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Graduate School
The University shall primarily
A premier provide advanced professional and technical The University shall produce 1. Relevant, effective and quality
scientifically and technologically oriented education for sustainable growth.
multidisciplinary- instruction for special purposes, advanced studies
in industrial trade, agriculture, fishery, forestry, human capital equipped with appropriate 2. Access to quality education for the
technological engineering, aeronautics and land-based
programs, education, arts and sciences, health
knowledge, skills and attitude. It shall underprivileged students.
3. Relevant research for economic,
likewise pursue relevant research,
university. sciences, and other relevant fields of study. It
strengthen linkage with the industry, environmental and sustainable
shall also undertake research, and extension development.
services, and production, and provide progressive community and other institutions and
4. Expanded community
leadership in its area of specialization. maintain sustainable technology for the engagement.
preservation of the environment. 5. Effective and efficient
management of resources.


SUNDAY, 1:30 PM – 7:30 PM

Name: PRINCESS NICOLE LUGTU Worksheet No.: __2__

Course: Ma.Ed. Date: FEBRUARY 12,2021

DIRECTIONS: Responses to the exam questions must demonstrate subject matter knowledge and depth
of understanding. Word choice should precisely express the intended meaning and answers should be free
of grammatical and spelling errors. Be sure to review the individual question instructions carefully and
proofread answers before submitting.

1. What do you think are the functions of Statistics as a discipline? Cite three functions and explain each.
 Precision to the Facts:
The statistics are presented in a definite form, so they also help in condensing the data into
important figures. So statistical methods present meaningful information. In other words
statistics helps in simplifying complex data to simple-to make them understandable.
The data may be presented in the form of a graph, diagram or through an average, or
coefficients etc. For example, we cannot know the price position from individual prices of all
goods, but we can know it, if we get the index of general level of prices.

 Formulation and Testing of Hypothesis:

These statistical methods help us in formulating and testing the hypothesis or a new theory.
With the help of statistical techniques, we can know the effect of imposing tax on the exports
of tea on the consumption of tea in other countries. The other example could be to study
whether credit squeeze is effective in checking inflation or not.

 It Enlarges Knowledge:
Whipple rightly remarks that “Statistics enables one to enlarge his horizon”. So when a person goes
through various procedures of statistics, it widens his knowledge pattern. It also widens his thinking and
reasoning power. It also helps him to reach to a rational conclusion.

2. Cite some specific applications of Statistics in the following areas:

 Economics
Statistics for economics concerns itself with the collection, processing, and analysis of
specific economic data. It helps us understand and analyze economic theories and denote
correlations between variables such a demand, supply, price, output etc. Let us understand this
in some detail.

 Business
Business statistics is a specialty area of statistics which are applied in the business setting. It
can be used for quality assurance, financial analysis, production and operations, and many
other business areas. Just as in general statistics, there are two categories: descriptive and
The collection and analysis of quantitative data drives some of the most important
conclusions that are drawn in today's business world, such as the preferences of a
customer base, the quality of manufactured products, the marketing of products, and the
availability of financial resources. As a result, it is essential for individuals working in this
environment to have the knowledge and skills to interpret and use statistical techniques in
various scenarios. 

 Education
One of the greatest advantages of the application of statistics to education is the
optimization of school management. The organization of students data and grades, for example,
allows for administrators to better evaluate any school-wide issues that emerge.

 Medicine
Medical statistics deals with applications of statistics to medicine and the health sciences,
including epidemiology, public health, forensic medicine, and clinical research. Medical
statistics has been a recognized branch of statistics in the United Kingdom for more than
40 years but the term has not come into general use in North America, where the wider
term 'biostatistics' is more commonly used.[1] However, "biostatistics" more commonly
connotes all applications of statistics to biology.[1] Medical statistics is a subdiscipline of
statistics. "It is the science of summarizing, collecting, presenting and interpreting data in
medical practice, and using them to estimate the magnitude of associations and test
hypotheses. It has a central role in medical investigations. It not only provides a way of
organizing information on a wider and more formal basis than relying on the exchange of
anecdotes and personal experience, but also takes into account the intrinsic variation
inherent in most biological processes." 

 Social Sciences
How is statistics used in the social sciences? Statistical methods can be applied to a variety
of social situations. In today's data-driven world, statistics is used to make policy decisions,
study social and behavioral changes, and answer important cultural questions.

 Psychology
Statistics allow psychologists to present data in ways that are easier to comprehend.
Visual displays such as graphs, pie charts, frequency distributions, and scatterplots allow
researchers to get a better overview of data and look for patterns they might otherwise

Statistics allow us to make sense of and interpret a great deal of information. Consider the
sheer volume of data you encounter in a given day. How many hours did you sleep? How
many students in your class ate breakfast this morning? How many people live within a
one-mile radius of your home? By using statistics, we can organize and interpret all of this
information in a meaningful way.

