According To The Washington University, PH of

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Air pollution
From past to present, we are always looking for ways to develop
society. We invent electricity, develop the technology and make full use of
the resources that nature offers to make our live easier and more comfortable.
However, beside the fact that the industry of the world is growing, the
amount of waste we release into the nature is increasing day by day which
makes the natural environment heavily polluted, especially the air
environment. This is one of the most challenge problem that the world has to
face. It is considered to be one of the dangerous factor that can affect health
of society and destroy the environment. People should be aware of air
pollution and find solutions for this problem before everything is too late.
Air pollution has a lot of negative effect on both human and the
environment because it is made by several factor such as human activity or
natural disaster like forest fires and volcanic eruption. For human, air
pollution is the main cause of respiratory diseases, it can even make a
pregnant woman miscarriage if she lives in an area with high levels of air
pollution, it may also affect cardiovascular health by increasing the risk of
heart attack and stroke. According to the University of Washington’s Institute
for Health Metrics and Evaluation, air pollution killed 6.1 million people in
2016. For the environment, with carbon dioxide from burning fuel and
methane comes from nature and industrial activities, they make the heat of
the earth, which is trapped in the atmosphere, increasing rapidly and that lead
to the greenhouse effect with a lot of trouble for the climate on around the
world such as rising sea level, more extreme weather and air pollution can
also deplete the ozone layer by chlorine converted from HCl which come
from the volcano eruption. The last effect of air pollution to the environment
is acid rain, because of the combustion of fossil fuels it releases nitric oxide
and sulfur dioxide, both acidic substances, into the atmosphere. After being
released, they react with airborne water molecules, decrease rainwater pH
and lead to the acid rain, according to the Washington University, pH of
acid rainwater can drop as low as 1.8 so the damage they make to the
environment is very high. Firstly they change the quality of the water, make
them impossible for fish to live in, secondly they change the quality of the
soil, make the plants nutrient deprived and vulnerable to diseases.
In order to improve the air quality and reduce the damage to the
environment, we can raise people’s awareness through campaigns. This
should be first solution to consider because it makes people realize about
the important of the air quality and how much dangers it will be if they
keep polluting the air, once they understand that it will be easier for them to
take initiatives to reduce the air pollution. National or international policies
can also be used to reduce the air pollution, many cities and countries were
once heavily polluted then finally have a clean air due to the anti-pollution
policies. For example, in England 1952 after the smog tragedy that killed
thousands of lives in London, in 1956 the government limited on burning
coal and required industries to build their smokestacks higher, in the United
State they approve a Clean Air Act to reduce air pollution. And instead of
using the fossil fuel and coal as a main energy source, we can use
renewable energy source as a practical solution. They are wind energy,
geothermal energy, solar energy and hydro power, if these energy source
completely replace the fossil fuel and coal the air pollution will reduce
more than threefold.
In conclusion, air pollution is very dangerous for our world, both
people and nature. For people it kills millions people by many different
diseases, for nature it changes the quality of the water and soil, make many
animals die because they lose their living environment, the plants can not
even grow because the soil is changed by the acid rain. Therefore in order to
improve the air quality of our world, we have to make our solutions become
real, do not let it just be words on the papers. Air pollution is the one of most
challenge problem that the world has to face so we have to solve it as soon as

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