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Please research an available EHR product/platform such as Epic, Cerner, SCM, etc.

and create a
fictitious blog post (300-400 words) in MS Word describing the EHR system you have chosen
and whether or not you would recommend the product for adoption by other healthcare
facilities.  You will need to conduct specific research to understand at least the one EHR
software program and cite a minimum of 2 sources using APA formatting.  Include an overview
of the product's functions and make specific recommendations regarding future use.

Benito Rumbo
Professor Parks
September 30, 2020
EHR Blog Assignment

Epic and Cerner are both Electronic Health Records (EHR) that provide medical cloud software
for systematized collection of patients in a digital format. Cerner and Epic offer a software
solution for acute and ambulatory care. The pricing for both cloud-based software can vary but,
in March of 2018, it was estimated by the University of Illinois that Epic would cost $ 62 million
and Cerner was estimated $60.5 million for the University to utilized the software program. This
shows how both cloud software programs are really expensive, however Cerner can cost 2
million dollars less than epic. The hospital that utilized Cerner has the following software
solution: analytics, population health management, clinical solution, interoperability, revenue
cycle management, and services. Epic offers a vast majority of the same service as Cerner this
includes patient experience, mobile devices software, managed care, the community connects,
clinical, telehealth, population health interoperability, and many more services. When you
compare both software systems, I do believe epic offers more resources and different types of
resources that improve patient safety and allows a much more broader data collection.

Since January 2020 because of the pandemic, many patients are utilizing telehealth to seek
medical professionals. Telehealth has started to expand and be utilized for patients. Epic does
offer the service, and Cerner is very limited. If a physician wanted to expand their practice by
providing more health service to their patient, they would be leaning more toward purchasing
Epic because of the telehealth service. I believe that although telehealth has only been around
since 2010, I think this might be a direction that the field of medicine will start to expand. Both
users report both of the systems as good ease of use. Many of the staff are trained without having
to include extensive training making both of the software user-friendly for health care providers.

In 2016 it was reported that Cerner increased their revenue by five billion dollars. Not only does
Cerner provide solutions to the big health care industry it also supports small size organization.
Small medical practices with less than ten health care professionals can operate the Cerner
software system. It is reported that Cerner had over more than 27,000 facilities using the
intelligent solution software program. Cerner focuses on providing strategic advisory services
and also making sure that the performance improvement is being update. It can provide over 50
different specialties. Both of Cerner and epic offer web security. I do think this is an important
feature because it helps with confidentiality for patients. With so many scams or computer
software hackers, it is important to protect information that should remain confidential. Cerner
manages each client organization by having a designated web security officer to help monitor
any changes within the system or help address any question regarding HIPPA regulation. Both
digital versions are moving in a direction in advancing medicine and providing a more patient
safety approach.


Brown, F. (2019). Cerner vs. Epic: Comparing The Biggest HER Vendors. Technology advice.

Kriesi. (2020). Cerner HER Overview.

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