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Animal exploitation: Introduction

Billions of animals are killed every year by humans for the sake of our own
benefit. In addition, they are also made to suffer in terrible ways. They are
captured, or they are farmed in uncomfortable and stressful conditions, being
forced to live lives of full of fear, pain, and boredom.

Animals used for food

By far, the purpose for which the most animals are bred to be killed is the
production of the animal products we eat. In most cases on farms, these
animals suffer terribly and are eventually deprived of their lives, both land
animals and aquatic animals.

Animals used for clothing

Millions of animals are killed for their leather, feathers, fur, wool, and other
products. There are plenty of clothing options that don’t require using animals.

Animals used for entertainment

Another reason animals are harmed is entertainment. Many animals are
hunted or fished for this reason. Also, animals are confined for entertainment
in places such as circuses, or killed in shows such as bullfights. There are
many other ways to have fun without harming other animals.

Animals kept as companions or for leisure

Many animals are bred and bought because people like to spend part of their
free time with them. These are sold as “companion animals.” This is very
different from adopting abandoned animals where the reason for the rescue is
the well-being of the animals themselves.
Animals as workers or tools
Many nonhuman animals are used as workers all around the world. Their
roles are like those of human slaves. In addition, they are often used as mere
tools, as when they are used as weapons or for other military purposes.

Animal experimentation
Because nonhuman animals are not given the same kind of moral
consideration as humans even when their interests are vital ones, they are
used as laboratory tools for many purposes in ways in which most people
would never think of using humans.

Millions of people all around the world have decided to live without exploiting
animals. This position is called veganism, and it entails not using products
coming from animal exploitation and not harming animals directly.

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