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Appendix 1: Lesson Plan (template)

LESSON PLAN Subject: Math

Trainee: Jawaher Hussain Topic or Theme: Count tens


MST: Ms Safeeya

Class: 1-3 Date & Duration: 16-2-2021 / 45minutes

Trainee Personal Goals

I am working on: make the students have the ability to count the tens numbers. Also, make the
students apply the differentiation activities which is related to the lesson outcome.

My goal is to make the students able to count tens numbers without facing difficulities by provide to
them different resources and material to support them.

Lesson Focus:

The lesson focus on counting by tens so the students should be capable to count by tens by using the
numbers line and the online games to support them in counting by tens with distinguish between the
ones and tens numbers.

Lesson Outcomes

The students will be able to count tens numbers and solve different activities related to counting by
tens with applying in the Math book problems.

Links to Prior Learning

The students already knows the ones place value numbers from the last lesson they learnt.

21st Century Skills

Creativity: the students will woring on the Nearpod program and play with it to discover how to use it.
They have a chance to do many choice in the one time. They have the ability to draw and write so they
will be creativity.

Explore: the students will working on the live work sheet link so they will open the link to discover how
to work with this activity. There will be a instructions to help them discover easily.

Key vocabulary:

One, tens, number line, hundred and counting by tens.

Possible problems for learners: Solutions to possible problems:

The students may face a small problem Show them a video explain the count by tens then,
while count by tens because it a new provide to them a link of online games related to the
concept for them, so the students maybe count by tens because the game is the main thing of
cant distinguish between ones and tens.
making the students attract and focus with the lesson.

Resources/equipment needed:

ClassDojo program, link of the live work sheet and the online games, Powerpoint with pictures and
cards of the certificate.

& Time
Students will: Teacher will:

15 mins Firstly, share the screen with the students.

Sharing with the teacher. Ask them godd morning, how are you
Powerpoint Follow the rules. today students? Are you ready for the
(rules, videoes, Raise their hand when they want to
class? Then, show them a small video to
explanation) talk.
Be activate. make them excited for the lesson. Next,
Certificate card. Listen carefully for the video. review with them the rules of the class and
ask them to show a good behaviour to can
get the certificate.

After that, let them know today we will

lean about new lesson can you figure what
it will be about? Give them two minutes to
think and answer. Then, read the
vocabulary words with them. After that,
show them a small video explain the lesson
for today and ask them small questions
related to this video.

Main activities
& Time
Students will: Teacher will:

25 mins Start to explain to the students the lesson

Work on the live work sheet links and step by step to can follow easily. Explain
Live work sheet there are a different activities the count tens number using the number
activities appropriate to their level. line and show them example of how we
count by tens. After that, provide an
Games Be active and answering with the expercise to them called the problem of
teacher. the day and make one students read the
Certificate card Show a good behaviuor and question. After that, the student will
participate in the activity time. choose other students to answer this
Math book question to make the class more active.
Next, show them differen example and I
will read the question for them and give
program them a chance to think, use their
imagination to answer.
After that, provide the link for them to do
their activities. Also, motivate the students
by giving the positive words and add points
for them in a ClassDojo program.

Differentiation activities (Support):

High level: The students will work on live worksheet activities. The high level, will work on the reading
and writing activity so they have to count by tens and write the number in order. For example, start by
tens, twenty, thirty and so on. There are three link with different colors so the students already know
their colors level so they can enter the link easily.

Medium level: the medium level, will work on the drawing activity so they have to fill the numbers by
tens only for example if the number start by twenty , they can draw the numbers or write already there
are a pictures to help them to count by tens.

Low level: this level will work on the counting numbers by tens. The students have to count the
numbers by using the pictures they have. For example, there is ten apple so they need to count the
apple and write the number only. The picutres related to count by tens.

Differentiation activities (Stretch): provide the link of the games activities. It will be three link which
mean three color group related to their level. They will open the link which is related to their level
and doing their activity.
& Time Plenary/Conclusion

5 minutes Students will Teacher will:

Exit ticket Write their own answer on the box. Provide the card of the Exit Ticket contain
Points one qustion summarise the whole lesson.
Check the students answer.

Homework The homework is doing page 230

Assessment Check the students work on the teams.


☐ Observation ☐ Student self- ☐ Oral questioning ☐ Peer assessment


☐ Quiz ☐ Student presentation ☐ Written work and ☐ Verbal feedback



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