NCM 109 Midterm Quizzes

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The painful phenomenon known as “back labor” occurs in a client whose fetus is in what

Left Occipito-Posterior Position

02Multiple Choice
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During an internal examination, the nurse palpated the posterior fontanel to be at the left
side of the mother at the upper quadrant. The interpretation is that the position of the
fetus is:

Left Occiput Anterior

03Multiple Choice
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When the bag of waters ruptures spontaneously, the nurse should inspect the vaginal
introitus for possible cord prolapse. If there is part of the cord that has prolapsed into the
vaginal opening the correct nursing intervention is:

Cover the prolapse cord with sterile gauze wet with sterile NSS and place the woman on
Trendelenburg position

Cover the prolapse cord with sterile gauze wet with sterile NSS and place the woman on
Trendelenburg position

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Prolapse may occur at any time after the membranes ruptureif the presenting fetal part is
not fitted firmly into the cervix.

Which conditions place a pregnant woman at high risk for prolapsed cord? Select all that
response - correct

Placenta previa
Premature rupture of membranes
Cephalopelvic disproportion

05Multiple Choice
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If the primary nurse examines the client and finds a prolapsed cord, you as a student
nurse realized that the nurse will most likely ask for your assistance in which of the
following interventions. Choose all that apply.

Monitoring fetal heart rate

Positioning the client in a Trendelenburg position

6Multiple Choice
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Fetal distress is occurring with a laboring client. As the nurse prepares the client for
cesarean birth, what other intervention should be done?

Administer oxygen at 8-10L/min via face mask

07Multiple Choice
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The following are signs and symptoms of fetal distress EXCEPT:

The pre-contraction FHR is 130 bpm, FHR during contraction is 118 bpm and FHR after
uterine contraction is 126 bpm.

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Abnormal fetal presentations or malpresentation of the fetus happens when fetus has
difficulty or is unable to pass in the pelvis which makes labor and delivery difficult.

The following are types of breech presentation EXCEPT:


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What type of breech presentation does the fetus assume when the legs are extended and
lie against the abdomen and chest?


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Nurse Luna performed Leopold’s maneuver on a pregnant client and found the following:
breech presentation, fetal back at the right side of the mother. Based on these
findings, Nurse Luna knows that she can best hear the fetal heart beat of the fetus in
which location on the mother’s abdoment?

Right upper quadrant

11Multiple Choice
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The nurse understands that the fetal head is in which of the following positions with a
face presentation?

Completely extended

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Which among the following presentation indicate a horizontal fetal lie?

Shoulder presentation

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The risk for serious lacerations of the birth canal is increased with spontaneous delivery of a
fetus in occiput posterior position.


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 McRoberts maneuver, used in the management of shoulder dystocia, consists of

Flexing the woman's thighs onto her abdomen

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Which of the following postpartum complications may occur in women who have
experienced a shoulder dystocia?
third- and fourth-degree lacerations

01Multiple Choice
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A postpartum nurse is preparing to care for a woman who has just delivered a healthy newborn infant.
In the immediate postpartum period the nurse plans to take the woman's vital signs:

Every 15 minutes during the first hour and then every 30 minutes for the next two hours.

02Multiple Choice
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A postpartum nurse is taking the vital signs of a woman who delivered a healthy newborn infant 4
hours ago. The nurse notes that the mother's temperature is 37.9. Which of the following actions would
be most appropriate?

 Increase hydration by encouraging oral fluids

03Multiple Choice
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A nurse is preparing to perform a fundal assessment on a postpartum client. The initial
nursing action in performing this assessment is which of the following?

 Ask the mother to urinate and empty her bladder

04Multiple Choice
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The nurse is assessing the lochia on a 1 day PP patient. The nurse notes that the lochia is
red and has a foul-smelling odor. The nurse determines that this assessment finding is:

Indicates the presence of infection

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When performing a PP assessment on a client, the nurse notes the presence of clots in the
lochia. The nurse examines the clots and notes that they are larger than 1 cm. Which of
the following nursing actions is most appropriate?

Notify the physician

06Multiple Choice
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.Select all of the physiological maternal changes that occur during the
postpartum period. response - correct

 Fundus begins to descend into the pelvis after 24 hours

 Cervical involution occurs
07Multiple Choice
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When doing a health assessment, at which of the following locations would
you expect to palpate the fundus in a woman on the second postpartal day?

 Fundus 2 fingerbreadths below umbilicus and firm.

08Multiple Choice
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A multiparous who is breastfeeding complains of severe cramps or after
pains during breastfeeding. The nurse explains that these are caused by
which of the following:

Release of oxytocin during the breastfeeding session

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Which of the following actions would lead you to assess that a postpartal
woman is entering the taking-hold phase of the postpartal period?

 She did her perineal care independently

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Which of the following actions would lead you to assess that a postpartal
woman is entering the taking-hold phase of the postpartal period?
 She did her perineal care independently

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Which of the following would lead you to believe a postpartal woman is still in
the taking-in phase of the postpartal period?

She spent the majority of her day talking about labor.

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A postpartal woman has difficulty voiding following delivery. You would
explain that the reason for this is

perineal edema makes voiding difficult.

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A primiparous who is bottlefeeding her neonate at 12 hours after birth asks
the nurse: “When will my menstrual cycle return?” Which of the following
responses of the nurse would be most appropriate?

You can expect your menstrual flow to return in 6-10 weeks after birth.

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The nurse provides health education to a woman experiencing after pains.
She explains that pain from uterine contractions can be intense and this
discomfort is normal and rarely lasts longer than 3 days. This statement
from the nurse is considered:

 True

15Multiple Choice
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While making a home visit to a woman on her third day postpartum, you
discover this new mother sitting by her bed crying. She states nothing is
wrong; she just “feels sad.” Which of the following would be your best
response to her?

“Feeling sad when you know you shouldn't must be very confusing.”

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The nurse plans to instruct the postpartum client about methods to prevent breast
engorgement. Which of the following measures would the nurse include in the teaching

Breastfeeding the neonate at frequent intervals.

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When the uterus is firm and contracted after delivery but there is vaginal bleeding, the
nurse should suspect:
Laceration of soft tissues of the cervix and vagina

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The nurse assesses the vital signs of a client, 4 hours’ postpartum that are as follows: BP
90/60; temperature 100.4ºF; pulse 100 weak, thready; R 20 per minute. Which of the
following should the nurse do first?

 Determine the amount of lochia

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The following are interventions to make the fundus contract postpartally EXCEPT:

Massage the fundus vigorously for 15 minutes

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Which medication would the nurse expect to administer as ordered for a client who is
experiencing postpartum hemorrhage from uterine atony?


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