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About the tribe

-Approximately 20000 people live in tribe. Led by a council of elder who have a lot of

- (Akan & Mande), religious and arts were also influenced by Baule and Guro.

-Located between White and Red Bandama Rivers.

-Mask sets them apart from different identities.
-Grains such as millet, maize (corn), and rice and tubers such as yams and cassava make up most
meals. Most food are very spicy. Favourite drinks are palm wine and home-brewed beer.
-Engage in Agriculture jobs such as farming.

-Yohure spirit controls the fate of tribe.

Interesting fact: Yohure tribe believes each family can trace their roots to an African ancestor.

· Combine with human and animal features.
Elaborate hairstyles which often include horns, elongated faces with a high forehead, arched eyebro
ws and a low protruding mouth. Outlined with triangular zigzag designs.
· Take precious time to create, put respect to Y spirit.
· The solid or vibrant features of mask represent the characteristics of the spirit.

Moral (add one more)

-In battle, help connect the soldiers with the trans natural power.

Côte d'Ivoire Flag: orange represents the savannahs of the north, green represents the
forests of the south, and white represents unity. The national anthem
is L'Abidjanaise, which means "Greetings, O Land of Hope."

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