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IBM hexadecimal floating-point

Hexadecimal floating point (now called HFP by IBM) is a format for encoding floating-point numbers first
introduced on the IBM System/360 computers, and supported on subsequent machines based on that
architecture,[1][2][3] as well as machines which were intended to be application-compatible with

In comparison to IEEE 754 floating point, the HFP format has a longer significand, and a shorter exponent.
All HFP formats have 7 bits of exponent with a bias of 64. The normalized range of representable numbers is
from 16−65 to 1663 (approx. 5.39761 × 10−79 to 7.237005 × 1075 ).

The number is represented as the following formula: (−1)sign × 0.significand × 16exponent−64 .

Single-precision 32-bit
Largest representable number
Smallest positive normalized number
Precision issues
Double-precision 64-bit
Extended-precision 128-bit
Arithmetic operations
IEEE 754 on IBM mainframes
Special uses
Systems that use the IBM floating-point format
See also
Further reading

Single-precision 32-bit
A single-precision HFP number (called "short" by IBM) is stored in a 32-bit word:

1 7 24 (width in bits)
S Exp Fraction
31 30 ... 24 23 ... 0 (bit index)*
* IBM documentation numbers the bits from left to right, so that the most significant bit is
designated as bit number 0.
In this format the initial bit is not suppressed, and the radix (hexadecimal) point is set to the left of the
significand (fraction in IBM documentation and the figures).

Since the base is 16, the exponent in this form is about twice as large as the equivalent in IEEE 754, in order to
have similar exponent range in binary, 9 exponent bits would be required.


Consider encoding the value −118.625 as an HFP single-precision floating-point value.

The value is negative, so the sign bit is 1.

The value 118.62510 in binary is 1110110.1012 . This value is normalized by moving the radix point left four
bits (one hexadecimal digit) at a time until the leftmost digit is zero, yielding 0.011101101012 . The remaining
rightmost digits are padded with zeros, yielding a 24-bit fraction of .0111 0110 1010 0000 0000 00002 .

The normalized value moved the radix point two hexadecimal digits to the left, yielding a multiplier and
exponent of 16+2 . A bias of +64 is added to the exponent (+2), yielding +66, which is 100 00102 .

Combining the sign, exponent plus bias, and normalized fraction produces this encoding:

S Exp Fraction
0111 0110 1010 0000 0000
1 100 0010

In other words, the number represented is −0.76A00016 × 1666 − 64 = −0.4633789… × 16+2 = −118.625

Largest representable number

S Exp Fraction
1111 1111 1111 1111 1111
0 111 1111

The number represented is +0.FFFFFF16 × 16127 − 64 = (1 − 16−6 ) × 1663 ≈ +7.2370051 × 1075

Smallest positive normalized number

S Exp Fraction
0001 0000 0000 0000 0000
0 000 0000

The number represented is +0.116 × 160 − 64 = 16−1 × 16−64 ≈ +5.397605 × 10−79 .


S Exp Fraction
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0 000 0000
Zero (0.0) is represented in normalized form as all zero bits, which is arithmetically the value +0.016 × 160 − 64
= +0 × 16−64 ≈ +0.000000 × 10−79 = 0. Given a fraction of all-bits zero, any combination of positive or
negative sign bit and a non-zero biased exponent will yield a value arithmetically equal to zero. However, the
normalized form generated for zero by CPU hardware is all-bits zero. This is true for all three floating-point
precision formats. Addition or subtraction with other exponent values can lose precision in the result.

Precision issues

Since the base is 16, there can be up to three leading zero bits in the binary significand. That means when the
number is converted into binary, there can be as few as 21 bits of precision. Because of the "wobbling
precision" effect, this can cause some calculations to be very inaccurate.

A good example of the inaccuracy is representation of decimal value 0.1. It has no exact binary or
hexadecimal representation. In hexadecimal format, it is represented as 0.19999999...16 or 0.0001 1001 1001
1001 1001 1001 1001...2 , that is:

S Exp Fraction
0001 1001 1001 1001 1001
0 100 0000

This has only 21 bits, whereas the binary version has 24 bits of precision.

Six hexadecimal digits of precision is roughly equivalent to six decimal digits (i.e. (6 − 1) log10 (16) ≈ 6.02). A
conversion of single precision hexadecimal float to decimal string would require at least 9 significant digits (i.e.
6 log10 (16) + 1 ≈ 8.22) in order to convert back to the same hexadecimal float value.

