE
assessment process. The remainder of the assessment splits performance of the employee will have been defined as part of
the candidates into smaller groups (maximum 5 persons); these these objectives and actual HSE performance will be evaluated
smaller groups are assigned practical tasks and “situation against these.
games”. Recruiters provide support for the groups while
looking for candidates to demonstrate four key qualities which HSE Critical Competencies
are: Within our scheme HSE critical activities have been defined
• Communication skills as:
• Versatility a) those tasks or activities which could cause, or
• Self Motivation significantly contribute to, a major accident or
• Creativity b) activities relating to the Management and Command of
After completing the assessment, recruiters agree which Emergency Response.
candidates should be selected. In some cases a additional This definition is similar to the UK legislative definition for
interview is required before the final decision is taken to hire safety critical elements 4, (i.e. safety critical hardware systems
the person. Our rigorous recruitment process is the first aspect and equipment), which require to be verified as suitable for
of our competence assurance scheme. their intended purpose.

HSE critical competencies are subject to formal

Experienced recruits. When business requires that we assessment by trained assessors. The formal assessment
recruit experienced personnel, the selection process is not as exercise confirms the individual’s competence in HSE critical
rigorous as for “fresh-out” technicians. The process involves activities while emphasizing the significance of these activities
reviewing their work history along with their formal training to the individual.
and comparing that to our needs. Upon satisfactory
completion of an interview, the candidate’s references and

Application • Level 2 Achieved the relevant HSE critical performance

Units of Competence. When identifying the HSE Critical criteria. It is at this level that the candidate can perform the
Units of Competence, there was a tendency initially to produce work without additional controls such as supervision.
a an ever increasing list which would have resulted in a • Level 3 Exceeds the relevant HSE critical performance
Scheme which would be too large to manage and implement. criteria.
On comparing the contents of each Unit of Competence, a Records of assessment are completed using a format similar to
considerable amount of duplication was identified. Eventually that shown in appendix 3. The assessment records will be
the number of Units of Competence required to cover the HSE tracked through our central database.
critical management and supervisory tasks on our North Sea
fleet was 17. A list of the HSE Critical Units of Competence Conclusions
are contained in appendix 1. 1. A means of demonstrating competence is an essential
The Units of Competence assigned to each of the requirement of an effective safety management system.
management and supervisory positions are as shown in 2. Recruitment, training and performance evaluation
appendix 2. processes are part of the competence assurance process and
For each of the HSE critical units of competence, therefore should be recognized as part of the competence
performance criteria have been developed against which the assurance scheme.
individual’s performance is formally assessed. The 3. Restricting formal assessment to HSE critical activities
performance criteria are specific indicators which demonstrate emphasizes the importance of these activities in relation to
the individual’s ability to perform the task. The performance other activities within the job function.
criteria for the S2 Unit of Competence are shown in appendix 4. The success of the competence assurance scheme is highly
3. dependent on the integrity and quality of the formal
The terms such as Elements and Performance Criteria assessment process.
are generally accepted within the UK5. However, it would be 5. The implementation of the competence assurance scheme,
our intention to simplify the language when adapting the which includes formal assessment, requires significant
Scheme to our worldwide operations. management time and commitment.

Assessment. The success of the scheme is highly dependent References

on the quality and integrity of the assessment process. 1. Exploration & Production Forum - Guidelines for the
Assessments are normally carried out by Rig Superintendents, Development and Application of Health, Safety and
OIM’s and Rig Managers who have successfully completed the Environmental Management Systems, Report 6.36/210
in house training program and have completed an assessment London 1994.
under supervision. The training program consists of classroom 2. Health and Safety Executive - Successful Health and
training in recognized and established assessment techniques. Safety Management, HS(G)65, HMSO, 1993.
During the assessment, the Assessors are looking for 3. Bird, F.E.Jr. and Germain, G.L Practical Loss
evidence that the performance criteria have been achieved. The Control Leadership, first edition, Institute Publishing,
evidence is obtained through a mix of: Loganville, Georgia (1989) P17.
• Observation - where the assessor observes the candidate on 4. Offshore Installation and Wells (Design,
the rig performing the task or activity. Construction, etc.) Regulations (UK) 1996.
• Questioning - where the assessor discusses with the 5. NCVQ - National Vocational Qualifications Criteria
candidate aspects of the job relevant to the task or activity, and Guidance 1995.
to ascertain their understanding and knowledge of the task
or activity.
• Review - where the assessor reviews records, reports and
other documentation that the candidate produces in
performing the job.
Assessors draw on their experience and judgment in
determining the level of performance achieved.