In psychology, we are also confronted with enormous amounts of data. How do changes in
one variable impact other variables? Is there a way we can measure that relationship?
What is the overall strength of that relationship and what does that mean? Statistics allow
us to answer these kinds of questions. Statistics allow psychologists to:

 Organize data: When dealing with an enormous amount of information, it is all too
easy to become overwhelmed. Statistics allow psychologists to present data in
ways that are easier to comprehend. Visual displays such as graphs, pie
charts, frequency distributions, and scatterplots allow researchers to get a better
overview of data and look for patterns they might otherwise miss.
 Describe data: Think about what happens when researchers collect a great deal of
information about a group of people (for example, the U.S. Census). Descriptive
statistics provide a way to summarize facts, such as how many men and women
there are, how many children there are, or how many people are currently
 Make inferences based on data: By using what's known as inferential statistics,
researchers can infer things about a given sample or population. Psychologists use
the data they have collected to test a hypothesis. Using statistical analysis,
researchers can determine the likelihood that a hypothesis should be either
accepted or rejected.

 Computer Science / Information Technology

There are a number of ways the roles of statisticians and computer scientists merge;
consider the development of models and data mining. Typically, statistical approach to models
tends to involve stochastic (random) models with prior knowledge of the data. The computer
science approach, on the other hand, leans more to algorithmic models without prior
knowledge of the data. Ultimately, these come together in attempts to solve problems.

Data mining processes for computer science have statistical counterparts. Consider the
Steps in Computer Science Steps in Statistics
Data Experimental design for the collection of data/noise
acquisition/enrichment reduction
Data exploration Discerning the distribution/variability
Group differences, dimension reduction; prediction;
Analysis and Modeling
Representation and
Visualization; communication

How else is statistics used in computer science? Simulations (used to gain a greater
understanding of a variety of systems) are truly a marriage of computing capability and statistics—
the use of statistics within programming improves understanding of the underlying system leading
to more meaningful results. Statistics in software engineering leads to more conclusive
determinations of quality and optimal performance.

3. Classify the following variables as qualitative or quantitative. If it quantitative, classify it further as

discrete or continuous.
a. Income
b. grade in English
c. preference on death penalty
d. membership in a school organization
e. type of newspaper read
f. blood pressure
g. cholesterol count
h. cholesterol level
i. years of teaching experience
j. course taken


• preference on death • Income • blood pressure
• membership in a school • grade in English • cholesterol count
• type of newspaper read • years of teaching • cholesterol level
• course taken

4. Classify the following data as nominal, ordinal, interval or ration.

a. political party affiliation
b. brand of soft drinks
c. telephone area code
d. temperature
e. teaching performance
f. water bills
g. grade point average
h. number of student drop-outs
i. family name
j. level of job satisfaction
k. degree of effectiveness
l. frequency going to mass
m. tuition fee
n. mobile phone number
o. car plate number
p. level of job satisfaction
q. degree of effectiveness
r. frequency going to mass
s. tuition fee
t. mobile phone number
u. car plate number


• mobile phone • degree of • temperature • water bills
number effectiveness
• car plate • level of job • grade point • number of
number satisfaction average student drop-
• telephone area • teaching • frequency
code performance going to mass
• family name • level of job • tuition fee
• political party • frequency going
affiliation to mass
• brand of soft • tuition fee
• mobile phone
• car plate number
5. Cite at least 2 advantages and disadvantages of the following data collection methods.

Data Collection Method Advantag Disadvantages


1. Observation method  The subjects behave in the  Observations may lack

desired natural manner depth and qualitative
and do not get influenced richness.
by what the observer  Time consuming and may
wants to listen. involve large amount of
 Due to disguised form of
observation, behavior is
naturally studied and data
is not distorted.

2. Experimental method  Intuitive practice shaped  The sample may not be

by research. representative.

 It can be combined with  It can produce artificial

other research methods for results.

3. Registration method
 It is easy, fast, and can be  Non-invasive markers can
automated. be used, but less accurate
 No need for complex  Prospective character
optimization algorithms. must be made in the pre-
acquisition phase.

4. Use of existing studies

 Reliability and validity can  Grounded theory methods
be demonstrated. tend to produce large
 Provide quantitative data amounts of data, often
that can be analyzed with difficult to manage.
statistical data analysis  Difficult and labor-
methods. intensive to develop data
that are reliable and valid.