Double-precision 64-bit
The double-precision HFP format (called "long" by IBM) is the same as the "short" format except that the
fraction field is wider and the double-precision number is stored in a double word (8 bytes):

1 7 56 (width in bits)
S Exp Fraction
63 62 ... 56 55 ... 0 (bit index)*
* IBM documentation numbers the bits from left to right, so that the most significant bit is
designated as bit number 0.

The exponent for this format covers only about a quarter of the range as the corresponding IEEE binary

14 hexadecimal digits of precision is roughly equivalent to 17 decimal digits. A conversion of double precision
hexadecimal float to decimal string would require at least 18 significant digits in order to convert back to the
same hexadecimal float value.

Extended-precision 128-bit
Called extended-precision by IBM, a quadruple-precision HFP format was added to the System/370 series and
was available on some S/360 models (S/360-85, -195, and others by special request or simulated by OS
software). The extended-precision fraction field is wider, and the extended-precision number is stored as two
double words (16 bytes):

High-order part
1 7 56 (width in bits)
S Exp Fraction (high-order 14 digits)
127 126 ... 120 119 ... 64 (bit index)*
Low-order part
8 56 (width in bits)
Unused Fraction (low-order 14 digits)
63 ... 56 55 ... 0 (bit index)*
* IBM documentation numbers the bits from left to right, so that the most significant bit is
designated as bit number 0.

28 hexadecimal digits of precision is roughly equivalent to 32 decimal digits. A conversion of extended

precision HFP to decimal string would require at least 35 significant digits in order to convert back to the same
HFP value. The stored exponent in the low-order part is 14 less than the high-order part, unless this would be
less than zero.

Arithmetic operations
Available arithmetic operations are add and subtract, both normalized and unnormalized, and compare.
Prenormalization is done based on the exponent difference. Multiply and divide prenormalize unnormalized
values, and truncate the result after one guard digit. There is a halve operation to simplify dividing by two.
Starting in ESA/390, there is a square root operation. All operations have one hexadecimal guard digit to avoid
precision loss. Most arithmetic operations truncate like simple pocket calculators. Therefore, 1 − 16−8 = 1. In
this case, the result is rounded away from zero.[6]

IEEE 754 on IBM mainframes

Starting with the S/390 G5 in 1998,[7] IBM mainframes have also included IEEE binary floating-point units
which conform to the IEEE 754 Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic. IEEE decimal floating-point was
added to IBM System z9 GA2[8] in 2007 using millicode[9] and in 2008 to the IBM System z10 in

Modern IBM mainframes support three floating-point radices with 3 hexadecimal (HFP) formats, 3 binary
(BFP) formats, and 3 decimal (DFP) formats. There are two floating-point units per core; one supporting HFP
and BFP, and one supporting DFP; there is one register file, FPRs, which holds all 3 formats. Starting with the
z13 in 2015, processors have added a vector facility that includes 32 vector registers, each 128 bits wide; a
vector register can contain two 64-bit or four 32-bit floating-point numbers.[11] The traditional 16 floating-
point registers are overlaid on the new vector registers so some data can be manipulated with traditional
floating-point instructions or with the newer vector instructions.

Special uses
The IBM HFP format is used in:

SAS 5 Transport files (.XPT) as required by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for New
Drug Application (NDA) study submissions,[12]
GRIB (GRIdded Binary) data files to exchange the output of weather prediction models (IEEE
single-precision floating-point format in current version),
GDS II (Graphic Database System II) format files (OASIS is the replacement), and
SEG Y (Society of Exploration Geophysicists Y) format files (IEEE single-precision floating-
point was added to the format in 2002).[13]

As IBM is the only remaining provider of hardware (and only in their mainframes) using the HFP format, no
popular file format requires it; Except that the FDA requires the SAS file format and "All floating-point
numbers in the file are stored using the IBM mainframe representation. [...] Most platforms use the IEEE
representation for floating-point numbers. [...] To assist you in reading and/or writing transport files, we are
providing routines to convert from IEEE representation (either big endian or little endian) to transport
representation and back again."[12] Code for IBM's format is also available under LGPLv2.1.[14]