Some competence assurance schemes are based on a “yes

competent” or “no not yet competent criteria”. To avoid the
stigma of failing or being labeled as “not yet competent”, our
scheme determines the level of performance numerically. The
levels used are:
• Level 1 Basic awareness of the activity and completed
mandatory training as required.

Appendix 1
HSE Critical Competencies
Emergency Response
E1 Co-ordinate onshore emergency response
E2 Manage emergency response
E3 Respond to emergency

HSE Management
S1 Manage HSE on an installation
S2 Supervise HSE

Marine Operations
V1 Manage marine operations (Semi-sub)

Drilling Operations
D1 Manage well operations
D2 Control drilling operations

L1 Monitor and control electrical plant
L2 Maintain electrical equipment
L3 Electrical safety rules

M1 Monitor and control mechanical plant
M2 Maintain mechanical equipment

B1 Monitor and control subsea plant
B2 Maintain subsea equipment

H1 Control helideck operations
H2 Respond to helicopter emergency

Appendix 2

Assignment of Competencies to Positions

HSE Critical ERT Roles E1 Co-ordinate onshore emergency response


OIM S1 Manage HSE

E2 Manage emergency response offshore
Rig Superintendent S1 Manage HSE
D1 Manage well operations
E2 Manage emergency response offshore
Assistant Rig Superintendent D1 Manage well operations
S2 Supervise HSE
E2 Manage emergency response offshore
Barge Engineer V1 Manage marine operations (Semi-sub)
S2 Supervise HSE
E3 Respond to emergency
Crane Operator S2 Supervise HSE

Control Room Operator E3 Respond to emergency

Driller D2 Control drilling operations and well HSE

S2 Supervise HSE
E3 Respond to emergency
Chief Electrician L1 Monitor and control electrical plant
L2 Maintain electrical equipment
L3 Electrical safety rules
S2 Supervise HSE
E3 Respond to emergency
Chief Mechanic M1 Monitor and control mechanical plant
M2 Maintain mechanical equipment
S2 Supervise HSE
E3 Respond to emergency
Subsea Supervisor B1 Monitor and control subsea plant
B2 Maintain subsea equipment
HLO H1 Control helideck operations
H2 Respond to helicopter emergency
Fire Team Leader E3 Respond to emergency

Unit of Competence: S2. Supervise Health, Safety and Environment
Element: S 2.1 Establish and monitor working conditions and practices
Performance criteria Asses Evidence Asses Level Assessor
Meth. Date Achieved Initials
Risk assessments are carried out before work commences O Observe risk assessment being carried out by the candidate,
to provide a safe system and place of work making use of Hazard Management Database where applicable.

R Records of the Risk Assessments carried out by the candidate for

tasks, COSHH, Manual Handling
Permits are raised for all tasks requiring permits within the R Complete Permits are held in archive and have been authorized
PTW system, and where appropriate have been authorized by the Candidate in accordance with procedures.
by the candidate. Permits are in use at the site of tasks requiring permits, and the
O personnel are aware of the requirements.

Critical operations are satisfactorily performed by the Q Question the candidate about responsibilities during critical
candidate operations
O Performance during critical operations

Effective Toolbox Talks are given where necessary R Records showing when toolbox talks are held
O Observe candidate conducting a toolbox talk for a job which is
about to commence
e Rig specific procedures and TOPs are up to date and R The index of Rig Specific procedures is up to date, and reflects
followed the actual Procedures in use.

O Observe a Rig Specific Procedure in use & question personnel to

ensure working practices are carried out according to set

f Inspections and audits are carried out in accordance with R Records show that Safety Inspections and Audits covering the full
QSMS requirements range of operations take place at the required frequency, and
corrective actions are closed out.

Q Ask the candidate about procedures and systems used to monitor

safety e.g. STOP, HSE, CAF, PCM.

O Observe Physical Condition of the working environment.

STOP procedure is in place and working

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