5. Survey method 1.High Representativeness 1.Inflexible Design

 Surveys provide a high  The survey that was used
level of general capability by the researcher from the
in representing a large very beginning, as well as
population. the method of
administering it, cannot be
2.Convenient Data Gathering changed all throughout
 Surveys can be the process of data
administered to the gathering. Although this
participants through a inflexibility can be viewed
variety of ways. The as a weakness of the
questionnaires can simply survey method, this can
be sent via e-mail or fax, also be a strength
or can be administered considering the fact that
through the Internet. preciseness and fairness
can both be exercised in
the study.
2.Not Ideal for Controversial
 Questions that bear
controversies may not be
precisely answered by the
participants because of the
probably difficulty of
recalling the information
related to them. The truth
behind these controversies
may not be relieved as
accurately as when using
alternative data gathering
methods such as face-to-
face interviews and focus

6. Cite at least 2 advantages and disadvantages of the following techniques under the survey methods.

Type of Survey Method Advantag Disadvantages


1. Direct or personal interview  It increases rapport  Interviewer bias and

between interviewer and confidentiality are difficult
interviewee. to be assured.

 It avoids any interference  Interviewee may be

due to poor reluctant to provide
communication lines such confidential information.
as telephone set or its
cellular network or
surroundings. Hence
better cooperation can be
established during
evaluation process.

2. Indirect or questionnaire  Questionnaires offer a  Respondents may have a

quick way to get results. hidden agenda.

 Easy Analysis and  Dishonest answers.


7. Cite at least 2 advantages and disadvantages of the following probability sampling techniques.

Probability Sampling Techniques Advantag Disadvantages


1. Simple random sampling 

 Lack of Bias Difficulty Accessing Lists
 Simplicity of the Full Population
 Time Consuming

2. Stratified random sampling  Accurately Reflects  It cannot be used in every

Population Studied study.
 Provides better coverage  Time consuming and
of the population since
the researchers have
control over the
subgroups to ensure all of
them are represented in
the sampling. 

3. Systematic sampling  Easy to construct, execute,  Greater risk of data

compare, and understand. manipulation.

 Provides researches and • Assumes the size of the

statisticians with a degree population that is available
of controlled and sense of or can be reasonably
process. approximated.

4. Cluster sampling  Requires fewer resources.  Biased samples

 More feasible.  High sampling error

8. Consider the following population frame of 50 students.

a. Determine the samples if we

N choose 10 samples from the frame which randomly start at student
number 11. k=
 n= 50 ¿
¿ 10=5 ¿
Hence, from an ¿ordered population we can choose every 5th unit. Thus, if the random start
is number 11, then the desired sample comprises odd students’ number 11, 16, 21, 26, 31, 36, 41,
46, 1 and 6.

b. Determine the samples if weNselect 6 samples from the frame which randomly start at student
number 15. k=
 n= 50 =8.33 ≈ 9 ¿
¿ 6
Hence, from an ¿ordered population we can choose every 8th unit. Thus, if the random start
is number 15, then the desired sample comprises odd students number 15, 23, 31, 39, 47, 5, and

9. Obtain the sample size, given:

N 10000 10000 10000 2000 respondents
a.) n= 2 = 2 = = =
1+ N e 1+ 10000(.02) 1+ 10000(.0004) 1+ 4
10000 =

N 3000 3000 3000 3000

353 respondents
b.) n= 2 = 2 = = = =
1+ N e 1+ 3000(.05) 1+ 3000(.0025) 1+ 7.5 8.5
352.95 ≈

N 5000 5000 50003334 respondents

c.) n= 2 = 2 = = =
1+ N e 1+ 5000(.01) 1+ 5000(.0001) 1+ .05
= 3333.33 ≈
N 1000 1000 1000 1000 91 respondents
d.) n= 2 = 2 = = = = 90.91 ≈
1+ N e 1+ 1000(.10) 1+ 1000(.01) 1+ 10 11

N 30000 30000 30000 30000 276 respondents

e.) n= 2 = 2 = = = = 275.23 ≈
1+ N e 1+ 30000(.06) 1+ 30000(.0036) 1+ 108 109

10. Obtain a sample size allocation given the following groups of respondents are their corresponding population size.

Sample size at Sample size at Sample size at

Respondents Population size
e = 1% e = 5% e = 10%
First year 1250 ≈ 833 samples ≈ 93 samples ≈ 25 samples
Second year 1000 ≈ 667 samples 74 samples ≈ 20 samples
Third year 750 ≈ 500 samples ≈ 56 samples ≈ 15 samples
Fourth year 1500 ≈ 1000 samples 111 samples ≈ 29 samples
Fifth year 500 ≈ 333 samples 37 samples ≈ 10 samples
N = 5000

11. Construct a bar graph of the following data set.

GNP of European Countries For the year 1995








Belgium France Germany Denmark Italy Netherlands United
12. Construct a multiple bar graph of the following data.


Cebu City Toledo City Mandaue City Davao City

13. Construct a pie chart of the following data on monthly budget.

Monthly Budget(Pesos) for the Different Expenses

22% Furniture



14. Construct the line chart of the following data on enrolment.


5000 1357
1001 832
4000 1123

1505 1625
1350 1423
3000 985

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005


1 2 3 4 5 6

Year Male Enrollees Female Enrollees

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