Systems that use the IBM floating-point format

IBM System/360 and successors
RCA Spectra 70
English Electric System 4
GEC 4000 series minicomputers
Interdata 16-bit and 32-bit computers
SDS Sigma series
Texas Instruments 990/12
Data General minicomputers

See also
IEEE 754 Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic
Microsoft Binary Format

1. IBM System/360 Principles of Operation (
21-6_360PrincOpsJan67.pdf), IBM Publication A22-6821-6, Seventh Edition (January 13,
1967), pp.41-50
2. IBM System/370 Principles of Operation (
7000-4_370_Principles_Of_Operation_Sep75.pdf), IBM Publication GA22-7000-4, Fifth Edition
(September 1, 1975), pp.157-170
3. z/Architecture Principles of Operation (,
IBM Publication SA22-7832-01, Second Edition (October, 2001), chapter 9 ff.
4. Xerox Data Systems (Oct 1973). Xerox SIGMA 7 Computer Reference Manyal (https://catalog.h p. 48. Retrieved Nov 13, 2020.
5. RCA (Mar 1966). Spectra 70 processors: 35 45 55 (
35_45_55/70-35-601_spectra70_35-55_Mar66.pdf) (PDF). p. 184. Retrieved Nov 13, 2020.
6. ESA/390 Enhanced Floating Point Support: An Overview (
7. Schwarz, E. M.; Krygowski, C. A. (September 1999). "The S/390 G5 floating-point unit". IBM
Journal of Research and Development. 43 (5.6): 707–721. doi:10.1147/rd.435.0707 (https://doi.
8. Duale, A. Y.; Decker, M. H.; Zipperer, H.-G.; Aharoni, M.; Bohizic, T. J. (January 2007). "Decimal
floating-point in z9: An implementation and testing perspective". IBM Journal of Research and
Development. 51 (1.2): 217–227. CiteSeerX (
doc/summary?doi= doi:10.1147/rd.511.0217 (
9. Heller, L. C.; Farrell, M. S. (May 2004). "Millicode in an IBM zSeries processor". IBM Journal of
Research and Development. 48 (3.4): 425–434. CiteSeerX ( doi:10.1147/rd.483.0425 (
10. Schwarz, E. M.; Kapernick, J. S.; Cowlishaw, M. F. (January 2009). "Decimal floating-point
support on the IBM System z10 processor". IBM Journal of Research and Development. 53 (1):
4:1–4:10. doi:10.1147/JRD.2009.5388585 (
11. z/Architecture Principles of Operation (
12. "The Record Layout of a Data Set in SAS Transport (XPORT) Format" (
echsup/technote/ts140.pdf) (PDF). Retrieved September 18, 2014.

Further reading
Sweeney, D. W. (1965). "An analysis of floating-point addition". IBM Systems Journal. 4 (1):
31–42. doi:10.1147/sj.41.0031 (
Tomayko, J. (Summer 1995). "System 360 Floating-Point Problems". IEEE Annals of the
History of Computing. 17 (2): 62–63. doi:10.1109/MAHC.1995.10006 (
2FMAHC.1995.10006). ISSN 1058-6180 (
Harding, L. J. (1966), "Idiosyncrasies of System/360 Floating-Point", Proceedings of SHARE
27, August 8–12, 1966 (;cc=umfa;rgn
=main;view=text;didno=cbi00021), Presented at SHARE XXVII, Toronto, Canada
Harding, L. J. (1966), "Modifications of System/360 Floating Point", SHARE Secretary
Distribution (;cc=umfa;rgn=main;view
=text;didno=cbi00021), pp. 11–27, SSD 157, C4470
Anderson, Stanley F.; Earle, John G.; Goldschmidt, Robert Elliott; Powers, Don M. (January
1967). "The IBM System/360 Model 91: Floating-Point Execution Unit". IBM Journal of
Research and Development. 11 (1): 34–53. doi:10.1147/rd.111.0034 (
Padegs, A. (1968). "Structural aspects of the System/360 Model 85, III: Extensions to floating-
point architecture". IBM Systems Journal. 7 (1): 22–29. doi:10.1147/sj.71.0022 (
Schwarz, E. M.; Sigal, L.; McPherson, T. J. (July 1997). "CMOS floating-point unit for the S/390
Parallel Enterprise Server G4". IBM Journal of Research and Development. 41 (4.5): 475–488.
doi:10.1147/rd.414.0475 (

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