HLTH 499 Rumbo B Plos 3

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Running Header: Planned Learning Outcome 3 1

Benito Rumbo

California State University Channel Island

Professor Winans: Health 499

Planned Learning Outcome 3:

Planned Learning Outcome 3: 2

In the course Health 302 Intro to Informatics with Professor Parks, I had to research an

Electronic Health Record (EHR) platform. In this assignment, I had to discuss what makes an

efficient EHR system that healthcare facilities could adapt into their system. The EHR plays an

essential role in the health care system because it collects patient’s information electronically.

Health care records have been designated to deliver a better quality of care to the patients. In

2010 with the Affordable Care Act, it became mandatory for providers to transition to an EHR.

Some providers received a reimbursement from the government. The purpose of the new EHR

was to improve patient safety.

In the assignment, I learned that is important for health care organization to develop with

the expansion of technology. I was able to demonstrate the understanding of having an affect

health care delivery system that improves patient safety. Having a database assure patient health

care improvement. The providers are giving a platform where they can easily find their patient’s

history of all their medical records. This keeps the provider updated with what is going on with

their patients. Epic and Cerner are great databases that help providers navigate the care of their

patients, However the cost of having the database is concerning. In many rural areas where there

is a low patient’s ratio some organizations cannot afford the high cost of maintaining the

database. The other threat of having an EHR system is software hacking. Software hacking can

be concerning since there is a lot of sensitive patient information.

The class contained a lot of important factors such as the importance of having a

database. Having an EHR could provide additional support to medical staff. Improving support

can increase patient safety. Physicians would become more aware of intervention that could help

improve the care of their patients. The PowerPoint slide that was provided did help me

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understand some of the concepts in the course. I was able to learn more about informatics and

how it plays a key factor in health care. In some of the PowerPoints what I appreciated was that

there was an example of an EHR system. I think seeing the example was very important because

many of us will be going into health care roles and that would be a tool we would be using daily.

Something that could be improve in the course is having more application to the course.

Instead of seeing a sample of Cerner or Epic, I want to input the information because that is

something I and other colleagues envision ourselves as our career in the near future. This would

give us the opportunity to learn how to navigate the database. Something else that would be great

would be to learn how to document. Documentation is a key factor in the medical field, so as we

go into our profession we will need to develop these types of skills. One way of creating this

assignment more engaging would be for us to document our own heart rate, temperature, and

respiration. We could also learn how to take a full assessment of vital signs and document

someone who lives with us. Doing this type of assignment would show us the importance of

documentation and would prepare us for when we enter the workforce.

The other suggestion for improving the course would be to take a 3-hour course that gave

us a certificate such as HIPPA Certify or Cerner training certificate. Taking this type of course

could increase our professional profile. Although enrolling in that course would be something

that we would have to additionally pay for, but the class that I registered for already had a cost

free textbook and I would not mind paying for something that would make me stand out from

other applicants on my resume. In many course we pay for access codes and other school

supplies that really have not much professional development, but academic development. Having

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these suggestion would add an increase of our professional development and when we become

active within the field, it would be somewhat of a refresher.

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