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SPE 81117

Competency Systems – A Task Based Learning and Development Method

Carlton H. Abder, SPE, Halliburton Trinidad Limited and Bruce D.Thomas, SPE, Halliburton Energy Services Group

Copyright 2003, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum
same rate, this schedule requires every one to advance at the
Engineering Conference held in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, West Indies, 27–30 April 2003. same rate. Tests are administered periodically to ensure that
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of students understand the concepts and principles. The test
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to
scores determine the grades of the students. The teacher must
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any progress with the curriculum although some students may not
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of do well in the tests since he or she must adhere to the
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is
established time schedule. This type of teaching is referred to
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 as the traditional time based approach to education. This
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. approach is successful for some fields, but ineffective when
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836 U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435. the goal is to train individuals to perform specific job
related tasks.
Abstract Traditional education can be considered as inputs to the
This paper is based on the field application of competency system. Competency based training can be looked at as
systems within an oilfield service company. It defines outputs from the system. Traditional education provides a
competency systems, reviews and summarizes literature on generalized approach to problem solving and designing
Competency Systems, and demonstrates the shift from whereas the competency based approach provides a specific
traditional classroom training to a competency based approach task based approach to jobs. For example, engineers or service
within the service sector of the petroleum industry. supervisors straight from universities or high school work with
The paper defines the need for knowledge, skills, mentors in role based applications prior to actually doing jobs
behaviors,m and experience necessary for an individual to by themselves. This mentoring and on the job training
achieve competence and explains the method by which people provides the necessary outputs to ensure that individuals are
can achieve competence. equipped to perform the task at hand. This type of training
The paper also discusses the five essential elements and integrates the traditional education system with the practical
the advantages and limitations of a competency based training training necessary for performing specific tasks. And can be
and development system. compared to the training found in the legal, medical or
aviation industries.
The energy industry is shifting towards a competency based Definitions
approach. This approach provides a “job blueprint” that
systemically identifies the critical characteristics that cause or Competency. Competency is defined as the knowledge, skills,
predict outstanding job performance. The focus is mainly on behaviours or attitudes assessed to a set of company defined
one’s competence to carry out a particular task as compared global standards. Competency system can also be defined as a
the completion of abstract training or one’s quality assurance system for workers. It is what workers must
academic qualifications. be able to do and do consistently in a safe and efficient
The competency based system includes the knowledge, manner with respect to their job role. Focus is on everyday
skills, behaviors, and experience required for the performing activities so that we can learn and prevent recurrent problems.
the various tasks. The greater the risk, the more important are It is focused on the individual and is the most direct means of
the competencies. measuring and improving our day to day activities.
Competency systems also focus on the performance of
Traditional Educational System versus Competency workers. Performance is based upon the goals and measures
Based Training and Development agreed upon between a worker and his or her supervisor.
Every day students go to school to study subjects such as
science, mathematics, engineering, languages and other Knowledge. Knowledge involves the access and recall of
disciplines. These subjects are scheduled to last the duration of information. For example, a wellsite specialist can recall and
the school term. Progression through the various subjects in utilize information about the tools, products, or processes that
school is time based1. The teacher or lecturer is supposed to govern the delivery of a particular service. Knowledge is
deliver or cover a specific amount of material at specific generally obtained by a combination of on-the- job and formal
points in time. Although each student may not learn at the
2 SPE 81117

instructor-led or on-line training and can be assessed Competency Model

by examination. Five essential elements of any competency model1 are:

Skills. Skills involve a task or a group of tasks performed to a • The competencies to be achieved are carefully
specific level of proficiency and typically requires the identified, verified, and made public.
manipulation of instruments or equipment and the application • The instructional program provides the individual
of mechanical or scientific principles. For example, a tool development and evaluation of each competency.
operator may be skilled in operating or manipulating a down • The criteria for assessing achievement and the
hole tool; or a pump operator may be skilled in operating a conditions under which assessment will be achieved
particular pump. Skill development may take place under field are explicitly stated and made public in advance.
conditions or in combination with simulators and are formally • An assessment of competency involves a
evaluated by an assessor. combination of theoretical and practical knowledge.
However, there are some skills such as coaching and The actual job performances will be the primary
mentoring that are knowledge and or attitude based. source of evidence that will be the validation of the
given skills.
Behaviours. Behaviours refers to the way that people are • Participants progress through instructional program at
expected to act in a work situation. Personnel should be their own rate of learning or by company’s
health, safety, environmentally and quality conscious and performance management process by demonstrating
perform in a professional manner. the attainment of specified competencies.
Behaviours are driven to a high degree by personality.
While personal traits might not be adaptable, it is important to The model described in this paper incorporates the above
influence the way a person responds to situations by having elements. However, it has its own unique features. It is
clear and unambiguous procedures and polices for them to built around:
follow. Their behaviour could then be measured against how
well they follow these procedures. • The Company’s internal management systems that
determine “How the business is run and managed.”
Standard. This is a group of related tasks required to fulfil the • A set of defined company owned global standards.
requirements of a particular job. The standard can be national These standards define “How the employees within
or company specific. the company work.”
• The ability to add local details. In other words, “How
Experience. Experience refers to the time frame or number of
do we work here?”
repetitions or tasks that an employee performs in preparation
The system uses the United Kingdom National Vocational
for training, competency assessment or to the time frame after
Qualifications and the Scottish Vocational Qualifications
they have been assessed and are routinely performing the tasks
models as a guide.
in routine or unique situations and environments.
The competency model is depicted in Fig. 1. The
definitions of the terms used in the model are:
Assessment. Assessment is the key element in the competency
system. The system provides people with the competency
• Unit of Competence- A broad description of
standard for a particular role. The assessor then measures how
workplace activity comprised of elements,
that role or portions of it is performed against the standard.
performance criteria, and range statements. Units are
Assessments are performed by assessors who are trained,
a breakdown of the entire job into logical/manageable
qualified experts in the assessment process. Assessors are
units of work activities. The internal management
generally individuals who are subject matter experts in the
system uses seven mainstay work processes to
specific discipline or are supervisors in the role to be assessed.
identify the various units. These are:
Assessment can be achieved through observation, questioning,
witness testimony, records, or simulation. There is, also,
1. Develop Solutions.
considerable responsibility of the individual to provide
2. Prepare Resources.
evidence to demonstrate competence. Individuals are
3. Mobilize Resources.
confirmed as having achieved competence or are determined
4. Perform Services/Deliver Products.
to be not yet competent. There is no pass or fail in the system.
5. Demobilize Resources.
Should deficiencies or gaps be determined, the participant is
6. Complete Reports and Field Tickets
deemed not competent for that specific task or tasks. A plan is
7. Review Performance
then prepared and discussed to develop the appropriate skills,
knowledge or behaviour in preparation for re-assessment.
SPE 81117 3

Competency Model Layout The teams consist of:

Company Global Minimum Standard
• Global coordinators from the business lines as
Unit Unit Unit team leaders.
• Subject matter experts (SME) in the various
Element business lines.
Performance Criteria Range Statements • Field personnel currently working in the job role.
Element • Health, Safety, Environment and Quality personnel
Performance Criteria Range Statements
for the relevant input.
Element • Human Resource Development personnel to support
and facilitate the process.
Performance Criteria Range Statements • A review team of field personnel.
The competencies are built around standards of the
Essential Knowledge Evidence Requirements business lines and the management system employed within
the company.
Fig. 1
The Drivers of theCompetency System
Presently the model emphasizes the last four The drivers of the competency system are:
activities within the seven mainstay processes, since
these are the areas that can severely impact service 1. Operator viewpoint. It is expected that competent
quality within the company. employees are sent to job sites. This provides the
operator with a certain assurance that the person is
• Element- The step(s) that have to be done to knowledgeable about the job and will be capable of
accomplish the activity(s) described in the Unit. The making intelligent decisions in non routine matters.
level at which a person is deemed competent. 2. Legislation. This is to comply with local legislation
Competencies are assessed and recorded as and laws. In some cases these laws dictate that
“competent" or "not yet competent", i.e., in companies have a competency system in place and
binary format. that workers are trained and assessed, most
commonly in health, safety and environmental areas.
• Performance Criteria- The specific procedure or task
3. Part of the employee’s performance review and
that a person has to accomplish to complete each step
evaluation process. The performance review is an
described in the Element.
interview and is based on an assessment and
• Range Statement- The specific information that
achievement of the goals of the individual. It is
defines the accomplishment of the Performance
important to determine whether the skills, knowledge
Criteria. This is accomplished by assessment and the
or abilities – competence - existed which impacted
gathering of evidence: The level at which a person is
negatively or positively on the individual(s)
assessed for competency.
performance. New targets or goals can be mutually
• Essential Knowledge- The broad information / agreed upon and set for the next evaluation period.
knowledge that is needed to accomplish the tasks in 4. Gap Analysis. The competency of the entire
the job that generally comes from experience, workforce can be mapped to identify gaps within the
training, and education. Note that essential system. Training and/or development plans can then
knowledge has range statements and is assessed in be put in place to close the gaps. In other words,
the same way as performance criteria. developmental activities can now match
• Evidence- Information and relevant data gathered to the objectives.
illustrate that a person accomplished a particular task. 5. More knowledgeable workforce. Participants achieve
It supports the assessment process. competencies required for the performance of their
• Assessment- Assessment is the process that measures jobs. Participants may be able to progress from one
the capability of a person to perform against the level to the next by achieving or acquiring the
standard of a particular role in a competent and necessary competencies.
consistent manner. Assessors are personnel from
within the organization that are trained and qualified Competency, Performance, Proficiency
to utilize the assessment process in an objective, fair, and Efficiency
and effective manner. Competency assurance is needed to meet industry demand.
With increasing frequency, competency assurance is a
Building the required Competencies requirement to work on specific locations. Essentially,
A formalized team process is utilized to build the operators do not pay for competence alone, they pay
competencies for the various business lines. for performance.
4 SPE 81117

Performance is a base for using competencies to meet or and records, requirements, certifications, or performance
exceed operator expectations. The differences between reviews, evaluations, and goals
performance and competency are shown in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3. Participants can also complete a Candidate Assessment
Record (CAR), which is one portion of the assessment
process. The CAR details the participant’s field experiences
Competency Vs Performance and tests their theoretical knowledge of the subject. On
completion of the CAR, the participant forwards the CAR to
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Skills& &Behavior
Behavior Benefits to the Individual
T r ainin g N e ed =
•Performance = Competence
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The benefits of a competency system to the employees are:
•Performance A ctu al Pe rf or m an ce

Con ditions Motivatio n • Employees can determine the skill sets required for a
F eed back
particular job.
Measu reme nt Stand ards • Employees can find it easier to cross train in
different roles.
Kno wledge & Skill
• Employees can upgrade their skills, receive focused
training, mentoring, or development programs.
Figure 2
• Employees build confidence as they master
specific competencies.
An individual’s performance is a combination of his/her • Employees are owners of their competencies. They
competencies plus all the other pieces in the above pie. It is can receive transcripts or a list of the competencies
believed that a competent person will demonstrate higher they have achieved.
performances over time as shown in Fig. 3. • The performance evaluation process can now be
objective rather than subjective. Competencies and
performance measures are defined interactively and
measured for every role.

Competency Based Learning Benefits to the Company

Performance The following are the benefits to the company:

• The company can map the workforce and select the

right person for the job.
• The company can identify existing competencies and

plan key competencies to meet business and strategic
plans to meet customer needs.
• The company can establish a global and mobile work
force using standardized training
development methods.
Time • The company can establish a more competent
Figure 3 workforce that can improve profit margins through
performance management.
Competence is not about “how long a person works on a • The company can create a foundation for
particular task.” It is about the outcome of the task. Knowing organizational change thereby improving business
about the task and performing the task are two performances through the alignment of strategic
different outcomes. planning and performance management.
Proficiency refers to one’s expertise in performing the • The company can now provide a human resource
task. The fact that one person may do the task better than the development system that appears to be fair and
next does not preclude the former from being classified as equitable to the employees.
competent. The person’s competence is a function of his/her
assessment to the global standards set forth by the company.
Efficiency is a measure of the person obtaining the desired
result for the given task within an acceptable or agreed period.

System Access to Employees

The competency system is a web based application that is
easily accessible to employees. Participants can view their
assessment record to determine their competency status as
well as access other on-line applications for training catalogs
SPE 81117 5

Conclusion References:

• Traditional time based approach to education is 1. “The Competency-Based Approach to Training,” JHPIEGO
ineffective when the goal is to train individuals to Strategy Paper, September 1995, Rick Sullivan, PhD.
perform specific job tasks.
• Training and development must be aligned directly General References
to competencies.
• A clear cut, understandable, and fair process is SPE 50114, Competence Skills Portfilio for Technical Staff-A Career
presented to the workforce; and participants know the Development Focus, D.R. Adams
level of performance, skills, and knowledge that is
expected for a given task. SPE 50864, The Advancement of the Petroleum Engineering
• The system is based upon continuous learning and Professional: Establishment of Professional Competency Guidelines,
James E. Bobo and Cindy Reece.
achievement with the one output of the system being
quality performances.
The Authors
• The individual is the owner of his or her
competencies; and, once assessed, such competencies Carlton H. Abder is a Technical Advisor with Halliburton
become transferable to other global operations. Trinidad Limited. He is a Certified Quality Engineer with the
• Learning and progression can be self paced with American Society for Quality and holds a BSc. Hons. in
opportunities for mastering the given skills. Natural Sciences and an MSc. in Engineering Management
• Competency systems are an important tool in from the University of the West Indies, St.
developing a competent global workforce. Augustine, Trinidad.

Summary Bruce D. Thomas is Manager of Development in Human

There is a continuing need for a competent workforce in the Resource Development, Halliburton Energy Services Group in
energy industry. One such method of obtaining a competent Houston, Texas. He holds a BS from Marietta College.
workforce is through competency systems. Development of a
competency system requires a systematic approach that is
based upon workflow processes and standards that must be dk-jhj-SPE 81117.doc
clearly understood by all involved. Competency is the goal to
which training and development is aligned. The system must
be fair, equitable, accessable, and usable to the entire
workforce. Having attained competencies, individuals should
demonstrate higher levels of performance.

The authors wish to thank Halliburton Energy Services for
permission to prepare this paper and the Human Resource
Development Department for their kind assistance.

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